Trump on a 2024 GOP primary vs. Ron DeSantis: 'I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else'

If DeSantis starts a riot it could be a game changer. A battle for the Deplorable vote could be entertaining.
The GOP primaries won't be entertaining.
Either Trump will kick ass an get 80% of the votes, like he does at CPAC:

Or, it will be a close primary contest between very qualified GOP candidates:
Ron Desantis, Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Dan Crenshaw, Mike Pompeo, Tom Cotton or any competent candidate that steps in the ring with Trump.
Pence is a humble, religious, very competent man. A very good pick for VP, an experienced governor who managed "Operation Warp Speed" to get two vaccines developed, manufactured, and jabs in about 10-months, when Fau-Chi said it would take about 4-years if then. You're welcome.

Oh, BTW, here is a photo of Xiden's VP doing what she does best:
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Fauci DID NOT ever say these vaccines for covid, would take 4 years.

Trump will not pick DeSantis as VP imo. DeSantis is liked too much, by his supporters....Trump is too self centered and weak, with a personality disorder, to pick someone strong with strong support, again...imo.
Fauci DID NOT ever say these vaccines for covid, would take 4 years.
Trump will not pick DeSantis as VP imo. DeSantis is liked too much, by his supporters....Trump is too self centered and weak, with a personality disorder, to pick someone strong with strong support, again...imo.
Ok, maybe Fau-Chi said 18 months to the MSM, but his first opinion to Trump may have been several years. Weird the things I remember, always half-right and half-wrong?!
Four-years was a real prediction that was fact-checked.
Its sort of an academic question, I can't see DeSantis stabbing 75 million little Trumpsters in the back by primarying The Donald.

What would be the point?

Keeping a united front against the Nevertrumper wing led by Mitt Romney and General Powell who might want to do that is key for the GOP's chances.
Fauci DID NOT ever say these vaccines for covid, would take 4 years.

Trump will not pick DeSantis as VP imo. DeSantis is liked too much, by his supporters....Trump is too self centered and weak, with a personality disorder, to pick someone strong with strong support, again...imo.
About Fauci..There are people who start a job who are rookies and green. After a few decades they are grizzly veterans. Knowing near everything about their sphere of work. Fauci has been around for many decades in his field. This man is a pure shill and evil. About Trump...The voters of the GOP have been looking for someone, anyone that would spew the verbal insults back. Trump is one against thousands of you Progs. He is you. And his personality gives him the will to push his agendas. This has energized others that are Republicans. Shoed those who are interested, to be more forceful in their beliefs. For that is what Progs do.
Sure. The only thing that could change this is if one or more of the various legal investigations we keep hearing about derails him.

This party belongs to one (1) guy.

I do not believe for even a second legal problems will derail him. MAGA world would look at that as if a badge of honor!
pick a side, we're at it Trump or Ron
DeSantis already said he isn't going to run for president in 2024...............and the poor communist libs still keep trying to spin stupid shit. Trump may set it up where Desantis is the VP position though giving us 4 years of trump followed by 8 of DeSantis.
About Fauci..There are people who start a job who are rookies and green. After a few decades they are grizzly veterans. Knowing near everything about their sphere of work. Fauci has been around for many decades in his field. This man is a pure shill and evil.

I know right, how dare someone spend decades honing their craft. He should be shot for that.
The GOP primaries won't be entertaining.
Either Trump will kick ass an get 80% of the votes, like he does at CPAC:

And then an hour from now someone from the right will say that they have moved on from Trump and only the left still cares about him.
I never underestimate republicans ability to blow it.

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