Trump officially declared a racist

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And that would have been....Omar or AOC?

I see, we're bouncing back and forth between anything and everything to just specifics. Ok, I find it quite offensive to marry a brother/sister, it that was done to take advantage of America, even more offensive.
She has already told us, that never happened. She has no younger brother; immigration records are proof of that. Get off it.

Immigration records from a country that has not had a functioning government in decades. Are those the ones you are citing?
No. Our immigration services, when they asked the family to list all children.

Sounds like we need a DNA test.
There is no need for one. And since you have already decided that (1) she lied when she said NO HE IS NOT MY BROTHER and (2) that you don't believe the US Immigration Service's records, you aren't going to believe the results of a DNA test, either. So why bother?
I know racism when I see it

I know racism when I feel it. And at the highest level of government, there’s no room for racism. The world is watching. They are shocked and dismayed because it seems we have lost our way as a nation.
Everything you just said and you honestly think it was one of the worst things stated by a President in 100 years?
That is deplorably intellectually dishonest. Just sayin.
And what he said doesn't even come close to the official/written/planned and repeated anti-Semitic statements by two of these four while in session at Senate hearings.
It doesn't even come close to Omar unapologetically saying our military is equal to AlQueda.
It doesn't even come close to the four appearing on national television repeating already debunked lies and saying the President of the United States is guilty of murder/kidnapping for enforcing existing immigration laws (that Obama also did).

But...they are democrat so that is ok. But we don't like Trump so he is guilty.

I believe the new spelling is 'alcaida'.
What actually happened is that the Dems confirmed their Bat Shit Crazy Totalitarianism for all the world to see.
President Trump enjoys being historic, so he'll be pleased this one gets him in the history books. The House has not passed such a Resolution in a hundred years. Way to Go Trump!

Condemning President Trump’s racist comments directed at Members of Congress....

Whereas President Donald Trump’s racist comments have legitimized fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives— (1) believes that immigrants and their descendants have made America stronger, and that those who take the oath of citizenship are every bit as American as those whose families have lived in the United States for many generations;
(2) is committed to keeping America open to those lawfully seeking refuge and asylum from violence and oppression, and those who are willing to work hard to live the American Dream, no matter their race, ethnicity, faith, or country of origin; and
(3) strongly condemns President Donald Trump’s racist comments that have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color by saying that our fellow Americans who are immigrants, and those who may look to the President like immigrants, should ‘‘go back’’ to other countries, by referring to immigrants and asylum seekers as ‘‘invaders,’’ and by saying that Members of Congress who are immigrants (or those of our colleagues who are wrongly assumed to be immigrants) do not belong in Congress or in the United States of America.

I'm not sure it's racism fueling this, or xenophobia, or just a plain old hissy fit, but his reactions are out of line and invite this kind of accusation.

Historians will be arguing about whether or not this guy was racist for centuries--it will be almost as big a puzzle as if Cleopatra and Julius Caesar really had a son together.
I am surprised you blame this on Trump.
You should be ashamed of what the idiots in Congress has done.
His actual words, not the embellished version repeated every few seconds somewhere...but actual words are brash but not racist. That is dumb.
People have been saying "well if you hate America so much then leave" for probably 243 years now.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out the intent of his remark, and race had nothing to do with it. He was angry at their constant complaining, race baiting and anti-American rhetoric that he said "then go back to where you came from".
Worthy of an extraordinarily rare act of congressional condemnation? For fucks sake...not even close.
Not even close to one of these four women calling him a Mother Fucker. How about that one?
Personally, I think he has deserved one of those extraordinarily rare acts of congressional condemnation for a long time. But as for "motherfucker,"

Then I am wrong about you.
I thought you were less partisan than this.

He was out of line. If the Resolution had not included the word "racist," they would have been dead on, imo. (Maybe he's racist, but it is not clear from his words here.) Every member of Congress has an obligation to represent all their constituents, even the new citizens, and the President has an obligation to encourage free speech. I hear right wingers crying here all the time if protesters make it hard for a conservative to be heard. What message was the President sending with his tweets? Besides the fact that he was exaggerating big time (well what's new) he doesn't need to be inviting those who disagree with him to leave. What a blockhead he is sometimes. Crybaby, more like.

