Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China

So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

Who will make Trump's ties and MAGAt hats?

Trump will pass those tax increases on to his base. They ENJOY paying more taxes, to help offset Trump's $1.4 Trillion corporate tax cut deficit.
Better than 10 trillion by obammy. Where were you then peckerhead

There was no 10 trillion dollar deficit by Obama.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
who do you hope wins this trade war America or China ??? and please dont say that we can not win so the question is ridiculous because Trump cant negotiate a better deal just tell us if you hope Trump can get a better deal for America when it comes to China .

Trump has already blocked the appointment of two judges to the WTO court, and if they don't a deal by December when the two other judges' terms expire, that will shut that scam down immediately. I hope Red China holds out and he shuts the scam down on them; the vermin are still able to claim 'developing nation' privileges because of that kangaroo court rubbish.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted.
Quote the tweet
I did.
Indeed. Uh oh, linkipoo in the factfreezoo!
You lefties want US companies to keep doing business with communists that have been killing us in a trade war for 30+ years?

Um, yeah, I like buying cheap goods. I also like selling goods to them.

To not export our middle class jobs to third world shit holes, since that defeats the purpose of having a free market economy.

Wait a minute, protectionism isn't a free market economy. Here's the real problem... most of these jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement.
Looking up to people who don't sit around kissing Trump's butt on the web all day is easy. You on the other hand.. not so much!
You lefties want US companies to keep doing business with communists that have been killing us in a trade war for 30+ years?

Um, yeah, I like buying cheap goods. I also like selling goods to them.

To not export our middle class jobs to third world shit holes, since that defeats the purpose of having a free market economy.

Wait a minute, protectionism isn't a free market economy. Here's the real problem... most of these jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement.

Bullshit, then why are these goods being made in China? If automation is making most of it, it can be done here.
Perhaps he should arrest himself:

Screen Shot 2019-08-25 at 7.44.31 AM.png
You lefties want US companies to keep doing business with communists that have been killing us in a trade war for 30+ years?

Um, yeah, I like buying cheap goods. I also like selling goods to them.

To not export our middle class jobs to third world shit holes, since that defeats the purpose of having a free market economy.

Wait a minute, protectionism isn't a free market economy. Here's the real problem... most of these jobs weren't lost to outsourcing, they were lost to automation and process improvement.

Bullshit, then why are these goods being made in China? If automation is making most of it, it can be done here.

Because the people who run the machines are paid much less, will work longer hours for fewer benefits.

Is this really a mystery to you?
You lefties want US companies to keep doing business with communists that have been killing us in a trade war for 30+ years?

You deplorables want the government to order patriotic, job creating, 'free' market corporations what to do?


To not export our middle class jobs to third world shit holes, since that defeats the purpose of having a free market economy.
Those jobs are gone and not coming back.
Tell those people to get some job skills and they won't have any problems in life.

When you job skills are the same as some illiterate in a "shit hole" country you have a problem, you have made some BAD decisions in life, and you only have yourself to blame.

How about you take responsibility for your actions instead of looking for the government to bail you out of you poor decisions.

I made smart decisions in life, and worked hard to gain job skills that would ensure financial success. You clearly did not. In highschool you probably sat around drinking beer and smoking pot, and figured you would just get a job at the ole mill later. Well that was a bad decision and you only have yourself to blame.

Stop looking for the government to bail you out of you poor decisions. Stop being so lazy and get some job skills and you won't have any problems in life.
i find it funny the left wing socialist are talking shit about Trump ordering companies to leave a country that is economically hostile to us in order to force China conduct fair trade practices with us ......if the lefts socialist candidate wins they will attempt to control every aspect of businesses in America !....thats part of what socialism is !
China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers because of communism. Guatemala remained an illiterate peasantry country because the United States supported capitalism for Guatemala, even the United States supported death squads of genocide in Guatemala.

One of the most amusing things about you Communists is just how astoundingly stupid you are. To be sure, you're liars, but many of the lies you tell are based on stupidity.

Let's take the literacy rate in China as an example. From 1949 until 1985, the literacy rate was virtually flat. The nation was Communist, but literacy rates didn't change at all. In the 1980's something happened, it wasn't communism, it was industrialization from Capitalist countries. From 1985 until 2018, literacy rose in china from 65% to 94%

Communism failed, Capitalism rescued it.

China Adult literacy rate, 1970-2018 -
China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers because of communism. Guatemala remained an illiterate peasantry country because the United States supported capitalism for Guatemala, even the United States supported death squads of genocide in Guatemala.
I totally agree with everything you just said ... except for all that ignorant BS after "China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers ..."

:p lol
China in 1973 had a per capita GDP 1/3rd of Haiti. Haiti chose capitalism, China chose communism. The end result is obvious.List of regions by past GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Say comrade retard; Venezuela was a capitalist country until Hugo Chavez took over, now it's communist. How did that improve their GDP? :dunno:

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