Trump makes it easier to get rid of federal employees, fulfilling State of the Union promise

Whether this has an effect is the biggest question, EOs are a weak way to do things
I agree with you on this

Obama set a bad precedent, so it's probably hypocritical for me to cheer this, but after 8 years of watching Jug Ears push policies that had no chance of passing muster with Congress, I just could not help myself
He takes aim at poor people, the worker and human rights.

Guts every thing that makes this country even an second rate nation...damn
I'm still waiting for that ONE example from you of where Trump has violated human rights
While I strongly support the president in his efforts to reform the civil service, all the Executive Orders in the world will not drastically change the federal laws covering it.

U.S. Code › Title 5 › Part III › Subpart A › Chapter 21 › § 2101 covers the civil service, armed forces, and uniform services. Wiki has much more @ United States federal civil service - Wikipedia

The biggest deterrent to actually reforming the system is the rules that permit any civil servant to challenge the action to a board that regularly takes the side of the challenger. Remove that and things get better.
Oh dear sweet Jesus, when will all this winning stop?

Will it ever stop?

I have to admit, I didn't really think that 8 years would be enough for Trump to undo all the damage Obama did, but I'm starting to think maybe I was wrong about that :dunno:

Trump takes aim at federal bureaucracy with new executive orders rolling back civil-service protections

President Trump moved Friday to roll back civil-service protections that federal employees have enjoyed for a generation, making it easier to fire poor performers, curtailing time employees can be paid for union work and directing agencies to negotiate tougher union contracts.

This is not an Obama thing, it has been going on for way longer than that.

Whether this has an effect is the biggest question, EOs are a weak way to do things

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Aren't EO's exactly what they criticized Obama for?
Nice I've been waiting for the Obama booty licker clowns in DC will see what its like to be out of work...

So people losing jobs is a good thing? You guys are creepy.
Oh dear sweet Jesus, when will all this winning stop?

Will it ever stop?

I have to admit, I didn't really think that 8 years would be enough for Trump to undo all the damage Obama did, but I'm starting to think maybe I was wrong about that :dunno:

Trump takes aim at federal bureaucracy with new executive orders rolling back civil-service protections

President Trump moved Friday to roll back civil-service protections that federal employees have enjoyed for a generation, making it easier to fire poor performers, curtailing time employees can be paid for union work and directing agencies to negotiate tougher union contracts.

This is not an Obama thing, it has been going on for way longer than that.

Whether this has an effect is the biggest question, EOs are a weak way to do things

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Aren't EO's exactly what they criticized Obama for?
They are, and I owned that already

An ignorant and ridiculous campaign promise.

The only Federal employee who needs to be gotten rid of is Trump.

So, you are a moron.

I can only assume you are a moron, from a comment that dumb.

You are suggesting that out of 22 Million employees, that you know that not one single person needs removed?

How dumb can you be, and still be able to breath.....
So people losing jobs is a good thing? You guys are creepy.
Its called draining the swamp....we have less than 4% unemployment they will be fine and so will we with a smaller less bullying federal government....
Nice I've been waiting for the Obama booty licker clowns in DC will see what its like to be out of work...

So people losing jobs is a good thing? You guys are creepy.
Oh come on, incompetent federal employees losing their job is a good thing

It happens every day in the real world

Don't do your job well? Go find something else
I support Trump for this one. The vast majority of the FEd workers are hard-working normal people just like everyone else. But there are some bad ones and it is very very hard to get rid of them if this makes it easier then that is a good thing.

The hard working ones will have nothing to worry about

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Exactly. A friend of mine I went to graduate school with is now in management with the VA and he has told me before how incredibly difficult it is for him to get rid of some of the lousy employees they have working there

Same. My brother came back from Iraq, and now works for the VA. He was in line to get a management position, but after looking at the worthless people that you can't get rid of, he decided to move on.

You simply can't get rid of worthless people. Which is exactly why all government employees tend to be lazy. People who work hard, are treated no differently than those who barely get off their chair. You can see how discouraged you would be, if a lazy bum who barely did 1/3 as much as you, still got promoted because of seniority and union required raises, while you worked your butt off, and did no better than that slob.
Nice I've been waiting for the Obama booty licker clowns in DC will see what its like to be out of work...

So people losing jobs is a good thing? You guys are creepy.
Oh come on, incompetent federal employees losing their job is a good thing

It happens every day in the real world

Don't do your job well? Go find something else

That isn't what Rambunctious is referring to.
Nice I've been waiting for the Obama booty licker clowns in DC will see what its like to be out of work...

So people losing jobs is a good thing? You guys are creepy.

Absolutely, some people losing their jobs, is an extremely good thing.

Do you not have a job? Have you never worked with someone who did a lousy job?

I have one right now. I'm second shift lead, and there is a first shift lead. Every single day, without fail, I have to fix his mistakes. And I get blamed for his failures that I don't catch.

He needs fired. Ironically we just fired a former union worker, who didn't do diddly jack.

Yeah, absolutely. Some people need fired. Some people need to lose their jobs, and not be giving welfare. They need to end up poor for a little bit, so that they can see why they need to work hard.

Next time you need your car fixed, and the mechanic messes up the car worse than how they got it..... I want to see you come on here and say, no one should ever lose their job.
That isn't what Rambunctious is referring to
OK, fair enough

I don't want to see people fired just for political purposes

UNLESS they are in political positions (ie White House staff and the like)
Good. Government employees are about the most useless workers you can come across and it’s damn near impossible to fire them because of their union protections. FDR was right about the dangers of public-sector employees unionizing

Why do you hate the military?

That’s the best you can do? Not surprising

We haven’t had a draft 40 + Year’s . Anyone in the military joined on their own and are gov employees.

But you knew fully well that was not who I was talking about. It’s unfortunate you are too dishonest and dishonorable of a person to have an honest conversation
Nice I've been waiting for the Obama booty licker clowns in DC will see what its like to be out of work...

So people losing jobs is a good thing? You guys are creepy.

You're fucking retarded.
Yes, fewer government jobs are always a good thing. You don't understand that, your entire existence is wrapped up in waiting for largess from the hand of the state...enjoying things that you cannot and do not afford..thanks to the state. Those of us who want to work for our own rejoice at the thought of the federal cancer receding. Because when they go away, people can again live and prosper.
Good news, continue to fulfill those promises.

"The Trump administration announced a trio of executive orders that will make it easier for federal agencies to fire employees — a move that officials say is aimed at using taxpayer dollars more efficiently..."

"The orders stem from an announcement in Trump's State of the Union address where he said Congress should “empower every Cabinet secretary with the authority to reward good workers and to remove federal employees who undermine the public trust or fail the American people."

The Trump Administration Will Make It Easier To Fire Federal Employees
They have always had that authority. They don’t need an executive order

They just have to follow federal law

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