Trump paid only $750.00 in Federal Income taxes in 2016

Trumps lawyers tried to explain that Trump paid millions in taxes, and offered to look at the supposed evidence the NY Times has, they refused and ran their hate trump spin hatchet job.
The NYTimes agrees the IMPOTUS paid millions in taxes. It also reports the IMPOTUS asked for and was given a lot of it back, as well as paying zero in taxes. What's your problem?
Welcome to the ignore ban lounge. There now it's like you don't even exist.
My ribs, by ribs.

Well, actually, my ghost ribs, my ghost ribs...
If our country celebrates tax evasion, we are more fucked up than I thought.

Trumps reported financial situation is fraud and treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!
Bidens reported financial treason involving foreign countries...... [YAAAWN]

I see how that works

Dont you all kind of get sick paying your taxes every year and seeing the ultra wealthy get off without paying anything?

Like, doesn’t that just annoy you?
Is this a great country or what?
he doesnt give his check to charities,,,he gives it back to the government,,,they arent a charity,,
Fact check: President Donald Trump donates his salary, but he still makes money
Trump, as promised during his campaign, does write checks to various agencies equivalent to a quarter of his annual salary every quarter.
He donates the entire amount of his income as POTUS every quarter. The entities are government run, but they are all excellent programs.
Of course, he still has accumulated wealth and appreciating investments, just like millions of other responsible adults.
thanks for the confirmation he doesnt donate it to charities,,,

Thats is our money he makes, and I will donate to charities I want. I'd rather him pay taxes, and I bet he doesn't even donate to any charities.
if he makes it then how is it our money???

you clearly dont understand how things work in a free country,,

sorry sweetie it was obama and biden that didnt donate to charitiies,,,

We all pay his salary. I doubt he even donates to charities, he has never donated to charities, though he talks a good talk. He lies like a rug.

Let's base our selection of the next President on how much they've contributed to charity, Penny! I'll take get Joe Biden! I'm winning THAT contest in a landslide!

Conservative politicians contribute their OWN money to charities...liberal politicians tend to contribute other people's money to charity!
If our country celebrates tax evasion, we are more fucked up than I thought.

Trumps reported financial situation is fraud and treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!
Bidens reported financial treason involving foreign countries...... [YAAAWN]

I see how that works

Dont you all kind of get sick paying your taxes every year and seeing the ultra wealthy get off without paying anything?

Like, doesn’t that just annoy you?
Is this a great country or what?
I do have issues with public servants who fly around in private jets on the taxpayers dime tho.
If our country celebrates tax evasion, we are more fucked up than I thought.

Trumps reported financial situation is fraud and treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!
Bidens reported financial treason involving foreign countries...... [YAAAWN]

I see how that works

Dont you all kind of get sick paying your taxes every year and seeing the ultra wealthy get off without paying anything?

Like, doesn’t that just annoy you?
why would I get upset that another person got to keep their own money and the government get less???
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

He used Ivanka as a contractor write off.

He paid more for his hair do, than he did in taxes.

Let's see some evidence?

The Biden Campaign (NY Times) is pulling the "unnamed sources" shit again, which means they just made it up.
They have the tax returns, Herr Shitler.
If they actually have them then they're guilty of identity-theft.
Actually producing the returns in court would be exhibit #1 in an IRS case against the New York Times.
I think the DoJ needs to look into this.
Lol, no. How do you figure having leaked tax documents equates to identity theft?
Because what they were supposedly leaking is protected by IRS laws, not to mention private information that cannot be released to the public without the taxpayer's consent. It's the law. End of discussion.
The NY Times isn’t leaking anything. They’re publishing material given to them which is protected by the first amendment.
If you publish something that you know is stolen you're essentially aiding and abetting in a crime. If they're taken to court they're going to be at the very least held in contempt and jailed. But if any of this is true it is identity-theft....and only proves that Trump didn't earn hardly anything during the time period in question. The kicker is the IRS hasn't charged him with any crime.

Course you folks only spot whatever shiny objects the corrupt media wants you to see.
So when Wikileaks published the DNC emails, that was criminal?

Uh, no.

SCOTUS is clear that publishing stolen material is not illegal.
Breaking to come.

Donald J. Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the White House, he paid another $750.

He had paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years — largely because he reported losing much more money than he made.

Yeah most of us always knew he was fraud.

He used Ivanka as a contractor write off.

