Trump misses his "McCain" moment

This will cost Trump dearly.

I fail to see the problem with this.

Really? You don't see a problem with someone suggesting ethnic cleansing? And, you see no problem with Trump trying to become president and not denouncing a birther? Then you fit right in with the rest of Trumps "element". Geez.....and you're the one that doesn't like the word homophobe. How about xenophone, does that describe you better?
This won't even make it on most peoples radar, and you know it.

We know it won't with Trump's "element" - but surely there are some Republicans that are still considerably sane, aren't there?
In a sense is better that Trump missed his McCain moment.

McCain is such a pitiful clown nowadays.
The "McCain moment" is exactly what people don't want.

I don't want to hear how Thomas Jefferson wiped his ass with a Koran. The pc bullshit isn't what we want to hear.

McCain's bullshit canned practiced rehearsed reply. That's what you get from rubio Walker jeb Christie and the rest of the GOP. The only time they speak truth its usually some extreme unpopular right wing position to please their base.

I find all the crazy stuff Republicans say a lot crazier than anything trump has said.
This won't even make it on most peoples radar, and you know it.

Oh....really? I guess we'll see, won't we.

Nothing to wait on, only place I've even heard of this if from a couple of political hacks here. Can't wait to see the links that will surly come to Raunchy Madcow's show. BTW, "I'll look in to it" is a businessman's way to brush off someone.
Well, actually I was talking about the things I agree with him on, and that he's dead right about:

* Saudi Arabia playing us for chumps and not contributing a dime to their own security.

* Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States not taking a single refugee.

* Big donors like himself owning politicians when they contribute to them, getting them to do what they want.

* Hedge Fund managers not paying their fair share in taxes.

* Strengthening Social Security and Medicare.

Things like that.

I agree with many issues of what Trump states whenever he gets off that narcissistic ranting.......BUT I never liked demagoguery to hypnotize the slow witted, and, with this lack of courage moment to denounce racism, bigotry and stupidity, he pointed out that he couldn't pull off any of his rhetoric anyway/
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In a sense is better that Trump missed his McCain moment.

McCain is such a pitiful clown nowadays.

Only for those that align with the same kind of thinking........that we need to "kill" - eliminate people we don't like. God help us if Trump happens to align with the thinking of his followers.....we really don't need someone that ignorant leading the country.
This won't even make it on most peoples radar, and you know it.

We know it won't with Trump's "element" - but surely there are some Republicans that are still considerably sane, aren't there?

Bubba, you wouldn't know sane if it beat you in the head.

If you agree with that "xenophobe" then you are definitely not sane yourself. I happen to know many Republicans, and they're not bat-shit crazy like most of Trump's followers.
If you agree with that "xenophobe" then you are definitely not sane yourself. I happen to know many Republicans, and they're not bat-shit crazy like most of Trump's followers.

In fairness, I don't think that Trump is as "bat-shit crazy" as most of his followers....However he's placed himself in a corner; denounce the morons, and they'll turn on him in a heart beat....say nothing of his lack of spine, and even the mainstream republicans will distance themselves even MORE than they already have........If his opponents were looking for something to crucify him with......they now got it.
If you agree with that "xenophobe" then you are definitely not sane yourself. I happen to know many Republicans, and they're not bat-shit crazy like most of Trump's followers.

In fairness, I don't think that Trump is as "bat-shit crazy" as most of his followers....However he's placed himself in a corner; denounce the morons, and they'll turn on him in a heart beat....say nothing of his lack of spine, and even the mainstream republicans will distance themselves even MORE than they already have........If his opponents were looking for something to crucify him with......they now got it.

I didn't say that Trump was bat-shit crazy.....I said "his followers" were. I truly believe that Trump realized the type of people that are currently his fans the moment that idiot started speaking and probably wondered how in the hell he attracted such a group of morons. It is probably the reason he cut his rally short and exited promptly to avoid any further damage. Actually Trump is pretty smart.....he may not be Presidential material, but he is no dummy. He knew what kind of red meat attracted the Republican base.....but he probably didn't realize he was only attracting the lowest of the low. If his poll numbers go up....we'll know that the whole Republican party has been infected with the moronic virus.
This won't even make it on most peoples radar, and you know it.

We know it won't with Trump's "element" - but surely there are some Republicans that are still considerably sane, aren't there?

Bubba, you wouldn't know sane if it beat you in the head.

If you agree with that "xenophobe" then you are definitely not sane yourself. I happen to know many Republicans, and they're not bat-shit crazy like most of Trump's followers.

Agree, where did I say that, I simply said the crap brought up by the OP is no bid deal and Trumps answer was a typical brush off for a businessman. BTW McCain is a liberal republican and a loser.
As expected, another racist, right wing idiot just moments ago asked Trump what he would do about the Muslim "training camps" that have been set up by the Muslim, not-American president Obama.....

Trump chickened out.....rather than echoing the truly patriotic moment when McCain refuted the idiot who called Obama an "Arab"....Trump meekly retorted that "he would look into it."

Shameful!!!! Rather than emulating McCain's objectivity and fairness, Trump has chosen to be part of Romney 47% debacle....

This will cost Trump dearly.
Trump wasn't going to be the GOP nominee, anyway – so it really hasn't 'cost' him anything; and his response is consistent with the fact Trump isn't a serious candidate.

The cost is to the GOP, however, serving as further evidence that racists and bigots find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, that racists and bigots are attracted to the republican agenda and conservative dogma, where its incumbent upon both to discover why and address the problem of racists and bigots being attracted to the GOP.

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