Trump might consider this after running by legal counsel

In this case there is a matter of intent. The intention is to force a significant under-count on the census. Not going to win this one.
Yes. That is the intent. Hopefully, it will hurt Sanctuary Cities where it counts... in the Halls of Congress, and in the pocketbook.
The purpose of the census is to count people in districts and states to distribute federal funds and determine representation in congress. The numbers used are the total number of people both citizens and non-citizens. For the purpose of the census, citizenship is irrelevant.

The purpose of putting a citizenship question on the survey is to frighten families that contain an undocumented immigrant(s) into not filling a census form which is legally required(citizen or non-citizen).

Trump lawyers tried to justified the question by claiming the information will help protect voting rights of minorities. Two district courts and the Supreme Court have ruled against Trump. Each of the courts saw thru the defenses case immediately as being an illegal tactics to drive down census numbers, a clear violation of Article 1 Section 2 of the constitution.
Those shielding Illegal Aliens SHOULD be afraid... they are violating United States law.
I'd like to know how many illegal immigrants we have in this country as well,

but putting this question on the census will just give us an inaccurate count....

everyone KNOWS THIS is true... including Chief justice roberts

so the purpose is to get an UNDER COUNT of illegal residents, and not an accurate account....

which blows the op article's contention of wanting a count on illegal immigrants, out of the water.... the question does not separate legal resident immigrants from illegal resident immigrants.... so we still would not have an accurate account of illegal immigrants, even if they did answer and were not scared to death by the Trump admin finding them and deporting them....

besides the fact that the Republican operative who died and his daughter handed over his notes, specifically states the PURPOSE to add the citizenship question to the census is to get an inaccurate account of residents in minority areas. which would be to the advantage of Republicans.... it's a POLITICAL measure, and the only purpose is to reduce the number of representatives allowed, in Democratic leaning areas/districts....
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Trump apparently never read the constitution. His lawyers have told him there is no legal path to include the citizenship questions. His response is to issue an executive order which would probably take the courts about 15 minutes to issue an injunction.

This is what happens when you elect a corrupt business man that spent his entire live dodging the law.
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Resident does not include ILLEGAL immigrants. Ohh and QUOTE the passage.
Did we even have such a thing as an "illegal resident at the time of our founding fathers? We were colonizing the continent at the time, we took everyone and anyone that was willing to till the soil and in 2 years, we made them a citizen.... if memory serves....

And ALSO RGS, if the founders did not intend to include illegal residents, IT WOULD HAVE SAID SO, but it DID NOT state such...

YOU are making that up out of thin air....
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Resident does not include ILLEGAL immigrants. Ohh and QUOTE the passage.
Did we even have such a thing as an "illegal resident at the time of our founding fathers? We were colonizing the continent at the time, we took everyone and anyone that was willing to till the soil and in 2 years, we made them a citizen.... if memory serves....

And ALSO RGS, if the founders did not intend to include illegal residents, IT WOULD HAVE SAID SO, but it DID NOT state such...

YOU are making that up out of thin air....
You have not quoted any thing yet I am waiting. The Founding fathers DID include Immigration in the Constitution, they left it t the States till 1808 and then it became a Federal power.
The 14th Amendment assumes that the census counts citizens, one might argue it "requires" that citizens be counted. Case closed. Thank you Justice Roberts, I knew you'd understand....
"Section 2 of the 14th Amendment provides that if a state denies the franchise to anyone eligible to vote, its allotment of House seats shall be "reduced in the proportion which the number of such ... citizens shall bear to the whole number of ... citizens ... in such state." This language is absolute and mandatory. Compliance is impossible without counting how many citizens live in each state."

It depends on the definition of "citizens". An inhabitant of a state of city is a "citizen", so that language is not as absolute you would like.
Since Care4All can not back up her own claims I will quote the Constitution myself. Article 2 Amendment 14.

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

The idea of illegal Immigrants hadn't occurred to the Congress at that time BUT they clearly excluded Indians that do NOT pay taxes. That would also include Illegal that DO NOT pay taxes. It also says when males are excluded from the vote, Illegals have NO right to vote so they are not part of the Count as authorized by the 14th Amendment. Also the right is granted to CITIZENS as SPECIFICALLY stated by the amendment. Illegals DO NOT count for representatives and excluding them is not grounds for any action against the State.

14th Amendment
The 14th Amendment assumes that the census counts citizens, one might argue it "requires" that citizens be counted. Case closed. Thank you Justice Roberts, I knew you'd understand....
"Section 2 of the 14th Amendment provides that if a state denies the franchise to anyone eligible to vote, its allotment of House seats shall be "reduced in the proportion which the number of such ... citizens shall bear to the whole number of ... citizens ... in such state." This language is absolute and mandatory. Compliance is impossible without counting how many citizens live in each state."

