Trump on a Roll Gets ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional MAGA Trump 2020

Hmm, and how many Americans die due to lack of healthcare?

Yeah, there's a reason why people in the USA don't live as long as Canada.

None. You can walk into any emergency room and get treatment idiot.

Which you and I pay for.

Its worth it to be able to tell asshole Dem's to butt out of our lives.

But you seem ok with the government forcing doctors and medical facilitates to provide services and products regardless of someone's ability to pay.

Lets cut to the chase, I'll offer you single payer healthcare but government can't touch it. They can't touch the money, they can't regulate, government has no control. Instead citizens run it. Deal? Of course not because the Dem's primary objective with single payer is government CONTROL.

That was a hell of a way to avoid my point!

Well fucking done!
None. You can walk into any emergency room and get treatment idiot.

Which you and I pay for.

Its worth it to be able to tell asshole Dem's to butt out of our lives.

I care about results, both in terms of logic & morality.

Republicans & Democrats fail on both counts.

Although Republicans are probably even worse, especially on healthcare.

There is no logic, or morals in thinking we should pay more, or die from lack of healthcare.

What bozos.

Americans don't give a shit what you think, its none of your business so butt out.

I'm an American born & raised.

I actually don't want Americans to pay more & die more from lack of healthcare.

That's true patriotism.

What you support, is Individualism, if you ask me a form of extreme emotional detachment & detachment from logical reasoning, basically a bunch of lousy savages.

Lib please you people long to be communist China where an elite ruling class makes all the decisions and you force people to obey you. :eusa_hand:
None. You can walk into any emergency room and get treatment idiot.

Which you and I pay for.

Its worth it to be able to tell asshole Dem's to butt out of our lives.

But you seem ok with the government forcing doctors and medical facilitates to provide services and products regardless of someone's ability to pay.

Lets cut to the chase, I'll offer you single payer healthcare but government can't touch it. They can't touch the money, they can't regulate, government has no control. Instead citizens run it. Deal? Of course not because the Dem's primary objective with single payer is government CONTROL.

That was a hell of a way to avoid my point!

Well fucking done!

I just handed you the holy grail, single payer healthcare. Deal?
Which you and I pay for.

Its worth it to be able to tell asshole Dem's to butt out of our lives.

I care about results, both in terms of logic & morality.

Republicans & Democrats fail on both counts.

Although Republicans are probably even worse, especially on healthcare.

There is no logic, or morals in thinking we should pay more, or die from lack of healthcare.

What bozos.

Americans don't give a shit what you think, its none of your business so butt out.

I'm an American born & raised.

I actually don't want Americans to pay more & die more from lack of healthcare.

That's true patriotism.

What you support, is Individualism, if you ask me a form of extreme emotional detachment & detachment from logical reasoning, basically a bunch of lousy savages.

Lib please you people long to be communist China where an elite ruling class makes all the decisions and you force people to obey you. :eusa_hand:

I'm no Liberal, actually government deregulation equates to Liberalism.

As I said a bunch of dumb thrifty Scottish & Anglo savages.
Which you and I pay for.

Its worth it to be able to tell asshole Dem's to butt out of our lives.

But you seem ok with the government forcing doctors and medical facilitates to provide services and products regardless of someone's ability to pay.

Lets cut to the chase, I'll offer you single payer healthcare but government can't touch it. They can't touch the money, they can't regulate, government has no control. Instead citizens run it. Deal? Of course not because the Dem's primary objective with single payer is government CONTROL.

That was a hell of a way to avoid my point!

Well fucking done!

I just handed you the holy grail, single payer healthcare. Deal?

Why in the world would you think I would support single payer when I have spent the last almost 3 years on this forum bashing ObamaCare?
Move to the Congo, go live your dream.

MORON alert.

The Congo has terrible healthcare, both private & government.

Maybe you should go live there, you grunting Gorilla.

You want low cost healthcare, go for it.

The USA spends the most by far on healthcare.

Thanks to IndividualSH(TS.

Meh, sucks to be you we love our American healthcare.

Because you have both a low IQ & a low EQ.

You don't care about America, or Americans, but only about "Me, Mine & Now"

Typical Southern / British / rural dregs.

Lib my left pinky toe is smarter than you, obviously. Americans in 30 states said no to your policies and candidate. Fine lets divide the country, you run your half we'll run ours. We don't need the left. I have to warn you though buying food and fuel from us is going to cost you a lot more. :muahaha:
None. You can walk into any emergency room and get treatment idiot.

Which you and I pay for.

Its worth it to be able to tell asshole Dem's to butt out of our lives.

But you seem ok with the government forcing doctors and medical facilitates to provide services and products regardless of someone's ability to pay.

Lets cut to the chase, I'll offer you single payer healthcare but government can't touch it. They can't touch the money, they can't regulate, government has no control. Instead citizens run it. Deal? Of course not because the Dem's primary objective with single payer is government CONTROL.

I'll offer you a big Mac but you can't touch it.

I know you savages, can't resist a bargain, even if it causes damages.

I'm sorry I was listening to a Rush podcast, what?
MORON alert.

