Trump on a Roll Gets ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional MAGA Trump 2020

Where is his plan to fix healthcare? We have more uninsured.

First, we have to agree on what's broken about it.

And we all know that the ACA needs work. But first, the idjits need to stop trying to completely throw it out unless they have a ready to go health care plan. Since they don't (the sell by date for that has expired long ago) maybe everyone needs to sit back down and fix what we have. After all, the Courts won't allow them to remove the ACA unless they have a ready to go replacement. And promises are like.......

First, we have to agree on what's broken about health care. We've never come to any consensus about that. That's why ACA missed the mark. Most of us agree that health care costs too much. But beyond that, there's not much agreement on the cause or how to fix it. We can't hope to find consensus on a solution when we can't even agree on what the problem is.
Healthcare is very expensive, but Europe's models are cheaper than ours.

Ronald Reagan was arguably the worst thing to ever happen to White people.

He quickly collapsed the White Soviets, and since then surprise, surprise Capitalist Multiculturalism, mass immigration, etc. have taken over Russia & many other Central - Eastern Euro countries.

He also slowly collapsed the White Americans, with amnesty, giving the green-light for 10's of millions of illegals to defecate on our country.

Reagan is not responsible for the immigration problems we have today. That's Democrats who are doing it. Reagan himself stated it was his most regretted policies, because he trusted Democrats to act with integrity.

Now the problem is the Democrat party turned into the anti-white party. They are trying desperately to wipe out the white majority in this country for the first time in history. Reagan had nothing to do with that. It's been going on for some time. If they can't promote their agenda, their commie judges do. Unfortunately, white people are the only race of people to support the elimination of their own. They are doing it here and in Europe--minus the Polish.

With all the talk of compassion and guilt, they convinced the sheep that they are not heading in that direction for their own power. They are making amends for all our devious involvement in the south, and willing to take millions in as restitution.

The real reason of course is that whites are in their way. Once we are the minority, the Democrats will turn this country into a single-party country forever.

Healthcare is already going to illegals BTW.
When they go to the ER, they get coverage paid for by you.

Of course, I'm against this, but it becomes striking how much our government has stiffed us in favor of the cheap labor of the Crapitalists.

Healthcare would go down, if we nationalized it, got rid of illegals, separated from the Southern states, etc. etc.

Eh, a lot of things Republicans complain about today, they did just as much, Illegals, Abortion etc.

Reagan gave the wrong message with his amnesty.

The first Guatemalan immigrants (Illegals) we ever saw in our lives in New York were when I was 5 years old in Brewster, NY.
Or around 1991.

A few years after Reagan's Amnesty.

Presumably some came a couple years before that.

Because by 1991 we saw Brewster, NY as say perhaps 5% Guatemalan, not huge.

Of course, now its about 70% Guatemalan.

It truly did start with Reagan.

That's ridiculous. Reagan is no more responsible for immigration than Reagan was responsible for the falling of unions. The guy has been out of office for over 30 years now. He instituted only one policy in each regard.

The rest is just your standard changing times. We have more things we want to spend money on today, so we want the cheapest products we can buy. Democrats have fought enforcement of illegals with sanctuary cities, granting them driving privileges, and not supporting the elimination of anchor babies. They will continue that fight until the white race is powerless.

Reagan was, his Amnesty gave the message of immigration.

Reagan is only responsible for what took place when he was President--not all Presidents or Congress after him.

Reagan got the ball rolling.

Republican Romney basically came up with Obamacare. LMFAO.

I would hardly call Romney any kind of Republican.

States have the ability to do as they please. The founders actually set up this system so that states can act like individual countries. However the US Constitution charges the federal government with what they are supposed to provide for it's people, and healthcare isn't one of those items.

The government (particularly the Democrat party) has been trying to take more and more control over the people. They've been quite successful so far. However the two entities that are stopping them from total control are the takeover of healthcare and energy. Once they control those two things, they will then have the ability for total control of the people.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Okay, so how about this, we'll cut off the Southern USA,
by cutting off all the so called illegal Fed money that props up their shithole lives.

