Trump paid less in taxes than a household that makes 20k per year

We're not talking about every wealthy person in America. We're talking about Trump. A failure. Real Estate. Business. Politics.
A man built on a persona of smoke and mirrors. When he's a giant fraud.

But keep lapping it up. It makes me smile. :)
You TDS afflicted morons are simply full of jealousy and envy. You hate Trump because he marries supermodels and he's smarter, richer and a billion times more successful than you could ever be in your wildest dreams.

You're pathetic.
These lefties think that the Big D wrote the tax code himself. :laughing0301:
Nope didn’t say.
first sentence

Let this be a lesson in tax politics. The wealthy and corporations are not “taxed enough already” because they do not pay the OFFICIAL tax rate. They pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate.
You TDS afflicted morons are simply full of jealousy and envy. You hate Trump because he marries supermodels and he's smarter, richer and a billion times more successful than you could ever be in your wildest dreams.

You're pathetic.
That whiny moron would be a Wal-Mart greeter right now if daddy hadn’t given millions of dollars in the 80’s. He didn’t earn jack shit. He’s a waste of life who owes his success to someone else’s money. Even then, he still has declared bankruptcy many times.
That whiny moron would be a Wal-Mart greeter right now if daddy hadn’t given millions of dollars in the 80’s. He didn’t earn jack shit. He’s a waste of life who owes his success to someone else’s money. Even then, he still has declared bankruptcy many times.
I think someone has sour grapes. :smoke:
That whiny moron would be a Wal-Mart greeter right now if daddy hadn’t given millions of dollars in the 80’s. He didn’t earn jack shit. He’s a waste of life who owes his success to someone else’s money. Even then, he still has declared bankruptcy many times.
boy the jealousy just rolls off you dude. amazing. are you wet now?

here :itsok: :fingerscrossed:
I think someone has sour grapes. :smoke:
Just telling it like it is. I’m not rich but I earned my keep. That’s something Trump can’t say for himself. He was nothing but a mooch.
That whiny moron would be a Wal-Mart greeter right now if daddy hadn’t given millions of dollars in the 80’s. He didn’t earn jack shit. He’s a waste of life who owes his success to someone else’s money. Even then, he still has declared bankruptcy many times.
And he did it without milking the american taxpayer like every senator and rep and bureaucrat in DC.
boy the jealousy just rolls off you dude. amazing. are you wet now?

here :itsok: :fingerscrossed:
What I am supposed to be jealous of? That my dad didn’t give me millions of dollars? Hell granted that would be cool, but if that happened, I wouldn’t pretend I was some self-made business man. Talk about pathetic lol
Let this be a lesson in tax politics. The wealthy and corporations are not “taxed enough already” because they do not pay the OFFICIAL tax rate. They pay an EFFECTIVE tax rate.

Trump paid $716 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. The average 20k household plays more than $800. Those making between 50k and 75k pay an average of 5k in taxes.

“Real estate offers some unique tax advantages, mainly the ability to write off depreciation against income. It’s common for a real estate investor to show a loss on their income tax return while receiving positive cash flow for the year.

Fractional real estate investors also receive similar benefits. The investment platform Arrived Homes, known for letting investors buy shares of rental properties with as little as $100, paid out $47,000 in dividends to investors in 2021, but only about $2,800 was considered taxable income. The rest was nontaxable return of principal.

That means Arrived Homes investors collectively only needed to report $2,800 in taxable income, despite receiving $47,000 in dividends. Arrived Homes has already paid out $303,000 in dividends so far in 2022 and investors will likely get another nice break come tax time next year.

Another likely reason for Trump’s low tax bills is the use of a tax loss carryforward. Companies such as The Trump Organization can carry losses over from one year to offset taxes in subsequent years. Trump used this strategy after realizing nearly $1 billion in losses in the early 1990s. He was able to carry those losses over each year until 2005.”

Maybe the Democratic Congress should pass some laws to tie up their rich buddies loopholes. I sure with majorities in the House and Senate, they could pass it and Biden would surely sign the bill.

It amazes me why people blame the person taking legal tax cuts and breaks and not Congress that sets up the laws to begin with. That is just stupid thinking.
Or not. For the money he has paid to his large staff, I’m glad for Trump that he didn’t have to pay much in the way of Federal taxes.
So you are no different than Trump when it comes to paying your taxes.
What are you even talking about? In this scenario, not only would I not be taking advantage of any deductions or loopholes, but I would be paying more than the official tax rate. I didn’t tell anyone to do that. Good god lol
Let say you are correct did he break any law?

See if the IRS really thought he had evaded paying Taxes all these years he would have been in jail already and lost everything but alas it seem he hasn’t broken any of those laws.

Now take a moment and ask yourself should he pay extra when he doesn’t have to because of loopholes?

Would you?

If you say yes then you are a blithering imbecile.

Change the laws to make the rich pay more and if not, well who will you blame?

Democrats control the House, Senate and Oval Office, so do your job or lower your head in shame…
Share with us how many jobs that 20K household created.
Well none but can we really give any praise for Trump for this? I mean come on. He was born with a silver spoon up his ass and daddy gave him millions of dollars. I’ll give his dad credit for it though lol

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