Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China

Jesus. You'll deny anything from the snowflake BOTUS*

Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA

*Buffoon Of The United States
Ordered to do WHAT?

Oh yeah, LOOKING.

Did he say they have to do anything other than LOOK?

Did he, like Obama and the Democrats, impose any oppressive regulations backed by the power of Law?


Let me know when he does, snowflakes...

Jesus. You'll deny anything from the snowflake BOTUS*

Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA

*Buffoon Of The United States
Ordered to do WHAT?

Oh yeah, LOOKING.

Did he say they have to do anything other than LOOK?

Did he, like Obama and the Democrats, impose any oppressive regulations backed by the power of Law?


Let me know when he does, snowflakes...


You mean like imposing tariffs back up by the power of law that are harming our companies that you mean?

or is that somehow different?
Did Trump sell out his own nation by facilitating Chinese espionage by harboring / aiding a Chinese spy for decades, like Diane Feinstein....

No - according to snowflakes he is doing much worse - attempting to get America up off of its knees in front of China, recognize we are at war, and start fighting back instead of embracing CONSTANT SUTRENDER AND SUBSERVITUDE...

What is it about Democrats' and snoflakes' live affair with our nation's enemies and the desire to make America their bitch?
Jesus. You'll deny anything from the snowflake BOTUS*

Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA

*Buffoon Of The United States
Ordered to do WHAT?

Oh yeah, LOOKING.

Did he say they have to do anything other than LOOK?

Did he, like Obama and the Democrats, impose any oppressive regulations backed by the power of Law?


Let me know when he does, snowflakes...


You mean like imposing tariffs back up by the power of law that are harming our companies that you mean?

or is that somehow different?
One is in the DEFENSE of the US against the Chicoms in the WAR that we are in ... While Democrats claim 'There is no war' ... Yeah, like there was no border crisis...

The other is / was Obama's & the Democrars' desire to impose their Socialist will / agenda on Americans / American cimpanies companies.

There's a BIG difference, snowflake.
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Pray for your own sorry bulbous ass, then keep them to yourself. America is just GREAT here, you jackass. NEVER BEEN BETTER. You just better hope that after we're done spanking China's ass until they cry like a baby, we don't come after YOU next. You need all the fucking prayers you can muster for that floating dreck of garbage you call a "country." How can you possibly be any arbiter of what "true north" is in mental health when your own compass has a bent pointer, you pusillanimous QUACK?
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
Trump does tweet without explaining clearly what his actual intentions are ...... He cannot tell businesses to return and say if you dont i will have you shut down or have people incarcerated seems that he is keeping with his campaign promise of telling American companies to produce in America and provide American jobs or he will raise their taxes[implement tariffs] he is on goods from Chinese companies ...heck if they are in China hiring Chinese citizens instead of staying home and hiring Americans he should tax them !Trump Vowed to Punish Companies That Moved Jobs Overseas. Is Congress Rewarding Them? — ProPublica
Every day his mental decline becomes more pronounced. Praying for the US in these troubled times.

Pray for your own sorry bulbous ass, then keep them to yourself. America is just GREAT here, you jackass. NEVER BEEN BETTER. You just better hope that after we're done spanking China's ass until they cry like a baby, we don't come after YOU next. You need all the fucking prayers you can muster for that floating dreck of garbage you call a "country." How can you possibly be any arbiter of what "true north" is in mental health when your own compass has a bent pointer, you pusillanimous QUACK?
Oh dear.
Jesus. You'll deny anything from the snowflake BOTUS*

Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA

*Buffoon Of The United States
Ordered to do WHAT?

Oh yeah, LOOKING.

Did he say they have to do anything other than LOOK?

Did he, like Obama and the Democrats, impose any oppressive regulations backed by the power of Law?


Let me know when he does, snowflakes...


You mean like imposing tariffs back up by the power of law that are harming our companies that you mean?

or is that somehow different?
--------------------------------------- I think that the TARIFFS are logical and Strategic to TRUMPS Way of thinking and Trump is President so like Tariffs are up to him no matter your Opinion of Tariffs GGator
Trump does not have the authority to order private businesses to do anything. Just because you like the taste of his dick doesn't change that

I don't know what dick tastes like but obviously it must have appeal to some bitches like you because you can't seem to ever get one out of your mouth! Just remember to leave a little room for air. ACK! ACK! As for business, if you actually had a master's degree in even janitorial services, you'd know that not only hasn't Trump "ordered" businesses in the sense you mean, but that floppy-eared useless bastard you like your nose so far up his behind Obama, actually DID order many businesses! If you think Trump is bad for one verbal comment, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE AT OBAMA?