Everything you just said and you honestly think it was one of the worst things stated by a President in 100 years?
That is deplorably intellectually dishonest. Just sayin.
And what he said doesn't even come close to the official/written/planned and repeated anti-Semitic statements by two of these four while in session at Senate hearings.
It doesn't even come close to Omar unapologetically saying our military is equal to AlQueda.
It doesn't even come close to the four appearing on national television repeating already debunked lies and saying the President of the United States is guilty of murder/kidnapping for enforcing existing immigration laws (that Obama also did).

But...they are democrat so that is ok. But we don't like Trump so he is guilty.

Okay, we've been over this and over this. Maybe someone else will want to reply.
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

Your just pissed because every time it happens it's another 100,000 votes for Trump. When ever the haji whores speak, that's another 30,000. AOC gets him another 50,000. It all ads up to another full day of you libtards screaming at the sky. I love it.
Only in your dreams cowpoke. I live 7 miles due north of Tijuana. I can almost see the ENORMOUS Mexican flag flying over Tijuana from my house. It is seriously one of the largest flags I've ever seen. No doubt it would scare the shit right out of you but fast. It's so close to our border and so aggressive!

I am not afraid of brown people. I've lived with them my entire life. Go scare someone else. One of your GOP lady friends you are so desperate to keep in the GOP. You'll have more luck there. I know better.

Okay. New pair of socks Jose?
Try again sucker. Born smack dab in the middle of the good ole USA. Right there in the middle of the reddest state in the country. Spend my childhood there.

Not many brown people were around in my childhood, but my adult life has been spent on the CA/MX border.

That's hard for you to fathom, I know, that an adult white woman could live amongst brown people and not be afraid. Must be emasculating to know that I am made of stronger stuff than you are.

Not really, mostly it just says your a dumb splittail with a chip on your shoulder.[/QUOTE]

No, it means I've lived the reality you are so afraid of, and don't understand where your fear comes from. Brown people are not scary. They really aren't.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
1. it is a "non-binding resolution"

2. it is only the House of Representatives; not the Senate; therefore, not an Act of the entire Congress

3. it is overwhelmingly and undeniably partisan in its vote count; Democrats defending the Socialist Squad (Gang of Four)

4. it pertains to the impulsive, ill-considered rantings of an old man who is defending himself and his foolhardy Administration

5. there wasn't an ounce of explicit racism in what The Creature tweeted; it was all conjured by the Left wing of the MSM

6. it doesn't mean $hit, beyond the sound-bytes of the next week or so; by next month, you can wipe your a$$ with that Resolution
Our President has rightfully been branded a racist. He will bear the scar for the rest of his life
Small children will react in horror as he approaches
Thanks to idiots like you.
"Acosta had hoped to hang on, counting on Trump’s loyalty. Trump praised his performance yesterday as the two spoke with the press outside the White House. “He’s Hispanic, which I so admire,” Trump said, “because maybe it was a little tougher for him, and maybe not.”"
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

Fuck them all.

Well thought out response.

Do you have a logical reason why Trump told 3 women born in this country to go back to where they came from?
/——/ Yes, their politics and hatred for our country.
Everything you just said and you honestly think it was one of the worst things stated by a President in 100 years?
That is deplorably intellectually dishonest. Just sayin.
And what he said doesn't even come close to the official/written/planned and repeated anti-Semitic statements by two of these four while in session at Senate hearings.
It doesn't even come close to Omar unapologetically saying our military is equal to AlQueda.
It doesn't even come close to the four appearing on national television repeating already debunked lies and saying the President of the United States is guilty of murder/kidnapping for enforcing existing immigration laws (that Obama also did).

But...they are democrat so that is ok. But we don't like Trump so he is guilty.

I believe the new spelling is 'alcaida'.

