Trump-Nixon and their shared hate of the free press...

Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.
It's not just Nixon and Trump, most on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward a free press.
As an enemy of the state you must be referring to the free to lie press.

Coming from a cult member of the Liar in Chief....your word means nothing.....
Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.
It's not just Nixon and Trump, most on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward a free press.
As an enemy of the state you must be referring to the free to lie press.

Coming from a cult member of the Liar in Chief....your word means nothing.....
And yours does? Didn't you vote for hillary lol?
Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.
It's not just Nixon and Trump, most on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward a free press.
As an enemy of the state you must be referring to the free to lie press.

Coming from a cult member of the Liar in Chief....your word means nothing.....
Your words all combined = LIAR.
WaPo - Zionists all

What took Nixon down was that Nixon was not pro-Israel enough.... even though he was still the one vote on the UN Security Council to not force Israel back into their 1948 border. That vote was 14-1 in favor of re-packing Israel back into its 1948 border when Nixon was President and ever since... we are the only country totally sold out to the cause of the word "soon" meaning "more than 1800 years from now...."
The parallels between Trump and Nixon are disturbing and eerie. It does a disservice to Nixon however. He was a VERY intelligent person.

Bingo! We are now dealing with a 70+ year old with the emotional stability of a 9 year old. Nixon was a trained....very polished attorney. We are now dealing with someone who made it through college by depending on his daddy's money.

Your post is ignorant and stupid. Trump is a multi billionaire businessman. As to your lie about how Trump made it through college lib please :eusa_hand:
Just about anyone could be that...given the millions his father gave him.
Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.
It's not just Nixon and Trump, most on the right have an unwarranted hostility toward a free press.
As an enemy of the state you must be referring to the free to lie press.
Enemies of the state...

When people say that it is a call to arm and bombs start getting sent through the mail.

Please stop
bombs start getting sent through the mail.

straight from the DNC Talking Points memo....

and they wonder why some of us question the pipe bomb thing as a HOAX.....

if they were bombs, why didn't all those billion dollar 911 bomb sniffing machines catch them??

A: same reason the bombs didn't explode = NO EXPLOSIVES inside....
Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.

The problem with the premise of your entire thread is your intentionally FALSE - FAKE NEWS - claim that President Trump 'hates a free press'.

That is obviously not true because he deals with the press and is friendly with the much of the press and reporters. The TRUTH is that President Trump HATES LYING PROPAGANDA-PUSHING PARTISAN / LIBERAL MEDIA, which is why he calls media like CNN (the biggest partisan lying propaganda-pushing liberal media out there) 'enemies of the people'.

(The majority of Americans seem to believe the same as the President, as evident by how CNN's ratings are in the 'shitter' right now.)

CNN likes to pride itself as being 'the premier professional news source' … yet yesterday morning I turned on CNN and in the 1st 45 seconds I see the 2 hosts UN-professionally personally attacking Fox News' Jake Tapper - 'Don't worry about him seeing you (female host to her male host) insult him this morning because he's probably sleeping in, recovering from a hangover.'

nprofessional, uncalled for, disrespectful, UN-CIVIL....

Yeah, stuff like THIS is why Trump … and a LOT of other Americans … hate CNN. That and all the fake news propaganda-pushing BS.

(Here's where the pro-CNN liberals run to their defense, leaving out all the corrections, retractions, rebukes, and fired employees all due to fake news bs.....)

LOL what free press, do you mean the fake news liberal media owned and operated by the Democratic party?
You are the problem. You do not understand what being an American is. We are not fascist like you. An American cannot be a fascist. WWII was about defeating fascism.

Trump is a fascist? If so he's the worst fascist of all time allowing people to keep more of their own money and getting rid of government regulations, controls, fines and threats. :itsok:
The parallels between Trump and Nixon are disturbing and eerie. It does a disservice to Nixon however. He was a VERY intelligent person.

Bingo! We are now dealing with a 70+ year old with the emotional stability of a 9 year old. Nixon was a trained....very polished attorney. We are now dealing with someone who made it through college by depending on his daddy's money.

Your post is ignorant and stupid. Trump is a multi billionaire businessman. As to your lie about how Trump made it through college lib please :eusa_hand:

We know how trump got his money. His daddy starting funneling him money when he was a child...and is he smart?

Former Wharton Professor: "Donald Trump Was the Dumbest Goddam Student I Ever Had."

The parallels between Trump and Nixon are disturbing and eerie. It does a disservice to Nixon however. He was a VERY intelligent person.

Bingo! We are now dealing with a 70+ year old with the emotional stability of a 9 year old. Nixon was a trained....very polished attorney. We are now dealing with someone who made it through college by depending on his daddy's money.

Your post is ignorant and stupid. Trump is a multi billionaire businessman. As to your lie about how Trump made it through college lib please :eusa_hand:
Just about anyone could be that...given the millions his father gave him.

Possibly the dumbest thing I have seen posted this year ^^^
bombs start getting sent through the mail.

straight from the DNC Talking Points memo....

and they wonder why some of us question the pipe bomb thing as a HOAX.....

if they were bombs, why didn't all those billion dollar 911 bomb sniffing machines catch them??

A: same reason the bombs didn't explode = NO EXPLOSIVES inside....

You people are hopeless. You have been taken in by an orange charlatan....the FBI Director said they were EXPLOSIVES...THE NUTCASE LISTENED TO THE ORANGE KING ONCE TOO OFTEN...
Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.
One must remember that those who own the various media companies, have their own biases and so, hire only reporters with similar biases and when it comes to CNN and MSNBC, et cetera, they are significantly biased against anything that is not far-left, or Marxist and so will slant any story in their side's favor, even to the point of lying to pursue their agenda.
An example of Republican versus Democrat news agencies was the two competing newspapers in Tombstone, Arizona during the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. One newspaper pointed out that the Earp's and Doc Holliday were enforcing the law and the Clanton's and associates were criminals. The other newspaper claimed that the Earp's and Holliday were a group of murderers, killing some cattlemen.
So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...

Like most evaluations you try to make they're wrong, he doesn't have a problem with the "Free Press", it's the Lying Press he has a problem with, you on the other hand gobble their shit up with no restraint what so ever...
Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.
------------------------------------- Seems to me that the Press operates pretty Freely even though the TRUMP may dislike them JimH .
Nixon's Failed Attempts At 'Poisoning The Press'

So far, trump has only gone as far as attacking the free press...but just how far with the narcissistic, bloviating bully go? He is a Nixon reincarnated and probably one that seeks more power on his march to Authoritarianism.

The Press was different when Nixon was President. They were more objective. Since Nixon, we’ve seen the Press evolve into a Fourth Estate with an Agenda like a political party. We’ve witnessed a Press that lies, presents false or redacted facts to fit an agenda or shape an outcome (eg Dan Rather scandal, NYT scandal, NBC partially reporting stories, Newsweek sitting on Clinton Lewinsky).

The Press has zero accountability which makes them more free than they’ve ever been. Bush Sr., Romney, McCain all cared what the Press had to say about them and therefore could be intimidated by the Press. Trump cannot be initimidated by the Press and the Press knows it. So what do they do? They do what ANTIFA does: they attack abd when the attacks fail or backfire, they run screaming like delicate pussies crying victim.

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