Cut off all healthcare to them from the FEDS including ER visits, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare,, their Military incomes, Military healthcare benefits, Military pensions, Military paying for college, their Wars, their Military spending, Social Security, their DIsability, and all the NASA facilities, Tenesse River authority that gives them power, FEDERAL Highways, and anything else that we in the North fund them.

Watch how fast these loser savages come running back to us to fund their miserable lives.

Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

New York is blue, mostly controlled by NYC which is heavily blue. In fact, the population of NYC is larger than our seven least populated states combined.

Nobody sends anybody anywhere. People in our country freely move on their own. If southern policies made certain people uncomfortable, what were they supposed to do, make it comfortable for them?

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.
I guess that’s their new tactic “hey Republicans Obamacare is a Republican plan you should suppor it”
The most dishonest people on the face of the earth.

Jesus you people are stupid.

What we call Obamacare was first proposed during the 90s in opposition to "Hillarycare"

It is also the model for Romneycare in Mass when he was GOP Governor there

And it's still in operation there.

Republican Romney basically came up with Obamacare. LMFAO.

I would hardly call Romney any kind of Republican.

States have the ability to do as they please. The founders actually set up this system so that states can act like individual countries. However the US Constitution charges the federal government with what they are supposed to provide for it's people, and healthcare isn't one of those items.

The government (particularly the Democrat party) has been trying to take more and more control over the people. They've been quite successful so far. However the two entities that are stopping them from total control are the takeover of healthcare and energy. Once they control those two things, they will then have the ability for total control of the people.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Okay, so how about this, we'll cut off the Southern USA,
by cutting off all the so called illegal Fed money that props up their shithole lives.

Cut off all healthcare to them from the FEDS including ER visits, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare,, their Military incomes, Military healthcare benefits, Military pensions, Military paying for college, their Wars, their Military spending, Social Security, their DIsability, and all the NASA facilities, Tenesse River authority that gives them power, FEDERAL Highways, and anything else that we in the North fund them.

Watch how fast these loser savages come running back to us to fund their miserable lives.

Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

New York is blue, mostly controlled by NYC which is heavily blue. In fact, the population of NYC is larger than our seven least populated states combined.

Nobody sends anybody anywhere. People in our country freely move on their own. If southern policies made certain people uncomfortable, what were they supposed to do, make it comfortable for them?

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

NYC is only 35% White non-Hispanic , and probably 1/3rd of those Whites are Jews the South loves & LBGTQ the South heavily unloaded on us.

Italian dominated Staten Island voted for Trump, actually.

Italians, Poles & Germans here are mostly Trump supporters.

Anglos & Irish Catholics are probably half & half, maybe a little more anti-Trump here.

But, still, take away the racial & religious minorities & NY is basically just Eastern Ohio, or Pennsylvania.
Where is his plan to fix healthcare? We have more uninsured.

First, we have to agree on what's broken about it.

And we all know that the ACA needs work. But first, the idjits need to stop trying to completely throw it out unless they have a ready to go health care plan. Since they don't (the sell by date for that has expired long ago) maybe everyone needs to sit back down and fix what we have. After all, the Courts won't allow them to remove the ACA unless they have a ready to go replacement. And promises are like.......

First, we have to agree on what's broken about health care. We've never come to any consensus about that. That's why ACA missed the mark. Most of us agree that health care costs too much. But beyond that, there's not much agreement on the cause or how to fix it. We can't hope to find consensus on a solution when we can't even agree on what the problem is.

Step one is to get rid of the ones in Office that keep fighting all the time. And that means each and every one from the President down and the Congress. It appears the courts are trying hard not to get involved and they need to stay that way. But I can bet when they toss it out it leaves a very bad taste in their mouths.
Republican Romney basically came up with Obamacare. LMFAO.

I would hardly call Romney any kind of Republican.

States have the ability to do as they please. The founders actually set up this system so that states can act like individual countries. However the US Constitution charges the federal government with what they are supposed to provide for it's people, and healthcare isn't one of those items.

