Trump on changing 20$ bill

I have no problem with a Democrat like Jackson being removed in favor of a Republican like Harriet. If you don't like the new bills feel free to send them to me

She also was a gun owner! You'd think that'd make conservatives happy .
this will be on the 100.........

Who is against this ? And why?

I've always been against this kind of thing. Why do we need to change our currency? I remember, as a young boy, encyclopedias and textbooks would have all the currency denominations pictured. We can't be doing that anymore because it changes so often now. We went through my entire childhood without any major change in our currency. I think dollar coins changed and then we had the bicentennial quarters. I don't recall any bills changing... maybe they did and I am not remembering it. But now, it seems like every year or so, we're introducing a new look.


Look... We're nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt... We've got people in this country who can't afford to eat... All kinds of major pressing issues we should be addressing... and we're blowing billions of dollars on re-printing our currency every other year. Does anyone have any idea how much it costs to re-tool the dies at the mint, to have new engravings done, to add all these elaborate security features and special inks? How many poor kids could we feed? How much debt could we pay off? It just seems very wasteful and pointless... we don't GET anything from it.

That's a cop out answer . What's wrong with honoring women and minorities ? It will be 100years of woman voting in 2020. It's a feel good story except for the racists and women haters .

I'm sure if you were making a 911 bill, these righties wouldn't care .

Well I don't have a problem with honoring anyone and I don't think my answer was a cop out. I don't understand what benefit we get from changing our currency. Maybe it helps to deter counterfeiting a bit but it costs us billions of dollars. We've implemented some pretty strong anti-counterfeiting features and you'll never be able to stop it all. So what's the deal? Let's just spend billions of taxpayer dollars because we're drunk with power and can get away with it? What's another few billion borrowed from China when we can honor Harriet Tubman?

The Left simply don't care what kind of craziness they blow money on. Just spend the hell out of it on anything you can dream of and jack up taxes on "the rich" some more! You people are insane!
Who is against this ? And why?

I've always been against this kind of thing. Why do we need to change our currency? I remember, as a young boy, encyclopedias and textbooks would have all the currency denominations pictured. We can't be doing that anymore because it changes so often now. We went through my entire childhood without any major change in our currency. I think dollar coins changed and then we had the bicentennial quarters. I don't recall any bills changing... maybe they did and I am not remembering it. But now, it seems like every year or so, we're introducing a new look.


Look... We're nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt... We've got people in this country who can't afford to eat... All kinds of major pressing issues we should be addressing... and we're blowing billions of dollars on re-printing our currency every other year. Does anyone have any idea how much it costs to re-tool the dies at the mint, to have new engravings done, to add all these elaborate security features and special inks? How many poor kids could we feed? How much debt could we pay off? It just seems very wasteful and pointless... we don't GET anything from it.

That's a cop out answer . What's wrong with honoring women and minorities ? It will be 100years of woman voting in 2020. It's a feel good story except for the racists and women haters .

I'm sure if you were making a 911 bill, these righties wouldn't care .

Well I don't have a problem with honoring anyone and I don't think my answer was a cop out. I don't understand what benefit we get from changing our currency. Maybe it helps to deter counterfeiting a bit but it costs us billions of dollars. We've implemented some pretty strong anti-counterfeiting features and you'll never be able to stop it all. So what's the deal? Let's just spend billions of taxpayer dollars because we're drunk with power and can get away with it? What's another few billion borrowed from China when we can honor Harriet Tubman?

The Left simply don't care what kind of craziness they blow money on. Just spend the hell out of it on anything you can dream of and jack up taxes on "the rich" some more! You people are insane!

I'm in total agreement. I have no problem with the change but why now when we have so many other problems to deal with?
Who is against this ? And why?

I've always been against this kind of thing. Why do we need to change our currency? I remember, as a young boy, encyclopedias and textbooks would have all the currency denominations pictured. We can't be doing that anymore because it changes so often now. We went through my entire childhood without any major change in our currency. I think dollar coins changed and then we had the bicentennial quarters. I don't recall any bills changing... maybe they did and I am not remembering it. But now, it seems like every year or so, we're introducing a new look.


Look... We're nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt... We've got people in this country who can't afford to eat... All kinds of major pressing issues we should be addressing... and we're blowing billions of dollars on re-printing our currency every other year. Does anyone have any idea how much it costs to re-tool the dies at the mint, to have new engravings done, to add all these elaborate security features and special inks? How many poor kids could we feed? How much debt could we pay off? It just seems very wasteful and pointless... we don't GET anything from it.

That's a cop out answer . What's wrong with honoring women and minorities ? It will be 100years of woman voting in 2020. It's a feel good story except for the racists and women haters .

I'm sure if you were making a 911 bill, these righties wouldn't care .

Well I don't have a problem with honoring anyone and I don't think my answer was a cop out. I don't understand what benefit we get from changing our currency. Maybe it helps to deter counterfeiting a bit but it costs us billions of dollars. We've implemented some pretty strong anti-counterfeiting features and you'll never be able to stop it all. So what's the deal? Let's just spend billions of taxpayer dollars because we're drunk with power and can get away with it? What's another few billion borrowed from China when we can honor Harriet Tubman?

The Left simply don't care what kind of craziness they blow money on. Just spend the hell out of it on anything you can dream of and jack up taxes on "the rich" some more! You people are insane!

I'm in total agreement. I have no problem with the change but why now when we have so many other problems to deal with?

Because we can walk and chew gum at the same time . Does a new $20 mean we can't work on illegal immigration !? We change and reprint money all the time, it's not as big an expense as you would think .

