Trump on immigration, 14th amendment: the "Votemaster" strikes again!

pandering is the only thing the Left has left
Guess you didn't notice Trump bitch slapping all the Republican candidates for pandering while he panders to suckers like you.

good one stupid. you know Trump was a Democat most of his life right?

nobody can pander like the Left can, nobody
The fact that you think politicians in one party pander more than politicians in another party proves you are a hopelessly brainwashed and propagandized partisan. It shows how useless and irrelevant your post are. You are basically saying Democrat politicians kiss more babies during a campaign than Republican politicians kiss babies during a campaign.
No wonder it is so easy for Trump to sucker you fools.
Ok Mr. republican spokesman, enlighten us how you neo-fascist haters would actually deport several million people without large squads of armed police rounding them up and skipping the rather slow deportation proceeding.


that's funny because you losers are running around saying obama has deported "RECORD NUMBERS OF ILLEGALS"?

Nope, the immigration courts are already jammed up with cases, how do you intend to make them work faster other than mass summary judgements?

i already answered this leftard; stop making things easy on illegals and they WILL self-deport, and fewere will think of making the trip
You have no clue, if people are getting slaughtered back home no one is going to self deport. You are going to have to go get them.

they will if the actually dont get sanctuary stupid; if they cant even eat.

What you are misunderstanding is not an aspect of immigration law that is going to change. Put away your Hulk Hogan tear-away tank top and start thinking about things.
pandering is the only thing the Left has left
Guess you didn't notice Trump bitch slapping all the Republican candidates for pandering while he panders to suckers like you.

good one stupid. you know Trump was a Democat most of his life right?

nobody can pander like the Left can, nobody
The fact that you think politicians in one party pander more than politicians in another party proves you are a hopelessly brainwashed and propagandized partisan. It shows how useless and irrelevant your post are. You are basically saying Democrat politicians kiss more babies during a campaign than Republican politicians kiss babies during a campaign.
No wonder it is so easy for Trump to sucker you fools.

no leftard. i can, unlike you, back my points up with facts. of course the Left panders FAR MORE than the Right does. your Party cant survive without divisive pandering and demagoguery.. you're a clown dude, and everybody knows it
you speak on who got suckered left-wing idiot? what a laughable loser!1
you voted for "change" from a guy who NEVER changed ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE,. you call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and cheer the record corporate profits of companies you wanted to "occupy" and shut down; because they are the one bright spot in the obamaconomy.

under the Progressive President the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer.
your EXCUSES for all this PROGRESSIVE FAILURE run along the lines of how a smaller number of people you call "suckers" and feel superior to, kept stealing the lunch money from your "brilliant" community organizer................... FACTS
who is the sucker leftard?
pandering is the only thing the Left has left
Guess you didn't notice Trump bitch slapping all the Republican candidates for pandering while he panders to suckers like you.

good one stupid. you know Trump was a Democat most of his life right?

nobody can pander like the Left can, nobody
The fact that you think politicians in one party pander more than politicians in another party proves you are a hopelessly brainwashed and propagandized partisan. It shows how useless and irrelevant your post are. You are basically saying Democrat politicians kiss more babies during a campaign than Republican politicians kiss babies during a campaign.
No wonder it is so easy for Trump to sucker you fools.

no leftard. i can, unlike you, back my points up with facts. of course the Left panders FAR MORE than the Right does. your Party cant survive without divisive pandering and demagoguery.. you're a clown dude, and everybody knows it
Well, back up your claim that the left panders more than the right. My position is they both pander. I can back it up by just mentioning "No new taxes" and "we will not nation build". And Trump is a friggin field day of pandering examples. But go ahead and prove your goofy claim about the left pandering more than the right. Good luck, because you know you are never able to back your nonsense up.
This guy has a excellent elections site and often posts some very sage commentary, like this one:


While Mitt Romney merely asked undocumented immigrants to self deport, Donald Trump is going a step further and would deport all 11 or 12 million of them, as described in a
position paper he released yesterday. In a sense, it doesn't matter what his position on immigration is, since he has no chance at becoming President, but in another sense this announcement is a giant problem for the other candidates. They are all going to be asked if they agree with it. To win the primary, they have to agree with it, but to win the general election they have to reject it. You can count on Democratic trackers recording their words in the coming week and saving the footage to play back during the general election, especially in swing states with large populations of Latino citizens, such as Nevada, Colorado, and Virginia. The other candidates would greatly prefer educating the populace about precisely what an email server is and not talk about immigration at all. But Trump is forcing the issue. For the Democrats, this issue is manna from heaven (well, from New York City, actually). All of them support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, a position that plays a lot better with Latino citizens than deportation...

