Trump officially declared a racist

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  1. Beginning in 1992, Fred Trump’s real estate business began purchasing boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment from a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance instead of a wholesaler. All County, which was owned by Donald Trump and his siblings and charged much higher rates than other suppliers, seems to have been a shell company that existed only to siphon Fred Trump’s money to his children under the guise of business transactions.

Did Fred purchase those items or didn't he? If your kids ran a supply store that charged higher prices, would you deal with somebody cheaper?
Yes, seven years of the worst recovery since WWII.

DumBama didn't do anything to help businesses. Businesses thrived in spite of him, not because of him.

The Feds didn't even bother raising interest rates until after the huge reduction in fuel costs which Ears had nothing to do with. Those low paying jobs under DumBama were the reason. Median household income was worse when he left than before he took over.

View attachment 270673
Interesting graph

It highlights the impact the Great Bush Recession of 2008 had in salaries
We still haven’t recovered

Ah, here we go again with the "great recession of 2008" Bullshit---a market correction caused by democrat led bad mortgage policy, nothing more. Smart investors made a lot of money in 2008.

do you ever post anything that is not a lie?
Worst economic collapse since the Depression

We have Republicans to thank

bullshit, Dodd and Frank were not republicans

Bush was

yes, Bush was part of it, but they wrote it, and it was a POS that caused thousands of americans to lose money.
And in a terrible recession, he managed to pull himself out, didn't he? That's besides the fact Trump never filed personal bankruptcy, only a few businesses he ran which is nothing more than business strategy.
Got 100's of millions from daddy that bailed him out

another lie, how many ya got?
Try these lies on for size redski
Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Trust funds - Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949 when he was 3 years old. ... Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, for example, ...
Trump's 'small' loan from his father was more like $60.7 million: NYT

Fred Trump, who was also a developer, died in 1999, and the New York Times at the time wrote that “his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million.” More recently, the Times in a Jan. 2 story wrote that Fred’s will “divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.,’ ” who died in 1981. At the time, there were four surviving children, Robert, Donald, Maryanne and Elizabeth.

So, it would appear, that Donald Trump did not receive $100 million or $200 million, as Rubio claimed.

FactChecking the 11th GOP Debate -
He received much more

Fred dispersed his wealth to a corporation formed by his four children well before he died

Then you can argue that with FactCheck. According to them, his wealth was divided among his four surviving children. It said nothing about any corporation. But even if he did, what difference would it make? They still got the same amount.
another lie, how many ya got?
Try these lies on for size redski
Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Trust funds - Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949 when he was 3 years old. ... Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, for example, ...
Trump's 'small' loan from his father was more like $60.7 million: NYT

Fred Trump, who was also a developer, died in 1999, and the New York Times at the time wrote that “his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million.” More recently, the Times in a Jan. 2 story wrote that Fred’s will “divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.,’ ” who died in 1981. At the time, there were four surviving children, Robert, Donald, Maryanne and Elizabeth.

So, it would appear, that Donald Trump did not receive $100 million or $200 million, as Rubio claimed.

FactChecking the 11th GOP Debate -
He received much more

Fred dispersed his wealth to a corporation formed by his four children well before he died
Prove he received more.

Did the Trump family’s tax practices break the law? An expert explains.
Your article didn't prove he received more than $200 million. It didn't even address the issue.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
/—-/ Well guess who else is a racist:
“Deport this a--hole!” Tlaib, D-Mich., tweeted in December 2015, linking to a story about then-presidential candidate Trump’s highly controversial call for "a total and complete shutdown” of Muslims entering the United States after the 2015 San Bernardino terrorist attack. Tlaib, a Muslim, was later elected to Congress in 2018.
Flashback: ‘Squad’ member Rashida Tlaib once called for Trump’s deportation
Got 100's of millions from daddy that bailed him out

another lie, how many ya got?
Try these lies on for size redski
Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Trust funds - Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949 when he was 3 years old. ... Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, for example, ...
Trump's 'small' loan from his father was more like $60.7 million: NYT

you said "hundreds" 60 is not hundreds---------------you lied.

