Trump makes it easier to get rid of federal employees, fulfilling State of the Union promise

I support Trump for this one. The vast majority of the FEd workers are hard-working normal people just like everyone else. But there are some bad ones and it is very very hard to get rid of them if this makes it easier then that is a good thing.

The hard working ones will have nothing to worry about

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Exactly. A friend of mine I went to graduate school with is now in management with the VA and he has told me before how incredibly difficult it is for him to get rid of some of the lousy employees they have working there

That’s not what the gop is doing . They want to eliminate people they don’t like and replace them with their hack freinds .
Good. Government employees are about the most useless workers you can come across and it’s damn near impossible to fire them because of their union protections. FDR was right about the dangers of public-sector employees unionizing

Why do you hate the military?

The USFS and the BLM and the EPA are most certainly NOT military...though they like to pretend they are....

and those are the federal employees that are getting the boot.
Good. Government employees are about the most useless workers you can come across and it’s damn near impossible to fire them because of their union protections. FDR was right about the dangers of public-sector employees unionizing

Why do you hate the military?

That’s the best you can do? Not surprising

We haven’t had a draft 40 + Year’s . Anyone in the military joined on their own and are gov employees.
I support Trump for this one. The vast majority of the FEd workers are hard-working normal people just like everyone else. But there are some bad ones and it is very very hard to get rid of them if this makes it easier then that is a good thing.

The hard working ones will have nothing to worry about

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Exactly. A friend of mine I went to graduate school with is now in management with the VA and he has told me before how incredibly difficult it is for him to get rid of some of the lousy employees they have working there

That’s not what the gop is doing . They want to eliminate people they don’t like and replace them with their hack freinds .
------------------------------------------ i would suspect the same thing and i hope that it works Timmy .
I support Trump for this one. The vast majority of the FEd workers are hard-working normal people just like everyone else. But there are some bad ones and it is very very hard to get rid of them if this makes it easier then that is a good thing.

The hard working ones will have nothing to worry about

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Exactly. A friend of mine I went to graduate school with is now in management with the VA and he has told me before how incredibly difficult it is for him to get rid of some of the lousy employees they have working there

That’s not what the gop is doing . They want to eliminate people they don’t like and replace them with their hack freinds .

That is just stupid. The Fed workforce is too large for such a thing to have any impact. Rules need to change...

Way back in 03 when I got sent to recruiting duty I met the "CO's secretary" on my first day, she was a Civ GS-5 I think. I was told that she would be leaving soon as she her job no longer existed and they would move her. When I left recruiting duty 4 years later she was still there, doing nothing all day but playing on the computer and answer an occasional call.
Good. Government employees are about the most useless workers you can come across and it’s damn near impossible to fire them because of their union protections. FDR was right about the dangers of public-sector employees unionizing

Why do you hate the military?

That’s the best you can do? Not surprising

We haven’t had a draft 40 + Year’s . Anyone in the military joined on their own and are gov employees.

This I agree with, people make too big of a distinction between the different Fed workers.
Good news, continue to fulfill those promises.

"The Trump administration announced a trio of executive orders that will make it easier for federal agencies to fire employees — a move that officials say is aimed at using taxpayer dollars more efficiently..."

"The orders stem from an announcement in Trump's State of the Union address where he said Congress should “empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people."

The Trump Administration Will Make It Easier To Fire Federal Employees
That's fine. His retarded EO's can be reversed as quickly as they were written.

So it’s not a good idea to fire sorry help, damn liberals are crazy!
They take Irans side, little rocket mans side, now they side with sorry workers. I wonder if you had to pay the sorry workers salary would you feel the same?

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An ignorant and ridiculous campaign promise.

The only Federal employee who needs to be gotten rid of is Trump.

Why, cause he’s getting the economy rolling, oh you must be one of those sorry workers, look up there’s lots of help wanted signs out there because of Trump, maybe you can find a new job after you get fired.

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How are you going to enforce your abortion bans and your guard in everyones room with this order?

I guess as long as it hurts the poor you're for it!!! Give those rich fuckers another trillion bucks to offshore! Poor conservatives are some of the most dense people on this planet.
You assume it must be government doing the job... typical left wing drooler....

The private sector can do this much cheaper and without growing government...
The GOP had nothing to do with this. They're generally worthless when it comes to breaking the death grip the USDA and DePT of Interior have on rural areas.
Oh dear sweet Jesus, when will all this winning stop?

Will it ever stop?

I have to admit, I didn't really think that 8 years would be enough for Trump to undo all the damage Obama did, but I'm starting to think maybe I was wrong about that :dunno:

Trump takes aim at federal bureaucracy with new executive orders rolling back civil-service protections

President Trump moved Friday to roll back civil-service protections that federal employees have enjoyed for a generation, making it easier to fire poor performers, curtailing time employees can be paid for union work and directing agencies to negotiate tougher union contracts.
Oh dear sweet Jesus, when will all this winning stop?

Will it ever stop?

I have to admit, I didn't really think that 8 years would be enough for Trump to undo all the damage Obama did, but I'm starting to think maybe I was wrong about that :dunno:

Trump takes aim at federal bureaucracy with new executive orders rolling back civil-service protections

President Trump moved Friday to roll back civil-service protections that federal employees have enjoyed for a generation, making it easier to fire poor performers, curtailing time employees can be paid for union work and directing agencies to negotiate tougher union contracts.

This is not an Obama thing, it has been going on for way longer than that.

Whether this has an effect is the biggest question, EOs are a weak way to do things

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He takes aim at poor people, the worker and human rights.

Guts every thing that makes this country even an second rate nation...damn

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