Trump on immigration, 14th amendment: the "Votemaster" strikes again!

A poll going back two years, right up to February 8 of this year:



Legal status or citizenship is 59 + 19 = 78 percent.

"Deport them" = 18 percent. They are on the losing side, big time.

Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship

June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens
Plenty more evidence in the link.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

The Republican response:


Only 13 percent of Americans favor passing immigration reform without a path to citizenship for illegals.

13 percent.

good one stupid, but maybe you shouldnt provide the links so people can actually read them. you cited the one with the lowest deport opinion. another one has favoring deportation almost double that 18%. Yet another one shows MORE THAN DOUBLE, 42% FAVORING DEPORTATION.

In every poll, in every case, the majority of Americans favor legal status/citizenship over deportation. Support for deportation peaks only when legal status is off the table, but it is still in a minority.

When the choice is between citizenship and deportation, deportation still loses.

When the choice is between citizenship, legal status, and deportation; support for deportation falls off dramatically. 80 percent support citizenship or legal status.

Republicans are ignoring the will of the people.

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do you REALLY want to go there on going agaisnt the will of the people leftard?

Most Americans support the death penalty. They also agree ...
The Washington Post
Apr 17, 2015 - A majority of Americans support the death penalty, though that number is falling. ... also do not believe that the death penalty can deter serious crimes. ... would appear to be the biggest gulf between supporters and opponents.
Ronald Reagan believe in strengthening our borders AND providing amnesty to the illegals that were here. These are not contradictory positions.

The rubes think a poll which shows a majority of Americans want a wall means most Americans want illegals deported. This is not critical thinking.

All the polls clearly show a super-super-majority of Americans want illegals to be provided either legal status or a path to citizenship.

The Republicans have been stalling immigration reform for years. They are allowing themselves to be held hostage by a 13 percent minority of bigoted assholes. Assholes who happen to show up to vote in primaries way out of proportion to their representation in the populace.

The way to take our country back from these assholes is to vote in the primaries, not wait until the general election to choose between the two batshit fuckheads the maniacs decided on in the primaries.
And once again note folks, that libs will ALWAYS have excuses to not do a damn thing about illegals.
Liberals truly want this country swamped with third world leeches.
do you REALLY want to go there on going agaisnt the will of the people leftard?

Most Americans support the death penalty. They also agree ...
The Washington Post
Apr 17, 2015 - A majority of Americans support the death penalty, though that number is falling. ... also do not believe that the death penalty can deter serious crimes. ... would appear to be the biggest gulf between supporters and opponents.
Red herring

You also make two false assumptions. 1)I am a left winger. 2) I am opposed to the death penalty.

You just get dumber and dumberer.
I guess Reagan was a "leftard" for granting amnesty to illegals.

Reagan would be run out of town on a rail by today's version of nazi wannabe "conservative".
I guess Reagan was a "leftard" for granting amnesty to illegals.

Reagan would be run out of town on a rail by today's version of nazi wannabe "conservative".

he was a Democrat most of his life dummy

keep trying
reagan said that amnesty law was one of the worst mistakes of his presidency

keep trying
I guess Reagan was a "leftard" for granting amnesty to illegals.

Reagan would be run out of town on a rail by today's version of nazi wannabe "conservative".

he was a Democrat most of his life dummy

keep trying
Ahhhhhh, sweet!

When a retard says Reagan is to the left of him, you know you are onto something. Nazi wannabes.
And once again note folks, that libs will ALWAYS have excuses to not do a damn thing about illegals.
Liberals truly want this country swamped with third world leeches.
Excuse me, but it is the Republicans who are blocking immigration reform. They are the ones doing nothing about illegals.

it isnt "immigration reform". it doesnt involve our immigration system at all dummy

keep trying
I guess Reagan was a "leftard" for granting amnesty to illegals.

Reagan would be run out of town on a rail by today's version of nazi wannabe "conservative".

he was a Democrat most of his life dummy

keep trying
Ahhhhhh, sweet!

When a retard says Reagan is to the left of him, you know you are onto something. Nazi wannabes.

you mean when an idiot that is in teh group usually calling Reagan Satan incarnate supports something he did you're on to something right dummy?

keep trying
I guess Reagan was a "leftard" for granting amnesty to illegals.

Reagan would be run out of town on a rail by today's version of nazi wannabe "conservative".

Reagan recognized he made a huge mistake by granting amnesty, and let me make it clear that conservatives at the time were pissed with Reagan's actions !

You fucks on the other hand wouldn't even have a border if it was up to you !

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