Trump on a 2024 GOP primary vs. Ron DeSantis: 'I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else'

Sure. The only thing that could change this is if one or more of the various legal investigations we keep hearing about derails him.

This party belongs to one (1) guy.
Uh oh,

DeSantis is about to be chewed up and spit out, by Trumpy Bear..... As he does with anyone that is his so called follower and friend that challenges him.

DeSantis will be the next one you're told to hate! And you will hate him....

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That's just a very weak attempt to get Trump and DeSantis fighting. In reality, Trump and DeSantis are a team and will probably occupy the WH for 12 years after 2024. New leadership can't come quick enough after this 9 month display of total Democrat incompetence.
Couldn't agree more. DeSantis is up for reelection next year. If Trump is on the 2024 Ballot, DeSantis is better off
completing his second term of office and beginning his campaign for the 2028 election, when he leaves office in
2027. You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.
Difficult choice.

We've seen what Trump can do and will continue to do, if back in office. So he's got his "in" on that point.

DeSantis would be a newbie. His politics as president will differ from his politics as governor, so thats something we would have to think about. But all in all, I'd say either choice would be better than anything Democrat or Libturdian at this point in time.
Why would he. DeSantis could be his pick for VP.
Trump picks people like Pence, weak, quiet, subservient, ass kisser..... to be second in charge, so he won't steal the limelight from Trump.

DeSantis has seen what Trump does to his loyal V.P.s....

If Ron settles for VP..... He's just another fool, like VP Pence....
I'm not a Trump fan. He has too many personality flaws for me. I was a super supporter in 2016 and 2020, but if we pick Trump he's too easy a target for the dems and their MSM. Ok, Trump was unfairly treated all thru his 4-years and he deserves another term just based on performance. Here's hoping Melania and the kids can coach him to be more likable and to think before he speaks, knowing that every vote matters.

Xiden or Kamala, and those are the ONLY two picks the dems have, are unelectabe morons, so whoever the GOP nominates should win in a walkover.
I think DeSantis might be better off as Trump's VP. If he stays as Gov. of Florida, the media will spend 4 years attacking him, knowing he will be the Rs next nominee. As VP he will get a better look at how things work, especially how to handle our unhinged media. Having been a VP is also good for the resume, look no further than the total idiot we have in the WH now.
Trump picks people like Pence, weak, quiet, subservient, ass kisser..... to be second in charge, so he won't steal the limelight from Trump.
DeSantis has seen what Trump does to his loyal V.P.s....
If Ron settles for VP..... He's just another fool, like VP Pence....
Pence is a humble, religious, very competent man. A very good pick for VP, an experienced governor who managed "Operation Warp Speed" to get two vaccines developed, manufactured, and jabs in about 10-months, when Fau-Chi said it would take about 4-years if then. You're welcome.

Oh, BTW, here is a photo of Xiden's VP doing what she does best:
Uh oh,

DeSantis is about to be chewed up and spit out, by Trumpy Bear..... As he does with anyone that is his so called follower and friend that challenges him.

DeSantis will be the next one you're told to hate! And you will hate him....

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If DeSantis starts a riot it could be a game changer. A battle for the Deplorable vote could be entertaining.
If trump wasn't a billionaire I might consider him but I cannot moralistically ever vote for a billionaire. They cannot represent people who are working hard and barely making it.
Pence is a humble, religious, very competent man. A very good pick for VP, an experienced governor who managed "Operation Warp Speed" to get two vaccines developed, manufactured, and jabs in about 10-months, when Fau-Chi said it would take about 4-years if then. You're welcome.

Oh, BTW, here is a photo of Xiden's VP doing what she does best:
View attachment 547269
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but you`re either lying or just plain stupid. You pick.

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