Trump needs to start mass firings of obstructionary disrupters of progress.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Courts are overruling his orders to drill for oil in the time of an energy crisis simply to hurt the country as long as it might make him look bad. Regulatory agencies such as the EPA are interfering with business and hurting the economy with stupid restrictions. This is even contributing to our energy crisis in the case of nuclear power plants, as the EPA is refusing to relax their restrictions and inspections. Government officials are refusing his orders, especially on immigration. Trump needs to start firing and replacing wherever he can until he can find people that want to move the country forward.
Courts are overruling his orders to drill for oil in the time of an energy crisis simply to hurt the country as long as it might make him look bad. Regulatory agencies such as the EPA are interfering with business and hurting the economy with stupid restrictions. This is even contributing to our energy crisis in the case of nuclear power plants, as the EPA is refusing to relax their restrictions and inspections. Government officials are refusing his orders, especially on immigration. Trump needs to start firing and replacing wherever he can until he can find people that want to move the country forward.

This is no energy crisis. The United States is now the largest producer of energy in the world - thank you President Obama!!!

Regulatory agencies such as the EPA are charged with keeping the air and the drinking water safe, and they've been doing a piss-poor job of it under the Trump Administration. Charges and enforcement are down, and the people running the EPA are former energy industry workers who are busy gutting the agency. Disgusting.

Government officials SHOULD refuse orders which are unconstitutional or which violate the spirit or the intent of the agency. Government workers blindly following orders lead to death camps in Nazi Germany.

The Trump Administration has stopped all prosecution of employers who hire illegal immigrants, while cracking down on undocumented workers. If Americans didn't hire illegals, they wouldn't come. Obama charged employers. Trump has been hiring illegals to work at his golf clubs for years, knowing they're illegals, so he certainly isn't going to jail other employers who do the same.
Courts are overruling his orders to drill for oil in the time of an energy crisis simply to hurt the country as long as it might make him look bad. Regulatory agencies such as the EPA are interfering with business and hurting the economy with stupid restrictions. This is even contributing to our energy crisis in the case of nuclear power plants, as the EPA is refusing to relax their restrictions and inspections. Government officials are refusing his orders, especially on immigration. Trump needs to start firing and replacing wherever he can until he can find people that want to move the country forward.

The fact is that there is no energy crisis. We do need to drill but we also need to make sure we do it in a environmentally safe manner. Trump apparently has no problem with dirty air and dirty water as well as driving animals into extinction for the sake of drilling. Worth noting that even Republican Governors oppose drilling off the east coast. Those government officials are reminding Trump that there are laws and he cannot do whatever he wants. He is not a King.

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