Give yourself a gold star
That should bump up his approval rating about 10 points. According to the commies the whole fucking country is racist. Too bad that particular term has lost all its punch as all over used terms tend to do.


Only to the GOP. The rest of us know full well what that term means. We see it everyday in the white house.

Yeah, it means nothing, if everyone is a racist, no one is a racist. The freak 4 thinks anyone who doesn't agree with their radical policies are racist. It's the standard commiecrat "go to" to try to shut down discourse, the exact same thing happens on this board all the fucking time.

I see, we're bouncing back and forth between anything and everything to just specifics. Ok, I find it quite offensive to marry a brother/sister, it that was done to take advantage of America, even more offensive.
She has already told us, that never happened. She has no younger brother; immigration records are proof of that. Get off it.

Immigration records from a country that has not had a functioning government in decades. Are those the ones you are citing?
No. Our immigration services, when they asked the family to list all children.

Sounds like we need a DNA test.
There is no need for one. And since you have already decided that (1) she lied when she said NO HE IS NOT MY BROTHER and (2) that you don't believe the US Immigration Service's records, you aren't going to believe the results of a DNA test, either. So why bother?

Really!? US Immigration did a DNA test? What is she trying to hide?
This is really gonna help the dems win in 2020.



Yes, yes it is. Racist donny grifter will ensure his defeat.
It's going to convince all those people who think the 4 bitches are extreme communists to suddenly vote for the party they have now taken over. Yes. That sounds reasonable.


Voter: "If....Congress had NOT voted on that resolution...I would have voted for Trump. But, DAMMIT....NOW I CAN'T.."



Well Congress can now declare all that votes for Trump, work for Trump and are related to Trump as a racist hate group...

You know Cortez would love for that to happen...
Do you think ANTIFA is a racist, homophobic, and misogynist hate group, that is supported by the Democrats, who dont denounce ANTIFA?

Portland Antifa leader assaults black guy and gets beat up
Antifa Beat Elderly Woman To Bloody Pulp For Supporting Tommy Robinson
PORTLAND ANTIFA UNMASKED: Antifa Thug Who Beat Man with Metal Pipe - Left Huge Bloody Gashes on His Head - Has Been Identified

Just as I thought, all a liberal has to do is look in the mirror see who the real racists, sexists, homophobes really are.

Here is reality and I am racist and bigoted and will never deny it, so why deny reality unless the truth hurt your feelings?
Bwaaaahhhhaaaaaa….Many of my black friends sit with me drinking Remi Martin on our porches, discussing how stupid liberals are in their victimhood. Also, my daughter in law is from Peru, so I guess my grandson is Hispanic. I dont have a problem with people's skin color, I just have problems with stupid people like you, who just cant get past a persons skin type.
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

Your just pissed because every time it happens it's another 100,000 votes for Trump. When ever the haji whores speak, that's another 30,000. AOC gets him another 50,000. It all ads up to another full day of you libtards screaming at the sky. I love it.
Only in your dreams cowpoke. I live 7 miles due north of Tijuana. I can almost see the ENORMOUS Mexican flag flying over Tijuana from my house. It is seriously one of the largest flags I've ever seen. No doubt it would scare the shit right out of you but fast. It's so close to our border and so aggressive!

I am not afraid of brown people. I've lived with them my entire life. Go scare someone else. One of your GOP lady friends you are so desperate to keep in the GOP. You'll have more luck there. I know better.

Okay. New pair of socks Jose?
Try again sucker. Born smack dab in the middle of the good ole USA. Right there in the middle of the reddest state in the country. Spend my childhood there.

Not many brown people were around in my childhood, but my adult life has been spent on the CA/MX border.

That's hard for you to fathom, I know, that an adult white woman could live amongst brown people and not be afraid. Must be emasculating to know that I am made of stronger stuff than you are.

Not really, mostly it just says your a dumb splittail with a chip on your shoulder.