  1. He ordered every health insurance company how to run its affairs with Obamacare.
  2. He ordered the entire auto industry, even picking winners and losers.
  3. He ordered every major bank on how they were now going to do business.
  4. He illegally granted businesses a waiver from Obamacare’s employer mandate, twice.
  5. He ordered Boeing to fire 1,000 employees in South Carolina and shut down a new factory because it was non-union.
  6. He implemented a total moratorium on offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill without statutory authority.
  7. He treated secured creditors worse than unsecured creditors in the Chrysler bankruptcy.
  8. He had SWAT teams raid Gibson guitar and seize property on the claimed basis that Gibson had broken India’s environmental laws—but no charges were ever filed.
  9. He forced banks to “choke off” access to financial services for customers engaging in conduct he didn't not like—such as ammunition sales.
  10. He illegally targeted conservative groups for heightened IRS scrutiny.
  11. He targeted Fox News reporter James Rosen by falsely labeling him a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a news leak.
  12. He secretly obtained phone records from staff at the Associated Press.
  13. He sued Louisiana to stop school vouchers for better private schools from going through for students, protecting teacher unions.
  14. He threatened to arrest military priests for practicing their faith.
  15. He sued fire departments for their multiple-choice, open-book written employment tests because he believed they were too hard for blacks to pass.
  16. He gave $535 million to Solyndra, a company full of campaign contributors, which then abruptly went bankrupt.
  17. He pressured Ford Auto Company to pull an anti-auto-bailout TV ad.
  18. He actively aided in George Zimmerman protests, a man only guilty of defending himself in an attack.
  19. He shut down an Amish farm for selling fresh unpasteurized milk across state lines.
  20. He blocked construction of the Keystone Pipeline, thereby intentionally reducing energy resources for the US and forcing Canada to sell more of its oil to China.
  21. He illegally shortchanged investors in the GM buyout who according to bankruptcy laws were first in line to be recompensed, giving their share to the unions.
  22. He shut down oil drilling in the US, then lent $2 billion to Brazil for their oil-drilling effort and promised the US would become Brazil’s biggest oil customer.
  23. He sued Boeing in an effort to control where their businesses could locate.
  24. He twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in early November, so as to avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election.
  25. He encouraged politically biased hiring practices in the Justice Department.
  26. He attempted to force veterans to pay huge increases for their health coverage as a way to generate more funding for his Obamacare provisions.
  27. He gave the company LightSquared favorable treatment for approval of its broadband technology even though it interfered with the GPS system.
  28. He awarded $529 million to Fisker Automotive to build their Karma hybrid electric cars even though they are manufactured in Finland, cost over $100,000 each, and tend to explode.
  29. He compelled Catholic and other religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception against their own religious doctrines.
  30. He bullied Chrysler’s secured creditors who were entitled to “absolute priority” into accepting 30 cents on the dollar.
  31. He granted more than 2,000 waivers to employers seeking relief from Obamacare’s regulations. Nearly 20% of them went to gourmet restaurants and other businesses in Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco district. and Nevada, home to Harry Reid, got a blanket waiver, while GOP-controlled states like Indiana and Louisiana were denied.
  32. He sent the University of Montana a letter that urged a crackdown on “unwelcome” speech that required complaints to be heard without legal representation, encouraging punishment before trial.
The joke with all you lying leftard dotards is that everything you accuse Trump of, Obama and others like him in the DNC ACTUALLY FREEKING DID. First, sooner, more often, and to a far worse degree.


And the voters will see that next November.
Last edited:
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
Americans doing business with our enemies are traitors who should be prosecuted.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
Americans doing business with our enemies are traitors who should be prosecuted.
but but
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
Americans doing business with our enemies are traitors who should be prosecuted.
but but

Poor Eddie once again thrown for a loop because Donald used the same word "easy" in two different contexts in two different ways. Trade wars ARE easy to win. You have leverage and jack up the tariffs, it is only inevitable that sooner or later you'll come out on top! But Donald never meant to say that China would fold like a house of cards. They will fight it out hoping that they can hold out and Trump isn't reelected next year and a new president gives up on the tariffs more willing to be their puppet again.
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
Americans doing business with our enemies are traitors who should be prosecuted.
but but

Poor Eddie once again thrown for a loop because Donald used the same word "easy" in two different contexts in two different ways. Trade wars ARE easy to win. You have leverage and jack up the tariffs, it is only inevitable that sooner or later you'll come out on top! But Donald never meant to say that China would fold like a house of cards. They will fight it out hoping that they can hold out and Trump isn't reelected next year and a new president gives up on the tariffs more willing to be their puppet again.
What does it say about the man when our enemies want him to lose reelection? Tells me he must be the right fucking guy for the job.
Trump does not have the authority to order private businesses to do anything. Just because you like the taste of his dick doesn't change that

I don't know what dick tastes like but obviously it must have appeal to some bitches like you because you can't seem to ever get one out of your mouth! Just remember to leave a little room for air. ACK! ACK! As for business, if you actually had a master's degree in even janitorial services, you'd know that not only hasn't Trump "ordered" businesses in the sense you mean, but that floppy-eared useless bastard you like your nose so far up his behind Obama, actually DID order many businesses! If you think Trump is bad for one verbal comment, WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE AT OBAMA?

