Trump Needs To Knock Off The Fence-Mending...

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
I like Nikki Haley...she's got a frisky sexuality about her and I heard she's had an affair or two so she doesn't hide it. But unless Trump is going to grab her pussy, I have no idea why she's the UN ambassador. Why are we even in the UN?
And now there's Betsy Devos (are we not men?) as Education Sec...another lanky MILF who DT may latch onto since Melania is staying put in the Big Apple.

I thought Trump might abolish that idiot agency and instead he picks Devos who's been for common-core in the past. Never cared for Jeff Sessions since he voted against the GM bailout to protect his Jap carmakers in Alabama. At least he's not Commerce (another useless agency) Sec. So where is Rudy going to land or isn't he because of a colorful consulting business. And now we hear Donald is "open-minded" about gorebal warming? Huh?

Earth to Donald: The never-Trumpers, the MSM, and the Rat Congress hate your guts, hate our guts, and will never be anything but a menace to your promises. We elected you to pursue the agenda you promised, not half-measures. Bringing a turd like Mitt Romney on board to represent us abroad is truly bizarre...why not just keep Flippy in that seat?
You will never be a beloved man Donald, so put that to rest and get with the program..YOSEMITE!?
Trump ain't agonna please you far right and alt right desperados.

He got what he wanted from you, and now he will simply ignore you.
I like Nikki Haley...she's got a frisky sexuality about her and I heard she's had an affair or two so she doesn't hide it. But unless Trump is going to grab her pussy, I have no idea why she's the UN ambassador. Why are we even in the UN?
And now there's Betsy Devos (are we not men?) as Education Sec...another lanky MILF who DT may latch onto since Melania is staying put in the Big Apple.

I thought Trump might abolish that idiot agency and instead he picks Devos who's been for common-core in the past. Never cared for Jeff Sessions since he voted against the GM bailout to protect his Jap carmakers in Alabama. At least he's not Commerce (another useless agency) Sec. So where is Rudy going to land or isn't he because of a colorful consulting business. And now we hear Donald is "open-minded" about gorebal warming? Huh?

Earth to Donald: The never-Trumpers, the MSM, and the Rat Congress hate your guts, hate our guts, and will never be anything but a menace to your promises. We elected you to pursue the agenda you promised, not half-measures. Bringing a turd like Mitt Romney on board to represent us abroad is truly bizarre...why not just keep Flippy in that seat?
You will never be a beloved man Donald, so put that to rest and get with the program..YOSEMITE!?
He's not a conservative.

Trumpsters said that was okay, so here we are. There shouldn't be anything to complain about.
He's not a conservative.

Trumpsters said that was okay, so here we are. There shouldn't be anything to complain about.

I only care about 4 things....The USSC pick, the trade-deals, the wall, and the Second Amendment. I knew he was blowing some smoke all along about the rest of it. He's got his first 100 days to set a lot of our minds at ease.
Trump is a globalist and an elitist. He's also a pathological liar. He's said whatever he needed to get the alt-right vote, now that he's President he isn't going to do more than a token of the things he said. He sold the alt-right the Brooklyn Bridge and they bought it!

There is not going to be a wall across the Mexican border. He'll beef up security a bit, but that's all.

There's not going to be mass deportations of illegal immigrants. He increase deportations of illegal felons, but that's all. The Republican elitists need cheap labor, so most illegals are here to stay.

He may nominate a conservative to the SCOTUS, but he'll probably go as middle of the road as he can.

If he cancels NAFTA & TPP, he'll negotiate the same deals with individual countries. He knows that both deals are GOOD FOR AMERICA and dropping them IS A REALLY BAD IDEA. Besides Republicans loved NAFTA. TPP was supposed to counter China's economic power in the Asia-Pacific, the the rest of the TPP countries are going forward with it, but replacing the U.S. with China. Not good for the U.S.

At this point gun control is a dead issue. But don't be surprised if it becomes a popular issue a few years from now. He'll go whatever way the wind blows.

He may create some jobs by promoting rebuilding the country's infrastructure. But that's because everyone knows that it's long overdue.

Finally, Trump isn't going to bring jobs back to America. He couldn't give a hoot about working Americans. Otherwise he would have moved his own manufacturing businesses to the U.S. He a globalist and an elitist who stands only for the world's wealthiest.
Trump ain't agonna please you far right and alt right desperados.

He got what he wanted from you, and now he will simply ignore you.
If they only knew.....I wish these nuts would knock on the heels of the Christian right suckers....they followed Bush nearly to the edge of a cliff, before they figured the shit out. Oh and lets not forget the government dependent tea party mf' took them a hot fuckin minute to realize, them mf's would take their disability checks and now you got this white power movement, that's not gonna go anywhere...because.....white people already got the power, they just need a leader and Trump ain't it.
Trump is a globalist and an elitist. He's also a pathological liar. He's said whatever he needed to get the alt-right vote, now that he's President he isn't going to do more than a token of the things he said. He sold the alt-right the Brooklyn Bridge and they bought it!

