Trump patches relationship with Hispanics.....eats Taco Bowl for Cinco de Mayo

The idea that illegals are just doing jobs that Americans don't do is utter nonsense.

There are lots of jobs now that are available for white Americans now............... Are they applying or working there now? Few yes but in general big No.
In my 3 warehouses ( Allentown, Atlanta and San Diego) alone 95% are Asians and Hispanics. Whiteys last maybe 2 or 3 days.......... Starting pay is $16. There are no such thing as minorities get less pay. And as I previously mentioned I know tons of businesses like hospitals and this is the pattern. We as business owners heavily talk about this all the time. So please tell me something I don't know.

It's funny.

If some white guy had a business where the staff was 95% white and the rare minority that got hired only lasted 2 or 3 days, you lefties would not hesitate to assume that the problem was discrimination against that minority.

But reverse the situation so that it is whites who don't get hired or don't last, you lefties just "know" it is something wrong with them....

You know...

I worked in a warehouse once. I'm kind of a big guy. I was in pretty good shape.

And the expectations of management was completely and utterly ridiculous.

You ever consider the problem is you?

How old are you? Maybe you've forgotten something. Kids are now different compared to 15 or 20 years ago.
I hired people based on their qualifications not because of race. Most of my engineers or high end employees are Asians and whites. The problem we are having is at the warehouses. Big guy doesn't mean you are tough guy enduring hot weather.

I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?
. So your answer is to turn this nation into the old South again, where as the rich live in their sheltered communities, and work cheap labor just like the plantation owners had their slaves eh ? Hey slaves didn't work for nothing, because they were given a roof over their head, food to eat and such just like government dependents and cheap labor the same. The only difference between back then and now, is the looked down upon are afforded a little bit more than the slaves were given back then, and so that's supposed to make it all OK somehow right ? You do know that saying that Mexicans are just doing the jobs that Americans won't do, is suggesting that these poor Mexicans are desperate, and are grateful that they are given the chance to work for an American for hardly nothing right ? Who in the Hell do we as Americans think that we are to even create such a situation as that, otherwise to rob people of their dignity, and to exploit people while letting our young become some of the most sorriest human beings in the world ? It's all leading us straight to Hell with gasoline britches on.

I do not have an answer for the whole world Beagle. But as I previously mentioned look yourself in the mirror who is responsible for all these.
Cost of this strawberry is about $5.99 here in Key Biscayne .......... How much do you think it will cost if we pay them $12. per hour or $15. Here in Key B. I don't think it's a problem but other parts of America................ Are my fellow Americans willing to pay higher prices than that?


We don't need 11 million strawberry pickers.

That's a lot of crap.

Migrant farm workers, SOME of those jobs might be crappy enough that Americans won't do them. Maybe.

A small guest worker program of a couple tens of thousands, AT MOST, would take care of that.

11 millions are NOT working in agricultural farm. Can you please at least be honest.
You support foreign guests workers.......... I am totally totally against foreign guest workers. All of these are direct threat to high and low American earners.
1. Agricultural guest workers........ Do you really think they came here all the way just to pick apples and strawberries? Have you seen some of these people? They don't look like farmers. These are the educated kids of farm workers in their country. Some they don't even report to their sponsors when they got here. They just vanished.
2. H1 visa.......... I do believe that we have shortages but not at the scale of what business owner are portraying. IMHO and IME this being abuse.

1. That was my point. That the 11 millon illegals are not all doing the very few jobs that might be crappy enough that Americans won't do, for example strawberry pickers.

2. YOur sudden concern for low American earners is touching. YOu up for deporting all 11 million illegals, and halting further Third World Immigration?

3. I agree the shortages are grossly exaggerated by greedy employers who want to make money by not paying American wages.

1. You pin point 11millions working in agricultural. Not me. Only 4% of these illegals are working in agricultural farm rest are in the janitorial, mom and pop shop tacos etc etc etc that pay cash.
2. Yes I'm concern with my fellow Americans. Illegals are not taking over high paying jobs or low paying jobs in a corporations.
3. I don't know what else to tell you.

1. YOU posted a picture of strawberries, not me. My response was to point out that that is not the story of 11 million illegals. I agreed, those jobs might be to crappy for Americans. Janitors? small shops? Not so much. WE don't need them. We don't want them. Deport them all.

