Trump orders major Afghan drawdown:7,000 troops to return home in coming weeks


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
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If we have not achieved the objective in 18 years we either need to get out or get a new objective. 18 years is a half ass occupation not even doing as much good as a real occupation.

The only solution in Afghanistan would be for us to do to Afghanistan what the British did to India and to ISIS what the British did to the Thugees. Track them down and kill them to the last. No prison, no trial, just a quick end.
CNN warns “officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan” after Trump’s Wednesday bombshell Syria troop pullout announcement.
Trump Orders Major Afghan Drawdown: 7,000 Troops To Return Home In Coming Weeks

Oh leave it to CNN to blow everything out of existence they get off making up their own version of news how anybody can't realize how CNN is the leader in fake news is incredible.

this is excellent news.:5_1_12024: This answers the question some of us had concerns of is after he ordered the withdrawal of Syria would he follow it up by withdrawing from afghanistan and Iraq as well. well the answer is an obvious YES indeed. expect upcoming news in the next few days of an Iraq withdrawal as well.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

i STILL got to wonder though,WILL he have the balls to stand up to the deep state and get rid of the CIA and FED who are always starting wars around the world all the time? THAT is the million dollar question.

These withdrawels mean nothing if he does not do that within the next two years like our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the price for it on nov 22nd 1963 as a result of that.

The REASON these withdrawals mean nothing if he does NOT is they will just start other wars and other false flag operations in the future and we will be back where we started,the merry go round circus that goes around and around and never stops.

Will TRUMP be willing to risk assassination?

He has two more years to make do on his promise to drain the swamp. He is at least headed in the right direction.I give him credit for that much.:clap:

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