...Another contentious point in Trump's immigration platform is his desire to end birthright citizenship. He may or may not be aware that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution begins: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States ..." This means that ending birthright citizenship would require repealing part of the Fourteenth Amendment. That process requires the approval of 2/3 majorities of each chamber of Congress and then 3/4 of the states. The President plays no role in the process, so all he could do as President would be to badger Congress and the states to get to work on it.

And that's it in a big nutshell.

Trump just handed the Democrats a very nice gift.

And we know what at least 2 questions in the coming debates are going to be...

BTW, has anyone noticed how often Trump promises things that he cannot even deliver? Now, THAT'S ego.


how many gotcha traps do yo have

you speak on who got suckered left-wing idiot? what a laughable loser!1
you voted for "change" from a guy who NEVER changed ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE,. you call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and cheer the record corporate profits of companies you wanted to "occupy" and shut down; because they are the one bright spot in the obamaconomy.

under the Progressive President the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer.
your EXCUSES for all this PROGRESSIVE FAILURE run along the lines of how a smaller number of people you call "suckers" and feel superior to, kept stealing the lunch money from your "brilliant" community organizer................... FACTS
who is the sucker leftard?
Obama bashing is not proof of one party pandering more than another. If everything in your post were facts instead of opinions it still wouldn't prove more pandering or even more suckers in one party than another.
pandering is the only thing the Left has left
Guess you didn't notice Trump bitch slapping all the Republican candidates for pandering while he panders to suckers like you.

good one stupid. you know Trump was a Democat most of his life right?

nobody can pander like the Left can, nobody
The fact that you think politicians in one party pander more than politicians in another party proves you are a hopelessly brainwashed and propagandized partisan. It shows how useless and irrelevant your post are. You are basically saying Democrat politicians kiss more babies during a campaign than Republican politicians kiss babies during a campaign.
No wonder it is so easy for Trump to sucker you fools.

no leftard. i can, unlike you, back my points up with facts. of course the Left panders FAR MORE than the Right does. your Party cant survive without divisive pandering and demagoguery.. you're a clown dude, and everybody knows it
Well, back up your claim that the left panders more than the right. My position is they both pander. I can back it up by just mentioning "No new taxes" and "we will not nation build". And Trump is a friggin field day of pandering examples. But go ahead and prove your goofy claim about the left pandering more than the right. Good luck, because you know you are never able to back your nonsense up.

i already have dummy. like the pandering to minorities the Left has engaged in for DECADES, even as you throw black people under the bus in your quest to pander to 15 million or so Hispanics.

OH and the whole "Black Lives Matter" movement is nothing but PROGRESSVIE PANDERING
you speak on who got suckered left-wing idiot? what a laughable loser!1
you voted for "change" from a guy who NEVER changed ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE,. you call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and cheer the record corporate profits of companies you wanted to "occupy" and shut down; because they are the one bright spot in the obamaconomy.

under the Progressive President the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer.
your EXCUSES for all this PROGRESSIVE FAILURE run along the lines of how a smaller number of people you call "suckers" and feel superior to, kept stealing the lunch money from your "brilliant" community organizer................... FACTS
who is the sucker leftard?
Obama bashing is not proof of one party pandering more than another. If everything in your post were facts instead of opinions it still wouldn't prove more pandering or even more suckers in one party than another.

ITS' NOT BASHING WHEN IT'S TRUE................................ and obama is your Chief Panderer

try again
obama is always talking about the gap between the rich and the poor; but that has gotten worse on his watch and worse AT A FASTER PACE then it was getting under Republicans and bush.

but it makes for great speeches................................