2. Depends on your definition of high paying. Time was plenty of WOrking and even Middle Class Americans supported themselves in meatpacking, construction, landscaping, taxi driving, ect.

YOur qualifier "not in corporations" is irrelevant to the AMERICANS who don't have jobs, or who have lower wages, because of this.
There are lots of jobs now that are available for white Americans now............... Are they applying or working there now? Few yes but in general big No.
In my 3 warehouses ( Allentown, Atlanta and San Diego) alone 95% are Asians and Hispanics. Whiteys last maybe 2 or 3 days.......... Starting pay is $16. There are no such thing as minorities get less pay. And as I previously mentioned I know tons of businesses like hospitals and this is the pattern. We as business owners heavily talk about this all the time. So please tell me something I don't know.

It's funny.

If some white guy had a business where the staff was 95% white and the rare minority that got hired only lasted 2 or 3 days, you lefties would not hesitate to assume that the problem was discrimination against that minority.

But reverse the situation so that it is whites who don't get hired or don't last, you lefties just "know" it is something wrong with them....

You know...

I worked in a warehouse once. I'm kind of a big guy. I was in pretty good shape.

And the expectations of management was completely and utterly ridiculous.

You ever consider the problem is you?

How old are you? Maybe you've forgotten something. Kids are now different compared to 15 or 20 years ago.
I hired people based on their qualifications not because of race. Most of my engineers or high end employees are Asians and whites. The problem we are having is at the warehouses. Big guy doesn't mean you are tough guy enduring hot weather.

I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire no white guys.
How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?
. Exactly, so how did America ever get to where it got to over time, if Americans weren't ready to roll up their sleeves, and get their hands dirty also ?
The photo depicts Trump apparently dining from the presumably authentic Mexican restaurant known as Trump Tower Grill. He smiles over a "taco bowl," otherwise known as a taco salad, a dish that originated in the United States.

While the bowls, served as a special titled "Taco fiesta," may not regularly appear on the menu, Politico unearthed a review by Eater New York reviewing a similar dish at the restaurant labeled "beef tacos."

On the same pass I also ordered "beef tacos" ($13.50) which turned out to be a fried tortilla bowl heaped with romaine lettuce, grated yellow cheese, and plain ground beef that was so devoid of flavor, it rendered an insult to Mexicans every bit as profound as Trump’s previous pronouncements. Trump food is bland food.

That photo was photo chopped. The real picture is below. Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 3.08.51 PM.png
I never realized the best Mexican food comes from Trump Towers

Trump uses taco bowl to try to reach out to Hispanic voters on Cinco de Mayo....Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! … 2:57 PM - 5 May 2016

The man is clueless

More like the man is dangerously infantile. His simplistic smooth-overs won't undo bigger disasters his mouth will create if he gets anywhere near the Oval Office.

What's next? After he insults Putin's short stature and ability to achieve an erection on worldwide media, will Trump smooth over the activation of Russian missiles by eating some borscht saying "the best borscht is made at Trump Tower Grill. I love Russians!"...?
I never realized the best Mexican food comes from Trump Towers

Trump uses taco bowl to try to reach out to Hispanic voters on Cinco de Mayo....Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! … 2:57 PM - 5 May 2016

The man is clueless

More like the man is dangerously infantile. His simplistic smooth-overs won't undo bigger disasters his mouth will create if he gets anywhere near the Oval Office.

What's next? After he insults Putin's short stature and ability to achieve an erection on worldwide media, will Trump smooth over the activation of Russian missiles by eating some borscht saying "the best borscht is made at Trump Tower Grill. I love Russians!"...?
. Nah Putin and Trump will get along just fine, and they will because their real men, and not pansies.
There are lots of jobs now that are available for white Americans now............... Are they applying or working there now? Few yes but in general big No.
In my 3 warehouses ( Allentown, Atlanta and San Diego) alone 95% are Asians and Hispanics. Whiteys last maybe 2 or 3 days.......... Starting pay is $16. There are no such thing as minorities get less pay. And as I previously mentioned I know tons of businesses like hospitals and this is the pattern. We as business owners heavily talk about this all the time. So please tell me something I don't know.

It's funny.

