Trump on immigration, 14th amendment: the "Votemaster" strikes again!

and speaking of no credibility; an idiot from the failed Occupy movement making idiot charges of the plans of Republicans that he cant back up with anything resembling a fact or evidence means what again?
Ok Mr. republican spokesman, enlighten us how you neo-fascist haters would actually deport several million people without large squads of armed police rounding them up and skipping the rather slow deportation proceeding.


that's funny because you losers are running around saying obama has deported "RECORD NUMBERS OF ILLEGALS"?

Nope, the immigration courts are already jammed up with cases, how do you intend to make them work faster other than mass summary judgements?

i already answered this leftard; stop making things easy on illegals and they WILL self-deport, and fewere will think of making the trip
You have no clue, if people are getting slaughtered back home no one is going to self deport. You are going to have to go get them.

where is your proof people are getting slaughtered all over Mexico?
and how is that a reason to allow douchebag illegals here?
the ones that wont self-deport are the ones we process stupid

i love the CANT-DO attitude from the Left on illegal immogration

you got your poll, i got mine:

Poll Shows Democrats Lose Swing Voters Over Amnesty ...
The Daily Caller
Jan 27, 2015 - It is also a problem for Senate Democrats, who need to pick up five ... aid to illegal immigrants is concentrated among male Democrats, liberals

A poll calling what the President did "amnesty" isn't a credible poll...but good on you for finally posting something. It's pure crap, but it's a start.

no what isnt credible is a left-wing idiot lying to herself; what obama is doing is amnesty

You're confusing Obama with Reagan.
good one stupid; we can start be not giving any government funds to "sanctuary cities" and in fact place heavy fines on any liberal-run city that doesnt cooperate with federal government demands to turn over illegals. illegals will start SELF-DEPORTING
Typical republican tactics akin to using a shotgun a kill a fly.

typical left-wing idiot and pandering loser; sees a completely common sense approach that would save American lives as being too harsh on illegals
Nothing common sense about what you said, nothing.

allowing "sanctuary" to illegals, even from the federal government; who go on to kill Americans; is comon sense to you leftard?
Nothing you have said resembles reality so I really have nothing to say about your alarmist fantasies. Republicans are going to lose this battle mostly because they sound hateful, like you, and refuse to deal with the reality of the situation.

you are simply a moron PROJECTING. you have the GALL to call others "alarmists"??

you're the one saying people are going to be "dragged out into the night"

nobody takes you seriously idiot
you got your poll, i got mine:

Poll Shows Democrats Lose Swing Voters Over Amnesty ...
The Daily Caller
Jan 27, 2015 - It is also a problem for Senate Democrats, who need to pick up five ... aid to illegal immigrants is concentrated among male Democrats, liberals

A poll calling what the President did "amnesty" isn't a credible poll...but good on you for finally posting something. It's pure crap, but it's a start.

no what isnt credible is a left-wing idiot lying to herself; what obama is doing is amnesty

You're confusing Obama with Reagan.

you're confusing an Executive Order with a lawfully passed bil

you also cant be taken seriously dummy
Ok Mr. republican spokesman, enlighten us how you neo-fascist haters would actually deport several million people without large squads of armed police rounding them up and skipping the rather slow deportation proceeding.


that's funny because you losers are running around saying obama has deported "RECORD NUMBERS OF ILLEGALS"?

Nope, the immigration courts are already jammed up with cases, how do you intend to make them work faster other than mass summary judgements?

i already answered this leftard; stop making things easy on illegals and they WILL self-deport, and fewere will think of making the trip
You have no clue, if people are getting slaughtered back home no one is going to self deport. You are going to have to go get them.

