Tell me again about the low rate your fake trust pays. LOL!

That would be 4%.

You're breaking the law.
Or, in your stupidity, confusing business revenue with income.
Or you live in your parents basement and make minimum wage.

Based on your stupidity, the third choice is most likely.

No. My trust paid 4% of all the money that was made in federal tax.

What percentage of federal tax based on all the money that you made did you pay. I'll bet it's much more than me.

My trust paid 4% of all the money that was made in federal tax.

What was the Trust's revenue? What was the Trust's income?

I'll bet it's much more than me.

I have little doubt of that. Not for the reason you claim.

We've already been through that. Look it up.

Ahhh, come on, you can repeat your lies here.
Trump is the snake he was talking about in the primaries. America better not take him home!
Trump is the snake he was talking about in the primaries. America better not take him home!

The left wing chimps.

It's never been illegal to deduct losses.

Republicans made it so.


ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.
Please explain? AFAIK, there is noting showing the he laundered funds through his NPO making that a separate issue from his taxes (the point of the thread).

I have heard some interesting charges of him essentially stealing from his NPO though and that I think is a major issue. It does not seem to have any legs though and I do nit understand why. We are constantly talking about Miss Universe tweets which are meaningless.

That's basically what I'm talking about. Trump controls the charity's funds. I wouldn't at all be surprised if he's made a habit in the past of purposely "donating" money to the charity for tax deduction purposes, and then using charity funds to pay personal expenses.
Possibly. There is no real evidence of that though - using his funds for personal use. There is evidence that he used his foundation to pay a for a legal fine that was charged to his business. AFAIK, that is illegal but there is no reporting on it anymore. That tells me there is more to the story than has been reported and I have to wonder what the whole story is.
Please explain? AFAIK, there is noting showing the he laundered funds through his NPO making that a separate issue from his taxes (the point of the thread).

I have heard some interesting charges of him essentially stealing from his NPO though and that I think is a major issue. It does not seem to have any legs though and I do nit understand why. We are constantly talking about Miss Universe tweets which are meaningless.

That's basically what I'm talking about. Trump controls the charity's funds. I wouldn't at all be surprised if he's made a habit in the past of purposely "donating" money to the charity for tax deduction purposes, and then using charity funds to pay personal expenses.

Wow, great job because you just described what the Clintons have done with their (snicker) "Foundation"........which is nothing but their own private slush fund.....
And that relives Trump's activities how?

Saying Trump is like Clinton really is not helping to show why he should be elected.
So Trump really is part of the 47% of good for nothing, free loading bums who pay nil in Federal taxes???

Ahhhhh, and this man is now the right wing's Savior? :rofl::rofl:
trump, the billionaire, is precisely why the inheritance tax is fair and just.... ! Critters like him avoided paying taxes their whole lives, the estate tax hits them for the first time with a tax.
It is comical to watch Liberals on this board shit themselves over Trump not paying taxes as if he has done something illegal. He is avoiding paying taxes just like wealthy elites on your side do or have done.....names such as Pelosi, Kerry, Kennedy, and yes even Clinton.

Your outrage is selective. One might even call it deplorable.
This is approaching Bernie Madoff level fraud
Hey, fucktard, if you have losses one year, you don't owe taxes until that loss is "used up" by future earnings.
So much for that crap that the rich are entitled to lower tax rates because of the "RISK" they take!!!!
Losing $916 million......sounds like he took some risk.
Sounds like he is more of a poor businessman, sticking the tax payers with his loss that they have to make up.
Trump wants to reform the tax code, and cut the crony deals, supported by people like the Clintons...Hillary is bought and paid for:mad:
And if you are stupid enough to believe that, I have a bridge to Brooklyn I'm selling.
You know, a few years back, all the banks went under because they took horrible losses. What happened? The government gave them money and bailed them out.

The American people were outraged that our money had been spent to bail out the billionaires who didn't know how to manage their money.

Now? We find out that because Trump sustained nearly a BILLION dollars in losses, he managed to put himself in a position where he didn't have to pay taxes for many years.

Trump is a billionaire who didn't know how to properly manage his money. The government saw his losses and bailed him out by allowing him to not pay taxes for decades.

We were pissed that the banks got a bailout, why is everyone supporting Trump who also has received a bailout?

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