Trump patches relationship with Hispanics.....eats Taco Bowl for Cinco de Mayo

Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.

The idea that illegals are just doing jobs that Americans don't do is utter nonsense.[/QUOTE]

There are lots of jobs now that are available for white Americans now............... Are they applying or working there now? Few yes but in general big No.
In my 3 warehouses ( Allentown, Atlanta and San Diego) alone 95% are Asians and Hispanics. Whiteys last maybe 2 or 3 days.......... Starting pay is $16. There are no such thing as minorities get less pay. And as I previously mentioned I know tons of businesses like hospitals and this is the pattern. We as business owners heavily talk about this all the time. So please tell me something I don't know.

Yes, well, there is the 'self-fulfilling prophesy' effect at work as well, as in after decades of discriminating against American citizens people just don't bother wasting their time applying at many companies or for certain types of jobs, and that also includes those highly skilled categories in tech fields that get millions of green cards just for the asking every year, so your anecdotal stories read like the same old nonsense being spread for the last 40 years.

As for 'having to compete with illegals', maybe those who think the economy is producing any other kinds of jobs should look up the last 30 years of 'job creation' in America and then they will learn something, like the fact that around 90% of those created are part time 'crap jobs', and that companies have been lying through their teeth about these Big Dire Skilled Labor shortages and all about how we all need to go to college n stuff, which is total BS as well, so excuse me while I laugh my butt off at the claims criminal illegal aliens are 'doing jobs Americans wont' do'; we have legal hispanic citizens now having to pretend to be 'illegals' to find work, and of course getting ripped off by the racketeers running those 'employment agencies' for all kinds of ridiculous fees.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.

Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.
. So your answer is to turn this nation into the old South again, where as the rich live in their sheltered communities, and work cheap labor just like the plantation owners had their slaves eh ? Hey slaves didn't work for nothing, because they were given a roof over their head, food to eat and such just like government dependents and cheap labor the same. The only difference between back then and now, is the looked down upon are afforded a little bit more than the slaves were given back then, and so that's supposed to make it all OK somehow right ? You do know that saying that Mexicans are just doing the jobs that Americans won't do, is suggesting that these poor Mexicans are desperate, and are grateful that they are given the chance to work for an American for hardly nothing right ? Who in the Hell do we as Americans think that we are to even create such a situation as that, otherwise to rob people of their dignity, and to exploit people while letting our young become some of the most sorriest human beings in the world ? It's all leading us straight to Hell with gasoline britches on.

I do not have an answer for the whole world Beagle. But as I previously mentioned look yourself in the mirror who is responsible for all these.
Cost of this strawberry is about $5.99 here in Key Biscayne .......... How much do you think it will cost if we pay them $12. per hour or $15. Here in Key B. I don't think it's a problem but other parts of America................ Are my fellow Americans willing to pay higher prices than that?

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.

I'm a little fuzzy how how can claim our borders are sealed when we have 11 million illegals living in this country.

Dude....... That was before I'm talking about today.

The only thing that changed is that the economy is crappy enough and there are already enough illegals here, that there is not as much of a draw as "normal".

THat in no way suggests the border is more secure.

i'd suggest that if you are competing for menial jobs with people who can't speak english, you should probably change your life.

i find it amusing that trump employed illegals all these years and you still listen to his garbage.

brainwashed imbeciles. but then again, it explains why you think illegals are taking your jobs.

It is funny how you libs like to accuse Trump of being a demagogue, ie using irrational arguments to appeal to people's emotions when that is all you do.

Lets unpack your post, point by point.

1. Your primary point is to state that if someone is facing economic competition for "menial jobs" from illegals or "people who can't speak english" that they are thus worthy of being ridiculed, not someone with a valid interest.

And then you ridicule them.

That is an appeal to emotion. YOu are trying to marginalize their concerns by making fun of them.

That is the OPPOSITE of rational debate.

2. A big part of your argument is the assumption that "menial" jobs are the only ones that illegals can get, because they don't speak english.

This assumption is debunked by the example of the Meatpacking industry. A industry that provided a large number of MANUAL jobs that were risky and hard but could support a middle class lifestyle.

