Trump not doing well in the polls

yeostheoy: JakeStarkey "I can now see why a lot of people hate you."

DarkFury, HBH, tyroneweaver et al. hate the truth, because it sets them free from their delusions, which they hold in sweet sickness to their souls. You could hold many of them under water, and when they came up, they would say "I am not wet." I hold up the mirror to them and their beliefs and their actions.

Yeah, I am going to keep them in the "water" of reality until the come out clean on their own volition.
The first polls since the 100 million dollar Syrian airport remodeling do not show a bounce for Trump.

Thank goodness. Hopefully that will not happen. If Trump thinks he can boost his approval with acts of war he'll get us all killed.
I see "libs." still hang their hats on polls, which is an obvious sign of insanity and insecurity.

Let's be honest, "liberal" nation has become always wrong and always weak. They were treading water, and now they're just drowning. Somehow that's become their comfort zone.
Question for you Moon Bats:

How did those polls do in predicting who was going to win in 2016?

I know that you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information and get most of your political news from Comedy Central and Mother Jones but in case you haven't heard the pollsters did terrible in predicting how popular Trump was.

When you only poll Moon Bats you only get Moon Bats responses.

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