Trump might consider this after running by legal counsel

The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Trump apparently never read the constitution. His lawyers have told him there is no legal path to include the citizenship questions. His response is to issue an executive order which would probably take the courts about 15 minutes to issue an injunction.

This is what happens when you elect a corrupt business man that spent his entire live dodging the law.

So why was that citizenship question on the census forms before? Then it was removed by a democrat admin to benefit democrat states. By that logic a GOP admin should be able to add it to benefit GOP states. Its a political tool to use or deny using illegals for advantage. Trump knows business and power, we need his executive order now, the USSC needs to allow what was allowed previously.
First of all, the purpose of the census is to determine how many people live at each residence in the US. It does not matter what their citizenship status is. Every person at an address is counted and used to determine representation in congress and distribution of federal fund. This is an constitutional requirement Got it?

Second, all other information on the form is for statistical purposes. So when you google the population of the US, the number of women in the US, the average household size, how many blacks, etc, you will see the information gather at the last census or projected for years in between surveys. Got it?

The last time a citizenship question was among the census questions for all U.S. households was in 1950. That form asked where each person was born and in a follow-up question asked, "If foreign born — Is he naturalized?" Again, this question was for statistical purposes. I had no effect on representation or distribution of federal funds.

In 1960, the question about foreign born was not in the census. The republican Eisenhower administration removed it. Why? I have no idea but it certainly was not to benefit democrats.

If Trump issues and executive order to put the citizenship question on the 2020 census, a federal court will take about 15 mins to issue an injunction.

You apparently are listening to misinformation from Trump administration.
FACT CHECK: Has Citizenship Been A Standard Census Question?
A short history of the citizenship question
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Trump apparently never read the constitution. His lawyers have told him there is no legal path to include the citizenship questions. His response is to issue an executive order which would probably take the courts about 15 minutes to issue an injunction.

This is what happens when you elect a corrupt business man that spent his entire live dodging the law.

So why was that citizenship question on the census forms before? Then it was removed by a democrat admin to benefit democrat states. By that logic a GOP admin should be able to add it to benefit GOP states. Its a political tool to use or deny using illegals for advantage. Trump knows business and power, we need his executive order now, the USSC needs to allow what was allowed previously.
First of all, the purpose of the census is to determine how many people live at each residence in the US. It does not matter what their citizenship status is. Every person at an address is counted and used to determine representation in congress and distribution of federal fund. This is an constitutional requirement Got it?

Second, all other information on the form is for statistical purposes. So when you google the population of the US, the number of women in the US, the average household size, how many blacks, etc, you will see the information gather at the last census or projected for years in between surveys. Got it?

The last time a citizenship question was among the census questions for all U.S. households was in 1950. That form asked where each person was born and in a follow-up question asked, "If foreign born — Is he naturalized?" Again, this question was for statistical purposes. I had no effect on representation or distribution of federal funds.

In 1960, the question about foreign born was not in the census. The republican Eisenhower administration removed it. Why? I have no idea but it certainly was not to benefit democrats.

If Trump issues and executive order to put the citizenship question on the 2020 census, a federal court will take about 15 mins to issue an injunction.

You apparently are listening to misinformation from Trump administration.
FACT CHECK: Has Citizenship Been A Standard Census Question?
A short history of the citizenship question
The 14th amendment is clear ONLY citizens count for representation. Be very specific and quote the 14th were it mandates NON citizens be counted.
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Trump apparently never read the constitution. His lawyers have told him there is no legal path to include the citizenship questions. His response is to issue an executive order which would probably take the courts about 15 minutes to issue an injunction.

This is what happens when you elect a corrupt business man that spent his entire live dodging the law.
but I do not think under other circumstances it would necessarily be illegal to have the question on there if Congress felt they had a legislative or other purpose for it,

IF THERE WAS NO CONCERN of it causing an inaccurate count, an inaccurate ''actual enumeration'' of all of the persons in every state...

the purpose and known end result of adding it in this case, is to get an inaccurate account, defeating the purpose of the census clause directed in the constitution
The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Resident does not include ILLEGAL immigrants. Ohh and QUOTE the passage.
Did we even have such a thing as an "illegal resident at the time of our founding fathers? We were colonizing the continent at the time, we took everyone and anyone that was willing to till the soil and in 2 years, we made them a citizen.... if memory serves....

And ALSO RGS, if the founders did not intend to include illegal residents, IT WOULD HAVE SAID SO, but it DID NOT state such...

YOU are making that up out of thin air....
You have not quoted any thing yet I am waiting. The Founding fathers DID include Immigration in the Constitution, they left it t the States till 1808 and then it became a Federal power.
good read on it: Census in the Constitution
This one is even a better read on it!

Does the census actually count everyone and should it? - National Constitution Center
Interesting article.

As to the question, does the census actually count everyone? The answer is absolutely, NO. I had a temporary job working for the census bureau in northern Florida in the 1970 census. My job was to contact people that did not return their survey or didn't answer questions. Considering how simple the survey was, you would expect everybody would answer every question in 10 or 15 mins. Didn't happen.

