Trump Officially Nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett to replace Ginsburg

I think conservatives are really getting their hopes up that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

It won't. The legal doctrine of Stare Decisis will continue. I think they forget, it was a conservative court that originally wrote the opinion on Roe v. Wade.

Liberals are also going overboard also. They seem to think folks should subsidize their beliefs and attitudes, and no one should have to.

What I DO think may eventually happen? Is the principle that had been enshrined in our laws, since the landmark compromise of 1976 with the Hyde Amendment, will be made permanent with any future federal government healthcare laws.

Stare Decisis that indefinitely upholds and prolongs and unjust ruling is not something that should be adhered to. Nor, should any Justice be held to it. Stare Decisis is only as strong as the Constitutional Arguments are for the case / ruling that is being addressed.

Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.

Educated elites will never overturn it. Conservative or liberal. I told you, it was a conservative court that found a way to pen the original decision to begin with, why would they overturn it?

They are all eugenicists and most of them have the belief that abortion reduces the crime rate. Thus, it puts less of a burden on the STATE.

The state does not give a tits ass about morality, it cares only about itself, judges and lawyers are foremost servants of the STATE, not the people.
If it gets rid of the poor, the minorities, and the less desirable? The elites, conservatives and liberals, are joined in their promotion of it.

You will never have enough of them on the side of "morality" to overturn this.

I am just telling you like it is.

I'm telling you that our efforts to secure the Constitutional rights of the children that are being by the likes of you will continue regardless of your predictions, the outcome of this election, or anything else.


Don't make this personal.

Frankly, I believe each state should decide this for themselves.

You needn't look for adversaries where their aren't any. I am just giving my reading on what I believe will happen, as opposed to what I wish to happen, do you understand the difference?

Starts at 9:00 minute mark.

"Life" is good.

It is great news indeed.

What will democrats blame her of?

They will blame her of "white privilege" "white supremacy" and stealing children away from their rightful parents.

I think conservatives are really getting their hopes up that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

It won't. The legal doctrine of Stare Decisis will continue. I think they forget, it was a conservative court that originally wrote the opinion on Roe v. Wade.

Liberals are also going overboard also. They seem to think folks should subsidize their beliefs and attitudes, and no one should have to.

What I DO think may eventually happen? Is the principle that had been enshrined in our laws, since the landmark compromise of 1976 with the Hyde Amendment, will be made permanent with any future federal government healthcare laws.

Stare Decisis that indefinitely upholds and prolongs and unjust ruling is not something that should be adhered to. Nor, should any Justice be held to it. Stare Decisis is only as strong as the Constitutional Arguments are for the case / ruling that is being addressed.

Quite frankly, it doesn't matter.

Educated elites will never overturn it. Conservative or liberal. I told you, it was a conservative court that found a way to pen the original decision to begin with, why would they overturn it?

They are all eugenicists and most of them have the belief that abortion reduces the crime rate. Thus, it puts less of a burden on the STATE.

The state does not give a tits ass about morality, it cares only about itself, judges and lawyers are foremost servants of the STATE, not the people.
If it gets rid of the poor, the minorities, and the less desirable? The elites, conservatives and liberals, are joined in their promotion of it.

You will never have enough of them on the side of "morality" to overturn this.

I am just telling you like it is.

I'm telling you that our efforts to secure the Constitutional rights of the children that are being by the likes of you will continue regardless of your predictions, the outcome of this election, or anything else.


Don't make this personal.

Frankly, I believe each state should decide this for themselves.

You needn't look for adversaries where their aren't any. I am just giving my reading on what I believe will happen, as opposed to what I wish to happen, do you understand the difference?


My reaction is the same whether we are talking personally or generally about the issue.

Indeed, I have no idea why you might thing I was coming at you personally.

I clearly said that our efforts will continue, regardless of any obstacles in our path.
10 minutes of wasted video before the clown utters a word. 20 minutes until religious indoctrinated nominee reads her prepared statement.

Shove it sideways.

Not much of a man are you. Picking on a woman who is much much much smarter than you.
She has already made statements in the past that show 1..She disapproves of same sex marriage 2. Thinks the AHCA is unconstitutional ..3..Her faith says abortions are a sin. My guess is that once she helps strike down all those the year 2022 (mid-year elections) will show how people feel about losing their health insurance..seeing gay rights set back to the 50s and seeing the effect of botched back room abortions and a ton of children thrown into the welfare system of foster homes and adoption agencies. 2022 is the year Democrats take control of the Senate while keeping control of the House.

Show where any of that has made it's way into her decisions.

She's allowed an opinion.

You guys are total assholes.
I think conservatives are really getting their hopes up that Roe v. Wade will be overturned.

It won't. The legal doctrine of Stare Decisis will continue. I think they forget, it was a conservative court that originally wrote the opinion on Roe v. Wade.

Liberals are also going overboard also. They seem to think folks should subsidize their beliefs and attitudes, and no one should have to.

What I DO think may eventually happen? Is the principle that had been enshrined in our laws, since the landmark compromise of 1976 with the Hyde Amendment, will be made permanent with any future federal government healthcare laws.

I could care less about Roe.

Even if it were, it would mean much.

States that don't want abortion already have it tightly hemmed in.
Kamala Harris was nominated ?
No, she's Catholic, and it still makes me suspicious or hesitant because so many Catholics have handed down such liberal leftist opinions from the bench of that Supreme Court — if some Catholics are more faithful than others, I don't know; I'm not one of them — and they always have a fellow Catholic on the opposite side of the political aisle looking out for them.

Both sides of the debate are sewn up tighter than a flea's ass straight from the Vatican.

I certainly don't want the DEMOCRATs taking over any more than the conservative Catholics do, but I don't trust the Roman Catholic Church to assume that much power in the United States.
How many Catholic churches will close as the faithful are shaken by the accusations or devil worship and pederasty the left will throw around? How many Catholic churches will be burned?

Watch for a wave of religious hatred to wash over America. Reminiscent of the late 1800's when jobs were commonly advertised with:

"No Catholics need apply".

And bars posted: "No dogs or Catholics".

And The Democrat Party will call that moving forward.

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