Trump patches relationship with Hispanics.....eats Taco Bowl for Cinco de Mayo

No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
I never realized the best Mexican food comes from Trump Towers

Trump uses taco bowl to try to reach out to Hispanic voters on Cinco de Mayo

Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! …

2:57 PM - 5 May 2016

The man is clueless

Wait until he shoves a tampon up his ass to show his support for women and shoot at a black and miss to show his support for blacks...and and and to show his support for the handicap and mentally challenged....nominating any white person as his VP!!:banana::banana:
Butthurt Anti-Trumps proclaiming how much smarter they are than The Donald again. :p
Must you continually show us your white ignorance here? A fuckin retarded 4 year old knows more about shit than this orange motherfucker.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
Hey you fuckin moron, Trump and people like him are you fuckin problems, why can't you fuck heads see that.
Awkward: Donald Trump's Menswear Line Is Made in Mexico

You nuts have got to get with reality!!
I like how he felt compelled to say, "I love Hispanics!" as a caption to the photo of him hunched over a taco bowl. :lol:

Oh, man. You could not make up this campaign season. Such a novel would be deemed totally implausible and would be categorized under Political Satire and would receive horrible reviews.

The only thing he could do worse is wear a sombrero

Yo, like Obama?
View attachment 73889

Damn. Nothing to say to that except -- moron
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
Hey you fuckin moron, Trump and people like him are you fuckin problems, why can't you fuck heads see that.
Awkward: Donald Trump's Menswear Line Is Made in Mexico

You nuts have got to get with reality!!
. Keep on proving Trump doesn't hate the Mexicans. LOL... 1st y'all say he hates the Mexicans, then you go about proving he doesn't hate them.. Trump has got you idiots right where he wants you... LOL
The base is doing its best to turn the national GOP into the California GOP.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
Hey you fuckin moron, Trump and people like him are you fuckin problems, why can't you fuck heads see that.
Awkward: Donald Trump's Menswear Line Is Made in Mexico

You nuts have got to get with reality!!
. Keep on proving Trump doesn't hate the Mexicans. LOL... 1st y'all say he hates the Mexicans, then you go about proving he doesn't hate them.. Trump has got you idiots right where he wants you... LOL

Trailing Hillary by double digits in the polls?
"I love Hispanics!"

Okay, that's pretty insulting....


The more I consider it, the more brilliant it gets.

He is addressing the Race Card play by the left, but in such a way as to NOT dignify or validate their accusations like a serious denial would.

A back and forth on whether or not his policies are racist is a standard leftist propaganda ploy right up there with "have you stopped beating your wife".

But in this, he indirectly denies that accusation without repeating the accusation thus NOT giving the accusation any air time, nor the "dignity" of a direct response.

And the lightness of the statement, puts the onus of looking silly ON anyone who tries to use this in a serious discussion of national policy.

His long standing public persona of bluster and exaggeration provides armor against the standard kneejerk "that's racist" response of the LEft, which btw, has gotten quite tired.

Expect to see more of this type of campaigning.

Can we count on your presence here November 9th regardless of the outcome?

In a way you just did the same thing.

ONly worse.

I made a number of points.

You did not respond directly to ANY of them.

Instead you response was subtly negative, and thus conveyed disagreement, but not in a way that could be constructively responded to.

This is one of the primary reasons for the high level of fear from the left with Trump.

THey can dimly sense that he represents a possible answer to their long running strategy of Political Correctness that might finally force them to someday have to defend their positions on their merits instead of just marginalizing anyone who challenges them.

Which of course is terrifying to them.

One big difference is that Trump's message, ie "not racist" is not mean spirited and is almost certainly true.

While your message is a personal attack based on the strawman that I have or am certain of victory in November.

The lesson here is that as hard ball as Trump has been playing and despite all the furor from those who are upset with his tactics,

that he still have not come close to being as much of Fucking Assholes as those on the Left.

No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.

I'm a little fuzzy how how can claim our borders are sealed when we have 11 million illegals living in this country.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
Hey you fuckin moron, Trump and people like him are you fuckin problems, why can't you fuck heads see that.
Awkward: Donald Trump's Menswear Line Is Made in Mexico

You nuts have got to get with reality!!

You just revealed a child like view of markets and jobs.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
Hey you fuckin moron, Trump and people like him are you fuckin problems, why can't you fuck heads see that.
Awkward: Donald Trump's Menswear Line Is Made in Mexico

You nuts have got to get with reality!!

You just revealed a child like view of markets and jobs.


All of my suits, shirts and shoes are made in America, Canada and Europe.

