Trump on immigration, 14th amendment: the "Votemaster" strikes again!

and then there's the fact that one was a bill passed by congress

the other is an Executive Order

keep trying though
Really? You want to keep going, tard? AWESOME!

First, the EO is not amnesty. It does not grant permanent legal status or citizenship. It delays deportation for some illegals (the same kind of illegals Reagan protected) until such time as the Congress gets off its ass and passes immigration reform.

Second, the EO does not in any way disprove the fact that 80 percent of Americans support legal status or citizenship for illegals.

Third, the EO does not in any way prove the bullshit claim that Reagan regretted amnesty.

Fourth, most Americans may oppose what Obama did with his EO, but they still support legal status or citizenship for illegals.

Fifth, this means the Republicans are still ignoring the super-super-majority Will of the People™.
Debate Between the President and Former Vice President ...
University of California, Santa Barbara
After that, the same question will be put to President Reagan. ... You and the Democratic Party have said that the only policy toward the ..... Not at all, Mr. Trewhitt, and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. .... side that we felt made it less of a good bill; as a matter of fact, made it a bad bill.

here ya go dummy. how am i lying??
Wow. You are seriously retarded.

How does a debate from 1984 prove that Reagan regretted his 1986 amnesty?

You took a bunch of shit out of context and thought that would fool someone?

Holy fuck!
What can one say other than "bedowin"...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Poor bastard.

He's too retarded to be embarrassed about taking a Reagan quote out of context from 1984 to prove Reagan regretted his 1986 amnesty.

I actually pity him. I really do. He brought a cup of piss to a gun fight.
Most reasonable people realize just how incredibly fascist we would have to become to expel all the illegal immigrants and keep them out. Conservatives on the other hand don't care if a million American doors get kicked in by the government.

left-wing idiots just love that F-word. too bad the Left are closer to fascists than the Right will ever be
Bullshit, you people who supposedly hate the government would demand they kick in doors, drag people out into the night and deport them without due process by the millions, never mind all the legal Americans who would get their rights trampled in the process. No, this is exactly how fascism gets a foothold by fighting the "enemy within".

Actually mexico could refuse them if they can't prove their Mexican Citizenship.

So then you would be rounding up these people to place in camps. So they won't be a burden on the government they should be made work.
LOL. Keep it up, fellows. Alienate the hispanics. Alienate the blacks. Alienate the academics and scientists. Alienate most of the the people under 30 years old. And definately alienate those commies that are members of unions. That is the way to win elections, yessirreeee......Bob!
Debate Between the President and Former Vice President ...
University of California, Santa Barbara
After that, the same question will be put to President Reagan. ... You and the Democratic Party have said that the only policy toward the ..... Not at all, Mr. Trewhitt, and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. .... side that we felt made it less of a good bill; as a matter of fact, made it a bad bill.

here ya go dummy. how am i lying??
Hey dipshit, you didn't read your own link:

But it is true our borders are out of control. It is also true that this has been a situation on our borders back through a number of administrations. And I supported this bill. I believe in the idea of amnesty for those who have put down roots and who have lived here even though sometime back they may have entered illegally.

Reagan's own words.

yes loon; now you're quoting the debate you dismissed a minute ago

keep trying

You've been seriously spanked.

You said Reagan regretted his 1986 amnesty, and then linked to a 1984 debate as proof! Hilarity Part I.

Then, in that debate, Reagan clearly says he supports amnesty. Hilarity Part II.

Goddam, this is too easy!

What does it matter anyway ? Conservatives were pissed about it then, as they would be today.

It still always comes down to the undeniable fact that libs with their pathetic bleeding hearts NEVER are for deportation, while conservatives want strong borders and they want as many illegals deported as possible.
LOL. Keep it up, fellows. Alienate the hispanics. Alienate the blacks. Alienate the academics and scientists. Alienate most of the the people under 30 years old. And definately alienate those commies that are members of unions. That is the way to win elections, yessirreeee......Bob!