  1. He ordered every health insurance company how to run its affairs with Obamacare.
  2. He ordered the entire auto industry, even picking winners and losers.
  3. He ordered every major bank on how they were now going to do business.
  4. He illegally granted businesses a waiver from Obamacare’s employer mandate, twice.
  5. He ordered Boeing to fire 1,000 employees in South Carolina and shut down a new factory because it was non-union.
  6. He implemented a total moratorium on offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill without statutory authority.
  7. He treated secured creditors worse than unsecured creditors in the Chrysler bankruptcy.
  8. He had SWAT teams raid Gibson guitar and seize property on the claimed basis that Gibson had broken India’s environmental laws—but no charges were ever filed.
  9. He forced banks to “choke off” access to financial services for customers engaging in conduct he didn't not like—such as ammunition sales.
  10. He illegally targeted conservative groups for heightened IRS scrutiny.
  11. He targeted Fox News reporter James Rosen by falsely labeling him a possible “co-conspirator” in a criminal investigation of a news leak.
  12. He secretly obtained phone records from staff at the Associated Press.
  13. He sued Louisiana to stop school vouchers for better private schools from going through for students, protecting teacher unions.
  14. He threatened to arrest military priests for practicing their faith.
  15. He sued fire departments for their multiple-choice, open-book written employment tests because he believed they were too hard for blacks to pass.
  16. He gave $535 million to Solyndra, a company full of campaign contributors, which then abruptly went bankrupt.
  17. He pressured Ford Auto Company to pull an anti-auto-bailout TV ad.
  18. He actively aided in George Zimmerman protests, a man only guilty of defending himself in an attack.
  19. He shut down an Amish farm for selling fresh unpasteurized milk across state lines.
  20. He blocked construction of the Keystone Pipeline, thereby intentionally reducing energy resources for the US and forcing Canada to sell more of its oil to China.
  21. He illegally shortchanged investors in the GM buyout who according to bankruptcy laws were first in line to be recompensed, giving their share to the unions.
  22. He shut down oil drilling in the US, then lent $2 billion to Brazil for their oil-drilling effort and promised the US would become Brazil’s biggest oil customer.
  23. He sued Boeing in an effort to control where their businesses could locate.
  24. He twisted the arms of defense contractors to not issue layoff notices in early November, so as to avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election.
  25. He encouraged politically biased hiring practices in the Justice Department.
  26. He attempted to force veterans to pay huge increases for their health coverage as a way to generate more funding for his Obamacare provisions.
  27. He gave the company LightSquared favorable treatment for approval of its broadband technology even though it interfered with the GPS system.
  28. He awarded $529 million to Fisker Automotive to build their Karma hybrid electric cars even though they are manufactured in Finland, cost over $100,000 each, and tend to explode.
  29. He compelled Catholic and other religious organizations to provide health plans with free contraception against their own religious doctrines.
  30. He bullied Chrysler’s secured creditors who were entitled to “absolute priority” into accepting 30 cents on the dollar.
  31. He granted more than 2,000 waivers to employers seeking relief from Obamacare’s regulations. Nearly 20% of them went to gourmet restaurants and other businesses in Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco district. and Nevada, home to Harry Reid, got a blanket waiver, while GOP-controlled states like Indiana and Louisiana were denied.
  32. He sent the University of Montana a letter that urged a crackdown on “unwelcome” speech that required complaints to be heard without legal representation, encouraging punishment before trial.
The joke with all you lying leftard dotards is that everything you accuse Trump of, Obama and others like him in the DNC ACTUALLY FREEKING DID. First, sooner, more often, and to a far worse degree.

View attachment 275780

And the voters will see that next November.
daaaayyyyaaaaaaammm !!!:whip::th_thgoodpost:
So now Trump is telling private businesses what to do. Watch the excuses come to justify this.

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China
By Aimee Picchi

President Donald Trump is demanding that U.S. businesses "immediately start looking for an alternative to China," including bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. The president issued the directive in a series of tweets on Friday morning after China hiked tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. products.

Mr. Trump's tweets heighten trade tensions between the world's two biggest economies, with China's latest countermeasures coming in retaliation for the U.S. planning to impose a 10% tariff on roughly $300 billion in Chinese imports starting next month and in December.

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA," Mr. Trump tweeted. "I will be responding to China's Tariffs this afternoon."

Trump orders U.S. companies to "start looking for alternatives" to China - CBS News
Americans doing business with our enemies are traitors who should be prosecuted.
but but

Poor Eddie once again thrown for a loop because Donald used the same word "easy" in two different contexts in two different ways. Trade wars ARE easy to win. You have leverage and jack up the tariffs, it is only inevitable that sooner or later you'll come out on top! But Donald never meant to say that China would fold like a house of cards. They will fight it out hoping that they can hold out and Trump isn't reelected next year and a new president gives up on the tariffs more willing to be their puppet again.
What does it say about the man when our enemies want him to lose reelection? Tells me he must be the right fucking guy for the job.

I've yet to ever have a good boss at a company I worked at that I liked. But I soon learned to respect him and do my job well. That many of our "allies" and "friends" are not so much an ally or friend when we come to them for a fairer deal is telling, that many of them aren't crazy for Trump says it all.

Trump is tough love like a good father.

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