Back in the 80s.

Not any more.

YOu might also want to check your assumptions about landscapers, construction workers, plumbers, ect.

3. Another assumption of your argument is that American menial workers do not deserve to have their interests represented.

Yes, the large number of American poor who work those "menial" jobs, might very well have lives that they should "change".

Personally, I assume most of they have tried. But regardless, they have lives, and they have menial jobs. The difference between a menial job where they make on average 7.25$ an hour and one where they make 9.25$ an hour would be a huge difference in quality of life for millions of Americans. This is a valid reason to support a policy. Obviously.

4. Another oddity about your position is that when the issue is something that liberals support, ie more social spending for example, the poor are these down trodden saints who must be taken care of.

When the issue is that their interests conflict with those of illegal aliens, suddenly you have nothing but contempt and ridicule for them.

Hypocrite much?

5. And lets's not forget, that then end result is that you respond to a valid debating point by insulting the person who made a point that you can't refute honestly.

You are an asshole.

Correll I've known you as a racist...... Your points and credibility doesn't mean anything.
Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.

The idea that illegals are just doing jobs that Americans don't do is utter nonsense.

There are lots of jobs now that are available for white Americans now............... Are they applying or working there now? Few yes but in general big No.
In my 3 warehouses ( Allentown, Atlanta and San Diego) alone 95% are Asians and Hispanics. Whiteys last maybe 2 or 3 days.......... Starting pay is $16. There are no such thing as minorities get less pay. And as I previously mentioned I know tons of businesses like hospitals and this is the pattern. We as business owners heavily talk about this all the time. So please tell me something I don't know.

Yes, well, there is the 'self-fulfilling prophesy' effect at work as well, as in after decades of discriminating against American citizens people just don't bother wasting their time applying at many companies or for certain types of jobs, and that also includes those highly skilled categories in tech fields that get millions of green cards just for the asking every year, so your anecdotal stories read like the same old nonsense being spread for the last 40 years.

As for 'having to compete with illegals', maybe those who think the economy is producing any other kinds of jobs should look up the last 30 years of 'job creation' in America and then they will learn something, like the fact that around 90% of those created are part time 'crap jobs', and that companies have been lying through their teeth about these Big Dire Skilled Labor shortages and all about how we all need to go to college n stuff, which is total BS as well, so excuse me while I laugh my butt off at the claims criminal illegal aliens are 'doing jobs Americans wont' do'; we have legal hispanic citizens now having to pretend to be 'illegals' to find work, and of course getting ripped off by the racketeers running those 'employment agencies' for all kinds of ridiculous fees.[/QUOTE]

Im sorry to hear about your BS miserable post and life.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.

Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.
. So your answer is to turn this nation into the old South again, where as the rich live in their sheltered communities, and work cheap labor just like the plantation owners had their slaves eh ? Hey slaves didn't work for nothing, because they were given a roof over their head, food to eat and such just like government dependents and cheap labor the same. The only difference between back then and now, is the looked down upon are afforded a little bit more than the slaves were given back then, and so that's supposed to make it all OK somehow right ? You do know that saying that Mexicans are just doing the jobs that Americans won't do, is suggesting that these poor Mexicans are desperate, and are grateful that they are given the chance to work for an American for hardly nothing right ? Who in the Hell do we as Americans think that we are to even create such a situation as that, otherwise to rob people of their dignity, and to exploit people while letting our young become some of the most sorriest human beings in the world ? It's all leading us straight to Hell with gasoline britches on.

I do not have an answer for the whole world Beagle. But as I previously mentioned look yourself in the mirror who is responsible for all these.
Cost of this strawberry is about $5.99 here in Key Biscayne .......... How much do you think it will cost if we pay them $12. per hour or $15. Here in Key B. I don't think it's a problem but other parts of America................ Are my fellow Americans willing to pay higher prices than that?


