Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China

I used to own a small restaurant in New Orleans, which meant that we served a lot of shrimp. Chinese shrimp bought at Costco was 2/3 rd the price of shrimp caught in the USA. If I had been forced to buy local Shrimp, my prices would have been considerably higher than my competition, for exactly the same quality, which would have put me out of business. Having that in mind, I am hereby ordering Trump to immediately do something that may very well be anatomically impossible.
Agree with you here. When you have people on both sides calling for another civil war you have to wonder if the country as a whole has lost its fucking mind!
The vast majority on USMB in favour of a civil war are of the rightard persuasion. What's this 'both sides' shit? In fact I can't recall one 'leftist' in favour of civil war.
/——/ What about the leftist slave owners who started the Civil War? What about the leftist Black Panthers calling for revolution on the 1960s? What about the leftists Antifa?
What about Neo-Nazi's chanting jew won't replace us? Then getting into a car and running people over and even killing one?
---------------------------------------- just their OPINION about being replaced Aldo . As far as the single DEATH , well ACCIDENTS happen . Course , hang the killer car driver as he was reckless and killed a person though I don't believe that he intended to kill Aldo .

Really, you do not drive a vehicle into a crowd of people without serious intent. You actually are trying to rationalize this behavior.
Agree with you here. When you have people on both sides calling for another civil war you have to wonder if the country as a whole has lost its fucking mind!
The vast majority on USMB in favour of a civil war are of the rightard persuasion. What's this 'both sides' shit? In fact I can't recall one 'leftist' in favour of civil war.
Hell there is one in this fucking thread. And outside of the tiny walls of this message boards there are cucks calling for civil war, you know this don't you?
------------------------------------ are their calls for civil war ILLEGAL because I don't know Aldo ??

Not even trying to discuss legality, just pointing out nut bags on both sides.
Agree with you here. When you have people on both sides calling for another civil war you have to wonder if the country as a whole has lost its fucking mind!
The vast majority on USMB in favour of a civil war are of the rightard persuasion. What's this 'both sides' shit? In fact I can't recall one 'leftist' in favour of civil war.
/——/ What about the leftist slave owners who started the Civil War? What about the leftist Black Panthers calling for revolution on the 1960s? What about the leftists Antifa?
What about Neo-Nazi's chanting jew won't replace us? Then getting into a car and running people over and even killing one?
---------------------------------------- just their OPINION about being replaced Aldo . As far as the single DEATH , well ACCIDENTS happen . Course , hang the killer car driver as he was reckless and killed a person though I don't believe that he intended to kill Aldo .

Really, you do not drive a vehicle into a crowd of people without serious intent. You actually are trying to rationalize this behavior.
----------------------------------- it was an Accidental DEATH and not murderous targeting of an individual . The killer was ' is guilty due to his reckless behavior Aldo .
I can't stand the 'coc' money grubbers who are the same as whores ready and willing to do Anything for money no matter the consequences to the USA or Americans BBro ,
There was a time when business just did not do business with countries intending to do us harm. Did FDR have to tell Americans not to do business with AXIS countries? No.

It is only because democrats, today, would destroy the country permanently to hurt Trump that an order would be necessary.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

If anyone hasn't started already rethinking their supply chain ...some have even already acted
this will certainly get ones attention...
heck if they are in China hiring Chinese citizens instead of staying home and hiring Americans he should tax them !Trump Vowed to Punish Companies That Moved Jobs Overseas. Is Congress Rewarding Them? — ProPublica
Though pretty old, that's a great article. Ironically, it illustrates rather plainly that it's primarily you so-called "conservative", die hard, Trump butt licking, laissez faire capitalist Libertarians and Republicans, along with many like minded Democrats of course (eg. Obama, Clinton)*, who caused the whole problem to begin with and simply continue making it worse..
The legislation, known as the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Act, is emblematic of the contradiction at the heart of the country’s trade policy: Congressional Republicans and many Democrats who support the bill want to ease the tariff burden on corporations — no matter where they make their products — even as the Republican president promises to punish companies that don’t manufacture in the U.S.

The Trump administration has not commented publicly on the bill, which passed the House in January and is awaiting approval by the Senate.
Well, son of a gun.. it has become law now. Let's see, who's controlled the Senate? Who's been in the WH lately? Who proposed it to begin with? Oh, that's right, *The Great Equivocators! With the full support and cooperation of at least 98% of the idiots posting here.
Sponsor: Rep. Brady, Kevin [R-TX-8] (Introduced 11/09/2017)
Committees: House - Ways and Means | Senate - Finance
Latest Action: 09/13/2018 Became Public Law No: 115-239. (All Actions)
Roll Call Votes: There has been 1 roll call vote
This bill has the status Became Law

Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

  1. Introduced
  2. Passed House
  3. Passed Senate
  4. Resolving Differences
  5. To President
  6. Became Law
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

Funny how you'll accept a coach directing his team on how to play, you'll accept some idiot in an article telling Whitey how he has to reform himself to please the Black man, but when it comes to the president of the USA telling business that China sucks and we need to pull the plug on them and go elsewhere, suddenly, you got a problem.

Trump does not have the authority to order private businesses to do anything. Just because you like the taste of his dick doesn't change that

Perhaps TRUMP is exposing that the POTUS doesn't have the authority to order US private businesses to do things, the government of China does have the authority to make demands of private US companies doing business in China.

It could also be a warning to companies that they will get no more extensions or waivers to do business in China.
This man is losing his mind....

Donald....You cannot order companies out of other countries

Donald....You are not the King of Israel

Donald....You are not the "chosen one

Donald....Just because you do not like poll numbers that show you losing in cannot call it Fake News and slamming a news network that you love.

Donald....the Federal Reserve chairman is NOT OUR ENEMY.

So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
Americans doing business with our enemies are traitors who should be prosecuted.
but but

Poor Eddie once again thrown for a loop because Donald used the same word "easy" in two different contexts in two different ways. Trade wars ARE easy to win. You have leverage and jack up the tariffs, it is only inevitable that sooner or later you'll come out on top! But Donald never meant to say that China would fold like a house of cards. They will fight it out hoping that they can hold out and Trump isn't reelected next year and a new president gives up on the tariffs more willing to be their puppet again.
I thought the AH was a maker of the deal??? What happened to the lying SOS? And by the way China's short term is 100 years Think Trump can wait them out??
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So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

It's a smart move.

Guatemala is good choice for unskilled labor.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

It's a smart move.

Guatemala is good choice for unskilled labor.
Guatemalans are smarter than Trump supporters.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

It's a smart move.

Guatemala is good choice for unskilled labor.
Guatemalans are smarter than Trump supporters.

Better educated than you Stalinists, that's for sure...
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News

It's a smart move.

Guatemala is good choice for unskilled labor.
Guatemalans are smarter than Trump supporters.

Better educated than you Stalinists, that's for sure...
China, and Russia turned from illiterate peasantry countries into educated superpowers because of communism. Guatemala remained an illiterate peasantry country because the United States supported capitalism for Guatemala, even the United States supported death squads of genocide in Guatemala.
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You deplorables want the government to order patriotic, job creating, 'free' market corporations what to do?
Again, Obama - when not illegally spying on US citizens / reporters / the media / The US Senate / USSC Justices, when not weaponizing the IRS and illegally using it against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, and when not financing / arming / helping terrorists, Drug Cartels, & the Russians - set a new US record for most oppressive govt regulations telling corporations what they could and could not do.

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