Trump misses his "McCain" moment

As expected, another racist, right wing idiot just moments ago asked Trump what he would do about the Muslim "training camps" that have been set up by the Muslim, not-American president Obama.....

Trump chickened out.....rather than echoing the truly patriotic moment when McCain refuted the idiot who called Obama an "Arab"....Trump meekly retorted that "he would look into it."

Shameful!!!! Rather than emulating McCain's objectivity and fairness, Trump has chosen to be part of Romney 47% debacle....

This will cost Trump dearly.
To be fair, i don't think Trump necessarily shares this supporter's views. I think he was just tip toeing around what was said because he is too much of a pussy to say what he really thinks. He couldn't bare to disappoint the supporter.
As expected, another racist, right wing idiot just moments ago asked Trump what he would do about the Muslim "training camps" that have been set up by the Muslim, not-American president Obama.....

Trump chickened out.....rather than echoing the truly patriotic moment when McCain refuted the idiot who called Obama an "Arab"....Trump meekly retorted that "he would look into it."

Shameful!!!! Rather than emulating McCain's objectivity and fairness, Trump has chosen to be part of Romney 47% debacle....

This will cost Trump dearly.
To be fair, i don't think Trump necessarily shares this supporter's views. I think he was just tip toeing around what was said because he is too much of a pussy to say what he really thinks. He couldn't bare to disappoint the supporter.
Trump is one of those guys who talk the talk but never walk the walk. Think of when he admitted to being a whiner. He bragged about being a whiner to get what he wants. What kind of man admits and even brags about whining? He will get caught having more of these lack of courage and character incidents again as the campaign moves forward.
As also expected, Trump's camp is backtracking...stating that poor Donald did not hear the question clearly......
Of course, any decent reporter will now ask Trump:
"Had you heard the question clearly, what would your answer be??"

To be honest...the guy was not saying much different than what Trump has been spouting the last five years

Is Donald Trump A Narcissist -- Or A Bully? Here's What Psychologists Say

Psycho Trump has finally screwed the pooch.

What is it with Trump and the silly faces?

Has he ever stopped being class clown? He looks like Chevy Chase
What is it with Trump and the silly faces?

Has he ever stopped being class clown? He looks like Chevy Chase

Perhaps......a LOT of insecurities in Trump's character; bravado and narcissism are often a cover for an insecure soul.

What is it with Trump and the silly faces?

Has he ever stopped being class clown? He looks like Chevy Chase

It's the ridicule fallacy.

The Appeal to Ridicule is a fallacy in which ridicule or mockery is substituted for evidence in an "argument." This line of "reasoning" has the following form:

  1. X, which is some form of ridicule is presented (typically directed at the claim).
  2. Therefore claim C is false.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because mocking a claim does not show that it is false. This is especially clear in the following example: "1+1=2! That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

It's one of Trump's favorites because he's not a person capable of executing a well thought, comprehensive, logical argument or rebuttal.
As expected, another racist, right wing idiot just moments ago asked Trump what he would do about the Muslim "training camps" that have been set up by the Muslim, not-American president Obama.....

Trump chickened out.....rather than echoing the truly patriotic moment when McCain refuted the idiot who called Obama an "Arab"....Trump meekly retorted that "he would look into it."

Shameful!!!! Rather than emulating McCain's objectivity and fairness, Trump has chosen to be part of Romney 47% debacle....

This will cost Trump dearly.
With whom?

As expected, another racist, right wing idiot just moments ago asked Trump what he would do about the Muslim "training camps" that have been set up by the Muslim, not-American president Obama.....

Trump chickened out.....rather than echoing the truly patriotic moment when McCain refuted the idiot who called Obama an "Arab"....Trump meekly retorted that "he would look into it."

Shameful!!!! Rather than emulating McCain's objectivity and fairness, Trump has chosen to be part of Romney 47% debacle....

This will cost Trump dearly.
With whom?


No, with the people who don't see Muslims the way Nazi Germany saw the Jews.
Trump missed his McCain moment because he's not McCain.

Trump's coalition consists of protectionists, nativists, starstruck morons, birthers, and Islamaphobes.