Shit, why don't we stop celebrating veterans day! All those little American flags on those graves, total waste of money !!!
Who is against this ? And why?

I've always been against this kind of thing. Why do we need to change our currency? I remember, as a young boy, encyclopedias and textbooks would have all the currency denominations pictured. We can't be doing that anymore because it changes so often now. We went through my entire childhood without any major change in our currency. I think dollar coins changed and then we had the bicentennial quarters. I don't recall any bills changing... maybe they did and I am not remembering it. But now, it seems like every year or so, we're introducing a new look.


Look... We're nearly 20 trillion dollars in debt... We've got people in this country who can't afford to eat... All kinds of major pressing issues we should be addressing... and we're blowing billions of dollars on re-printing our currency every other year. Does anyone have any idea how much it costs to re-tool the dies at the mint, to have new engravings done, to add all these elaborate security features and special inks? How many poor kids could we feed? How much debt could we pay off? It just seems very wasteful and pointless... we don't GET anything from it.

That's a cop out answer . What's wrong with honoring women and minorities ? It will be 100years of woman voting in 2020. It's a feel good story except for the racists and women haters .

I'm sure if you were making a 911 bill, these righties wouldn't care .

Well I don't have a problem with honoring anyone and I don't think my answer was a cop out. I don't understand what benefit we get from changing our currency. Maybe it helps to deter counterfeiting a bit but it costs us billions of dollars. We've implemented some pretty strong anti-counterfeiting features and you'll never be able to stop it all. So what's the deal? Let's just spend billions of taxpayer dollars because we're drunk with power and can get away with it? What's another few billion borrowed from China when we can honor Harriet Tubman?

The Left simply don't care what kind of craziness they blow money on. Just spend the hell out of it on anything you can dream of and jack up taxes on "the rich" some more! You people are insane!

I'm in total agreement. I have no problem with the change but why now when we have so many other problems to deal with?

Because we can walk and chew gum at the same time . Does a new $20 mean we can't work on illegal immigration !? We change and reprint money all the time, it's not as big an expense as you would think .

Shit, why don't we stop celebrating veterans day! All those little American flags on those graves, total waste of money !!!

When we are trillions in deny we should not be wasting money
Donald Trump Wants Harriet Tubman on $2 Bill

I said this earlier. This isn't supposed to happen until 2020 I don't see it actually happening. I don't think Lew will be head of the fed any longer and won't have a chance to change it.

Sounds like Barry is just trying to piss people off.

The spoiled brat has been doing just that for the past 7 years and thinks its leadership. If that clown had joined the military he would have suffered numerous beatings.
Who is against this ? And why?
Who: ridiculous rightwing nitwits with an unwarranted fear of change and diversity.

Why: to contrive a ‘controversy’ where none exists for some perceived partisan gain.

There’s clearly no end to the inane non-issues conservatives whine about.
jones......shut the fuck up.....pussy....what do you think about that?...
Donald Trump Wants Harriet Tubman on $2 Bill

I said this earlier. This isn't supposed to happen until 2020 I don't see it actually happening. I don't think Lew will be head of the fed any longer and won't have a chance to change it.

Sounds like Barry is just trying to piss people off.

He got a letter from a little girl asking why our bills don't have women on them. That devil!!!

And this is such a non issue for anyone . It can only piss off bigots and women haters . Unfortunately they make up most of today's Republican Party .
Donald Trump Wants Harriet Tubman on $2 Bill

I said this earlier. This isn't supposed to happen until 2020 I don't see it actually happening. I don't think Lew will be head of the fed any longer and won't have a chance to change it.

Sounds like Barry is just trying to piss people off.

The spoiled brat has been doing just that for the past 7 years and thinks its leadership. If that clown had joined the military he would have suffered numerous beatings.

Wish he would have served....:biggrin:
Donald Trump Wants Harriet Tubman on $2 Bill

I said this earlier. This isn't supposed to happen until 2020 I don't see it actually happening. I don't think Lew will be head of the fed any longer and won't have a chance to change it.

Sounds like Barry is just trying to piss people off.

He got a letter from a little girl asking why our bills don't have women on them. That devil!!!

And this is such a non issue for anyone . It can only piss off bigots and women haters . Unfortunately they make up most of today's Republican Party .

Sure he did timmy.
Donald Trump Wants Harriet Tubman on $2 Bill

I said this earlier. This isn't supposed to happen until 2020 I don't see it actually happening. I don't think Lew will be head of the fed any longer and won't have a chance to change it.

Sounds like Barry is just trying to piss people off.

He got a letter from a little girl asking why our bills don't have women on them. That devil!!!

And this is such a non issue for anyone . It can only piss off bigots and women haters . Unfortunately they make up most of today's Republican Party .

Sure he did timmy.

She's from Boston . Local did a story on her.

Or maybe she's in on it too!!!!! Grab your tinfoil hat!!
Donald Trump Wants Harriet Tubman on $2 Bill

I said this earlier. This isn't supposed to happen until 2020 I don't see it actually happening. I don't think Lew will be head of the fed any longer and won't have a chance to change it.

Sounds like Barry is just trying to piss people off.

He got a letter from a little girl asking why our bills don't have women on them. That devil!!!

And this is such a non issue for anyone . It can only piss off bigots and women haters . Unfortunately they make up most of today's Republican Party .

Sure he did timmy.

She's from Boston . Local did a story on her.

Or maybe she's in on it too!!!!! Grab your tinfoil hat!!

So Barry takes his advice from little girls?
No surprise there I guess...he acts like one himself.
And why not a white women?

Not to worried about it though,since it will be long forgotten by 2020.

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