Trump "Meltdown": Rages at Speaker Pelosi to her face over Turkey crisis

All the botox, face-lifts, and hair dye in Frisco can't disguise the fact Fancy Nancy is a doddering old fool in expensive clothing. She's obsessed with proving to Trump she is his equal....absurd by any stretch of the imagination. He got 63,000,000 votes to hold his office, she got a little over 200,000 to hold hers. She has a tiny minority of commie misfits in the House, he fills massive arenas and has 95% of GOP support. She won't allow needed legislation like USMCA, immigration-loopholes, or infrastructure repair to even be voted on. And then there's last night when she refused to look at the Trump letter to Erdogan, smiled that demented denture-loosening smile, and then stood up and pointed a bony finger at the President of the Untied States before storming out of the WH....She clearly needs an intervention and be put on a 72 hour mental health hold. :uhoh3:


Pelosi-Trump feud at boiling point after 'meltdown' at White House; Rep. Elijah Cummings dead

All the botox, face-lifts, and hair dye in Frisco can't disguise the fact Fancy Nancy is a doddering old fool in expensive clothing.

This is what the american public is drawn to and fawns over. We've all also seen the ridiculous lengths to which Don's orange make up, sillyassed hair piece/hair dying, neck camel toe, and Melanomia's extensive plastic surgery work wow the masses.

Looks pretty bipartisan to me, america is just that shallow.
Goes to deranged?
Where da fuk have you been?

I have no idea.....Hillary's goons wrestled me into a dark sedan, tied me up, blindfolded me, and tied me to a post in a barn. I just escaped and found this i-phone by the side of the road to ask for help...please send some...I'm hungry!
Can you imagine a conversation between pelosi & biden?

Pelosi: "uummm errr I well ahhhh I think...ummmm..."

Biden "You ahhhhh...I think, errrrrr...well would you ahhhhhh..."
Looks pretty bipartisan to me, america is just that shallow.

Yeah, well feel free to leave...nobody will miss ya.

Aw, the only people who can be here are the people who agree with you. Fweedumb.
something never said. try again. his point was at you.
He had no point or argument, that's what "love-it-r-leave-it signifies.
well again, love it or leave it is very vague. there are many things to empty into that bucket. bipartisan isn't a qualifier to anything.
Looks pretty bipartisan to me, america is just that shallow.

Yeah, well feel free to leave...nobody will miss ya.

Aw, the only people who can be here are the people who agree with you. Fweedumb.
something never said. try again. his point was at you.
He had no point or argument, that's what "love-it-r-leave-it signifies.
well again, love it or leave it is very vague. there are many things to empty into that bucket. bipartisan isn't a qualifier to anything.
Thanks for that penetrating observation.
Trump utterly screwed up in releasing the picture of Pelosi schooling him in his own house:


As Nancy looks commanding AF. And Trump looks petulant and scolded.

There's a reason why Nancy made this her FB background.
Trump utterly screwed up in releasing the picture of Pelosi schooling him in his own house:

View attachment 284946

As Nancy looks commanding AF. And Trump looks petulant and scolded.

There's a reason why Nancy made this her FB background.

No, he is obviously talking back at her while the rest of the table bows their heads in embarrassment at the old witch's crazy behavior. She made it her FB page because she has no judgement or recognition of the spectacle she made of herself. She's all yours.....welcome back to her wandering home to the needle and feces infested streets of Frisco when we take the House back next year in the Trump LANDSLIDE...MAGA!

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