No, it means I've lived the reality you are so afraid of, and don't understand where your fear comes from. Brown people are not scary. They really aren't.[/QUOTE]

Not really. First off it's obvious you are lying. How do I know this? Because the first thing you say is you lived there all your life, when in reality you most likely just dated a Mexican dude who took you to El Paso one time. That, or you are 12 and your just killing time on your moms computer until school starts, or your just another JoseB sock. Either or all your a dumb fuck. You offer no facts, just a statement that we should believe you because you claim to know. I think your full of shit. If that bugs you there is an ignore feature on your dash board. Fuck off and use it, or bring facts, not claims that we should believe you "because you know".
President Trump enjoys being historic, so he'll be pleased this one gets him in the history books. The House has not passed such a Resolution in a hundred years. Way to Go Trump!

Condemning President Trump’s racist comments directed at Members of Congress....

Whereas President Donald Trump’s racist comments have legitimized fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives— (1) believes that immigrants and their descendants have made America stronger, and that those who take the oath of citizenship are every bit as American as those whose families have lived in the United States for many generations;
(2) is committed to keeping America open to those lawfully seeking refuge and asylum from violence and oppression, and those who are willing to work hard to live the American Dream, no matter their race, ethnicity, faith, or country of origin; and
(3) strongly condemns President Donald Trump’s racist comments that have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color by saying that our fellow Americans who are immigrants, and those who may look to the President like immigrants, should ‘‘go back’’ to other countries, by referring to immigrants and asylum seekers as ‘‘invaders,’’ and by saying that Members of Congress who are immigrants (or those of our colleagues who are wrongly assumed to be immigrants) do not belong in Congress or in the United States of America.

I'm not sure it's racism fueling this, or xenophobia, or just a plain old hissy fit, but his reactions are out of line and invite this kind of accusation.

Historians will be arguing about whether or not this guy was racist for centuries--it will be almost as big a puzzle as if Cleopatra and Julius Caesar really had a son together.
He deserves criticism. The only issue is those 4 think they own Washington and whites in particular now. Bet they all ask Nancy for a raise!
They have Trump to thank for the spotlight. I think it's pretty nuts to think they represent the Democrats at large, but the media runs on sensationalism. How often do you hear ANY of them talking about something reasonable that any pol says? It's all about the Benjamins.

As a wise man once said, the media reports a narrative, not the news.

Not really. First off it's obvious you are lying. How do I know this? Because the first thing you say is you lived there all your life, when in reality you most likely just dated a Mexican dude who took you to El Paso one time. That, or you are 12 and your just killing time on your moms computer until school starts, or your just another JoseB sock. Either or all your a dumb fuck. You offer no facts, just a statement that we should believe you because you claim to know. I think your full of shit. If that bugs you there is an ignore feature on your dash board. Fuck off and use it, or bring facts, not claims that we should believe you "because you know".

I know where I live, lol. I don't need to prove it to you. I'm not bugged by you at all, it's more of a curiosity about what makes you so afraid of brown people. I honestly don't get it.

I really do live on the border and have for all my adult life. I really was born and raised in OKC. I've never dated a Mexican dude because there just weren't that many where I lived in OKC. I don't think it matters if you believe it or not.

Hope you can get help with your fears.

Edit - El Paso? Never been there. Not really that close to OKC or So Cal. Your narrative would have been better if you had picked Tijuana for your story.
She has already told us, that never happened. She has no younger brother; immigration records are proof of that. Get off it.

Immigration records from a country that has not had a functioning government in decades. Are those the ones you are citing?
No. Our immigration services, when they asked the family to list all children.

Sounds like we need a DNA test.
There is no need for one. And since you have already decided that (1) she lied when she said NO HE IS NOT MY BROTHER and (2) that you don't believe the US Immigration Service's records, you aren't going to believe the results of a DNA test, either. So why bother?

Really!? US Immigration did a DNA test? What is she trying to hide?
Go back to sleep.
I know racism when I see it

I know racism when I feel it. And at the highest level of government, there’s no room for racism. The world is watching. They are shocked and dismayed because it seems we have lost our way as a nation.

Wow, plagiarism, good job comrade.

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