and Chelsea (Webb Hubbel's biological daughter) got a 900K/year job working for the clinton foundation that was nothing more than a funnel into the clintons bank accounts.
60 million is all that was reported

In reality, FredTrumps kids set up a fake corporation where he could funnel their inheritance without paying taxes

the federal tax code has lots of holes in it. only stupid people don't take full advantage of them. Nothing illegal, improper, or immoral about it. Nice try, anything else?
Witch means Crooked Donnie received a lot more money from his daddy than he admits
  1. Beginning in 1992, Fred Trump’s real estate business began purchasing boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment from a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance instead of a wholesaler. All County, which was owned by Donald Trump and his siblings and charged much higher rates than other suppliers, seems to have been a shell company that existed only to siphon Fred Trump’s money to his children under the guise of business transactions.

Did Fred purchase those items or didn't he? If your kids ran a supply store that charged higher prices, would you deal with somebody cheaper?
Except All County Building & Supply Maintenance was owned by the Trumps. And they didn't pay more for the products, they just said they did.

It worked something like this -

Trump Sr. bought a hammer from ACBS (his own company). He says he paid $50 and the invoice said he paid $50.

In reality he only paid $20 and passed the missing $30 to his children. This was to avoid taxes and it is not legal. It happened many years ago and is beyond the statue of limitations. And I don't think the IRS cared too much in the first place.

That's how rich people steal from the rest of us. And they've got you people hollering and ranting about protecting the fortunes of the rich. Ig-no-rant.
Try these lies on for size redski
Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Trust funds - Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949 when he was 3 years old. ... Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, for example, ...
Trump's 'small' loan from his father was more like $60.7 million: NYT

Fred Trump, who was also a developer, died in 1999, and the New York Times at the time wrote that “his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million.” More recently, the Times in a Jan. 2 story wrote that Fred’s will “divided the bulk of the inheritance, at least $20 million, among his children and their descendants, ‘other than my son Fred C. Trump Jr.,’ ” who died in 1981. At the time, there were four surviving children, Robert, Donald, Maryanne and Elizabeth.

So, it would appear, that Donald Trump did not receive $100 million or $200 million, as Rubio claimed.

FactChecking the 11th GOP Debate -
He received much more

Fred dispersed his wealth to a corporation formed by his four children well before he died
Prove he received more.

Did the Trump family’s tax practices break the law? An expert explains.

an article from the NY times via a left wing blogger, yeah, sure winger, that's unbiased and true. LOL, you are such a moron.
The investigation into All County BuildingSupply is well documented
  1. Beginning in 1992, Fred Trump’s real estate business began purchasing boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment from a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance instead of a wholesaler. All County, which was owned by Donald Trump and his siblings and charged much higher rates than other suppliers, seems to have been a shell company that existed only to siphon Fred Trump’s money to his children under the guise of business transactions.

Did Fred purchase those items or didn't he? If your kids ran a supply store that charged higher prices, would you deal with somebody cheaper?
Except All County Building & Supply Maintenance was owned by the Trumps. And they didn't pay more for the products, they just said they did.

It worked something like this -

Trump Sr. bought a hammer from ACBS (his own company). He says he paid $50 and the invoice said he paid $50.

In reality he only paid $20 and passed the missing $30 to his children. This was to avoid taxes and it is not legal. It happened many years ago and is beyond the statue of limitations. And I don't think the IRS cared too much in the first place.

That's how rich people steal from the rest of us. And they've got you people hollering and ranting about protecting the fortunes of the rich. Ig-no-rant.

Donnie Dealmaker at his best

Screw the taxpayers
Yeah now we have a fk everything up president

The only people Fn everything up is your Democrat led Congress. Trump? Great economy going on and looks like so for the foreseeable future.

That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.

The most "anti-business" president who holds the record for the most consecutive months of job growth spanning nearly 7 years.

Yes, seven years of the worst recovery since WWII.

DumBama didn't do anything to help businesses. Businesses thrived in spite of him, not because of him.