Most reasonable people realize just how incredibly fascist we would have to become to expel all the illegal immigrants and keep them out...
Expelling Illegal Aliens and establishing conditions designed to keep them out in future is not the definition of Fascism.

Expelling Illegal Aliens and establishing conditions designed to keep them out in future is the definition of a sane, rational People who care for their own, first.

...Conservatives on the other hand don't care if a million American doors get kicked in by the government.

Self-deportation is the answer.

The kind brought about by the establishment of conditions designed to send them packing and not to come back.


We make it a crime - with stiff penalties - to give an Illegal a job, or a house or apartment, or a car or truck, or a bank account, or a credit card, or an ability to wire money back home, or educational or medical or other services.

And we (metaphorically) crucify Sanctuary Cities by de-funding them and otherwise forcing them to rescind Sanctuary status.

And we spend our money in rigorously enforcing those laws, rather than chasing-down runners.

They'll leave on their own, in droves, at the speed of light, without kicking in one single door.

And the word will get out, south of the border, that there is no longer any point in making the attempt, which is, of course, the happiest and most desirable outcome of all.
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you speak on who got suckered left-wing idiot? what a laughable loser!1
you voted for "change" from a guy who NEVER changed ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE,. you call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and cheer the record corporate profits of companies you wanted to "occupy" and shut down; because they are the one bright spot in the obamaconomy.

under the Progressive President the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer.
your EXCUSES for all this PROGRESSIVE FAILURE run along the lines of how a smaller number of people you call "suckers" and feel superior to, kept stealing the lunch money from your "brilliant" community organizer................... FACTS
who is the sucker leftard?
Obama bashing is not proof of one party pandering more than another. If everything in your post were facts instead of opinions it still wouldn't prove more pandering or even more suckers in one party than another.

ITS' NOT BASHING WHEN IT'S TRUE................................ and obama is your Chief Panderer

try again
You are giving opinions and proving nothing. You are claiming lefties pander more than righties. I have not denied that any politicians from any party panders. That is what politicians do. You are claiming one group panders more than the other. That is the what you have been challenged to prove. Listing examples of your opinions of pandering, or even examples that all would agree are pandering, does not prove your claim. You have to show a quantitative difference.
you speak on who got suckered left-wing idiot? what a laughable loser!1
you voted for "change" from a guy who NEVER changed ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE,. you call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and cheer the record corporate profits of companies you wanted to "occupy" and shut down; because they are the one bright spot in the obamaconomy.

under the Progressive President the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer.
your EXCUSES for all this PROGRESSIVE FAILURE run along the lines of how a smaller number of people you call "suckers" and feel superior to, kept stealing the lunch money from your "brilliant" community organizer................... FACTS
who is the sucker leftard?
Obama bashing is not proof of one party pandering more than another. If everything in your post were facts instead of opinions it still wouldn't prove more pandering or even more suckers in one party than another.

ITS' NOT BASHING WHEN IT'S TRUE................................ and obama is your Chief Panderer

try again
You are giving opinions and proving nothing. You are claiming lefties pander more than righties. I have not denied that any politicians from any party panders. That is what politicians do. You are claiming one group panders more than the other. That is the what you have been challenged to prove. Listing examples of your opinions of pandering, or even examples that all would agree are pandering, does not prove your claim. You have to show a quantitative difference.

you're just making a fool of yourself dummy. go cry in your latte about a "quantitative difference"; because nothing i say will convince you. you are, exactly what you accuse others of, and a case study of what i'm talking about
you speak on who got suckered left-wing idiot? what a laughable loser!1
you voted for "change" from a guy who NEVER changed ANYTHING, for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE,. you call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress", and cheer the record corporate profits of companies you wanted to "occupy" and shut down; because they are the one bright spot in the obamaconomy.

under the Progressive President the very richest got richer and the poorest got poorer.
your EXCUSES for all this PROGRESSIVE FAILURE run along the lines of how a smaller number of people you call "suckers" and feel superior to, kept stealing the lunch money from your "brilliant" community organizer................... FACTS
who is the sucker leftard?
Obama bashing is not proof of one party pandering more than another. If everything in your post were facts instead of opinions it still wouldn't prove more pandering or even more suckers in one party than another.