The government (particularly the Democrat party) has been trying to take more and more control over the people. They've been quite successful so far. However the two entities that are stopping them from total control are the takeover of healthcare and energy. Once they control those two things, they will then have the ability for total control of the people.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Okay, so how about this, we'll cut off the Southern USA,
by cutting off all the so called illegal Fed money that props up their shithole lives.

Cut off all healthcare to them from the FEDS including ER visits, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare,, their Military incomes, Military healthcare benefits, Military pensions, Military paying for college, their Wars, their Military spending, Social Security, their DIsability, and all the NASA facilities, Tenesse River authority that gives them power, FEDERAL Highways, and anything else that we in the North fund them.

Watch how fast these loser savages come running back to us to fund their miserable lives.

Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.
Where is his plan to fix healthcare? We have more uninsured.

First, we have to agree on what's broken about it.

And we all know that the ACA needs work. But first, the idjits need to stop trying to completely throw it out unless they have a ready to go health care plan. Since they don't (the sell by date for that has expired long ago) maybe everyone needs to sit back down and fix what we have. After all, the Courts won't allow them to remove the ACA unless they have a ready to go replacement. And promises are like.......

First, we have to agree on what's broken about health care. We've never come to any consensus about that. That's why ACA missed the mark. Most of us agree that health care costs too much. But beyond that, there's not much agreement on the cause or how to fix it. We can't hope to find consensus on a solution when we can't even agree on what the problem is.

Step one is to get rid of the ones in Office that keep fighting all the time. And that means each and every one from the President down and the Congress. It appears the courts are trying hard not to get involved and they need to stay that way. But I can bet when they toss it out it leaves a very bad taste in their mouths.

No, step one is to come to some kind of agreement, some kind of clear understanding of what the problem with health care is. If we don't know what problem we're trying to solve, how can we expect to fix it?
I would hardly call Romney any kind of Republican.

States have the ability to do as they please. The founders actually set up this system so that states can act like individual countries. However the US Constitution charges the federal government with what they are supposed to provide for it's people, and healthcare isn't one of those items.

The government (particularly the Democrat party) has been trying to take more and more control over the people. They've been quite successful so far. However the two entities that are stopping them from total control are the takeover of healthcare and energy. Once they control those two things, they will then have the ability for total control of the people.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Okay, so how about this, we'll cut off the Southern USA,
by cutting off all the so called illegal Fed money that props up their shithole lives.

Cut off all healthcare to them from the FEDS including ER visits, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare,, their Military incomes, Military healthcare benefits, Military pensions, Military paying for college, their Wars, their Military spending, Social Security, their DIsability, and all the NASA facilities, Tenesse River authority that gives them power, FEDERAL Highways, and anything else that we in the North fund them.

Watch how fast these loser savages come running back to us to fund their miserable lives.

Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Can you imagine if all states were put on the same exact rates and only paid their own way? The Blue States would have zero change while the Red States would have full scale riots on their hands. Now, that's an idea.
Where is his plan to fix healthcare? We have more uninsured.

First, we have to agree on what's broken about it.

And we all know that the ACA needs work. But first, the idjits need to stop trying to completely throw it out unless they have a ready to go health care plan. Since they don't (the sell by date for that has expired long ago) maybe everyone needs to sit back down and fix what we have. After all, the Courts won't allow them to remove the ACA unless they have a ready to go replacement. And promises are like.......

First, we have to agree on what's broken about health care. We've never come to any consensus about that. That's why ACA missed the mark. Most of us agree that health care costs too much. But beyond that, there's not much agreement on the cause or how to fix it. We can't hope to find consensus on a solution when we can't even agree on what the problem is.

Step one is to get rid of the ones in Office that keep fighting all the time. And that means each and every one from the President down and the Congress. It appears the courts are trying hard not to get involved and they need to stay that way. But I can bet when they toss it out it leaves a very bad taste in their mouths.

No, step one is to come to some kind of agreement, some kind of clear understanding of what the problem with health care is. If we don't know what problem we're trying to solve, how can we expect to fix it?

