Trump: Obama A 'Threat To Our Country'

Just when you thought Trump couldn't get more insane and stupid..................
Trump: Obama A 'Threat To Our Country'

Yep. His last year is coming up fast I expect him to try something to stay in power for good,something that will help him suspend the elections etc.
Ther are still people banging that ridiculous drum?!
I never banged it but when you would rather protect the interests of "refugees" than your own citizens then you are a threat to America and Americans. He is getting VERY desperate. Can't get his anti gun bills passed,even his own party is speaking out against him,he has his back against the wall...he is dangerous now more than ever.
Just when you thought Trump couldn't get more insane and stupid..................
Just because your foolish self doesn't believe in facts and truth doesn't mean its insane and stupid course as some of my favorite quotes say'

“A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”

Kurt Vonnegut

“In an insane world a sane man must appear insane.”

C. William King
Why are lefties so sensitive to rhetoric that might insult Obama? Look what Cindy Sheehan's radical anti war operators did to President Bush. The war went on when Barry Hussein was elected but Sheehan's anarchists disappeared.
All the poor lefties are all wound dare someone insult their wittle "leader". GET OVER IT. I doubt any of you even read the damn link.
Why are lefties so sensitive to rhetoric that might insult Obama? Look what Cindy Sheehan's radical anti war operators did to President Bush. The war went on when Barry Hussein was elected but Sheehan's anarchists disappeared.
She continued to protest the war and was arrested with her supporters at the White House in 2009 and 2010 demonstrating against Obama's continued presence in Iraq.
Why are lefties so sensitive to rhetoric that might insult Obama? Look what Cindy Sheehan's radical anti war operators did to President Bush. The war went on when Barry Hussein was elected but Sheehan's anarchists disappeared.
She continued to protest the war and was arrested with her supporters at the White House in 2009 and 2010 demonstrating against Obama's continued presence in Iraq.
Her first book is an emotional read. I own it....great damn book.
Trump says Obama's a threat to the US, then goes and says he wants to restrict people's freedom for more security. Hmm.... Irony?
Just when you thought Trump couldn't get more insane and stupid..................
Some of his statements certainly are rather nuts. This is not one of them. It is one of the shared statements across partisans.

I am willing to bet that you think President Cruz or President Trump would be a danger to this country. I know many lefties here would share that sentiment.

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