If some white guy had a business where the staff was 95% white and the rare minority that got hired only lasted 2 or 3 days, you lefties would not hesitate to assume that the problem was discrimination against that minority.

But reverse the situation so that it is whites who don't get hired or don't last, you lefties just "know" it is something wrong with them....

You know...

I worked in a warehouse once. I'm kind of a big guy. I was in pretty good shape.

And the expectations of management was completely and utterly ridiculous.

You ever consider the problem is you?

How old are you? Maybe you've forgotten something. Kids are now different compared to 15 or 20 years ago.
I hired people based on their qualifications not because of race. Most of my engineers or high end employees are Asians and whites. The problem we are having is at the warehouses. Big guy doesn't mean you are tough guy enduring hot weather.

I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.
It's funny.

If some white guy had a business where the staff was 95% white and the rare minority that got hired only lasted 2 or 3 days, you lefties would not hesitate to assume that the problem was discrimination against that minority.

But reverse the situation so that it is whites who don't get hired or don't last, you lefties just "know" it is something wrong with them....

You know...

I worked in a warehouse once. I'm kind of a big guy. I was in pretty good shape.

And the expectations of management was completely and utterly ridiculous.

You ever consider the problem is you?

How old are you? Maybe you've forgotten something. Kids are now different compared to 15 or 20 years ago.
I hired people based on their qualifications not because of race. Most of my engineers or high end employees are Asians and whites. The problem we are having is at the warehouses. Big guy doesn't mean you are tough guy enduring hot weather.

I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.
. You hire based on qualifications, but then you put down these race percentages for us ? What happened to qualifications ? Fast food restaurants are some of the worst in abusing the race thing, because they are hiring based on quota's instead of qualifications in our area. You ought to see the staff make up in these resteraunts, it's virtually all black. So what's up with that in America now ? As much as white America sacrificed to help the blacks get equality in America, then they turn and engage in the same things that they were against ? Hmm, may not be them who are actually engaging in it voluntarily, but instead it's the corporations seeking them out preferentially, and doing this because why ? Is it because they will work for less (cheap labor), or something like that ? America should be appalled when they see staff make up in any job that has a one race dominating in the low skilled job markets. Americans of any race will work, and any company abusing it's power by selective hiring practices that are based upon criteria that is used to exploit a race of people, should be investigated by the Justice should be investigated. The problem with the current Justice Dept.these days, is that it views the situation as "hey their working blacks, mexicans etc. or giving blacks or mexicans jobs, and no matter what the reason is, we ain't touching that. So poor white kids end up being discriminated against in a reversal of racism and discrimination against them and their so called whitey protected class status in which is projected upon them now, even if it is untrue. The corporations can't believe what their getting away with in this environment now, and if I were among the low skilled whites in America, I would be outraged about it all. I think they are outraged, but they have been separated and outcasted by these people who have done these things. Beginner low skilled job seekers who are white had best unite, because they are being played as fools big time these days.
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It's funny.

If some white guy had a business where the staff was 95% white and the rare minority that got hired only lasted 2 or 3 days, you lefties would not hesitate to assume that the problem was discrimination against that minority.

But reverse the situation so that it is whites who don't get hired or don't last, you lefties just "know" it is something wrong with them....

You know...

I worked in a warehouse once. I'm kind of a big guy. I was in pretty good shape.

And the expectations of management was completely and utterly ridiculous.

You ever consider the problem is you?

How old are you? Maybe you've forgotten something. Kids are now different compared to 15 or 20 years ago.
I hired people based on their qualifications not because of race. Most of my engineers or high end employees are Asians and whites. The problem we are having is at the warehouses. Big guy doesn't mean you are tough guy enduring hot weather.

I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.
I never realized the best Mexican food comes from Trump Towers

Trump uses taco bowl to try to reach out to Hispanic voters on Cinco de Mayo....Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! … 2:57 PM - 5 May 2016

The man is clueless

More like the man is dangerously infantile. His simplistic smooth-overs won't undo bigger disasters his mouth will create if he gets anywhere near the Oval Office.