Until you get people willing to step up to the table and come up with comprimises then you will never get what you are suggesting. And right now, both sides are controlled by the extremists who just want to fight and have it just their way and be damned.
First, we have to agree on what's broken about it.

And we all know that the ACA needs work. But first, the idjits need to stop trying to completely throw it out unless they have a ready to go health care plan. Since they don't (the sell by date for that has expired long ago) maybe everyone needs to sit back down and fix what we have. After all, the Courts won't allow them to remove the ACA unless they have a ready to go replacement. And promises are like.......

First, we have to agree on what's broken about health care. We've never come to any consensus about that. That's why ACA missed the mark. Most of us agree that health care costs too much. But beyond that, there's not much agreement on the cause or how to fix it. We can't hope to find consensus on a solution when we can't even agree on what the problem is.

Step one is to get rid of the ones in Office that keep fighting all the time. And that means each and every one from the President down and the Congress. It appears the courts are trying hard not to get involved and they need to stay that way. But I can bet when they toss it out it leaves a very bad taste in their mouths.

No, step one is to come to some kind of agreement, some kind of clear understanding of what the problem with health care is. If we don't know what problem we're trying to solve, how can we expect to fix it?

Until you get people willing to step up to the table and come up with comprimises then you will never get what you are suggesting. And right now, both sides are controlled by the extremists who just want to fight and have it just their way and be damned.

What's wrong in your opinion? What problem(s) should government try to solve regarding health care? Is the problem that health care costs too much? Or is the problem that we have to pay for it at all, that it should be "free"? Is the problem that we don't have enough insurance? Or that we have too much? Is the problem that health care isn't democratic (ie isn't controlled by government)? Or is the problem that government meddles too much already? If we can't find agreement on these questions, there's no point in asking Congress to do anything about it. Whatever "it" is.
I would hardly call Romney any kind of Republican.

States have the ability to do as they please. The founders actually set up this system so that states can act like individual countries. However the US Constitution charges the federal government with what they are supposed to provide for it's people, and healthcare isn't one of those items.

The government (particularly the Democrat party) has been trying to take more and more control over the people. They've been quite successful so far. However the two entities that are stopping them from total control are the takeover of healthcare and energy. Once they control those two things, they will then have the ability for total control of the people.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794

Okay, so how about this, we'll cut off the Southern USA,
by cutting off all the so called illegal Fed money that props up their shithole lives.

Cut off all healthcare to them from the FEDS including ER visits, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare,, their Military incomes, Military healthcare benefits, Military pensions, Military paying for college, their Wars, their Military spending, Social Security, their DIsability, and all the NASA facilities, Tenesse River authority that gives them power, FEDERAL Highways, and anything else that we in the North fund them.

Watch how fast these loser savages come running back to us to fund their miserable lives.

Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.
And we all know that the ACA needs work. But first, the idjits need to stop trying to completely throw it out unless they have a ready to go health care plan. Since they don't (the sell by date for that has expired long ago) maybe everyone needs to sit back down and fix what we have. After all, the Courts won't allow them to remove the ACA unless they have a ready to go replacement. And promises are like.......

First, we have to agree on what's broken about health care. We've never come to any consensus about that. That's why ACA missed the mark. Most of us agree that health care costs too much. But beyond that, there's not much agreement on the cause or how to fix it. We can't hope to find consensus on a solution when we can't even agree on what the problem is.

Step one is to get rid of the ones in Office that keep fighting all the time. And that means each and every one from the President down and the Congress. It appears the courts are trying hard not to get involved and they need to stay that way. But I can bet when they toss it out it leaves a very bad taste in their mouths.

No, step one is to come to some kind of agreement, some kind of clear understanding of what the problem with health care is. If we don't know what problem we're trying to solve, how can we expect to fix it?

Until you get people willing to step up to the table and come up with comprimises then you will never get what you are suggesting. And right now, both sides are controlled by the extremists who just want to fight and have it just their way and be damned.

