Trump on a Roll Gets ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional MAGA Trump 2020

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare in the USA is the #1 by costs in the World, good work IndividualSH(TS.

You'd think we'd live longer, but we don't.

McDonald's hires presumably 10's of thousands of Illegal Immigrants, it's presumably helped kill 10's of millions.

They are criminals, shut 'em down.

Again, how many other companies kill Americans? We could pin that tag on just about any fast food restaurant today. I get it, you have some sort of hangup on McDonald's. So we shut down McDonald's because you don't like them. Then we shutdown Walmart because union people don't like them. Then we shutdown hotdog stands that work downtown areas. Then we stop serving popcorn at movie theaters because they are so loaded with butter. Then we shutdown gun manufacturers because liberals have a problem with them, citing similar reasons to yours.

Like I said, I don't want to live in a world with only government choices. As a person living in the freest country in the world, choices belong to the people--not the government. If you don't want to eat at McDonald's, then don't. But don't tell others they can't eat there because you don't want to.

Crapitalism is killing America.

Both in cultural terms & physical terms too.

Healthcare being all private would lead to probably millions of unnecessary deaths a year.

That's your patriotism?

That doesn't even begin to speak of the ills from Fast food, all the Capitalists hiring Illegals, the Capitalists outsourcing jobs, all the Liberal decay in general.

It stinks, and America is going down the tubes because of Capitalist Individualism.
Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not only that, but longevity is not always related to healthcare. There are a dozen reasons or so why our lifespan is shorter than other countries.

We have a huge drug problem here. Over 90,000 OD deaths and growing. The ones who survive have serious health effects from their usage. We have the most automobile deaths. People in Europe often take mass transportation. We are the fattest country in the world as well. Our birthrate mortality rate is related to drug usage, women having children at a much older age to pursue careers after extensive education and college repayments. Because they are career women, they often skip over prenatal care. Look at our murder rate. We are a very interracial country, and some of our groups are much more violent and deadly than those in other countries. Suicides are the number one killer in the US, often younger people. There was a story out the other day, a 10 year old killed himself.

Add that all up, and healthcare isn't even in the mix. That's why we don't have an increasing lifespan in this country. Because let's face it, most people who die in our country are on our government healthcare system.
Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.
Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

Anybody who can't see the problems multiculturalism is causing on every aspect of our lives, must not be very bright.

But, lets make all healthcare private, so healthcare costs will fly out of sight, while tons of people are dying from treatable illness.

This is exactly, the kind of garbage that makes America a lot shittier than Europe.
Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not only that, but longevity is not always related to healthcare. There are a dozen reasons or so why our lifespan is shorter than other countries.

We have a huge drug problem here. Over 90,000 OD deaths and growing. The ones who survive have serious health effects from their usage. We have the most automobile deaths. People in Europe often take mass transportation. We are the fattest country in the world as well. Our birthrate mortality rate is related to drug usage, women having children at a much older age to pursue careers after extensive education and college repayments. Because they are career women, they often skip over prenatal care. Look at our murder rate. We are a very interracial country, and some of our groups are much more violent and deadly than those in other countries. Suicides are the number one killer in the US, often younger people. There was a story out the other day, a 10 year old killed himself.

Add that all up, and healthcare isn't even in the mix. That's why we don't have an increasing lifespan in this country. Because let's face it, most people who die in our country are on our government healthcare system.

Illicit drug sellers AKA drug dealers are Capitalists.
Make a buck, no matter how degenerate.

If we are going to have a discussion on it, you can't leave out McDonald's & the fast-food joints.
If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

Anybody who can't see the problems multiculturalism is causing on every aspect of our lives, must not be very bright.

But, lets make all healthcare private, so healthcare costs will fly out of sight, while tons of people are dying from treatable illness.

This is exactly, the kind of garbage that makes America a lot shittier than Europe.

We do have government healthcare. It's called Obama Care. It was supposed to solve all our problems; making insurance affordable; wiping out worthless plans. What happened?

"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan
If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

Anybody who can't see the problems multiculturalism is causing on every aspect of our lives, must not be very bright.

But, lets make all healthcare private, so healthcare costs will fly out of sight, while tons of people are dying from treatable illness.

This is exactly, the kind of garbage that makes America a lot shittier than Europe.

You best move your tent to a different part of town.
Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not only that, but longevity is not always related to healthcare. There are a dozen reasons or so why our lifespan is shorter than other countries.

