Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China

China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers because of communism. Guatemala remained an illiterate peasantry country because the United States supported capitalism for Guatemala, even the United States supported death squads of genocide in Guatemala.
I totally agree with everything you just said ... except for all that ignorant BS after "China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers ..."

:p lol
China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers because of communism. Guatemala remained an illiterate peasantry country because the United States supported capitalism for Guatemala, even the United States supported death squads of genocide in Guatemala.
I totally agree with everything you just said ... except for all that ignorant BS after "China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers ..."

:p lol
China in 1973 had a per capita GDP 1/3rd of Haiti. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. The end result is obvious.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Who do you pray to? Judging by your hatred, I can’t imagine any God listening to your bigoted hatred.
Thats a bit strong. Me and God get on great.

I seriously doubt it. Rejoicing over a person’s death because of a political difference is disgusting and hateful. I doubt a God would approve of a person hating another over politics. At least I know my God wouldn’t. I’m not sure what your God is like.
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Who do you pray to? Judging by your hatred, I can’t imagine any God listening to your bigoted hatred.
Thats a bit strong. Me and God get on great.

I seriously doubt it. Rejoicing over a person’s death because of a political difference is disgusting and hateful. I doubt a God would approve of a person hating another over politics. At least I know my God wouldn’t. I’m not sure what your God is like.
Aides say it's impossible to know what Trump is thinking How are businesses supposed to make plans ? The trade war expands,,, Trump is a madman and needs to be yanked out of the WH on his ass The WH is worried The man's erratic policy decisions make them nervous ,,,, and my god would strike trump down with furious anger
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Who do you pray to? Judging by your hatred, I can’t imagine any God listening to your bigoted hatred.
Thats a bit strong. Me and God get on great.

I seriously doubt it. Rejoicing over a person’s death because of a political difference is disgusting and hateful. I doubt a God would approve of a person hating another over politics. At least I know my God wouldn’t. I’m not sure what your God is like.
This character used his wealth to spread poison. The world is a better place without him.
The vast majority on USMB in favour of a civil war are of the rightard persuasion. What's this 'both sides' shit? In fact I can't recall one 'leftist' in favour of civil war.
/——/ What about the leftist slave owners who started the Civil War? What about the leftist Black Panthers calling for revolution on the 1960s? What about the leftists Antifa?
What about Neo-Nazi's chanting jew won't replace us? Then getting into a car and running people over and even killing one?
---------------------------------------- just their OPINION about being replaced Aldo . As far as the single DEATH , well ACCIDENTS happen . Course , hang the killer car driver as he was reckless and killed a person though I don't believe that he intended to kill Aldo .

Really, you do not drive a vehicle into a crowd of people without serious intent. You actually are trying to rationalize this behavior.
----------------------------------- it was an Accidental DEATH and not murderous targeting of an individual . The killer was ' is guilty due to his reckless behavior Aldo .

Lol what did he or you really expect would happen when you drive a 3000 to 4000 lb vehicle into a crowd of people? Please tell me you are not this stupid?
its my OPINION that his running over that PARTICULAR Person INTENTIONALLY , It was an ACCIDENT Aldo .
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Who do you pray to? Judging by your hatred, I can’t imagine any God listening to your bigoted hatred.
Thats a bit strong. Me and God get on great.

I seriously doubt it. Rejoicing over a person’s death because of a political difference is disgusting and hateful. I doubt a God would approve of a person hating another over politics. At least I know my God wouldn’t. I’m not sure what your God is like.
This character used his wealth to spread poison. The world is a better place without him.

In your opinion, which is no better than the assholes that want Ginsberg to die or celebrated McCain’s death. I think McCain ruined politics by his Campaign Finance Reform that end in the Citizens United debacle, however I didn’t rejoice in his death.

You are disgusting and I want no part of a God that would think the way you do. Partisans extremists such as yourself are ruining the world. You are the evil in this world.
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Who do you pray to? Judging by your hatred, I can’t imagine any God listening to your bigoted hatred.
Thats a bit strong. Me and God get on great.