The Congo has terrible healthcare, both private & government.

Maybe you should go live there, you grunting Gorilla.

You want low cost healthcare, go for it.

The USA spends the most by far on healthcare.

Thanks to IndividualSH(TS.

Meh, sucks to be you we love our American healthcare.

Because you have both a low IQ & a low EQ.

You don't care about America, or Americans, but only about "Me, Mine & Now"

Typical Southern / British / rural dregs.

Lib my left pinky toe is smarter than you, obviously. Americans in 30 states said no to your policies and candidate. Fine lets divide the country, you run your half we'll run ours. We don't need the left. I have to warn you though buying food and fuel from us is going to cost you a lot more. :muahaha:

I'm no Lib, but I'd gladly divide up the country.

I don't want to share this country with Southern Protestant dregs & negs.

You knuckleheads both suck & blow.

We pay more on income taxes here, to pay for your Military adventures wasting a ton of money & lives,
We also prop up your higher level of Military healthcare, your Military paychecks, benefit packages etc.

We pay for your higher rates of welfare, foodstamps, medicaid.

You take our manufacturing jobs.

I've heard stories of us being mistreated down South, by the dumb yokels.

The only gift you ever gave us was unloading your lousy Negrow population on us.

I despise you f*ckers.
You want low cost healthcare, go for it.

The USA spends the most by far on healthcare.

Thanks to IndividualSH(TS.

Meh, sucks to be you we love our American healthcare.

Because you have both a low IQ & a low EQ.

You don't care about America, or Americans, but only about "Me, Mine & Now"

Typical Southern / British / rural dregs.

Lib my left pinky toe is smarter than you, obviously. Americans in 30 states said no to your policies and candidate. Fine lets divide the country, you run your half we'll run ours. We don't need the left. I have to warn you though buying food and fuel from us is going to cost you a lot more. :muahaha:

I'm no Lib, but I'd gladly divide up the country.

I don't want to share this country with Southern Protestant dregs & negs.

You knuckleheads both suck & blow.

We pay more on income taxes here, to pay for your Military adventures wasting a ton of money & lives,
We also prop up your higher level of Military healthcare, your Military paychecks, benefit packages etc.

We pay for your higher rates of welfare, foodstamps, medicaid.

You take our jobs.

I've heard stories of us being mistreated down South, by the dumb yokels.

The only gift you ever gave us was unloading your lousy Negrow population on us.

I despise you f*ckers.

Meh, we don't need you. You need us but we'd get along just fine without you. Go clean the poop off your streets and hose down your abortion factories.
The plan was to repeal Obamacare first.

Then Congress would start detailed discussions on the next steps.

Well that's a stupid GD plan, there should have been something ready to go.

Go where? Do you think Piglosi and the commies would give it a first look? Don't you believe it.
Wow. That's really weak. Really, really weak.

If the Republicans or Trump had a plan that would reduce costs to "a tiny fraction", they would easily get it passed. The American people are crying out for that very thing.

It's bad enough you sit there and take it up the ass, don't start excusing your rapist!


Piglosi won't even look at it. The better the idea, the more resistance the Democrats would give us.

So Ray you been drinking? When has the right introduced a bill to repeal or change obamacare since Pelosi took over? Do they have one? I saw that dribble the op posted but didn't see where it had been presented in the form of a bill. Remember again before Pelosi the right has control and nothing.

We had the moderates that stopped it. The only way to get it passed with such a small lead in the Senate is for everybody to be on board. The typical RINO"s stopped it, including John McCain.
The USA spends the most by far on healthcare.

Thanks to IndividualSH(TS.

Meh, sucks to be you we love our American healthcare.

Because you have both a low IQ & a low EQ.

You don't care about America, or Americans, but only about "Me, Mine & Now"

Typical Southern / British / rural dregs.

Lib my left pinky toe is smarter than you, obviously. Americans in 30 states said no to your policies and candidate. Fine lets divide the country, you run your half we'll run ours. We don't need the left. I have to warn you though buying food and fuel from us is going to cost you a lot more. :muahaha:

I'm no Lib, but I'd gladly divide up the country.

I don't want to share this country with Southern Protestant dregs & negs.

You knuckleheads both suck & blow.

We pay more on income taxes here, to pay for your Military adventures wasting a ton of money & lives,
We also prop up your higher level of Military healthcare, your Military paychecks, benefit packages etc.

We pay for your higher rates of welfare, foodstamps, medicaid.

You take our jobs.

I've heard stories of us being mistreated down South, by the dumb yokels.

The only gift you ever gave us was unloading your lousy Negrow population on us.

I despise you f*ckers.

Meh, we don't need you. You need us but we'd get along just fine without you. Go clean the poop off your streets and hose down your abortion factories.

Roe & Wade were Southerners & Warren Burger was a Republican.

No poop on the streets in Pawling, NY.
Actual health insurance. :itsok:
For profit hellth insurance which is outlawed in advanced healthy civilized societies.

You mean like in Canada where you just die waiting for your appointment 18 months later?

Hmm, Canada spends about half on healthcare, but lives longer.