What's wrong in your opinion? What problem(s) should government try to solve regarding health care? Is the problem that health care costs too much? Or is the problem that we have to pay for it at all, that it should be "free"? Is the problem that we don't have enough insurance? Or that we have too much? Is the problem that health care isn't democratic (ie isn't controlled by government)? Or is the problem that government meddles too much already? If we can't find agreement on these questions, there's no point in asking Congress to do anything about it. Whatever "it" is.

Someone else brought up Masshealth. It's a very good system and about what is needed. It's matured and works. It could be used nationwide.

Okay, so how about this, we'll cut off the Southern USA,
by cutting off all the so called illegal Fed money that props up their shithole lives.

Cut off all healthcare to them from the FEDS including ER visits, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare,, their Military incomes, Military healthcare benefits, Military pensions, Military paying for college, their Wars, their Military spending, Social Security, their DIsability, and all the NASA facilities, Tenesse River authority that gives them power, FEDERAL Highways, and anything else that we in the North fund them.

Watch how fast these loser savages come running back to us to fund their miserable lives.

Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.

Capitalism and Socialism are not Government Models. They are Economic Models and once you reach a certain size (like the US) one cannot exist without the other. The Nazi Parties supported the Party of the Rump. Does that make you a Nazi?
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

Congratulations! Trump and his supporters are successfully yanking health insurance away from tens of thousands of Americans! What a glorious victory!

If you read the link I provided you will note that the court didn't rule like they claim. In fact, the court ruled that it was outside of their realm and they bounced it back to the lower court. So no decision has been made at this time one way or another.
Okay, so how about this, we'll cut off the Southern USA,
by cutting off all the so called illegal Fed money that props up their shithole lives.

Cut off all healthcare to them from the FEDS including ER visits, Medicaid, Medicare, Obamacare,, their Military incomes, Military healthcare benefits, Military pensions, Military paying for college, their Wars, their Military spending, Social Security, their DIsability, and all the NASA facilities, Tenesse River authority that gives them power, FEDERAL Highways, and anything else that we in the North fund them.

Watch how fast these loser savages come running back to us to fund their miserable lives.

Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.

The first pushes for universal healthcare movements came from Germany & the UK.

Universal health care - Wikipedia

Yeah, Capitalism is also responsible for everything wrong with American society too.

Fascism has the best economic growth record, and NOT Capitalism.

- Franco a basic Fascist guy achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe in the Spanish Miracle, only 2nd in the World to Japan's post WW2 economic miracle.

- Hitler did far better on the Great Depression recovery than had the USA, Great Britain, or France.

- FDR a guy who basically supported Fascism lite, achieved the #1 economic growth in 20th century America.


Modern China's economic miracle , and Japan's economic miracle also are Hybrid systems, or basically Fascist like.
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

Congratulations! Trump and his supporters are successfully yanking health insurance away from tens of thousands of Americans! What a glorious victory!

The leftist salt is a nice added bonus. Trump salt mining inc. stocks up once again, good for America.

It was a glorious victory indeed. Trump was sworn in to repeal Obamacare. Nice Christmas present for all Americans, a other promise fulfilled.
Great plan if your goal is for the Democrat party to totally takeover this country. Because it's those shitholes down there that help keep Republicans in power, and not allow the entire country to be controlled by California, NY, and various other liberal Meccas with large populations.

Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.

The first pushes for universal healthcare movements came from Germany & the UK.

Universal health care - Wikipedia

Yeah, Capitalism is also responsible for everything wrong with American society too.

Fascism has the best economic growth record, and NOT Capitalism.

- Franco a basic Fascist guy achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe in the Spanish Miracle, only 2nd in the World to Japan's post WW2 economic miracle.

- Hitler did far better on the Great Depression recovery than had the USA, Great Britain, or France.

- FDR a guy who basically supported Fascism lite, achieved the #1 economic growth in 20th century America.


Modern China's economic miracle , and Japan's economic miracle also are Hybrid systems, or basically Fascist like.

Again, Capitalism is NOT a Government type. Fascism is. And Fascism operates by the consent of the Capitalists. I suggest you study up on Franco's rise to power in Spain.

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