If someone didn't complete all the information for a household member, or leave blank other lines, I would call them. I would introduce my self and ask what was Josephine's last name? Response, I don't know; you have to talk to my Mama. Is your Mama home? No. When will she be home? I don't know. I call back the next day and someone who might be Mama answers the phone but refuses to give me any information over the phone except the information for two kids in the household is wrong and one, maybe two depending day of the week were not included. So I make an Appointment, drive 40 miles from Tallahassee to the home and nobody is there. I call again the next day and no answer. So I mark the survey non- responsive and turn it in along with a couple of dozen other at the end of month. I figured that's about 100 people that were not counted. Over the next 7 or 8 months the total was probably close to a thousand not counted. I hope it's better to day but I kind of doubt it. The people that get counted are upper and middle income. A lot of the poor, mostly black, and Hispanic, and the elderly are not counted.
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The Constitution says very clearly, ALL RESIDENTS are to be counted in the Census so that Representatives can be allocated proportionately per total residents....

How can anyone dance around what it actually says?
Trump apparently never read the constitution. His lawyers have told him there is no legal path to include the citizenship questions. His response is to issue an executive order which would probably take the courts about 15 minutes to issue an injunction.

This is what happens when you elect a corrupt business man that spent his entire live dodging the law.
but I do not think under other circumstances it would necessarily be illegal to have the question on there if Congress felt they had a legislative or other purpose for it,

IF THERE WAS NO CONCERN of it causing an inaccurate count, an inaccurate ''actual enumeration'' of all of the persons in every state...

the purpose and known end result of adding it in this case, is to get an inaccurate account, defeating the purpose of the census clause directed in the constitution
Under what other circumstances?

The operative words in your title is after running it by legal counsel.

Legal counsel is going to tell trump that the Supreme Court is a separate branch of the government who has the final say.

The trump administration presented a reason before the court but it was found to be an out and out lie. To come back to the court with a different reason is just another lie.

The real reason is very clear on the hard drive of the dead man who did the research and found that one question will incorrectly count people to give white people in conservative states who vote republican an unfair advantage. Which in other words, cheat and further deny people of our nation the representation they rightly should have. Which will further divide and harm this nation.

Justice Roberts clearly but diplomatically said he wasn't happy to be lied to.
I'd like to know how many illegal immigrants we have in this country as well,

but putting this question on the census will just give us an inaccurate count....

everyone KNOWS THIS is true... including Chief justice roberts

so the purpose is to get an UNDER COUNT of illegal residents, and not an accurate account....

which blows the op article's contention of wanting a count on illegal immigrants, out of the water.... the question does not separate legal resident immigrants from illegal resident immigrants.... so we still would not have an accurate account of illegal immigrants, even if they did answer and were not scared to death by the Trump admin finding them and deporting them....

besides the fact that the Republican operative who died and his daughter handed over his notes, specifically states the PURPOSE to add the citizenship question to the census is to get an inaccurate account of residents in minority areas. which would be to the advantage of Republicans.... it's a POLITICAL measure, and the only purpose is to reduce the number of representatives allowed, in Democratic leaning areas/districts....
Right, you will not get a correct count of illegal immigrants from this question. Even if the family completed the survey which is doubtful, you still won't know because a person could be a legal permanent resident.
The census for the purpose of Representation counts CITIZENS only.
Not so. Read Article 1, Section 2 of the constitution. We have not collected citizenship information in the general census since 1950.
Article one section 2 is superseded by the 14th Amendment. Which clearly states not to count Indians not taxed. This would also include illegal Immigrants further the amendment 14 goes on to specifically mention CITIZENS and specifically Citizens that are allowed to VOTE.
The census for the purpose of Representation counts CITIZENS only.
Not so. Read Article 1, Section 2 of the constitution. We have not collected citizenship information in the general census since 1950.
Article one section 2 is superseded by the 14th Amendment. Which clearly states not to count Indians not taxed. This would also include illegal Immigrants further the amendment 14 goes on to specifically mention CITIZENS and specifically Citizens that are allowed to VOTE.
No, excluding non-taxed Indians does not mean exclude everyone who is not a citizen or everyone who is not taxed. The reference to citizens in the next sentence is in regard to voting for the President or Vice President. Read it again.
The census counts everyone at every address, period. From the start this question was misrepresented by those who want it and now they are trying to even disregard the supreme court. You want it very badly one one reason alone, to cheat the representative system laid down in the constitution. Trying to find a dodge that again misrepresents the intention is not going to do it.
I want to know how many non citizens are in my country...why don't you?...who would it hurt?...and why do you think it would hurt anyone?....

It's all about the votes and cheap labor.
the 14th is about voting rights, and not the Census
Wrong as usual check the highlighted section that has been superseded and see where it takes you dumb ass. Article I
Show where in the amendment the count is to include only citizens. It is not in your link. Furthermore federal division of funds between states and representation in congress has never been based on a citizens only count.
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It clearly states if you don't pay taxes you don't count. Further it specifics that only those that legally can vote matter. It talks about citizens not illegals.
It clearly states if you don't pay taxes you don't count. Further it specifics that only those that legally can vote matter. It talks about citizens not illegals.
No, clearly the amendment states that Indians that are not taxed are exclude. That does not mean that everyone that does not pay taxes are excluded. There is nothing in the amendment that excludes people who can't vote. Try again.
It clearly states if you don't pay taxes you don't count. Further it specifics that only those that legally can vote matter. It talks about citizens not illegals.
No, clearly the amendment states that Indians that are not taxed are exclude. That does not mean that everyone that does not pay taxes are excluded. There is nothing in the amendment that excludes people who can't vote. Try again.
Sorry you are to retarded to understand simple English.

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