Trump officially declared a racist

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By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
Well the usual stuff wasn't working..."desperate times" and all that.

Americans need to make a stand against racism

Evidently it doesn’t include Republicans
Uh-oh, this can't be good for Trump's Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

If they gave one to DumBama for doing absolutely nothing but becoming President with his skin color, they'll give one to anybody.
The Great Obama was well deserving of a Nobel Prize

Whoever has to clean up Trumps mess will get one too
So Trump joined the 100 Million + registered voters that did not vote for the meat puppet faggot whom democrooks declare are racists?

I hope the voter turn out this coming 2020 is record breaking.

I hope Americans who are fed up with bed wetters calling everyone in the country, including each other depending on the day, racists every time someone opposes their insane bullshit.

There were 157 million registered voters in 2016 but only 50 million of those are stupid enough to have voted for the moonbat messiah twice. Lets hope 100 million people finally get motivated enough to purge democrooks from every seat of political power in the country and 2010 look like a sneeze.

trump lost the last election by 3 million votes.

trump lost the suburbs which used to be a strong area for republics.

trump lost minority voters by wide margins.

He is just playing to his narrow base, so what is going to change for 2020?

Trump shouldn't change anything. The most recent poll shows his approval rating didn't change at all.

Trump did not lose the election by 3 million votes. He won the election. Hillary lost the election with 3 million more votes.
Uh-oh, this can't be good for Trump's Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

If they gave one to DumBama for doing absolutely nothing but becoming President with his skin color, they'll give one to anybody.
The Great Obama was well deserving of a Nobel Prize

Whoever has to clean up Trumps mess will get one too

Oh please. That piece of garbage Fd up this country so bad it's almost impossible to put the pieces back together.

He got a prize for his skin color. That's it. He did nothing to deserve it.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
Well the usual stuff wasn't working..."desperate times" and all that.

Americans need to make a stand against racism

Evidently it doesn’t include Republicans
Trump is a thin skinned narcissist and he has trashed plenty of white folks (I'm sure I don't have to list them) who disagreed with him, too, so I'm not sure about the "racist" claim but his stance on immigrants and third world countries is consistent and unacceptable for a leader of America. This is NOT who we are, all these barking posters here be damned. It is about America, love it or fix it. That is the whole point of the Constitution of the United States.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
Well the usual stuff wasn't working..."desperate times" and all that.

Americans need to make a stand against racism

Evidently it doesn’t include Republicans

America has taken a stand against racism on multiple occasions, but you on the left have bastardized the word so badly it doesn't mean anything anymore.

This topic is a prime example. Trump made no mention about race anytime anywhere, but the commies in Congress decided that didn't matter. If there was no race involved, just make it up. The puppets will never know the difference. They don't think for themselves. We tell them what to think.
America is not about AOC.

AOC is not about America.

AOC is about ruining America.
Donald Trump on Twitter:

"The Democrats in Congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing!"

Such a stable genius. He has the best words.

Oh please. The new leftist hero in Congress didn't even know what a garbage disposal was, and said we only have 12 years left of existence on this planet.
Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
He didnt tell 3 women, he said "If the people in Congress dont like it here in this country, they can go back where they come from". Now if the shoe fits, then some bitches of color sure did step into those shoes, and you know what? Most of the US citizens (illegals and liberal idiots) dont count, like President Trump that much more. I see an election just like the 1984s, can anyone say "LANDSLIDE"

you willing to wager on that 1984 landslide?
I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Great another internet millionaire.

People who honestly do have money don't talk about it.

Especially on a public message board.

Then you confirmed what I always believed. All the liberals here who tell us they are doing very well financially are probably on welfare living at home with mom, because nearly every leftists I read on USMB either works from home, has their own business, or is independently wealthy.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, yes it is. Racist donny grifter will ensure his defeat.
It's going to convince all those people who think the 4 bitches are extreme communists to suddenly vote for the party they have now taken over. Yes. That sounds reasonable.


Voter: "If....Congress had NOT voted on that resolution...I would have voted for Trump. But, DAMMIT....NOW I CAN'T.."



Well Congress can now declare all that votes for Trump, work for Trump and are related to Trump as a racist hate group...

You know Cortez would love for that to happen...
Do you think ANTIFA is a racist, homophobic, and misogynist hate group, that is supported by the Democrats, who dont denounce ANTIFA?