There is not going to be a wall across the Mexican border. He'll beef up security a bit, but that's all.

There's not going to be mass deportations of illegal immigrants. He increase deportations of illegal felons, but that's all. The Republican elitists need cheap labor, so most illegals are here to stay.

He may nominate a conservative to the SCOTUS, but he'll probably go as middle of the road as he can.

If he cancels NAFTA & TPP, he'll negotiate the same deals with individual countries. He knows that both deals are GOOD FOR AMERICA and dropping them IS A REALLY BAD IDEA. Besides Republicans loved NAFTA. TPP was supposed to counter China's economic power in the Asia-Pacific, the the rest of the TPP countries are going forward with it, but replacing the U.S. with China. Not good for the U.S.

At this point gun control is a dead issue. But don't be surprised if it becomes a popular issue a few years from now. He'll go whatever way the wind blows.

He may create some jobs by promoting rebuilding the country's infrastructure. But that's because everyone knows that it's long overdue.

Finally, Trump isn't going to bring jobs back to America. He couldn't give a hoot about working Americans. Otherwise he would have moved his own manufacturing businesses to the U.S. He a globalist and an elitist who stands only for the world's wealthiest.
Preach, preach and then preach some more. It churns my stomach, watching this slob, this joke, this insane shit for brains maniac, like so many GOP mf's that run on closing borders, getting rid of illegals, jobs and terrorist, etc...and once in office don't do a damn thing but get a fuckin paycheck and fuck with Obama and liberals. But Trump takes it to a whole new level...and the only people he's gonna make happy are the super rich, racist and the Trump brand...something he's spent his life building and will in no way, let falter or die.

It is crucial to understand that the Ministry of Propaganda aka the main stream media (I throw up a little in my mouth every time I type that) is still out to destroy Trump.

You can see this in play now. All they did yesterday was tweet that Trump had flip flopped on issues which was a flat out lie all around the board.

Left wingers ran with this as if it was a truth to piss off Trump supporters so that they will become dismayed before Trump even assumes office.

Cripes I was on this right away when I found out the news outlets had actually edited ONE tweet from the NYT that made it appear as if Trump was going to pull all the Clinton investigations. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The part the media edited out? That all the investigations were still on the table.

It's really important to remember that the media are still lying freaking scumbuckets. They never tell the truth.
Any Trump USSC pick will be centrist, not a Scalia or an Alito. There will be no change in LGBT marriage, civil liberties, or even ACA.

ACA will be morphed into something even better, remaining a Big Government big program.

Trump will renegotiate the trade deals, but they will enrich business and send more jobs overseas.

No wall will be built.

The 2dA has never been an actual issue of fact.

It is crucial to understand that the Ministry of Propaganda aka the main stream media (I throw up a little in my mouth every time I type that) is still out to destroy Trump.

You can see this in play now. All they did yesterday was tweet that Trump had flip flopped on issues which was a flat out lie all around the board.

Left wingers ran with this as if it was a truth to piss off Trump supporters so that they will become dismayed before Trump even assumes office.

Cripes I was on this right away when I found out the news outlets had actually edited ONE tweet from the NYT that made it appear as if Trump was going to pull all the Clinton investigations. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The part the media edited out? That all the investigations were still on the table.

It's really important to remember that the media are still lying freaking scumbuckets. They never tell the truth.
At what point will you idiots stop blaming blacks, latino's, muslims, the handicap, women, children, Obama, Obama's family, liberals, the media and cock roaches and the eggs they lay for Trumps failures as a human being, I mean the shit is getting old, ya think?
I like Nikki Haley...she's got a frisky sexuality about her and I heard she's had an affair or two so she doesn't hide it. But unless Trump is going to grab her pussy, I have no idea why she's the UN ambassador. Why are we even in the UN?
And now there's Betsy Devos (are we not men?) as Education Sec...another lanky MILF who DT may latch onto since Melania is staying put in the Big Apple.

I thought Trump might abolish that idiot agency and instead he picks Devos who's been for common-core in the past. Never cared for Jeff Sessions since he voted against the GM bailout to protect his Jap carmakers in Alabama. At least he's not Commerce (another useless agency) Sec. So where is Rudy going to land or isn't he because of a colorful consulting business. And now we hear Donald is "open-minded" about gorebal warming? Huh?

Earth to Donald: The never-Trumpers, the MSM, and the Rat Congress hate your guts, hate our guts, and will never be anything but a menace to your promises. We elected you to pursue the agenda you promised, not half-measures. Bringing a turd like Mitt Romney on board to represent us abroad is truly bizarre...why not just keep Flippy in that seat?
You will never be a beloved man Donald, so put that to rest and get with the program..YOSEMITE!?

Trump ain't agonna please you far right and alt right desperados.

He got what he wanted from you, and now he will simply ignore you.
I've said more than once that if anyone shoots Trump, it will be a Nazi or Klansman because the New York limousine liberal is so going to let them down.

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