We have a huge drug problem here. Over 90,000 OD deaths and growing. The ones who survive have serious health effects from their usage. We have the most automobile deaths. People in Europe often take mass transportation. We are the fattest country in the world as well. Our birthrate mortality rate is related to drug usage, women having children at a much older age to pursue careers after extensive education and college repayments. Because they are career women, they often skip over prenatal care. Look at our murder rate. We are a very interracial country, and some of our groups are much more violent and deadly than those in other countries. Suicides are the number one killer in the US, often younger people. There was a story out the other day, a 10 year old killed himself.

Add that all up, and healthcare isn't even in the mix. That's why we don't have an increasing lifespan in this country. Because let's face it, most people who die in our country are on our government healthcare system.

Illicit drug sellers AKA drug dealers are Capitalists.
Make a buck, no matter how degenerate.

If we are going to have a discussion on it, you can't leave out McDonald's & the fast-food joints.

They are not capitalists, they are criminals. Big difference.

Nobody is going to your home everyday and shoving big macs down your throat. McDonald's is not the problem with our healthcare no more than Walmart caused the problem of social services. When are people in this country going to start taking responsibility for themselves like we used to years ago? Now, somebody else is always to blame for the personal decisions one makes.
Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

Anybody who can't see the problems multiculturalism is causing on every aspect of our lives, must not be very bright.

But, lets make all healthcare private, so healthcare costs will fly out of sight, while tons of people are dying from treatable illness.

This is exactly, the kind of garbage that makes America a lot shittier than Europe.

We do have government healthcare. It's called Obama Care. It was supposed to solve all our problems; making insurance affordable; wiping out worthless plans. What happened?

"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan

Healthcare is very expensive, but Europe's models are cheaper than ours.

Ronald Reagan was arguably the worst thing to ever happen to White people.

He quickly collapsed the White Soviets, and since then surprise, surprise Capitalist Multiculturalism, mass immigration, etc. have taken over Russia & many other Central - Eastern Euro countries.

He also slowly collapsed the White Americans, with amnesty, giving the green-light for 10's of millions of illegals to defecate on our country.
If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not only that, but longevity is not always related to healthcare. There are a dozen reasons or so why our lifespan is shorter than other countries.

We have a huge drug problem here. Over 90,000 OD deaths and growing. The ones who survive have serious health effects from their usage. We have the most automobile deaths. People in Europe often take mass transportation. We are the fattest country in the world as well. Our birthrate mortality rate is related to drug usage, women having children at a much older age to pursue careers after extensive education and college repayments. Because they are career women, they often skip over prenatal care. Look at our murder rate. We are a very interracial country, and some of our groups are much more violent and deadly than those in other countries. Suicides are the number one killer in the US, often younger people. There was a story out the other day, a 10 year old killed himself.

Add that all up, and healthcare isn't even in the mix. That's why we don't have an increasing lifespan in this country. Because let's face it, most people who die in our country are on our government healthcare system.

Illicit drug sellers AKA drug dealers are Capitalists.
Make a buck, no matter how degenerate.

If we are going to have a discussion on it, you can't leave out McDonald's & the fast-food joints.

They are not capitalists, they are criminals. Big difference.

Nobody is going to your home everyday and shoving big macs down your throat. McDonald's is not the problem with our healthcare no more than Walmart caused the problem of social services. When are people in this country going to start taking responsibility for themselves like we used to years ago? Now, somebody else is always to blame for the personal decisions one makes.

Also drug dealers don't force you to buy heroin, much like McDonald's doesn't force you to buy big Macs.

Both are deadly.

Sure, drugs are far more fatal, but Big Macs far more numerous.

McDonalds has killed people probably just as much as drug dealers.
Just a more subtle slow death via Big Macs.

Its all Crapitalism degeneracy, criminality sliding off of the charts of ruining the United States.
You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

Anybody who can't see the problems multiculturalism is causing on every aspect of our lives, must not be very bright.

But, lets make all healthcare private, so healthcare costs will fly out of sight, while tons of people are dying from treatable illness.

This is exactly, the kind of garbage that makes America a lot shittier than Europe.

We do have government healthcare. It's called Obama Care. It was supposed to solve all our problems; making insurance affordable; wiping out worthless plans. What happened?

"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan

Healthcare is very expensive, but Europe's models are cheaper than ours.

Ronald Reagan was arguably the worst thing to ever happen to White people.

He quickly collapsed the White Soviets, and since then surprise, surprise Capitalist Multiculturalism, mass immigration, etc. have taken over Russia & many other Central - Eastern Euro countries.