The Feds didn't even bother raising interest rates until after the huge reduction in fuel costs which Ears had nothing to do with. Those low paying jobs under DumBama were the reason. Median household income was worse when he left than before he took over.

View attachment 270673
Thanks for showing how trump is riding the Obama wave; which started many years before trump became president.
  1. Beginning in 1992, Fred Trump’s real estate business began purchasing boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment from a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance instead of a wholesaler. All County, which was owned by Donald Trump and his siblings and charged much higher rates than other suppliers, seems to have been a shell company that existed only to siphon Fred Trump’s money to his children under the guise of business transactions.

Did Fred purchase those items or didn't he? If your kids ran a supply store that charged higher prices, would you deal with somebody cheaper?
Except All County Building & Supply Maintenance was owned by the Trumps. And they didn't pay more for the products, they just said they did.

It worked something like this -

Trump Sr. bought a hammer from ACBS (his own company). He says he paid $50 and the invoice said he paid $50.

In reality he only paid $20 and passed the missing $30 to his children. This was to avoid taxes and it is not legal. It happened many years ago and is beyond the statue of limitations. And I don't think the IRS cared too much in the first place.

That's how rich people steal from the rest of us. And they've got you people hollering and ranting about protecting the fortunes of the rich. Ig-no-rant.
And Fred got to declare a 50 dollar business expense

Win/win for the Trumps
another lie, how many ya got?
Try these lies on for size redski
Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Trust funds - Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949 when he was 3 years old. ... Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, for example, ...
Trump's 'small' loan from his father was more like $60.7 million: NYT

you said "hundreds" 60 is not hundreds---------------you lied.

and Chelsea (Webb Hubbel's biological daughter) got a 900K/year job working for the clinton foundation that was nothing more than a funnel into the clintons bank accounts.
60 million is all that was reported

In reality, FredTrumps kids set up a fake corporation where he could funnel their inheritance without paying taxes

the federal tax code has lots of holes in it. only stupid people don't take full advantage of them. Nothing illegal, improper, or immoral about it. Nice try, anything else?
Witch means Crooked Donnie received a lot more money from his daddy than he admits
No it doesn't, shit for brains. The two things are totally unrelated.
That's something what I don't understand. Your economy should crash down with such a president. How do you explain this? And do you have on your own really some more money now, where you would say this money is an effect of something what Donald Trump had done? The last calculation I heard says he costs in average every member of the US-American middle class additionally about $670 a year.

And what is "forseeable future" for you? Months? Years? Decades? And are you sure this is not an effect of the government Obama? What a government is doing needs often a very long time before positive effects start to be noticable. And are you also sure this is not only an effect of mathematics?

Let me explain something to you: DumBama was the most anti-business President we've ever had in our lifetime. Most everything he ever did in regards to business was a negative for them.

In our country, the government doesn't create jobs--the private sector does. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to accomplish this.

After Trump got in, he rescinded much of DumBama's job killing regulations. He was able to pass a bill to lower their taxes. He eventually got rid of the Commie Care mandate. That encouraged some businesses to give raises to their employees, bonuses, or both. They had the money to expand their businesses leading to even more jobs.

Until today, Trump's policy of removing two regulations on businesses for every one created is still in effect. Small business confidence hit it's highest level in recorded history under Trump. Small businesses are the life blood of new jobs.

I'm 59 years old, and for the life of me, I don't recall a time when we had more jobs than people to actually do them. That's what we have under President Trump.

The most "anti-business" president who holds the record for the most consecutive months of job growth spanning nearly 7 years.

Yes, seven years of the worst recovery since WWII.

DumBama didn't do anything to help businesses. Businesses thrived in spite of him, not because of him.

The Feds didn't even bother raising interest rates until after the huge reduction in fuel costs which Ears had nothing to do with. Those low paying jobs under DumBama were the reason. Median household income was worse when he left than before he took over.

View attachment 270673
Interesting graph

It highlights the impact the Great Bush Recession of 2008 had in salaries
We still haven’t recovered

Yet in 2008 and 2009 they were fine until Ears took over. Then it went tumbling downhill from there. GW's worst year was DumBama's best in 8 years.