On the crop picking thing, I have a lot on that 'profession', too, and the labor costs; I'll get my links together on that in the next couple of days, and then the Peanut Gallery can see what a load of BS they've been fed on that as well. As for '$12 or $15 an hour' being some huge cost burden, labor costs in most ag businesses are already calculated at $10 to $12' for the last 20 years, and when the costs per box are calculated, it comes to fractions of a hundredth of a cent per pound; the cost of labor in that '$5.99 a pound' of strawberries all the way up from the fields through packing and then to the store bin is miniscule.
Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.

The idea that illegals are just doing jobs that Americans don't do is utter nonsense.

There are lots of jobs now that are available for white Americans now............... Are they applying or working there now? Few yes but in general big No.
In my 3 warehouses ( Allentown, Atlanta and San Diego) alone 95% are Asians and Hispanics. Whiteys last maybe 2 or 3 days.......... Starting pay is $16. There are no such thing as minorities get less pay. And as I previously mentioned I know tons of businesses like hospitals and this is the pattern. We as business owners heavily talk about this all the time. So please tell me something I don't know.

Yes, well, there is the 'self-fulfilling prophesy' effect at work as well, as in after decades of discriminating against American citizens people just don't bother wasting their time applying at many companies or for certain types of jobs, and that also includes those highly skilled categories in tech fields that get millions of green cards just for the asking every year, so your anecdotal stories read like the same old nonsense being spread for the last 40 years.

As for 'having to compete with illegals', maybe those who think the economy is producing any other kinds of jobs should look up the last 30 years of 'job creation' in America and then they will learn something, like the fact that around 90% of those created are part time 'crap jobs', and that companies have been lying through their teeth about these Big Dire Skilled Labor shortages and all about how we all need to go to college n stuff, which is total BS as well, so excuse me while I laugh my butt off at the claims criminal illegal aliens are 'doing jobs Americans wont' do'; we have legal hispanic citizens now having to pretend to be 'illegals' to find work, and of course getting ripped off by the racketeers running those 'employment agencies' for all kinds of ridiculous fees.

Im sorry to hear about your BS miserable post and life.[/QUOTE]

I don't have a miserable life; I learned early on to avoid 'employers' like you as if they were radioactive, an invaluable lesson.

And, for the beginners in the Peanut Gallery, a fine investigate report on how criminal illegal aliens, and even legal H2-A workers, are abused and cheated as just a routine part of the 'business', and why they 'just can't find Americans who want to work n stuff':

Silence in the Fields

Read the entire article, even you Millenials might be able to do that, even if you won't get a trophy for it like you did in school.
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Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.

The idea that illegals are just doing jobs that Americans don't do is utter nonsense.

There are lots of jobs now that are available for white Americans now............... Are they applying or working there now? Few yes but in general big No.
In my 3 warehouses ( Allentown, Atlanta and San Diego) alone 95% are Asians and Hispanics. Whiteys last maybe 2 or 3 days.......... Starting pay is $16. There are no such thing as minorities get less pay. And as I previously mentioned I know tons of businesses like hospitals and this is the pattern. We as business owners heavily talk about this all the time. So please tell me something I don't know.

Yes, well, there is the 'self-fulfilling prophesy' effect at work as well, as in after decades of discriminating against American citizens people just don't bother wasting their time applying at many companies or for certain types of jobs, and that also includes those highly skilled categories in tech fields that get millions of green cards just for the asking every year, so your anecdotal stories read like the same old nonsense being spread for the last 40 years.

As for 'having to compete with illegals', maybe those who think the economy is producing any other kinds of jobs should look up the last 30 years of 'job creation' in America and then they will learn something, like the fact that around 90% of those created are part time 'crap jobs', and that companies have been lying through their teeth about these Big Dire Skilled Labor shortages and all about how we all need to go to college n stuff, which is total BS as well, so excuse me while I laugh my butt off at the claims criminal illegal aliens are 'doing jobs Americans wont' do'; we have legal hispanic citizens now having to pretend to be 'illegals' to find work, and of course getting ripped off by the racketeers running those 'employment agencies' for all kinds of ridiculous fees.[/QUOTE].

Sorry but the quote function malfunctioned, and so mine and Picaro's post is trying to run together... I tried to fix it, but couldn't do it...