I will work to alienate illegals whenever possible.

obama's EO IS AMNESTY.

and you know this. all the polls you cited supporting a "pathway to citizenship" disappear when you call it what it IS, AMNESTY
that's why you keep lying TO YOURSELVES ABOUT IT

keep trying
LOL. Keep it up, fellows. Alienate the hispanics. Alienate the blacks. Alienate the academics and scientists. Alienate most of the the people under 30 years old. And definately alienate those commies that are members of unions. That is the way to win elections, yessirreeee......Bob!
Yes, Hillary's EVIL plan to make the GOP fuck up is proceeding apace...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
LOL. Keep it up, fellows. Alienate the hispanics. Alienate the blacks. Alienate the academics and scientists. Alienate most of the the people under 30 years old. And definately alienate those commies that are members of unions. That is the way to win elections, yessirreeee......Bob!

ur right loser; nobody can pander like you guys, Republicans are doomed
recently arrived LEGAL HISPANIC immigrants and Black American citizens are going to be the victims of obama's AMNESTY
but you left-wing nutjobs keep throwing the people you say you love under the bus
Poor bastard.

He's too retarded to be embarrassed about taking a Reagan quote out of context from 1984 to prove Reagan regretted his 1986 amnesty.

I actually pity him. I really do. He brought a cup of piss to a gun fight.

anybody familiar with left-wing idiots like you know you always convince yourselves you're right. there is nothing special about you. it's awkward that you're trying to take a bow over what is a straw man anyway. what obama's trying to do isnt what Reagan or republicans did back then


you can keep on acting smug; you look stupid wallowing in ignorance trying to convice yourself you made a point here
...Tilting at windmills...
Perhaps, but it be sumfin' to do, and it's tilting in a worthwhile cause, judging by recent interest on the part of the American People... and, ya never know until ya really try.

...and the wrong ones at that.
Hardly. One of several windmills that need considerable attention. One thing at a time. This is as good a place to start as any.

No. You don't want to deny people medical care or education. If you think about it without emotion for a minute, you'll realize that.
...Tilting at windmills...
Perhaps, but it be sumfin' to do, and it's tilting in a worthwhile cause, judging by recent interest on the part of the American People... and, ya never know until ya really try.

...and the wrong ones at that.
Hardly. One of several windmills that need considerable attention. One thing at a time. This is as good a place to start as any.

No. You don't want to deny people medical care or education. If you think about it without emotion for a minute, you'll realize that.

I want to (I think we should) deny Illegal Aliens medical care and educational services, on US soil - even after thinking about it long and hard.

Let them go home and seek educational and medical services there.

Not our problem.

Oh, we can certainly make allowances for life-saving emergency care, and contagion control, and condition-stabilizing care, sufficient to make it safe to transport patients back to their home countries, as a humanitarian gesture.

We can even undertake full-scale care-responsibility for someone too unstable to transport back to their home country, billing their home-country for such care, and ensuring that we collect, even if it ends-up being at a discounted rate - and if the host-country won't pay one way, it can pay another - in seized trade-goods, one-time tax levies on goods, withholding of compensating amounts from any pending transfer of funds between the US Treasury and theirs, whatever.

Insofar as Education is concerned, if they can get free schooling for their kids, they are going to continue coming here, or continue to stay here.

If they can't get educational services here, that will be one more (huge) reason to return home.

All part of a holistic solution that makes the legal and services environment toxic to Illegal Aliens, in order to effectively force them to go home, without going to the trouble and cost of physically deporting them.

I've thought about it, and I fully support such a suggestion, because it goes a long way towards making their presence in the United States more and more impossible to sustain.
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As to 'short-sighted'... how so?

You want to all but guarantee an increase in crime and the spread of disease in this country? Not smart. The solution is to control our border, not to try and make our country less safe.

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