Trump orders immediate declassification of key documents in Russia hoax

Too funny

Is he going to declassify the documents that point to his guilt?

During an ongoing investigation.

Of which will expose American intelligence techniques to the Russian mob, and will get operatives killed.

This guy is a traitor in every definition of the word.

Hey skews..would you keep me updated on "intelligence methods" and "operatives killed" as we go?

You don't even know who Bruce Ohr is do you?

Of course you don't. Intelligence and Trump support are mutually exclusive.

You didnt say anything until read CNN did you? And you now *know* that he is going to expose intelligence techniques? How did you find that out? (and no "CNN told me what Shiff said" isnt valid)
You can't have obstruction w/o a crime. There is no crime, except by democrats and the FBI/DOJ
You guys keep saying that
Are you instructed to do so?

Hacking the servers and releasing the emails was a crime
Any collusion in that act is a crime
AND even if they conspired after the crime and were not involved with the actual crime or crimes, it still breaks the law and they would be conspirators after the fact/crime.

Well Cool - "Trooper .. Raise a Little Hell" will have the final say in this matter.
Shall we close the thread down now A-hole?

How are you going to close it down?

This may be very difficult for you, but think for a minute. Why would Trump declassify documents that would hurt him or the Republicans? Why did the Dems complain so much about him doing it?

Now I'll give you time to think about that for a while.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Not really. Trump specified the page numbers of the documents to be released. He knows exactly what is in those documents and the effects they are going to have. Releasing the documents will no doubt improve the ability to monitor what the government is doing while nobody's watching.

Aren't you the ones who are big on "transparency" and "accountability" in the government?
Ah, so he strategically released certain documents while holding others back to give a false, misleading, impression.

Not really a surprise I guess.

Or maybe he's saving them for later. You know.......spread out the fun.
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

I think they will. I'll reiterate by asking why would Trump declassify them if it would hurt him or the Republicans?

We all know how phony that warrant was and how it was obtained by misleading or even lying to the judge; on several occasions.
It's on, let the games begin!



This is how Trump sees his base.

Trump treats you people like dogs.

Dude, you really suck at Soviet-style political propaganda. You just made Lenin turn over in his grave and what's worse, nobody believes you.
Google any fact check site:
In his testimony in January on the cyber attacks, then-director of the FBI James Comey said the agency never got access to the machines themselves, but obtained access to the forensics from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

"We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute," Comey said.

What an intricate web Hillary, the DNC, and vermin Dems have woven.
When it all becomes transparent and apparent, you would think that Hillary would be honorable and commit seppuku.
But vermin have no honor.

That doesn't appear to be it. As the declassifications have very little if anything to do with Hillary. The russia investigation began at the FBI in July of 2016. Hillary had retired as Secretary of State in 2013, 3 years earlier.

They are targeting the FBI's Russia investigation. But inconsistently.

For example, the the heart of the republican narrative on the FISA warrants being that the political motivation of the Steele Dossier *wasn't* disclosed to the judges.

Yet vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant that reveal that the disclose the Steele Dossier's political motivations ...remain classified.

If 'full disclosure' was the goal, why not declassify the very portions that are in dispute? It looks like Trump is trying to declassify only those pages that forward the far right narrative that the political motive of the Steele Dossier wasn't revealed to the FISA judges.

And intentionally *withholding* the those portions that portions that confirm that the political motivations of the Steele Dossier *was* revealed to FISA judges.....and then claiming they don't exist.

This is not a smart move. As this has zero application in terms of prosecutions for violating the law by the the portions of the FISA warrant application where the political motivations of the Steele Dossier are revealed exonerate them. This seems *wholly* about pushing a narrative for the public that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which only bolsters allegations of Obstruction of Justice.

Only this time Trump doens't have a cut out man like Nunes and his selective revelations like with the debunked Nunes Memo. Trump doing this directly himself. Which removes many plausible defenses for Obstruction, placing the blame right at Trump's feet.

This is gonna bite Trump in the ass, big time.
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We are gonna see unreal derangement now. a flush kick to liberals balls. Especially the liberal women.

They are so stupid and annoying.

They’re gonna say it’s all Putin’s doing... or something that just as equally makes no sense.
They will simply move on to another's what they do............

They don't care if they get caught in a Lie..........and how dirty their tactics are..........

So......something new to be outraged about will come.........
You conservative kids may wanna be careful what you ask for.

Why is that? Everything we asked for we're glad we got.
Until we find out that those documents don't say what you hope they do.