Exactly Picaro..... There's this as well.... Automation and jobs being upgraded to modernization has changed the landscape as well, but guess what didn't change ? The government incentivizing child births in poverty, even when aborting millions couldn't solve the idiotic government incentives to grow poverty expodentially in this nation, and do so even when it knew how the landscape of jobs would be changing over the years...The dems ignored this for their agenda's and the power they desired anyway.

America didn't want the polluting factories bellering out pollution that causes cancers and birth defects by the gazillians in trying to cover the world with cheap made goods, so the trend or idea was to get other nations involved inorder to manufacture the goods to sell for American CEO's all over the world. They did this while we had to clean up millions of tons of poisons from our rivers and streams. Democrats want a more cleaner environment in which to live in, but they incentivize poverty growth in this nation by the millions, and if that isn't enough they want to bring in millions more to find themselves on the poverty roles as well to insure their power. Then you have the ones who have greed as their motive for everything they do, and that is equally as bad in this nation and beyond. We the Americans are the fools in this game, and we watch as our nation turns into a third world country in many pockets all over the nation, and now the talk of polluting factories coming back to finish us all off with every kind of cancer and illness it can bring with them.... Hey I love a stable America also, but I remember the poisonous environments it all had as a side effect to it all. Controlling the population is key to a healthy nation, and it's not done by abortion. It's done be having s stable smart government that doesn't incentivize extreme poverty here. We need a government that doesn't want a poisonous environment to work in, but rather jobs that are good for all who are willing to work and be great Americans to their families and their nation. We can get all this back in balance, but we have to be smart about it all.
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No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.

Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.
. So your answer is to turn this nation into the old South again, where as the rich live in their sheltered communities, and work cheap labor just like the plantation owners had their slaves eh ? Hey slaves didn't work for nothing, because they were given a roof over their head, food to eat and such just like government dependents and cheap labor the same. The only difference between back then and now, is the looked down upon are afforded a little bit more than the slaves were given back then, and so that's supposed to make it all OK somehow right ? You do know that saying that Mexicans are just doing the jobs that Americans won't do, is suggesting that these poor Mexicans are desperate, and are grateful that they are given the chance to work for an American for hardly nothing right ? Who in the Hell do we as Americans think that we are to even create such a situation as that, otherwise to rob people of their dignity, and to exploit people while letting our young become some of the most sorriest human beings in the world ? It's all leading us straight to Hell with gasoline britches on.

I do not have an answer for the whole world Beagle. But as I previously mentioned look yourself in the mirror who is responsible for all these.
Cost of this strawberry is about $5.99 here in Key Biscayne .......... How much do you think it will cost if we pay them $12. per hour or $15. Here in Key B. I don't think it's a problem but other parts of America................ Are my fellow Americans willing to pay higher prices than that?

. How about teaching Americans how to become self sufficient again, and not depending on outside forces to supply to them 90% of their goods and livelihood. That would be the best way foward. When will we start the trip back to our true independence in this nation again ?
I'm sure Trump saying he likes tacos goes a long way to heal the rift after calling them rapists and murderers.
I'm sure Trump saying he likes tacos goes a long way to heal the rift after calling them rapists and murderers.

I've seen this accusation about Trump calling Hispanics rapists and murderers. I have yet to see anyone provide a link to him saying this.
I'm sure Trump saying he likes tacos goes a long way to heal the rift after calling them rapists and murderers.
. Do you think people are so stupid that you can manipulate them with such idiotic b/c ? Trump was talking about the rapist and murderer's who come amongst them undetected, and all because of the blanket idiotic policies that suggest that a person of color or a person of poor illegal immigrant status should all be looked at as equal or having the same plight and situations in life. Is anyone tired of the idiocy spewed by the left in this nation yet ? I think people are, and people are tired of being played as fools by the left.
I'm sure Trump saying he likes tacos goes a long way to heal the rift after calling them rapists and murderers.

I've seen this accusation about Trump calling Hispanics rapists and murderers. I have yet to see anyone provide a link to him saying this.
. Matters not if he did or didn't say it, because the left will re-package it in order for it to become something that it was not.
.... we have legal hispanic citizens now having to pretend to be 'illegals' to find work,....