Portland Antifa leader assaults black guy and gets beat up
Antifa Beat Elderly Woman To Bloody Pulp For Supporting Tommy Robinson
PORTLAND ANTIFA UNMASKED: Antifa Thug Who Beat Man with Metal Pipe - Left Huge Bloody Gashes on His Head - Has Been Identified

Just as I thought, all a liberal has to do is look in the mirror see who the real racists, sexists, homophobes really are.

Here is reality and I am racist and bigoted and will never deny it, so why deny reality unless the truth hurt your feelings?
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaa….Many of my black friends sit with me drinking Remi Martin on our porches, discussing how stupid liberals are in their victimhood. Also, my daughter in law is from Peru, so I guess my grandson is Hispanic. I dont have a problem with people's skin color, I just have problems with stupid people like you, who just cant get past a persons skin type.

I have a problem with all races and not just one and because you sit and drink with someone of a different color does not change the fact all humans have racist and bigoted views at times.

It is those like you that live in denial just like I bet you believe you have no form of mental illness where all humans have some type of mental illness it is a question of the severity...
Not really. First off it's obvious you are lying. How do I know this? Because the first thing you say is you lived there all your life, when in reality you most likely just dated a Mexican dude who took you to El Paso one time. That, or you are 12 and your just killing time on your moms computer until school starts, or your just another JoseB sock. Either or all your a dumb fuck. You offer no facts, just a statement that we should believe you because you claim to know. I think your full of shit. If that bugs you there is an ignore feature on your dash board. Fuck off and use it, or bring facts, not claims that we should believe you "because you know".

I know where I live, lol. I don't need to prove it to you. I'm not bugged by you at all, it's more of a curiosity about what makes you so afraid of brown people. I honestly don't get it.

I really do live on the border and have for all my adult life. I really was born and raised in OKC. I've never dated a Mexican dude because there just weren't that many where I lived in OKC. I don't think it matters if you believe it or not.

Hope you can get help with your fears.

Edit - El Paso? Never been there. Not really that close to OKC or So Cal. Your narrative would have been better if you had picked Tijuana for your story.

Yeah whatever. Dumb cow from Iowa who went to San Diego and stuffed some avacado toast in your maw. Big whoop. Got no fears. Your fear is getting call d on your bullshit. You keep tossing the credentials, no one gives to shits about some Iowa cow who moved to San Diego and thinks she knows everything. Still just a dumb cow.
He didnt tell 3 women, he said "If the people in Congress dont like it here in this country, they can go back where they come from". Now if the shoe fits, then some bitches of color sure did step into those shoes, and you know what? Most of the US citizens (illegals and liberal idiots) dont count, like President Trump that much more. I see an election just like the 1984s, can anyone say "LANDSLIDE"

you willing to wager on that 1984 landslide?
I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Great another internet millionaire.

People who honestly do have money don't talk about it.

Especially on a public message board.

Then you confirmed what I always believed. All the liberals here who tell us they are doing very well financially are probably on welfare living at home with mom, because nearly every leftists I read on USMB either works from home, has their own business, or is independently wealthy.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg:

It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?
Not really. First off it's obvious you are lying. How do I know this? Because the first thing you say is you lived there all your life, when in reality you most likely just dated a Mexican dude who took you to El Paso one time. That, or you are 12 and your just killing time on your moms computer until school starts, or your just another JoseB sock. Either or all your a dumb fuck. You offer no facts, just a statement that we should believe you because you claim to know. I think your full of shit. If that bugs you there is an ignore feature on your dash board. Fuck off and use it, or bring facts, not claims that we should believe you "because you know".

I know where I live, lol. I don't need to prove it to you. I'm not bugged by you at all, it's more of a curiosity about what makes you so afraid of brown people. I honestly don't get it.

I really do live on the border and have for all my adult life. I really was born and raised in OKC. I've never dated a Mexican dude because there just weren't that many where I lived in OKC. I don't think it matters if you believe it or not.

Hope you can get help with your fears.

Edit - El Paso? Never been there. Not really that close to OKC or So Cal. Your narrative would have been better if you had picked Tijuana for your story.

Yeah whatever. Dumb cow from Iowa who went to San Diego and stuffed some avacado toast in your maw. Big whoop. Got no fears. Your fear is getting call d on your bullshit. You keep tossing the credentials, no one gives to shits about some Iowa cow who moved to San Diego and thinks she knows everything. Still just a dumb cow.
Jiminy, Crixus. Is this girl your ex or what? Settle down; there is NOTHING she has said that remotely deserves that.
Yep now all Trump has to do is say. It only took the democrats one day to get that passed. Now when will the democrats will start to work for the American people?
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