He also slowly collapsed the White Americans, with amnesty, giving the green-light for 10's of millions of illegals to defecate on our country.

Reagan is not responsible for the immigration problems we have today. That's Democrats who are doing it. Reagan himself stated it was his most regretted policies, because he trusted Democrats to act with integrity.

Now the problem is the Democrat party turned into the anti-white party. They are trying desperately to wipe out the white majority in this country for the first time in history. Reagan had nothing to do with that. It's been going on for some time. If they can't promote their agenda, their commie judges do. Unfortunately, white people are the only race of people to support the elimination of their own. They are doing it here and in Europe--minus the Polish.

With all the talk of compassion and guilt, they convinced the sheep that they are not heading in that direction for their own power. They are making amends for all our devious involvement in the south, and willing to take millions in as restitution.

The real reason of course is that whites are in their way. Once we are the minority, the Democrats will turn this country into a single-party country forever.
Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

Not only that, but longevity is not always related to healthcare. There are a dozen reasons or so why our lifespan is shorter than other countries.

We have a huge drug problem here. Over 90,000 OD deaths and growing. The ones who survive have serious health effects from their usage. We have the most automobile deaths. People in Europe often take mass transportation. We are the fattest country in the world as well. Our birthrate mortality rate is related to drug usage, women having children at a much older age to pursue careers after extensive education and college repayments. Because they are career women, they often skip over prenatal care. Look at our murder rate. We are a very interracial country, and some of our groups are much more violent and deadly than those in other countries. Suicides are the number one killer in the US, often younger people. There was a story out the other day, a 10 year old killed himself.

Add that all up, and healthcare isn't even in the mix. That's why we don't have an increasing lifespan in this country. Because let's face it, most people who die in our country are on our government healthcare system.

Illicit drug sellers AKA drug dealers are Capitalists.
Make a buck, no matter how degenerate.

If we are going to have a discussion on it, you can't leave out McDonald's & the fast-food joints.

They are not capitalists, they are criminals. Big difference.

Nobody is going to your home everyday and shoving big macs down your throat. McDonald's is not the problem with our healthcare no more than Walmart caused the problem of social services. When are people in this country going to start taking responsibility for themselves like we used to years ago? Now, somebody else is always to blame for the personal decisions one makes.

Also drug dealers don't force you to buy heroin, much like McDonald's doesn't force you to buy big Macs.

Both are deadly.

Sure, drugs are far more fatal, but Big Macs far more numerous.

McDonalds has killed people probably just as much as drug dealers.
Just a more subtle slow death via Big Macs.

Its all Crapitalism degeneracy, criminality sliding off of the charts of ruining the United States.

That's a silly comparison because as of yet, I don't know anybody addicted to quarter pounders with cheese.

I eat McDonald's from time to time; mostly their breakfast items. No different than others make at home; pancakes, roll and sausage. Theirs just taste better. A big mac? Once a month if that. In response to public outcry, McDonald's did try a healthy menu. A complete failure. Nobody goes to McDonald's to eat veggie burgers or salads.
Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

Anybody who can't see the problems multiculturalism is causing on every aspect of our lives, must not be very bright.

But, lets make all healthcare private, so healthcare costs will fly out of sight, while tons of people are dying from treatable illness.

This is exactly, the kind of garbage that makes America a lot shittier than Europe.

We do have government healthcare. It's called Obama Care. It was supposed to solve all our problems; making insurance affordable; wiping out worthless plans. What happened?

"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan

Healthcare is very expensive, but Europe's models are cheaper than ours.

Ronald Reagan was arguably the worst thing to ever happen to White people.

He quickly collapsed the White Soviets, and since then surprise, surprise Capitalist Multiculturalism, mass immigration, etc. have taken over Russia & many other Central - Eastern Euro countries.

He also slowly collapsed the White Americans, with amnesty, giving the green-light for 10's of millions of illegals to defecate on our country.

Reagan is not responsible for the immigration problems we have today. That's Democrats who are doing it. Reagan himself stated it was his most regretted policies, because he trusted Democrats to act with integrity.

Now the problem is the Democrat party turned into the anti-white party. They are trying desperately to wipe out the white majority in this country for the first time in history. Reagan had nothing to do with that. It's been going on for some time. If they can't promote their agenda, their commie judges do. Unfortunately, white people are the only race of people to support the elimination of their own. They are doing it here and in Europe--minus the Polish.