they will if the actually dont get sanctuary stupid; if they cant even eat.
These people are survivors, more so than any of us comfortable people who never had to dodge a bullet in our lives, you are still going to have to hunt them down, kick in their door and drag them away by force.
Immigration is the raw meat Trump throws into the game to sucker support from the right wing. Notice his ideas are ones that will never be accomplished. Mexico is not going to pay for a wall and the 14th Amendment is not going to be trashed. The people who believe this nonsense are the suckers P.T. Barnum said were born every minute.
In the meantime, Trump is working towards turning the Republican Party into a liberal progressive party. Not a moderate Republican Party, a progressive party with liberal goals. What Republican candidate will have a chance after Trump is done bitch slapping them into single digit support or in some case numbers so low they don't even register above 0% ?
If it wasn't for being worthless pieces of shit who are careless and lawless the democrats would have nothing.
i love the "we have to do this because Reagan did it" talking point from left-wing nutjobs though!1

very amusing
Typical republican tactics akin to using a shotgun a kill a fly.

typical left-wing idiot and pandering loser; sees a completely common sense approach that would save American lives as being too harsh on illegals
Nothing common sense about what you said, nothing.

allowing "sanctuary" to illegals, even from the federal government; who go on to kill Americans; is comon sense to you leftard?
Nothing you have said resembles reality so I really have nothing to say about your alarmist fantasies. Republicans are going to lose this battle mostly because they sound hateful, like you, and refuse to deal with the reality of the situation.

you are simply a moron PROJECTING. you have the GALL to call others "alarmists"??

you're the one saying people are going to be "dragged out into the night"

nobody takes you seriously idiot
Wow, now there's some serious projection. You still haven't said how you would deal with the very large numbers of people who are not going to meekly go back home to be terrorized by armed gangs.
Immigration is the raw meat Trump throws into the game to sucker support from the right wing. Notice his ideas are ones that will never be accomplished. Mexico is not going to pay for a wall and the 14th Amendment is not going to be trashed. The people who believe this nonsense are the suckers P.T. Barnum said were born every minute.
In the meantime, Trump is working towards turning the Republican Party into a liberal progressive party. Not a moderate Republican Party, a progressive party with liberal goals. What Republican candidate will have a chance after Trump is done bitch slapping them into single digit support or in some case numbers so low they don't even register above 0% ?

"raw meat"

you can always tell these left-wing lemmings get their talking points all from the same place
typical left-wing idiot and pandering loser; sees a completely common sense approach that would save American lives as being too harsh on illegals
Nothing common sense about what you said, nothing.

allowing "sanctuary" to illegals, even from the federal government; who go on to kill Americans; is comon sense to you leftard?
Nothing you have said resembles reality so I really have nothing to say about your alarmist fantasies. Republicans are going to lose this battle mostly because they sound hateful, like you, and refuse to deal with the reality of the situation.

you are simply a moron PROJECTING. you have the GALL to call others "alarmists"??

you're the one saying people are going to be "dragged out into the night"

nobody takes you seriously idiot
Wow, now there's some serious projection. You still haven't said how you would deal with the very large numbers of people who are not going to meekly go back home to be terrorized by armed gangs.

i gave you multiple examples. you're a nutjob wallowing in denial
good one stupid; we can start be not giving any government funds to "sanctuary cities" and in fact place heavy fines on any liberal-run city that doesnt cooperate with federal government demands to turn over illegals. illegals will start SELF-DEPORTING
Typical republican tactics akin to using a shotgun a kill a fly.

typical left-wing idiot and pandering loser; sees a completely common sense approach that would save American lives as being too harsh on illegals
Nothing common sense about what you said, nothing.

allowing "sanctuary" to illegals, even from the federal government; who go on to kill Americans; is comon sense to you leftard?
Nothing you have said resembles reality so I really have nothing to say about your alarmist fantasies. Republicans are going to lose this battle mostly because they sound hateful, like you, and refuse to deal with the reality of the situation.

i havent said anything hateful toward any ethnic group; or anything hateful at all toward illegals; and if you could prove i did you would. but your'e a coward and we know this. if Republicans are going to "lose this battle" it will be because people believed the lies from losers like you
Actually, the states can vote to overturn an ammendment designed to give freed slaves citizenship, since it's no longer applicable.