I think they will. I'll reiterate by asking why would Trump declassify them if it would hurt him or the Republicans?

We all know how phony that warrant was and how it was obtained by misleading or even lying to the judge; on several occasions.
Lol, tRump thinks he knows what they say. It hasn't really worked out that way on anything else the republicans have released has it?
You can't have obstruction w/o a crime. There is no crime, except by democrats and the FBI/DOJ
You guys keep saying that
Are you instructed to do so?

Hacking the servers and releasing the emails was a crime
Any collusion in that act is a crime
AND even if they conspired after the crime and were not involved with the actual crime or crimes, it still breaks the law and they would be conspirators after the fact/crime.
Like being a fence for stolen property
It is. It's called obstruction without transparency.
Truth only hurts those who wish to hide it. :)
And we know who those folks are. 4300 lies and counting by Trump.
That's it? Funny face? You were the hot shot talking about no comments. Lol! And now look at the cowards like you scattering. What is it? You don't want to debate poor little Trumpy now, because you all know this is obstruction without transparency, and a plot to try and cover his lying criminal ass? Sure it is. Don't you get it idiots? The law approved those warrants with four judges. And? make your case? That's right, you have no case. Just obstruction.

Get out of here cowards with your big, fat, fake, "illegal Carter Page invented nothing burger lie" .
Explain to the class how revealing documents unredacted is somehow opaque.

Revealing documents in an ongoing investigation against the person who is being investigated, is obstruction. Having the ability to leverage one's self against the evidence law enforcement has, is obstruction.

Yeah, but stupid obstruction. As Trump just eliminated his cut out man Nunes. He no longer has plausible deniability on the selective release of only those parts of the classified documents that fit his narrative, like with the Nunes Memo.

For example, the the heart of the republican narrative on the FISA warrants being that the political motivation of the Steele Dossier *wasn't* disclosed to the judges.

Yet vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant that reveal that the disclose the Steele Dossier's political motivations ...remain classified.

If 'full disclosure' was the goal, why not declassify the very portions that are in dispute? It looks like Trump is trying to declassify only those pages that forward the far right narrative that the political motive of the Steele Dossier wasn't revealed to the FISA judges.

And intentionally *withholding* the those portions that portions that confirm that the political motivations of the Steele Dossier *was* revealed to FISA judges.....and then claiming they don't exist.

This is not a smart move. As this has zero application in terms of prosecutions for violating the law by the the portions of the FISA warrant application where the political motivations of the Steele Dossier are revealed exonerate them. This seems *wholly* about pushing a narrative for the public that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which only bolsters allegations of Obstruction of Justice. And now with no Nunes to act as a proxy. It all lands right at Trump's feet.
And the CNN talking points. Didn't take the drones here long did it?

" in a clear abuse of power, has decided to intervene in a pending law enforcement investigation by ordering the selective release of materials..."
" they may compromise sources and methods."

Trump to declassify documents relating to Russia investigation, Carter Page FISA warrant - CNNPolitics

Now watch the drones parrot it. NEVER an original thought until CNN tells them. The CNN orders came out at 6:31. skews13 and BULLDOG posted them almost verbatim within ten minutes. Not before...

Let me respond. Too bad :) Cry all you doesnt work with our heroic President.

Please link to any post, other than this one that I entered concerning this or anything else between 6:31 and now. If that is not possible, you should admit you lied.
In the real world, HIDING information can be obstruction. The left can't succeed unless it operates in darkness.

That argument collapsed when Trump was very, very selective about what parts of the FISA warrant application he declassified. The vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant that reveal that the disclose the Steele Dossier's political motivations ...remain classified.

If this was about full disclosure, then Trump would have declassified those portions of the FISA warrant that show that the FBI fully disclosed the political nature of the Steele Dossier.

Instead, Trump was stupid about it. As this has zero application in terms of prosecutions for violating the law by the the portions of the FISA warrant application where the political motivations of the Steele Dossier are revealed exonerate them. This seems *wholly* about pushing a narrative for the public that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which only bolsters allegations of Obstruction of Justice. Save without Nunes as Trump's cut out man.

All Trump just did was remove many routes of plausible deniability for himself. As he personally commited the selective declassification to push a political narrative about an active investigation. Not Nunes.
Truth only hurts those who wish to hide it. :)
And we know who those folks are. 4300 lies and counting by Trump.
That's it? Funny face? You were the hot shot talking about no comments. Lol! And now look at the cowards like you scattering. What is it? You don't want to debate poor little Trumpy now, because you all know this is obstruction without transparency, and a plot to try and cover his lying criminal ass? Sure it is. Don't you get it idiots? The law approved those warrants with four judges. And? make your case? That's right, you have no case. Just obstruction.

