Trump may have gotten COVID from debates

Yeah, Trump has been so careful about the coronavirus


And ultimately, that is why he got the virus. Carelessness. My guess is he was already infected when he walked into that debate hall on Tuesday night.
If it's found out that was the case, politically, you may as well stick a fork in him.

This virus is being used politically every moment of every day. If it's not one angle, it's another. Trump can't avoid the same MSM who have attacked him since day one. They don't need an excuse, they make it up.

They are desperate to try anything and wonder why America First is so popular when you can just sell out to China and let them pick off your companies, jobs and spies at will. "Hey it's a fair trade off for cheap junk and easy profits".

Let us all remember these days, when the media tell you precisely the opposite of what is going on. Obama was advised, by a British born woman it seems (based on an article she wrote in Washington Post); to NOT give weapons to Ukraine as it might anger the unpredictable Putin.

This same British Intel lost Hong Kong in a flash. Global outrage to this started off loud, and then disappeared with a whimper. Take note of this, THIS lack of reaction, along with the Wuhan Virus should tell you what is in store for all of us eventually.

I wish I were joking. 20 Years ago if we viewed this world today, the rampant disregard for Western leadership or opinion, who would have believed it?

Western leaders are the weakest in our history. They are single handedly making the sacrifices of those who perished in WWII irrelevant. We cannot, no, we must not continue this way. The whole Wuhan Virus issue has been hyper-politicized.

They don't need to make anything up. Trump is and has been his own worst enemy since the day he descended the golden escalator at Trump Tower. He's incompetent, narcissistic, and corrupt. That never usually makes a good combination in a leader.
And let's face it, Republican and Democrat administrations have been allowing overseas and outsourcing for decades now. A campaign slogan isn't going to change that.

This is more than just economic now, it's expansion of their influence. Into International agencies (we saw that with the W.H.O), building islands in the South China Sea, flying near Taiwan, and this was AFTER they just changed the laws in Hong Kong, telling U.K in particular to "go F yourself, weak, old dying Empire, we are the new leaders now. If you have problem with that, do something!"

Trump has called them out and taken action like no other. I say it time and again if he wants to win, that's his angle.

If America wants to win and remain sovereign and wealthy, that's the angle.

The Communists just killed over a million people worldwide with a virus. How often do you hear global leaders call them out for it? They will become more bold and aggressive. Just as Germany was allowed, so have China been. Who is going to fight that war when it begins?

Except he hasn't called anything out. Other than the useless campaign style slogans he and his supporters sling. Or taken any action. His trade war against China has been a spectacular failure. He's got our farmers across the country on permanent corporate welfare.

He tariffed them to hell and got more of the world on board, much to CNN and MSNBC's outrage. He was outspoken, which is huge to hear from an American president.

You know what is preventing MORE leaders from getting on board? The possibility that Harris/Biden will win. That has frozen world leaders. They assume Harris/Biden will have the U.S back to embracing China. You can't change the last 30 years abuses in 4, but you can do much more in 8.

Tell me when Harris has called out China for economic abuse and more importantly, how she intends to punish them? Harris is going to be the president if Trump doesn't win.

Let me run Trumps campaign, I would make this election about China vs. America and tell voters to choose. Every single day I would be pounding that message mercilessly. In every interview, debate, political ad. I would keep asking them, "how do you think my opponents will handle China"?

We keep getting seduced by their 1.4B citizens who will NEVER buy American goods outside of farming products. That, AFTER they try and crush many of them. This efficient, ruthless PARTY, IS China is for all intents and purposes. A Party that has completely outplayed the West. We have delivered the weakest, least impressive out there to defend our values. We finally get a president who will put the West first, and as the Communists expected, our "elite" work to destroy him.

Four more years of Trump is better than four more years of China. I'll debate any CIA or FBI on this issue. I don't need classified intel, I'm a data guy. It's all out there to see.

Consider what the communists are doing in broad daylight. What do you think they are doing in the dark?
Oh here we go. Place blame everywhere except the place where it belongs.
He got it from Hope Hicks, who probably got it from Amy Coney Barrett's Rose Garden Party.

