Trump: nuke buildup unless other nations “come to their senses”

Trump said a few days ago that he will invite Russia to make missiles that can better target us and our allies with nukes; then he says this today. What vision! What leadership! Come to your senses, he says! Yes, for the love of God let’s please all come to our senses! Preferably on or before November 6!

Trump threatens nuclear buildup until other nations 'come to their senses'

Where did it even insinuate in the linked article that he invited Russia to make missiles that can better target us and our allies with nukes? I couldn't even find through a Google search.

Oh, wait: You just made that up, right? :laughing0301:

You do';t get it because you are too fucking stupid to analyze what it means when you end an agreement that put limits on those things.

You are as fucking stupid as Trump.
An agreement that even the news has reported that Russia hasn't lived up to.

So what's the deal? Is Trump Russia's bitch or not?

That's proof that liberals have a mental disorder. Trump could single-handedly bring the Russian economy to its knees and the leftists would still be autistically-shrieking "Russian Collusion!!!"

A nuttier bunch of people I've never seen.
He couldn’t and won’t
Trump said a few days ago that he will invite Russia to make missiles that can better target us and our allies with nukes; then he says this today. What vision! What leadership! Come to your senses, he says! Yes, for the love of God let’s please all come to our senses! Preferably on or before November 6!

Trump threatens nuclear buildup until other nations 'come to their senses'

Where did it even insinuate in the linked article that he invited Russia to make missiles that can better target us and our allies with nukes? I couldn't even find through a Google search.

Oh, wait: You just made that up, right? :laughing0301:

You do';t get it because you are too fucking stupid to analyze what it means when you end an agreement that put limits on those things.

You are as fucking stupid as Trump.
An agreement that even the news has reported that Russia hasn't lived up to.

So what's the deal? Is Trump Russia's bitch or not?
Russia doesn’t have to live up to anything anymore. So stop complaining.
I'm complaining?

News to me
Well you know what? I’M complaining, god dammit. God dammit all!
Where did it even insinuate in the linked article that he invited Russia to make missiles that can better target us and our allies with nukes? I couldn't even find through a Google search.

Oh, wait: You just made that up, right? :laughing0301:

You do';t get it because you are too fucking stupid to analyze what it means when you end an agreement that put limits on those things.

You are as fucking stupid as Trump.
An agreement that even the news has reported that Russia hasn't lived up to.

So what's the deal? Is Trump Russia's bitch or not?
Russia doesn’t have to live up to anything anymore. So stop complaining.
I'm complaining?

News to me
Well you know what? I’M complaining, god dammit. God dammit all!

Where did it even insinuate in the linked article that he invited Russia to make missiles that can better target us and our allies with nukes? I couldn't even find through a Google search.

Oh, wait: You just made that up, right? :laughing0301:

You do';t get it because you are too fucking stupid to analyze what it means when you end an agreement that put limits on those things.

You are as fucking stupid as Trump.
An agreement that even the news has reported that Russia hasn't lived up to.

So what's the deal? Is Trump Russia's bitch or not?
Russia doesn’t have to live up to anything anymore. So stop complaining.
I'm complaining?

News to me
Well you know what? I’M complaining, god dammit. God dammit all!

Nice emoting, I'd almost give your performance ten stars if it were not for the bad punctuation and spelling.

Here, go outside and practice a little, you'll get it...

Trump said a few days ago that he will invite Russia to make missiles that can better target us and our allies with nukes; then he says this today. What vision! What leadership! Come to your senses, he says! Yes, for the love of God let’s please all come to our senses! Preferably on or before November 6!

Trump threatens nuclear buildup until other nations 'come to their senses'

Quoting CNN. "We lie to the American people all day, 24/7/365 everyday." Okay, you got me, Flag, that's more a paraphrased statement than a direct, official quote, but highly accurate nonetheless.

Much of the rest our Planet Lame still just doesn't get it. The US of A stands for now, and shall always, the progression forward of human civilization into an entire world of free, individually liberated, civilized peoples. We, American will never allow the rest of the world's nations to drag society back down into Middle Dark Ages 2.0 as the rest of the world's leaders are so very much trying to do with all of there possible political, cultural and military might. Either the rest of the world gets on the individually free, governed by the law of social contract freedom, or, if need be such as in the event they continue to try to horde immigrant wave us back into the more Draconian times of the ancient world, we will deep fry them or do whatever else it take to prevent America from being civilizationally regressed back about seven centuries in history. Bank on it. Live it. Learn it. F***ing love it.

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