Get out of here cowards with your big, fat, fake, "illegal Carter Page invented nothing burger lie" .
Explain to the class how revealing documents unredacted is somehow opaque.

Revealing documents in an ongoing investigation against the person who is being investigated, is obstruction. Having the ability to leverage one's self against the evidence law enforcement has, is obstruction.

Yeah, but stupid obstruction. As Trump just eliminated his cut out man Nunes. He no longer has plausible deniability on the selective release of only those parts of the classified documents that fit his narrative, like with the Nunes Memo.

For example, the the heart of the republican narrative on the FISA warrants being that the political motivation of the Steele Dossier *wasn't* disclosed to the judges.

Yet vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant that reveal that the disclose the Steele Dossier's political motivations ...remain classified.

If 'full disclosure' was the goal, why not declassify the very portions that are in dispute? It looks like Trump is trying to declassify only those pages that forward the far right narrative that the political motive of the Steele Dossier wasn't revealed to the FISA judges.

And intentionally *withholding* the those portions that portions that confirm that the political motivations of the Steele Dossier *was* revealed to FISA judges.....and then claiming they don't exist.

This is not a smart move. As this has zero application in terms of prosecutions for violating the law by the the portions of the FISA warrant application where the political motivations of the Steele Dossier are revealed exonerate them. This seems *wholly* about pushing a narrative for the public that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which only bolsters allegations of Obstruction of Justice. And now with no Nunes to act as a proxy. It all lands right at Trump's feet.
The Don was very specific with his requests, including page numbers and names. He knows what he wants revealed.

It's win.
They have already said that if he declassifies they will go after him for obstruction of justice.

I know I know...but dont ask me to explain it. Its liberal thinking.

Wait, it's a liberal thing that court cases have to follow procedure?
There are only a few weeks until the midterm elections. Last week the Intelligence Committee announced there was still nothing to implicate Trump in any arena. I think Trump let this go on for a reason. It exonerates him at every turn. Now it is his turn. And the extent of the swamp dweller's illegal activities will be on the news daily right up to election day, and will expand in scope for the next 2 years as more roll over on their higher-ups. We are about to realize exactly how heinous Deep State really is. It will resonate with voters...
Google any fact check site:
In his testimony in January on the cyber attacks, then-director of the FBI James Comey said the agency never got access to the machines themselves, but obtained access to the forensics from a review of the system performed by CrowdStrike, a third-party cybersecurity firm.

"We got the forensics from the pros that they hired which -- again, best practice is always to get access to the machines themselves, but this my folks tell me was an appropriate substitute," Comey said.

What an intricate web Hillary, the DNC, and vermin Dems have woven.
When it all becomes transparent and apparent, you would think that Hillary would be honorable and commit seppuku.
But vermin have no honor.

That doesn't appear to be it. As the declassifications have very little if anything to do with Hillary. The russia investigation began at the FBI in July of 2016. Hillary had retired as Secretary of State in 2013, 3 years earlier.

They are targeting the FBI's Russia investigation. But inconsistently.

For example, the the heart of the republican narrative on the FISA warrants being that the political motivation of the Steele Dossier *wasn't* disclosed to the judges.

Yet vast majority of the portions of the FISA warrant that reveal that the disclose the Steele Dossier's political motivations ...remain classified.

If 'full disclosure' was the goal, why not declassify the very portions that are in dispute? It looks like Trump is trying to declassify only those pages that forward the far right narrative that the political motive of the Steele Dossier wasn't revealed to the FISA judges.

And intentionally *withholding* the those portions that portions that confirm that the political motivations of the Steele Dossier *was* revealed to FISA judges.....and then claiming they don't exist.

This is not a smart move. As this has zero application in terms of prosecutions for violating the law by the the portions of the FISA warrant application where the political motivations of the Steele Dossier are revealed exonerate them. This seems *wholly* about pushing a narrative for the public that full disclosure doesn't support.

Which only bolsters allegations of Obstruction of Justice.

Only this time Trump doens't have a cut out man like Nunes and his selective revelations like with the debunked Nunes Memo. Trump doing this directly himself. Which removes many plausible defenses for Obstruction, placing the blame right at Trump's feet.

This is gonna bite Trump in the ass, big time.
You got him now, huh?

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