He can't afford to offend any of that group or his 'brand' collapses.
Trump missed his McCain moment because he's not McCain.

Trump's coalition consists of protectionists, nativists, starstruck morons, birthers, and Islamaphobes.

He can't afford to offend any of that group or his 'brand' collapses.

Two years ago it would have been Trump asking that question
Trump isn't stupid - he knew that, when that guy asked that question, he had a choice to make as to how to respond. He chose to fold and placate the crowd and feed into the craziness to appeal to what he perceives to be his base.

This one should have been easy, he could have answered in a way that made him look (at least) reasonable.

This guy is doing so much selling, there's no way to know what he's actually thinking. How do you support someone like that?
As expected, another racist, right wing idiot just moments ago asked Trump what he would do about the Muslim "training camps" that have been set up by the Muslim, not-American president Obama.....

Trump chickened out.....rather than echoing the truly patriotic moment when McCain refuted the idiot who called Obama an "Arab"....Trump meekly retorted that "he would look into it."

Shameful!!!! Rather than emulating McCain's objectivity and fairness, Trump has chosen to be part of Romney 47% debacle....

This will cost Trump dearly.

Eh, have you seen Trump's groupies?

You really think they care?

Trump isn't stupid - he knew that, when that guy asked that question, he had a choice to make as to how to respond. He chose to fold and placate the crowd and feed into the craziness to appeal to what he perceives to be his base.

This one should have been easy, he could have answered in a way that made him look (at least) reasonable.

This guy is doing so much selling, there's no way to know what he's actually thinking. How do you support someone like that?
Trump is a cult leader leading a cult. It doesn't matter what he says or doesn't say or what he does or doesn't do. That is the purpose of creating a cult. His followers will follow blindly to the kool aid.
Trump isn't stupid - he knew that, when that guy asked that question, he had a choice to make as to how to respond. He chose to fold and placate the crowd and feed into the craziness to appeal to what he perceives to be his base.

This one should have been easy, he could have answered in a way that made him look (at least) reasonable.

This guy is doing so much selling, there's no way to know what he's actually thinking. How do you support someone like that?
with great enthusiasm. Obama may not be as transparent as hoped. in some ways the birther issue is brand new, because the press sat on it, for so long. that's the real story, not Trumps taking a question, which is more than the dems do, so maybe there's a clue.
if people in the audience are a threat to American Socialists, i'm ok with that.

maybe that guy was a democrat plant. :) the rest of the audience didn't seem to protest that much, or a republican plant... it's not the job of the candidate to rephrase American questions.
birthers don't care what religion Obama is, only if there is a coverup.
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Trump isn't stupid - he knew that, when that guy asked that question, he had a choice to make as to how to respond. He chose to fold and placate the crowd and feed into the craziness to appeal to what he perceives to be his base.

This one should have been easy, he could have answered in a way that made him look (at least) reasonable.

This guy is doing so much selling, there's no way to know what he's actually thinking. How do you support someone like that?
Trump is a cult leader leading a cult. It doesn't matter what he says or doesn't say or what he does or doesn't do. That is the purpose of creating a cult. His followers will follow blindly to the kool aid.
that's how i describe the Obama cult of personality phenomenon, have you forgotten ??

interested in cults ?, check out the antibirthers and their message.
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Good Night Donald Trump. I couldn't imagine a worse death blow to candidacy. He just advocated for "ethnic cleansing". He's done.

Campaigning with David Duke could be bigger.
Joining a Klan rally
But Trump is your guy...he wants big investment in you. Why the hate on your man? it because he is running as an R? Is it really that simple?
As expected, another racist, right wing idiot just moments ago asked Trump what he would do about the Muslim "training camps" that have been set up by the Muslim, not-American president Obama.....

Trump chickened out.....rather than echoing the truly patriotic moment when McCain refuted the idiot who called Obama an "Arab"....Trump meekly retorted that "he would look into it."

Shameful!!!! Rather than emulating McCain's objectivity and fairness, Trump has chosen to be part of Romney 47% debacle....

This will cost Trump dearly.
With whom?


No, his cost for his lack of courage will be felt, not just with Muslims but a substantial number of sane republicans (which excludes you, by the way.)

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