What's next? After he insults Putin's short stature and ability to achieve an erection on worldwide media, will Trump smooth over the activation of Russian missiles by eating some borscht saying "the best borscht is made at Trump Tower Grill. I love Russians!"...?
. Nah Putin and Trump will get along just fine, and they will because their real men, and not pansies.
Putins hands are bigger
How old are you? Maybe you've forgotten something. Kids are now different compared to 15 or 20 years ago.
I hired people based on their qualifications not because of race. Most of my engineers or high end employees are Asians and whites. The problem we are having is at the warehouses. Big guy doesn't mean you are tough guy enduring hot weather.

I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.
Last edited:
How old are you? Maybe you've forgotten something. Kids are now different compared to 15 or 20 years ago.
I hired people based on their qualifications not because of race. Most of my engineers or high end employees are Asians and whites. The problem we are having is at the warehouses. Big guy doesn't mean you are tough guy enduring hot weather.

I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.
. You hire based on qualifications, but then you put down these race percentages for us ? What happened to qualifications ? Fast food restaurants are some of the worst in abusing the race thing, because they are hiring based on quota's instead of qualifications in our area. You ought to see the staff make up in these resteraunts, it's virtually all black. So what's up with that in America now ? As much as white America sacrificed to help the blacks get equality in America, then they turn and engage in the same things that they were against ? Hmm, may not be them who are actually engaging in it voluntarily, but instead it's the corporations seeking them out preferentially, and doing this because why ? Is it because they will work for less (cheap labor), or something like that ? America should be appalled when they see staff make up in any job that has a one race dominating in the low skilled job markets. Americans of any race will work, and any company abusing it's power by selective hiring practices that are based upon criteria that is used to exploit a race of people, should be investigated by the Justice should be investigated. The problem with the current Justice Dept.these days, is that it views the situation as "hey their working blacks, mexicans etc. or giving blacks or mexicans jobs, and no matter what the reason is, we ain't touching that. So poor white kids end up being discriminated against in a reversal of racism and discrimination against them and their so called whitey protected class status in which is projected upon them now, even if it is untrue. The corporations can't believe what their getting away with in this environment now, and if I were among the low skilled whites in America, I would be outraged about it all. I think they are outraged, but they have been separated and outcasted by these people who have done these things. Beginner low skilled job seekers who are white had best unite, because they are being played as fools big time these days.

Do you have a problem that my company is predominantly whites? At the same time you are complaining whites are being discriminated. The only department I can see its a big problem is tech. support. About 30% of them are disabled veterans with engineering background working from their home with complete communication set up connected to our telephone systems.
I know tons of companies and I visited a lot them. Sometimes I tag along with my quality group conducting a supplier audit. A lot of these companies are predominantly whites. Some of these In and Out burger fast food workers in Southern California are 100% whites.
I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.
. Hey just be kind and a good boss, and regardless of these peoples plight in life, they will serve you well if you are totally honest with them. Are you totally honest with your people ?
I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.
. You hire based on qualifications, but then you put down these race percentages for us ? What happened to qualifications ? Fast food restaurants are some of the worst in abusing the race thing, because they are hiring based on quota's instead of qualifications in our area. You ought to see the staff make up in these resteraunts, it's virtually all black. So what's up with that in America now ? As much as white America sacrificed to help the blacks get equality in America, then they turn and engage in the same things that they were against ? Hmm, may not be them who are actually engaging in it voluntarily, but instead it's the corporations seeking them out preferentially, and doing this because why ? Is it because they will work for less (cheap labor), or something like that ? America should be appalled when they see staff make up in any job that has a one race dominating in the low skilled job markets. Americans of any race will work, and any company abusing it's power by selective hiring practices that are based upon criteria that is used to exploit a race of people, should be investigated by the Justice should be investigated. The problem with the current Justice Dept.these days, is that it views the situation as "hey their working blacks, mexicans etc. or giving blacks or mexicans jobs, and no matter what the reason is, we ain't touching that. So poor white kids end up being discriminated against in a reversal of racism and discrimination against them and their so called whitey protected class status in which is projected upon them now, even if it is untrue. The corporations can't believe what their getting away with in this environment now, and if I were among the low skilled whites in America, I would be outraged about it all. I think they are outraged, but they have been separated and outcasted by these people who have done these things. Beginner low skilled job seekers who are white had best unite, because they are being played as fools big time these days.

