Trump orders $50B in tariffs on Chinese imports


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Excellent work and he said more is coming. He even accurately took a shot at the WTO, something I have said for some time, "they are operating to hurt America". Also intellectual property, which China regularly steals.

The global abuses will not happen if Trump has his say. Some have said they feel comfortable with Trump as long as Stephen Miller is on his team, I have said I have faith in Trump as long as Wilbur Ross is on his team. He's a sharp man, like Mattis, you won't get much bs through him.

A telling sign. Lighthizer also spoke at the announcement, this is a big deal as he is heading the NAFTA negotiation. This also speaks to IP, which Canada has allowed China to get away with through Canada, thanks to the self serving, docile RCMP and CSIS.

Here is what is politically so powerful about this. The Democrats are being forced to supprt America First. We saw it in PA, we will see it going forward. How are you going to tell the voters "we are going to take off tariffs, and help prop up China again, at the expense of your jobs and economy". They can't. This is why CNN and other hate it. The only people who love China's success is Wallstreet, they don't care about the fact that it is a massive National Security threat to have China rise on Americas shoulders.

The Trump administration on Thursday took the first steps to slap China with up to $60 billion in tariffs on imports and to restrict investments in the US by the world’s second largest economy.

The president instructed US Trade Representative Bob Lighthizer to assemble a package of new Chinese tariffs and direct Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to do the same for a plan to restrict Chinese investments on US technology and properties, administration officials said.

Trump, in announcing the actions, said foreign leaders are laughing at the US over the trade advantages they enjoy over America.

“I will say the people we’re negotiating with, smilingly, they really agree with us. I really believe they cannot believe they’ve gotten away with this for so long,” the president said.

“ I’ll talk to Prime Minister [Shinzo] Abe of Japan and others, great guy, friend of mine, and there will be a little smile on their face and the smile is: ‘I can’t believe we’ve been able to take advantage of the United States for so long.’ So those days are over.”

Other administration officials hailed the move.

“The president of the United States is standing up for American corporations. He has their back,” National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro told reporters during a briefing.
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Great a new massive tax on Americans that will adversely affect middle and lower classes. Tariffs are wealth destroyers.

We'll force the other countries to eat the cost of the tariffs and keep prices the same. :funnyface:

No, prices will go up and every American will give their tax break money to the companies that have been tariffed

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Great a new massive tax on Americans that will adversely affect middle and lower classes. Tariffs are wealth destroyers.
Yeah - Chinese wealth.
And American. Learn how tariffs work, dipshit.
Tariff - You charge me an unreasonable amount and I'll bankrupt your ass.

The USA is the big dog, we are happy to flex our muscle and smack these other countries around.
Great a new massive tax on Americans that will adversely affect middle and lower classes. Tariffs are wealth destroyers.

We'll force the other countries to eat the cost of the tariffs and keep prices the same. :funnyface:

No, prices will go up and every American will give their tax break money to the companies that have been tariffed

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No they won't, just sit in the back and don't do a lot of talking lib while we clean up your mess okay.
Wall Mart’s not going to be happy.
Nobody will be
Trump typically has backed down when Canada, Mexico and the EU spelled out they weren't being bullied without spilling blood. China is a more complex situation imo. People at the lower earning end who have to find the best bargain in food and clothes will be screwed. (Although I went to walmart last weekend for the first time in over a year because I wanted some bulk dried milk for bread baking, and prices of meat, cheese, produce .... I get better prices by comparative shopping)

Jina can absolutely fuck us on durable electronic goods. And they can kill American multi-nationals. But that will put their citizens out of work. But then, is Trump really going to put taxes on Iphones and media players built by American companies? I can't see billionaires still giving to gop congresscritters if they allow that.

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