. That would be interesting if some evidence could be posted on that note, but the rest of his post was great in summary of.

A few years back some journalists in Illinois investigated those 'employment agencies' companies hire from after a woman applied for a job at some factory close to her house and was turned down, while these 'employment agencies' were bussing illegals into the plant at the same time. They discovered what was going on and did a expose on it. The woman and many other local hispanics had to pretend to be illegals, go all the way across town to the agency, pay them to ride in their van to the plant, along with other 'fees' deducted from their checks. I'll see if the story ended up online if you can't find it. I just ignore Unkotare the Scat Lover most of the time, as he's just a whiney little troll who is incompetent at informing himself.

In the meantime, here's a similar story, an investigator having to pose as an illegal alien to get a job at a hotel; no Americans need apply ...

Owner of Overland Park Hotel Sentenced to Prison For Employing Undocumented Workers | USAO-KS | Department of Justice
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.... we have legal hispanic citizens now having to pretend to be 'illegals' to find work,....

. That would be interesting if some evidence could be posted on that note, but the rest of his post was great in summary of.

A few years back some journalists in Illinois investigated those 'employment agencies' companies hire from after a woman applied for a job at some factory close to her house and was turned down, while these 'employment agencies' were bussing illegals into the plant at the same time. They discovered what was going on and did a expose on it. The woman and many other local hispanics had to pretend to be illegals, go all the way across town to the agency, pay them to ride in their van to the plant, along with other 'fees' deducted from their checks. I'll see if the story ended up online if you can't find it......

In other words, YOU can't. You're talking out your ass, again.
Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.

Way too much exaggeration there Beagle. I'm in the business of medical instruments and consumables for over 20 years and my father started this business 18 years before me. I know tons of businesses and ton of business owners.
Most of these illegals are working for mom and pop shops, low paying jobs, dirty that Americans don't do. You make it sound that these illegals that barely understand a simple English are taking over high paying jobs. People like me and others that I knew is *IMPOSSIBLE* to hire illegals. About 80% of my consumables are made in China and Mexico but Adolf Trump products are 100% made in China and Mexico.
The ONLY way and ONLY way I can compete here and abroad is to make my products overseas. Yes I can make them here in America........ But are my fellow Americans willing to pay the higher prices? We are not talking $15 or $20 increases here. It's very simple economics.
Trump hired H1 employees and according to him he cannot find waitress, cook and janitors in Florida. I'm sure Trump supporters like you believed Trump.
I do not have H1B employees yet ............... but if I have to make my products here in US I do not have a choice but to hire H1B workers. Even that my prices are still way way too high. So if we bring those jobs back here in America according to Trump ........... Who do you think will fill in those jobs? Think.
. So your answer is to turn this nation into the old South again, where as the rich live in their sheltered communities, and work cheap labor just like the plantation owners had their slaves eh ? Hey slaves didn't work for nothing, because they were given a roof over their head, food to eat and such just like government dependents and cheap labor the same. The only difference between back then and now, is the looked down upon are afforded a little bit more than the slaves were given back then, and so that's supposed to make it all OK somehow right ? You do know that saying that Mexicans are just doing the jobs that Americans won't do, is suggesting that these poor Mexicans are desperate, and are grateful that they are given the chance to work for an American for hardly nothing right ? Who in the Hell do we as Americans think that we are to even create such a situation as that, otherwise to rob people of their dignity, and to exploit people while letting our young become some of the most sorriest human beings in the world ? It's all leading us straight to Hell with gasoline britches on.

I do not have an answer for the whole world Beagle. But as I previously mentioned look yourself in the mirror who is responsible for all these.
Cost of this strawberry is about $5.99 here in Key Biscayne .......... How much do you think it will cost if we pay them $12. per hour or $15. Here in Key B. I don't think it's a problem but other parts of America................ Are my fellow Americans willing to pay higher prices than that?

. How about teaching Americans how to become self sufficient again, and not depending on outside forces to supply to them 90% of their goods and livelihood. That would be the best way foward. When will we start the trip back to our true independence in this nation again ?

Do you have any suggestion? When your idol Trump is an abuser of hiring foreign workers.

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