There are so many other factors when it comes to lifespan besides healthcare.

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.
For profit hellth insurance which is outlawed in advanced healthy civilized societies.

You mean like in Canada where you just die waiting for your appointment 18 months later?

Hmm, Canada spends about half on healthcare, but lives longer.

There are so many other factors when it comes to lifespan besides healthcare.

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.
You know what the saddest part about the tard herd is?

None of them asked to see Trump's Obamacare replacement.

I asked all during the 2016 campaign for them to point me to it. Boy, did that piss them off! :lol:

Obama had the balls to put his ACTUAL plan on the table before the 2008 election.

That's the difference between a guy with a big dick and a New York hustler with tiny hands.

You mean like in Canada where you just die waiting for your appointment 18 months later?

Hmm, Canada spends about half on healthcare, but lives longer.

There are so many other factors when it comes to lifespan besides healthcare.

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS
Hmm, Canada spends about half on healthcare, but lives longer.

There are so many other factors when it comes to lifespan besides healthcare.

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare in the USA is the #1 by costs in the World, good work IndividualSH(TS.

You'd think we'd live longer, but we don't.

McDonald's hires presumably 10's of thousands of Illegal Immigrants, it's presumably helped kill 10's of millions.

They are criminals, shut 'em down.
Hmm, Canada spends about half on healthcare, but lives longer.

There are so many other factors when it comes to lifespan besides healthcare.

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.
There are so many other factors when it comes to lifespan besides healthcare.

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare in the USA is the #1 by costs in the World, good work IndividualSH(TS.

You'd think we'd live longer, but we don't.

McDonald's hires presumably 10's of thousands of Illegal Immigrants, it's presumably helped kill 10's of millions.

They are criminals, shut 'em down.

Again, how many other companies kill Americans? We could pin that tag on just about any fast food restaurant today. I get it, you have some sort of hangup on McDonald's. So we shut down McDonald's because you don't like them. Then we shutdown Walmart because union people don't like them. Then we shutdown hotdog stands that work downtown areas. Then we stop serving popcorn at movie theaters because they are so loaded with butter. Then we shutdown gun manufacturers because liberals have a problem with them, citing similar reasons to yours.

Like I said, I don't want to live in a world with only government choices. As a person living in the freest country in the world, choices belong to the people--not the government. If you don't want to eat at McDonald's, then don't. But don't tell others they can't eat there because you don't want to.
There are so many other factors when it comes to lifespan besides healthcare.

Exactly why I stated shut down McDonalds & open up National Healthcare.

McDonalds can go burn in hell.
Low quality products with terrible taste.
Racking up obesity, heart disease, hypertension, strokes, diabetes, etc. etc.

Not to mention McDonalds hires a ton of Illegal Immigrants.

F*ck this thrifty Scottish bull.

Scots are a bunch of prehistoric thirfty red haired Baboons & I hate them.

They can go take their Liberty & McDonalds & shove it up their silly Kilt skirts into their pale freckled fat Scottish @$$es.

Your reply is exactly why we don't want government healthcare. Yes, if they controlled it, they would be able to control everybody including shutting down McDonald's. Then it would be Wendy's, then it would be Burger King, then it would be pizza places, then it would be........

We don't want government to have that kind of control over the people. They have too much control over us already. People are free to choose what they wish to eat. We don't need the government taking over our food choices. Look at the results in schools when Mooochelle did the same. Kids quit eating. They were bringing candy bars to school and peanut butter sandwiches.

Genocide happens because of big military, war, multiculturalism, everything Republicans like Reagan, the Bushie Boys pushed for.

Shut down McDonald's the USA would be better off without it.

On the grounds of hiring illegals in mass, they deserve to be shut down, same with their poisoning us with sub-foods.

If you want such a powerful government that they shutdown industries they don't like, you don't belong in this country. I don't think the USSR even went that far. Next it will be turning off all television forcing us to get exercise. Then it will be fines for not weighing what government says you should weigh. Then it will be the elimination of snacks like pop corn, Dorito's, Dolly Madison cakes, Hostess. Just shut them all down.

I don't want to live like that, and that's why I don't want government healthcare.

Fat in Japan? You're breaking the law.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

Healthcare costs far less the way they have it in Europe.
They on the whole live longer.

Actually, one of the only good Republicans Teddy Roosevelt trust busted Corporations.

Fascists & Soviets of course were much harsher than that.

Which is actually a good thing.

Who the f*ck likes Crapitalism?
Morons is who.

Capitalists hiring Illegal Immigrants in mass, Capitalists CEO's outsourcing in mass, Hollywood Capitalists selling smut & shot 'em up films, Porn Industry Capitalists selling smut, Prostitution Capitalists, Illicit drug dealer Capitalists killing many, the Hospital Capitalists who kill fetuses in Abortion. Gay Bar & Gay Tavern owners,
Gangster rap smut & thuggery sold by the music industry Capitalists.

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Youtube Capitalists censoring out Right Wing information & banning Right-Wing users.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS Capitalists selling Liberal biases to the masses.

You poor smuck, Europeans may live longer, but we live better.

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