This is why assholes like Fat Wesley Crusher shouldn't be given the time of day.
11 people tested positive from the debates.

OK, my bad. I missed the details. The 11 people were from the debate. But they weren't allowed in. I wonder how many were at ACB's party or had any contact with someone who was there?
Still doesn't explain why a good number of people in the West Wing and a few Republican Senators got infected.
Looks to me like everyone is making wild ass assumptions without a basis in fact...

Time for a lesson on investigating an infection outbreak.

1. First and foremost is identifying EVERYONE AFFECTED. Placing all of them in quarantine and getting medical assessments of the disease progression and beginning treatments..

2. Compile the data.
  1. Names
  2. Place in disease progression. what stage, effects, etc
  3. Compile lists of places they have been and who they had contact with.
3. Rank the list in order of disease progression. This should give you a general idea of who was infected first.

Now that we have the lists and the oldest cases identified you can begin the process of finding common links among the infected and the chain of events. Next we identify "circles of infection" by identifying common group clusters. BY this point you should have a real good idea of the COMMON POINT of infection and time line. If there is a sudden start and no trace of source you begin looking at the environment and objects. If there is a trace you follow it.

This is where we are now, they do not have a trace contact so we are now looking into objects and the environment. Nine of Trumps associates have the same date of infection and are at the same stage in the infection process. The common point of infection appears to have occurred two days PRIOR to the rose garden event. The debate and the Trump green room are the place everyone in this group gathered.

Now we have another issue that is even more troubling.. How did the virus get there...? Workers? or was it placed? It is very odd that a single event infects 9-12 people. This means the viral load in the room was very high and that begs even more questions as to why it was so high.

I would love to be a fly on the wall today inside the Secret Service investigation room..
Yeah, Trump has been so careful about the coronavirus


The POTUS is in a bubble...Everyone that comes in contact with him is tested...

Maybe it is something new...Like a mutation where as the virus is contageous, before a positive test is detected....

That's the nature of these things, we learn as we go...
Looks to me like everyone is making wild ass assumptions without a basis in fact...

Time for a lesson on investigating an infection outbreak.

1. First and foremost is identifying EVERYONE AFFECTED. Placing all of them in quarantine and getting medical assessments of the disease progression and beginning treatments..

2. Compile the data.
  1. Names
  2. Place in disease progression. what stage, effects, etc
  3. Compile lists of places they have been and who they had contact with.
3. Rank the list in order of disease progression. This should give you a general idea of who was infected first.

Now that we have the lists and the oldest cases identified you can begin the process of finding common links among the infected and the chain of events. Next we identify "circles of infection" by identifying common group clusters. BY this point you should have a real good idea of the COMMON POINT of infection and time line. If there is a sudden start and no trace of source you begin looking at the environment and objects. If there is a trace you follow it.

This is where we are now, they do not have a trace contact so we are now looking into objects and the environment. Nine of Trumps associates have the same date of infection and are at the same stage in the infection process. The common point of infection appears to have occurred two days PRIOR to the rose garden event. The debate and the Trump green room are the place everyone in this group gathered.

Now we have another issue that is even more troubling.. How did the virus get there...? Workers? or was it placed? It is very odd that a single event infects 9-12 people. This means the viral load in the room was very high and that begs even more questions as to why it was so high.

I would love to be a fly on the wall today inside the Secret Service investigation room..
More likely, it is the WH where they were exposed. I'm guessing that's where those associates of Trump work? How did they get to Cleveland? Are you ignoring other places they were together? I don't know those particulars, but if you do, please share.
To me, a person will never know for sure where such medical issues come from especially when they do all that they can and they still end up getting anything anyway. How did my mom end up with Guillain Barre Syndrome back when I was four years. All that we know is that it all started through a respiratory infection. Well where did that infection comes from?

God bless you and my mom always!!!

Rump doesn't have it. I predicted he didn't. It was an easy prediction. After learning just how bad his ratings were after the debate, he had to do something to counter it. So he says he got Covid. Then he now will claim he tested falsely positive or he's such a wonderful specimen of a super human that he beat if in a matter of days. It doesn't work that way. You either have it and you are out for at least 2 weeks for it to run it's course or you don't.

The Circus is back in town.

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