Trump on SNL sketch: "Unwatchable!"

He is going to be funny to watch, he simply isn't grown up enough to handle this stuff.
He is going to be funny to watch, he simply isn't grown up enough to handle this stuff.

A twelve year old in a seventy year old body. Yes, he will be boasting the ratings of SNL. FUNNY STUFF!
Donald Trump Fires Back On Twitter At ‘Unwatchable’ Alec Baldwin ‘SNL’ Impression

No Donald, it could get a lot worse and as long as you show yourself to be a whiny little girl, IT WILL!


"Whiny little girl"

The common regressives of the forum reveal themselves:


Trump will be the president soon, it's time to start acting accordingly.
and you know Baldwin will clear his schedule to do the Trumpster.
It would be funny if one day Trump said something to get himself banned from Twitter. :blowup:
It'll all change when he 'pivots' and goes all presidential.
Mark my words...aaaannnnnyyyy day now.
Some of those skits were funny, but this is one that was not really all that funny!
Some of those skits were funny, but this is one that was not really all that funny!

The skit can be made funny without making Trump out to be a neanderthal. This is sour grapes by the globalists. I might not mind if they had made fun of the obvious mental deficiencies of Obama; except the comedy level still isn't high with this one as you say. This is what happens when one is more intent on political grousing than actual comedic value.
The real comedy comes after the skit is broadcast, when Trump fires up his Twitting machine.
They're playing The Don like a fiddle...genius.
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Some of those skits were funny, but this is one that was not really all that funny!

The skit can be made funny without making Trump out to be a neanderthal. This is sour grapes by the globalists. I might not mind if they had made fun of the obvious mental deficiencies of Obama; except the comedy level still isn't high with this one as you say. This is what happens when one is more intent on political grousing than actual comedic value.
Here are your new vocabulary words for today: parody and satire.
Some of those skits were funny, but this is one that was not really all that funny!

The skit can be made funny without making Trump out to be a neanderthal. This is sour grapes by the globalists. I might not mind if they had made fun of the obvious mental deficiencies of Obama; except the comedy level still isn't high with this one as you say. This is what happens when one is more intent on political grousing than actual comedic value.
Here are your new vocabulary words for today: parody and satire.

Says the far left drone that can not concede like Hilary did!
I will be staying up late to watch SNL from now on. LOVE IT!
Some of those skits were funny, but this is one that was not really all that funny!

The skit can be made funny without making Trump out to be a neanderthal. This is sour grapes by the globalists. I might not mind if they had made fun of the obvious mental deficiencies of Obama; except the comedy level still isn't high with this one as you say. This is what happens when one is more intent on political grousing than actual comedic value.
Here are your new vocabulary words for today: parody and satire.

No relevance. They're still coming across as butthurt bitches.

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