Do you have a problem that my company is predominantly whites? At the same time you are complaining whites are being discriminated. The only department I can see its a big problem is tech. support. About 30% of them are disabled veterans with engineering background working from their home with complete communication set up connected to our telephone systems.
I know tons of companies and I visited a lot them. Sometimes I tag along with my quality group conducting a supplier audit. A lot of these companies are predominantly whites. Some of these In and Out burger fast food workers in Southern California are 100% whites.
. My post might not apply to your part of the world or situation, and why would you ask me an idiotic question as to whether or not I have a problem with any race of people you have working for you ?
Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.
. Hey just be kind and a good boss, and regardless of these peoples plight in life, they will serve you well if you are totally honest with them. Are you totally honest with your people ?

WTF are you talking about? I am honest and kind to all my employees. They are the assets of my company.
Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.
. You hire based on qualifications, but then you put down these race percentages for us ? What happened to qualifications ? Fast food restaurants are some of the worst in abusing the race thing, because they are hiring based on quota's instead of qualifications in our area. You ought to see the staff make up in these resteraunts, it's virtually all black. So what's up with that in America now ? As much as white America sacrificed to help the blacks get equality in America, then they turn and engage in the same things that they were against ? Hmm, may not be them who are actually engaging in it voluntarily, but instead it's the corporations seeking them out preferentially, and doing this because why ? Is it because they will work for less (cheap labor), or something like that ? America should be appalled when they see staff make up in any job that has a one race dominating in the low skilled job markets. Americans of any race will work, and any company abusing it's power by selective hiring practices that are based upon criteria that is used to exploit a race of people, should be investigated by the Justice should be investigated. The problem with the current Justice Dept.these days, is that it views the situation as "hey their working blacks, mexicans etc. or giving blacks or mexicans jobs, and no matter what the reason is, we ain't touching that. So poor white kids end up being discriminated against in a reversal of racism and discrimination against them and their so called whitey protected class status in which is projected upon them now, even if it is untrue. The corporations can't believe what their getting away with in this environment now, and if I were among the low skilled whites in America, I would be outraged about it all. I think they are outraged, but they have been separated and outcasted by these people who have done these things. Beginner low skilled job seekers who are white had best unite, because they are being played as fools big time these days.

Do you have a problem that my company is predominantly whites? At the same time you are complaining whites are being discriminated. The only department I can see its a big problem is tech. support. About 30% of them are disabled veterans with engineering background working from their home with complete communication set up connected to our telephone systems.
I know tons of companies and I visited a lot them. Sometimes I tag along with my quality group conducting a supplier audit. A lot of these companies are predominantly whites. Some of these In and Out burger fast food workers in Southern California are 100% whites.
. My post might not apply to your part of the world or situation, and why would you ask me an idiotic question as to whether or not I have a problem with any race of people you have working for you ?

Dude you are laying out all these crap. I am just being honest dealing with you.
I've worked with plenty of young people in the recent past, who aren't afraid to work.

I've also worked with plenty of mangers who couldn't think of any solution to any problem that didn't involve having his workers work harder.

So, are you're suggesting that your warehouses are too hot for white people to be able to work in?

Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.
I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.
. You hire based on qualifications, but then you put down these race percentages for us ? What happened to qualifications ? Fast food restaurants are some of the worst in abusing the race thing, because they are hiring based on quota's instead of qualifications in our area. You ought to see the staff make up in these resteraunts, it's virtually all black. So what's up with that in America now ? As much as white America sacrificed to help the blacks get equality in America, then they turn and engage in the same things that they were against ? Hmm, may not be them who are actually engaging in it voluntarily, but instead it's the corporations seeking them out preferentially, and doing this because why ? Is it because they will work for less (cheap labor), or something like that ? America should be appalled when they see staff make up in any job that has a one race dominating in the low skilled job markets. Americans of any race will work, and any company abusing it's power by selective hiring practices that are based upon criteria that is used to exploit a race of people, should be investigated by the Justice should be investigated. The problem with the current Justice Dept.these days, is that it views the situation as "hey their working blacks, mexicans etc. or giving blacks or mexicans jobs, and no matter what the reason is, we ain't touching that. So poor white kids end up being discriminated against in a reversal of racism and discrimination against them and their so called whitey protected class status in which is projected upon them now, even if it is untrue. The corporations can't believe what their getting away with in this environment now, and if I were among the low skilled whites in America, I would be outraged about it all. I think they are outraged, but they have been separated and outcasted by these people who have done these things. Beginner low skilled job seekers who are white had best unite, because they are being played as fools big time these days.