ITS' NOT BASHING WHEN IT'S TRUE................................ and obama is your Chief Panderer

try again
You are giving opinions and proving nothing. You are claiming lefties pander more than righties. I have not denied that any politicians from any party panders. That is what politicians do. You are claiming one group panders more than the other. That is the what you have been challenged to prove. Listing examples of your opinions of pandering, or even examples that all would agree are pandering, does not prove your claim. You have to show a quantitative difference.

you dont even believe what you're telling me. if you did then you would go the route of providing there is no "quantitative difference". and dont cry about havi tp prove a negative, you already hinted i can provide a lot more examples of left-wing pandering than you can of right-wing pandering.
Most reasonable people realize just how incredibly fascist we would have to become to expel all the illegal immigrants and keep them out...
Expelling Illegal Aliens and establishing conditions designed to keep them out in future is not the definition of Fascism.

Expelling Illegal Aliens and establishing conditions designed to keep them out in future is the definition of a sane, rational People who care for their own, first.

...Conservatives on the other hand don't care if a million American doors get kicked in by the government.

We just make it a crime - with stiff penalties - to give an Illegal a job, or a house or apartment, or a car or truck, or a bank account, or an ability to wire money back home, or educational or medical or financial services.

They'll leave on their own, in droves, at the speed of light, without kicking in one single door.

And the word will get out, south of the border, that there is no longer any point in making the attempt, which is, of course, the happiest and most desirable outcome of all.
Self deportation is what Romney called it and he was attacked from all sides. The key to this very logical and rational plan hinges on enforcing hiring laws and giving out significant penalties to those who knowingly or negligently have a pattern of hiring the undocumented. Those people have powerful lobbies and entities from both parties block enforcement at every turn.
Only social plans from the Capitalist of the Right? Where is our business plan in Commerce, well regulated, that will "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People with their money?
...Self deportation is what Romney called it and he was attacked from all sides...

But that was the 2012 election cycle, and this is 4-years later, with a fresh and highly aggressive banner-carrier to push the idea much more vigorously.

One of the more amusing aspects of Trump's campaign is that he calls-out lobbyist influence, like lifting a rock and exposing the disgusting bugs underneath.

I think that vast numbers of Americans have stopped caring about the immigration issue because neither party has been willing to actually undertake the harsh measures to repel the existing invasion and to establish conditions required to discourage future waves of invaders from trying the same thing.

I also think that vast numbers of Americans would support such harsh measures if they saw evidence that political leadership was finally ready to get off its dead ass and to do what is needed to beat-back the invasion and to prevent future ones.

THAT is why a dangerous fellow like Donald Trump is doing so well in the polls; because he is perceived as willing to do just that.

If any other more mainstream candidate could bring him-or-herself to adopt a Trump-like ( Trumpian?
) answer to the Illegal Aliens situation, they could probably sweep the primaries and would stand a decent chance at winning the general election.

Today, "Immigration Reform" = codespeak for "Shamnesty" - Americans understand this, and are goddamned sick-and-tired of it, and want an end to it.
... or educational or medical or other services......

You can't do that one. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this.
Then we'll just have to resubmit and get another ruling, eh? Perhaps after packing the court with one or two fresh justices of a more sympathetic nature.

Plenty of ways to skin that cat, and, say-hey, and let's not forget...

If a Democratic President can issue an Executive Order to ignore US Immigration Law...

Perhaps a future President can issue an Executive Order to ignore a particular Supreme Court ruling...

As an interim measure, anyway, until the Court can attain that more favorable balance...

"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now, let him enforce it."

If nothing else, a delaying action might be fought in the courts, to accomplish the same thing, using a little imagination and resolve...
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Only social plans from the Capitalist of the Right? Where is our business plan in Commerce, well regulated, that will "earn" multibillion dollar bonuses for the People with their money?

why do you idiots insist on believeing in equal outcomes for everybody rather than equal opportunities?

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