The downward trend began before Obama was president.

  1. Beginning in 1992, Fred Trump’s real estate business began purchasing boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment from a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance instead of a wholesaler. All County, which was owned by Donald Trump and his siblings and charged much higher rates than other suppliers, seems to have been a shell company that existed only to siphon Fred Trump’s money to his children under the guise of business transactions.

Did Fred purchase those items or didn't he? If your kids ran a supply store that charged higher prices, would you deal with somebody cheaper?
Except All County Building & Supply Maintenance was owned by the Trumps. And they didn't pay more for the products, they just said they did.

It worked something like this -

Trump Sr. bought a hammer from ACBS (his own company). He says he paid $50 and the invoice said he paid $50.

In reality he only paid $20 and passed the missing $30 to his children. This was to avoid taxes and it is not legal. It happened many years ago and is beyond the statue of limitations. And I don't think the IRS cared too much in the first place.

That's how rich people steal from the rest of us. And they've got you people hollering and ranting about protecting the fortunes of the rich. Ig-no-rant.
If he paid less than he claimed, then he committed tax fraud. Why hasn't the IRS charged him with that?
With Trump as our President it is hardly surprising

Ben Carson, MLK's niece, Candace Owens, Denzel Washington, and many other intelligent blacks disagree with you and the idiot do nothing dems in the house.
Tokens who have learned how to milk Conservatives

Look at us......we got negroes too

The black conservative movement is growing exponentially while the plantation "negroes" remain slaves to their democrat masters.
Better pray the black vote doesn't come out like they didn't in 2016 IF they do Trumps ass is grass and people of color are the lawnmower

Blacks have record low unemployment since statistics started. Don't count your chickens.
Yeah, thanks to Obama and trump...

Try these lies on for size redski
Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Wealth of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Jump to Trust funds - Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949 when he was 3 years old. ... Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, for example, ...
Trump's 'small' loan from his father was more like $60.7 million: NYT

you said "hundreds" 60 is not hundreds---------------you lied.

and Chelsea (Webb Hubbel's biological daughter) got a 900K/year job working for the clinton foundation that was nothing more than a funnel into the clintons bank accounts.
60 million is all that was reported

In reality, FredTrumps kids set up a fake corporation where he could funnel their inheritance without paying taxes

the federal tax code has lots of holes in it. only stupid people don't take full advantage of them. Nothing illegal, improper, or immoral about it. Nice try, anything else?
Witch means Crooked Donnie received a lot more money from his daddy than he admits
No it doesn't, shit for brains. The two things are totally unrelated.
It is a scam perpetrated on the taxpayer

And Crooked Donnie lies and says he only received a million dollar loan from Daddy
  1. Beginning in 1992, Fred Trump’s real estate business began purchasing boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment from a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance instead of a wholesaler. All County, which was owned by Donald Trump and his siblings and charged much higher rates than other suppliers, seems to have been a shell company that existed only to siphon Fred Trump’s money to his children under the guise of business transactions.

Did Fred purchase those items or didn't he? If your kids ran a supply store that charged higher prices, would you deal with somebody cheaper?
Except All County Building & Supply Maintenance was owned by the Trumps. And they didn't pay more for the products, they just said they did.

It worked something like this -

Trump Sr. bought a hammer from ACBS (his own company). He says he paid $50 and the invoice said he paid $50.

In reality he only paid $20 and passed the missing $30 to his children. This was to avoid taxes and it is not legal. It happened many years ago and is beyond the statue of limitations. And I don't think the IRS cared too much in the first place.

That's how rich people steal from the rest of us. And they've got you people hollering and ranting about protecting the fortunes of the rich. Ig-no-rant.
If he paid less than he claimed, then he committed tax fraud. Why hasn't the IRS charged him with that?

Statute of limitations

Fred Trump is long dead
President Trump enjoys being historic, so he'll be pleased this one gets him in the history books. The House has not passed such a Resolution in a hundred years. Way to Go Trump!

Condemning President Trump’s racist comments directed at Members of Congress....