He paid more for his hair do, than he did in taxes.

Let's see some evidence?

The Biden Campaign (NY Times) is pulling the "unnamed sources" shit again, which means they just made it up.
They have the tax returns, Herr Shitler.
If they actually have them then they're guilty of identity-theft.
Actually producing the returns in court would be exhibit #1 in an IRS case against the New York Times.
I think the DoJ needs to look into this.
Lol, no. How do you figure having leaked tax documents equates to identity theft?
Because what they were supposedly leaking is protected by IRS laws, not to mention private information that cannot be released to the public without the taxpayer's consent. It's the law. End of discussion.
The NY Times isn’t leaking anything. They’re publishing material given to them which is protected by the first amendment.
If you publish something that you know is stolen you're essentially aiding and abetting in a crime. If they're taken to court they're going to be at the very least held in contempt and jailed. But if any of this is true it is identity-theft....and only proves that Trump didn't earn hardly anything during the time period in question. The kicker is the IRS hasn't charged him with any crime.

Course you folks only spot whatever shiny objects the corrupt media wants you to see.
So when Wikileaks published the DNC emails, that was criminal?

Uh, no.

SCOTUS is clear that publishing stolen material is not illegal.
its the dems that complained about that not repubes,,,
If our country celebrates tax evasion, we are more fucked up than I thought.

Trumps reported financial situation is fraud and treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!
Bidens reported financial treason involving foreign countries...... [YAAAWN]

I see how that works

Dont you all kind of get sick paying your taxes every year and seeing the ultra wealthy get off without paying anything?

Like, doesn’t that just annoy you?
Is this a great country or what?
Why not?
Dont you all kind of get sick paying your taxes every year and seeing the ultra wealthy get off without paying anything?

Like, doesn’t that just annoy you?
Even if it did, that is ONE issue among DOZENS of others. This preoccupation with the rich and their taxes, has you by the throat. How about if we reduce George Soros down to an income of $40,000/year ? Wanna do it ?

I notice you guys don't talk much about all the GOOD things that have come from the Trump administration over the past 3.7 years. Probably because your leftist OMISSION media so carefully conceals them, that you don't even know they exist.
If our country celebrates tax evasion, we are more fucked up than I thought.

Trumps reported financial situation is fraud and treason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!
Bidens reported financial treason involving foreign countries...... [YAAAWN]

I see how that works

Dont you all kind of get sick paying your taxes every year and seeing the ultra wealthy get off without paying anything?

Like, doesn’t that just annoy you?
The United States has one of the most progressive tax systems in the world. There is no other country where wealthy individuals pay so much more in taxes than the rest of the population.
No where.
So why isn’t Trump paying taxes if we have such a progressive tax system?
Good show his tax returns.
You think that's the only way of assessing wealth ? It's actually not a very good way. Millions of people show losses on their income taxes, or just small gains, and they're rolling in dough. What else is new ? Click the link >>

Tramp is a failure amit it.

Must be one of the many numerous site that kicked up to state how the MSM is fake news.
The story is a Democrat dirty tricks lie fabricated by stupid TDS afflicted NYT Libtards to detract from the ass kicking that Biden is going to get at the debates tomorrow.

However, $750 is more income tax than all these idiot Moon Bats that post on here and are on welfare have ever paid.
thanks for the confirmation he doesnt donate it to charities,,,
A distinction without a difference, that.
Fact is, he doesn't keep it for himself.
theres a world of difference,,,

only pathetic progressives thinks the government is a charity,,,

It sure is tramp charity.
the government is a trump charity???

then why are dems so mad at him if he thinks like them??
The real problem is that Trump openly defends the very system that allows billionaires to pay nothing in taxes, further enriching corporations and Wall Street at the expense of working Americans.

He supports tax policies that increase that gap.

Some Democratic politicians actually propose modest changes. But Trump’s followers already accept this reality. They enjoy watching this rich grifter and demagogue supposedly “beat the system,” and mock those of us who oppose our country drifting toward oligarchy (and civil war).

Any President, but especially this President, is not your average Joe who is just worrying about feeding and sheltering and educating his family.

A President ought to be held to a higher level of responsibility. To lead and provide a good example. Trump is a grifter who is neither responsible, nor thoughtfully and carefully leads. The “example” he provides is that billionaires can hire lawyers to beat the system and get away with not paying taxes.
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