It depends on the definition of "citizens". An inhabitant of a state of city is a "citizen", so that language is not as absolute you would like.
Wrong, it specifically links citizen with the right to vote.
In this case there is a matter of intent. The intention is to force a significant under-count on the census. Not going to win this one.

Census counts citizens and LEGAL immigrants. No intention of forcing an undercount, we just count citizens and LEGAL immigrants. Hopefully Trump pursues this route.
The census counts everyone at every address, period. From the start this question was misrepresented by those who want it and now they are trying to even disregard the supreme court. You want it very badly one one reason alone, to cheat the representative system laid down in the constitution. Trying to find a dodge that again misrepresents the intention is not going to do it.

Counts citizens not citizens of other nations visiting

If Justice Roberts has been bought off he must get locked up by Barr
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Trump apparently never read the constitution. His lawyers have told him there is no legal path to include the citizenship questions. His response is to issue an executive order which would probably take the courts about 15 minutes to issue an injunction.

This is what happens when you elect a corrupt business man that spent his entire live dodging the law.

So why was that citizenship question on the census forms before? Then it was removed by a democrat admin to benefit democrat states. By that logic a GOP admin should be able to add it to benefit GOP states. Its a political tool to use or deny using illegals for advantage. Trump knows business and power, we need his executive order now, the USSC needs to allow what was allowed previously.
Trump needs to STFU and let the Census Bureau handle the god damn census LIKE THEY ALWAYS HAVE IN THE PAST.


What branch of govt does the Bureau fall under?

Article One states the census is in Congressional hands.

The Bureau is continued as an agency within, and under the jurisdiction of, the Department of Commerce.

The trouble is that Trump's intention is to discourage Hispanic citizens from replying. The question is not going to be on the census.

Why would they be discouraged from replying?
They are on a green card, they know they aren't citizens.
On the census form, you can check no to the US citizen and below it you check immigration status as permanent resident or whatever. Then the person will be counted.

The real problem with the citizen question is when there is an undocumented immigrant in the family. If you don't check an immigration status, you're declaring the person undocumented Here is an example of the problem which is the crux of the matter.

A census survey is not by individual. It is by address and includes all members of the household at that address. Suppose you're Hispanic and you have a member of your 6 person family, your brother who is undocumented. Your census form requires you to answer the citizenship question for each member of the family. So to complete the census form you either must lie about the citizenship of your brother which carries a penalty of imprisonment and a fine or exposure your brother as undocumented immigrant to the government. But wait, there is another option. You can trash the census form which is what most people would do. So instead of your family of 6 being counted in the census, it's counted as zero.

I'm not a lawyer but this seems to be extortion of something pretty close to it.
The 14th is clear it refers to Citizens in regards the rights and privileges for being counted for representation.
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Resident does not include ILLEGAL immigrants. Ohh and QUOTE the passage.
Did we even have such a thing as an "illegal resident at the time of our founding fathers? We were colonizing the continent at the time, we took everyone and anyone that was willing to till the soil and in 2 years, we made them a citizen.... if memory serves....

And ALSO RGS, if the founders did not intend to include illegal residents, IT WOULD HAVE SAID SO, but it DID NOT state such...

YOU are making that up out of thin air....
You have not quoted any thing yet I am waiting. The Founding fathers DID include Immigration in the Constitution, they left it t the States till 1808 and then it became a Federal power.
good read on it: Census in the Constitution
The question has been on the census in some form more than its been missing...this is just more Trump derangement syndrome nonsense.....
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Resident does not include ILLEGAL immigrants. Ohh and QUOTE the passage.
Did we even have such a thing as an "illegal resident at the time of our founding fathers? We were colonizing the continent at the time, we took everyone and anyone that was willing to till the soil and in 2 years, we made them a citizen.... if memory serves....

And ALSO RGS, if the founders did not intend to include illegal residents, IT WOULD HAVE SAID SO, but it DID NOT state such...

YOU are making that up out of thin air....
You have not quoted any thing yet I am waiting. The Founding fathers DID include Immigration in the Constitution, they left it t the States till 1808 and then it became a Federal power.
good read on it: Census in the Constitution
I don't need to read an excuse by liberals why the 14rh doesn't mean what it means I can and have read the Amendment and unlike you I linked to it and explained why it says what it says in MY OWN words.
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Resident does not include ILLEGAL immigrants. Ohh and QUOTE the passage.
Did we even have such a thing as an "illegal resident at the time of our founding fathers? We were colonizing the continent at the time, we took everyone and anyone that was willing to till the soil and in 2 years, we made them a citizen.... if memory serves....

And ALSO RGS, if the founders did not intend to include illegal residents, IT WOULD HAVE SAID SO, but it DID NOT state such...

YOU are making that up out of thin air....
You have not quoted any thing yet I am waiting. The Founding fathers DID include Immigration in the Constitution, they left it t the States till 1808 and then it became a Federal power.
good read on it: Census in the Constitution
This one is even a better read on it!

Does the census actually count everyone and should it? - National Constitution Center

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