Whereas President Donald Trump’s racist comments have legitimized fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives— (1) believes that immigrants and their descendants have made America stronger, and that those who take the oath of citizenship are every bit as American as those whose families have lived in the United States for many generations;
(2) is committed to keeping America open to those lawfully seeking refuge and asylum from violence and oppression, and those who are willing to work hard to live the American Dream, no matter their race, ethnicity, faith, or country of origin; and
(3) strongly condemns President Donald Trump’s racist comments that have legitimized and increased fear and hatred of new Americans and people of color by saying that our fellow Americans who are immigrants, and those who may look to the President like immigrants, should ‘‘go back’’ to other countries, by referring to immigrants and asylum seekers as ‘‘invaders,’’ and by saying that Members of Congress who are immigrants (or those of our colleagues who are wrongly assumed to be immigrants) do not belong in Congress or in the United States of America.

I'm not sure it's racism fueling this, or xenophobia, or just a plain old hissy fit, but his reactions are out of line and invite this kind of accusation.

Historians will be arguing about whether or not this guy was racist for centuries--it will be almost as big a puzzle as if Cleopatra and Julius Caesar really had a son together.

His tweets weren't racist. He just said what he thought of the squad. He never mentioned any names but the squad knew. In fact they were the ones who mentioned it. Not Trump.

Let us know when Congress censure the death cult followers in Congress for their open anti Semitism. Now that is real racism. I won't be holding my breath for a Congressional censure on those two dolts and neither should you.

I think like Trump. If you don't like it here in America. Pack your ditti bag and leave.

None of the squad has done shit for their districts or their constituents. If there is any justice they will all get the boot.

They are nothing but a waste of time, space and air.
Trump didn't mention their names.
So they decided to take time out of screaming at Nancy Pelosi and calling everyone racists......they decided to self-identify and call Trump a racist.
Racist racist racist.

But the left is up to it's neck in racism......the Odd Squad is just trying to capitalize on it.

Last edited:
you said "hundreds" 60 is not hundreds---------------you lied.

and Chelsea (Webb Hubbel's biological daughter) got a 900K/year job working for the clinton foundation that was nothing more than a funnel into the clintons bank accounts.
60 million is all that was reported

In reality, FredTrumps kids set up a fake corporation where he could funnel their inheritance without paying taxes

the federal tax code has lots of holes in it. only stupid people don't take full advantage of them. Nothing illegal, improper, or immoral about it. Nice try, anything else?
Witch means Crooked Donnie received a lot more money from his daddy than he admits
No it doesn't, shit for brains. The two things are totally unrelated.
It is a scam perpetrated on the taxpayer

And Crooked Donnie lies and says he only received a million dollar loan from Daddy
You haven't proved he lied, dumbass. You changed the subject because you knew your claim was bullshit.
  1. Beginning in 1992, Fred Trump’s real estate business began purchasing boilers, refrigerators, cleaning supplies, and other equipment from a company called All County Building Supply & Maintenance instead of a wholesaler. All County, which was owned by Donald Trump and his siblings and charged much higher rates than other suppliers, seems to have been a shell company that existed only to siphon Fred Trump’s money to his children under the guise of business transactions.

Did Fred purchase those items or didn't he? If your kids ran a supply store that charged higher prices, would you deal with somebody cheaper?
Except All County Building & Supply Maintenance was owned by the Trumps. And they didn't pay more for the products, they just said they did.

It worked something like this -

Trump Sr. bought a hammer from ACBS (his own company). He says he paid $50 and the invoice said he paid $50.

In reality he only paid $20 and passed the missing $30 to his children. This was to avoid taxes and it is not legal. It happened many years ago and is beyond the statue of limitations. And I don't think the IRS cared too much in the first place.

That's how rich people steal from the rest of us. And they've got you people hollering and ranting about protecting the fortunes of the rich. Ig-no-rant.
If he paid less than he claimed, then he committed tax fraud. Why hasn't the IRS charged him with that?

Statute of limitations

Fred Trump is long dead
The IRS should have found it when they audited him. Why should anyone believe that someone who has no access to his tax returns can find a violation the IRS failed to find during an audit?
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