And Hispanics want border security and enforcement too.

Poll Hispanics Want Border Security Interior Enforcement Before Amnesty - Breitbart

Really, you should get off and get out more...

A poll by a Republican firm, released July 9, 2015.

Describes the President's policies as "amnesty".


It claims that it polled 800 "hispanics" in the time frame from June 5 to 16, 2015. That's a 12 day time-frame, which is 9 days too many. And then it took the firm 3 weeks to crunch the numbers and release a report.


That being said, here is what the report ACTUALLY says, you know, the core stuff you don't want to mention:

McLaughlin poll June 2015 Latinos.png

86% of Latinos support immigration reform. 90% support a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens. That's 9 out of every 10 Latinos.

And there is also this, from the poll you linked to:

McLaughlin poll June 2015 Latinos 2.png

Ouch. That has got to hurt.

So, yeah, you keep on linking to that poll, li'l slugger.

I can now understand why McLaughlin waited so long to publish the results of this poll...
Immigration is the raw meat Trump throws into the game to sucker support from the right wing. Notice his ideas are ones that will never be accomplished. Mexico is not going to pay for a wall and the 14th Amendment is not going to be trashed. The people who believe this nonsense are the suckers P.T. Barnum said were born every minute.
In the meantime, Trump is working towards turning the Republican Party into a liberal progressive party. Not a moderate Republican Party, a progressive party with liberal goals. What Republican candidate will have a chance after Trump is done bitch slapping them into single digit support or in some case numbers so low they don't even register above 0% ?

"raw meat"

you can always tell these left-wing lemmings get their talking points all from the same place
Not just a left term, a right one also. It's a good one, but for folks who have never fed dogs raw meat it may be misunderstood. Have you ever butchered an animal and tossed pieces of raw meat to a dog?
Thanks for bumping my post.
Actually, the states can vote to overturn an ammendment designed to give freed slaves citizenship, since it's no longer applicable.

And Hispanics want border security and enforcement too.

Poll Hispanics Want Border Security Interior Enforcement Before Amnesty - Breitbart

Really, you should get off and get out more...

A poll by a Republican firm, released July 9, 2015.

Describes the President's policies as "amnesty".


It claims that it polled 800 "hispanics" in the time frame from June 5 to 16, 2015. That's a 12 day time-frame, which is 9 days too many. And then it took the firm 3 weeks to crunch the numbers and release a report.


That being said, here is what the report ACTUALLY says, you know, the core stuff you don't want to mention:

View attachment 47573

86% of Latinos support immigration reform. 90% support a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens. That's 9 out of every 10 Latinos.

And there is also this, from the poll you linked to:

View attachment 47572

Ouch. That has got to hurt.

So, yeah, you keep on linking to that poll, li'l slugger.

I can now understand why McLaughlin waited so long to publish the results of this poll...

what part of this moronic propaganda piece disproves what obama's wants to do is anmesty?

i cant hear you..............
Immigration is the raw meat Trump throws into the game to sucker support from the right wing. Notice his ideas are ones that will never be accomplished. Mexico is not going to pay for a wall and the 14th Amendment is not going to be trashed. The people who believe this nonsense are the suckers P.T. Barnum said were born every minute.
In the meantime, Trump is working towards turning the Republican Party into a liberal progressive party. Not a moderate Republican Party, a progressive party with liberal goals. What Republican candidate will have a chance after Trump is done bitch slapping them into single digit support or in some case numbers so low they don't even register above 0% ?

"raw meat"

you can always tell these left-wing lemmings get their talking points all from the same place
Not just a left term, a right one also. It's a good one, but for folks who have never fed dogs raw meat it may be misunderstood. Have you ever butchered an animal and tossed pieces of raw meat to a dog?
Thanks for bumping my post.

YAWN. you're one of the losers that cant think for himself; and it shows. all of you lemmings are using the "red meat" or "raw meat" talking point
pandering to minorities is the "raw meat" the Left has thrown their dogs for decades

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