Trump Nominated to President of the He-Man Woman-Haters Club


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Coming soon to a Television ad, the Trump-Spanky soap box racers and you can bet money that Carly will never replace Darla as the neighborhood darling. Hopefully Butch will give the Donald a black eye even Pete the dog would be jealous of.

Look at the desperation. This is why Trump is doing so well, folks. Idiots like the OP keep engaging in old tactics like character assassination that the American people are wise to. They ain't buyin' it any more.
Trump doesn't hate all women. Only the unattractive ones and the strong independent ones and the ones that ask him difficult questions.
Trump doesn't hate all women. Only the unattractive ones and the strong independent ones and the ones that ask him difficult questions.
Wrong. He doesn't hate women. That's ridiculous, grow up. He IS, however, allowed to defend himself when attacked (even by a woman). If they want equal rights, they'd better be ready to accept equality in the political arena as well, and that includes being fired back on when THEY attack. You can't have it both ways.
Are you implying that Donald has never made a sexist remark to or about a woman?
If you are a man I can assure you that SOMETIME in your life you have made a sexist remark. Even fags make sexist remarks about women. And IF you say YOU never have you are a LIAR.
Bernie will save the women....



That 1972 picture sure LOOKS like a SERIAL SEXUAL PERVERT!!!...Apparently he hasn't changed much!
Democrats .. they fully supported a president that sexually harassed several women and a wife that helped cover up the details then have the nerve to whine about silly comments...:laugh:

When I refer to liberals as weapons grade stupid I sincerely mean what I'm saying.

The OP is pandering for attention and his fake Negro Obama.

Ahhhh, you are still at DF Defcon 5, I see: not drunk yet, but happily writing "negro".
Let's see what the next hours bring, dorkyfuzzlenutz-IQ-2014. Could be interesting...
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