With all the talk of compassion and guilt, they convinced the sheep that they are not heading in that direction for their own power. They are making amends for all our devious involvement in the south, and willing to take millions in as restitution.

The real reason of course is that whites are in their way. Once we are the minority, the Democrats will turn this country into a single-party country forever.

Healthcare is already going to illegals BTW.
When they go to the ER, they get coverage paid for by you.

Of course, I'm against this, but it becomes striking how much our government has stiffed us in favor of the cheap labor of the Crapitalists.

Healthcare would go down, if we nationalized it, got rid of illegals, separated from the Southern states, etc. etc.

Eh, a lot of things Republicans complain about today, they did just as much, Illegals, Abortion etc.

Reagan gave the wrong message with his amnesty.

The first Guatemalan immigrants (Illegals) we ever saw in our lives in New York were when I was 5 years old in Brewster, NY.
Or around 1991.

A few years after Reagan's Amnesty.

Presumably some came a couple years before that.

Because by 1991 we saw Brewster, NY as say perhaps 5% Guatemalan, not huge.

Of course, now its about 70% Guatemalan.

It truly did start with Reagan.
Not really, the murder rates & general crime rates here are huge.

You have to worry about all the unnecessary turmoil caused by multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

If you're poor, you won't get proper help.
What a shock, not many of us worry about multiculturalism, shootings, terrorism, drug wars, being a victim of prejudices, or being beat up for being the wrong skin color.

Anybody who can't see the problems multiculturalism is causing on every aspect of our lives, must not be very bright.

But, lets make all healthcare private, so healthcare costs will fly out of sight, while tons of people are dying from treatable illness.

This is exactly, the kind of garbage that makes America a lot shittier than Europe.

We do have government healthcare. It's called Obama Care. It was supposed to solve all our problems; making insurance affordable; wiping out worthless plans. What happened?

"Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan

Healthcare is very expensive, but Europe's models are cheaper than ours.

Ronald Reagan was arguably the worst thing to ever happen to White people.

He quickly collapsed the White Soviets, and since then surprise, surprise Capitalist Multiculturalism, mass immigration, etc. have taken over Russia & many other Central - Eastern Euro countries.

He also slowly collapsed the White Americans, with amnesty, giving the green-light for 10's of millions of illegals to defecate on our country.

Unfortunately, white people are the only race of people to support the elimination of their own. They are doing it here and in Europe--minus the Polish.

Poland has national healthcare & spend about 1/4th on it vs the USA.

Eh, yes & no.

Poland's not the ONLY one, even if the BEST one, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech, Romania, Austria & Italy also have many ethnically or religiously conscience people.

Still, things have changed, Poland now has about 1 million Ukrainian migrants, 10 thousand Islamic Chechens, 10 thousand or so Asians from Vietnam, Bangladesh, China etc, , 7 thousand or so Africans mostly from Nigeria, or others, including Simon Mol.

This is Capitalism in action, and didn't exist like this under the Soviet era.

Poland was already multicultural, of course they know its a failure.

In the 1930's Poland was 2/3rd Polish, and 1/3rd Jewish, German, Ukrainian, Belarussian, Lithuania, Czech, Slovak etc.

Sound familiar?
The USA is currently 2/3rd White & 1/3rd Latino, Black, Muslim, Asian, Jewish, etc. etc.

It tells of the potential chaos ready to be unleashed in the USA.

Germans, Ukrainians, Jews, Lithuanians, all killed their Polish neighbors in the era of WW2.
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional


Republican Romney basically came up with Obamacare. LMFAO.

I would hardly call Romney any kind of Republican.

States have the ability to do as they please. The founders actually set up this system so that states can act like individual countries. However the US Constitution charges the federal government with what they are supposed to provide for it's people, and healthcare isn't one of those items.

The government (particularly the Democrat party) has been trying to take more and more control over the people. They've been quite successful so far. However the two entities that are stopping them from total control are the takeover of healthcare and energy. Once they control those two things, they will then have the ability for total control of the people.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional


Republican Romney basically came up with Obamacare. LMFAO.

Yeah he wanted to be the Republican nominee again in 2016 but we kicked his ass to the curb. So he endorsed Ted Cruz and we kicked his ass to the curb too. Then he donated his voter list to the libertarians...they were too pitiful to even bother kicking.
Now he is “Pierre Delecto” attacking the Republicans on the sly. What a loser.
He’s all yours. We’ve made a gift of the elites, Republican and Democrat, back to you.

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