I seriously doubt it. Rejoicing over a person’s death because of a political difference is disgusting and hateful. I doubt a God would approve of a person hating another over politics. At least I know my God wouldn’t. I’m not sure what your God is like.
Aides say it's impossible to know what Trump is thinking How are businesses supposed to make plans ? The trade war expands,,, Trump is a madman and needs to be yanked out of the WH on his ass The WH is worried The man's erratic policy decisions make them nervous ,,,, and my god would strike trump down with furious anger

If they want to “yank” go ahead. I wasn’t talking about Trump. Also, wishing a man to get thrown out of the WH is much different than hoping he dies.
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Who do you pray to? Judging by your hatred, I can’t imagine any God listening to your bigoted hatred.
Thats a bit strong. Me and God get on great.

I seriously doubt it. Rejoicing over a person’s death because of a political difference is disgusting and hateful. I doubt a God would approve of a person hating another over politics. At least I know my God wouldn’t. I’m not sure what your God is like.
Aides say it's impossible to know what Trump is thinking How are businesses supposed to make plans ? The trade war expands,,, Trump is a madman and needs to be yanked out of the WH on his ass The WH is worried The man's erratic policy decisions make them nervous ,,,, and my god would strike trump down with furious anger

Nothing trump does has any negative effects on businesses that are run competently and above board an actually produce stuff, so don't worry your small brain about it. It also takes time to rebuild after some 5 decades of Wall Street plundering and off-shoring to slave labor colonies, so you and your Masters' hysterical whining every two minutes about 'Da Dow N Stuff!!!' is just infantile and ineffective as well.
You deplorables want the government to order patriotic, job creating, 'free' market corporations what to do?
Again, Obama - when not illegally spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / The US Senate / USSC Justices, when not weaponizing the IRS and illegally using it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, and when not financing / arming / helping terrorists, Drug Cartels, & the Russians - set a new US record for most oppressive govt regulations telling corporations what they could and could not do.
I used to own a small restaurant in New Orleans, which meant that we served a lot of shrimp. Chinese shrimp bought at Costco was 2/3 rd the price of shrimp caught in the USA. If I had been forced to buy local Shrimp, my prices would have been considerably higher than my competition, for exactly the same quality, which would have put me out of business. Having that in mind, I am hereby ordering Trump to immediately do something that may very well be anatomically impossible.
you lived in N O and did not sell fresh shrimp ??? no wonder you used to own a restaurant !
You deplorables want the government to order patriotic, job creating, 'free' market corporations what to do?
Again, Obama - when not illegally spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / The US Senate / USSC Justices, when not weaponizing the IRS and illegally using it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, and when not financing / arming / helping terrorists, Drug Cartels, & the Russians - set a new US record for most oppressive govt regulations telling corporations what they could and could not do.
prove it is untrue ! why do you think the stock market shot up like a rocket when the business friendly Trump took office ! and most American business that did not get bail outs did not survive because of Obama but survived in spite of Obama by not investing in growth and hiring !
I used to own a small restaurant in New Orleans, which meant that we served a lot of shrimp. Chinese shrimp bought at Costco was 2/3 rd the price of shrimp caught in the USA. If I had been forced to buy local Shrimp, my prices would have been considerably higher than my competition, for exactly the same quality, which would have put me out of business. Having that in mind, I am hereby ordering Trump to immediately do something that may very well be anatomically impossible.
you lived in N O and did not sell fresh shrimp ??? no wonder you used to own a restaurant !

As a matter of fact, a large number of restaurants sell "fresh shrimp" in New Orleans. They buy yesterday's catch from a cooler in the back of a pickup truck. for very low prices. Since Shrimp rapidly lose their natural color if not frozen or eaten right away, these venders routinely soak it overnight in a water/bleach solution, to make it look fresh. If you knew all the ways that restaurants bypass the health department in New Orleans, you would be very happy to know where the food is not compromised.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
who do you hope wins this trade war America or China ??? and please dont say that we can not win so the question is ridiculous because Trump cant negotiate a better deal just tell us if you hope Trump can get a better deal for America when it comes to China .
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So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

Who will make Trump's ties and MAGAt hats?
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
who do youi hope wins this trade war America or China ??? and please dont say that we can not win so the question is ridiculous because Trump cant negotiate a better deal just tell us if you hope Trump can get a better deal for America when it comes to China .

We all know that Trump is a brilliant businessman. He explained to Larry King decades ago that the reason that the Taj Mahal Casino went bankrupt in Atlantic City was because the slot machines were so popular that they overheated and fell apart.

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