Do you have a problem that my company is predominantly whites? At the same time you are complaining whites are being discriminated. The only department I can see its a big problem is tech. support. About 30% of them are disabled veterans with engineering background working from their home with complete communication set up connected to our telephone systems.
I know tons of companies and I visited a lot them. Sometimes I tag along with my quality group conducting a supplier audit. A lot of these companies are predominantly whites. Some of these In and Out burger fast food workers in Southern California are 100% whites.
. My post might not apply to your part of the world or situation, and why would you ask me an idiotic question as to whether or not I have a problem with any race of people you have working for you ?

Dude you are laying out all these crap. I am just being honest dealing with you.
. Do you think I am speaking directly to you or I'm quoting you everytime you write something ? If I don't call you by name or quote you, then the post more than likely wasn't being written to you at all. Talk about being stuck on yourself. Good googly. Now all I did was say to you in this case that if your honest with your employee's, then OK then, and then I ask you were you being honest with them ? Your offense at such a question leaves me wondering why you would take offense at such a question?. Hmmm. You know when I am saying something to you, and when I may be just responding to things that are being said by everyone in s conversation with a theme, so make sure not to take offense as if everything is aimed at you when it's not..
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Warehouse is a temperature control area because of reagent products. I received an average of 4 a month of these shipping containers from overseas.
When it arrived the warehouse crew will have to empty it. During summer the temperature inside is above 130 degrees. This is a big problem for me in San Diego and Atlanta warehouse. Allentown is a problem during winter.


I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.
You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.
. You hire based on qualifications, but then you put down these race percentages for us ? What happened to qualifications ? Fast food restaurants are some of the worst in abusing the race thing, because they are hiring based on quota's instead of qualifications in our area. You ought to see the staff make up in these resteraunts, it's virtually all black. So what's up with that in America now ? As much as white America sacrificed to help the blacks get equality in America, then they turn and engage in the same things that they were against ? Hmm, may not be them who are actually engaging in it voluntarily, but instead it's the corporations seeking them out preferentially, and doing this because why ? Is it because they will work for less (cheap labor), or something like that ? America should be appalled when they see staff make up in any job that has a one race dominating in the low skilled job markets. Americans of any race will work, and any company abusing it's power by selective hiring practices that are based upon criteria that is used to exploit a race of people, should be investigated by the Justice should be investigated. The problem with the current Justice Dept.these days, is that it views the situation as "hey their working blacks, mexicans etc. or giving blacks or mexicans jobs, and no matter what the reason is, we ain't touching that. So poor white kids end up being discriminated against in a reversal of racism and discrimination against them and their so called whitey protected class status in which is projected upon them now, even if it is untrue. The corporations can't believe what their getting away with in this environment now, and if I were among the low skilled whites in America, I would be outraged about it all. I think they are outraged, but they have been separated and outcasted by these people who have done these things. Beginner low skilled job seekers who are white had best unite, because they are being played as fools big time these days.

Do you have a problem that my company is predominantly whites? At the same time you are complaining whites are being discriminated. The only department I can see its a big problem is tech. support. About 30% of them are disabled veterans with engineering background working from their home with complete communication set up connected to our telephone systems.
I know tons of companies and I visited a lot them. Sometimes I tag along with my quality group conducting a supplier audit. A lot of these companies are predominantly whites. Some of these In and Out burger fast food workers in Southern California are 100% whites.
. My post might not apply to your part of the world or situation, and why would you ask me an idiotic question as to whether or not I have a problem with any race of people you have working for you ?

Dude you are laying out all these crap. I am just being honest dealing with you.
. Do you think I am speaking directly to you or I'm quoting you everytime you write something ? If I don't call you by name or quote you, then the post more than likely wasn't being written to you at all. Talk about being stuck on yourself. Good googly. Now all I did was say to you in this case that if your honest with your employee's, then OK then, and then I ask you were you being honest with them ? Your offense at such a question leaves me wondering why you would take offense at such a question?. Hmmm. You know when I am saying something to you, and when I may be just responding to things that are being said by everyone in s conversation with a theme, so make sure not to take offense as if everything is aimed at you when it's not..

Because I never trusted that you.

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