High-end clothing does not need to be made in China.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
Hey you fuckin moron, Trump and people like him are you fuckin problems, why can't you fuck heads see that.
Awkward: Donald Trump's Menswear Line Is Made in Mexico

You nuts have got to get with reality!!

You just revealed a child like view of markets and jobs.


All of my suits, shirts and shoes are made in America, Canada and Europe.

High-end clothing does not need to be made in China.

Trump, as a businessman, was operating in the environment created by our Trade Policies and in no position to buck the trend and try to manufacture his clothing here.

Trump, as a President, would be in a position to change Trade Policy to change the environment that businessmen operate in, thus hopefully changing that trend.

Trump's "job" as a businessman was to make money for himself, and his investors.

Trump's job as President would be to make policy to serve the interests of American Citizens and America as a whole.

Assuming that his behavior in one job would be his behavior in another job does not make sense.
The way the Donald stepped up here and tried to bridge the divide between the races....
Can we all bring this to attention of the Nobel Prize Committee?
shouldnt we be closing Taco joints not owned by Mexicans for cultural appropriation...same with pizza joints not ownd by ITI' god we are terrible people......
Mexicans aren't known for voting. Very few vote in Mexico. Los Angeles is majority Hispanic and we get no more than a 16% turnout.

What's 16% of 12%? That's how many will vote for hillary if Trump doesn't get any Hispanic votes at all.

That was before tipsy..... This time it's very different. Not only Mexicans but all Latinos with legal immigrants status are applying for citizenships so they can vote in November.
I have 34 Hispanic employees 30 of them never vote before but they will vote this time.

Latinos line up to get naturalized and stop Donald Trump -
. Stop Donald Trump ? Why ? Are they that dumb that they think Trump is actually against them ? The Dems were just using them, and that lead to them never getting ahead in this nation, even if they could have gotten so much farther than they have tried to date, the Dems just used them and could care less about them. Business just used them also for their cheap labor, and really didn't care if they got ahead either. So many Americans are guilty in all of these situation's, that it's hard to figure out who all was actually involved in creating these disasterous events found now in our history. I think there are players on both sides of the isle.

Yes Trump is against Hispanics, Muslims, Asians, disabled, women.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Oh your getting tired of being outted eh ? Well tough, now deal with it.

No. I'm just pissed from people like you that don't understand simple economics.
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Listen, just to give you a clue as to where I am coming in from, well let me tell you. I watched as crew after crew of contractor lineman who were Americans, got replaced like a wildfire burning through a territory full of dry brush by the Illegals/migrants/immigrants that were brought in. Yep, and they were American workers who would do a job that most Americans wouldn't do, and they did it for many a year as a part of this nations history. I watched as management of companies were lied to and replaced, retired out early just because the elite who knew what was going down, uh didn't want these American patriots to see what was fixing to go down with all the crap. I watched as crew after construction crew, and manufacturing jobs, processing plants etc.switched over to cheap labor therefore replacing American labor with the excuse that they would no longer do the jobs that these illegal cheaper laborers would do. I witnessed a poutry processing plant get busted for being slam full of illegal laborers, and them having to revert back to American labor. Guess what ? That's been years ago now, and it's just amazing that the plant hasn't skipped a beat, and it is full of wait for it "American Workers". That was the biggest lie ever told that the Americans wouldn't work, and therefore the illegals or migrants or immigrants who were working for way less had to fill the positions of the sorry Americans who wouldn't work now.. The gig is up, and the business sector who is guilty of this has some splaining to do. They'll just keep lying right on about it all.
Hey you fuckin moron, Trump and people like him are you fuckin problems, why can't you fuck heads see that.
Awkward: Donald Trump's Menswear Line Is Made in Mexico

You nuts have got to get with reality!!
. Keep on proving Trump doesn't hate the Mexicans. LOL... 1st y'all say he hates the Mexicans, then you go about proving he doesn't hate them.. Trump has got you idiots right where he wants you... LOL

Trailing Hillary by double digits in the polls?
. Didn't mention Hillary... I said Mexicans... Now what does Hillary have to do with you or anyone else saying Trump hates Mexicans ? If you are proven wrong in your assessment of Trump and the Mexicans, then Hillary's toast, and I know y'all don't want that. So which is it then, does Trump hate Mexicans or not ?
Last edited:
No wall needed, but a fence with sensors yes. Troops stationed on the border yes. We should make the entire border a US garison that has troops stationed at it, just like they are stationed at various bases around this nation. Hey a base doesn't have to be square right, it can be long and rectangular shaped. How hard would it be to create a military base that would control the entire border ? How about this also - Control the greedy tendencies of the wealthy who have undermined this nations American hard workers in which they did it for the love of greed and cheap labor, then the draw is all but eliminated. Then we need to lock up every democrat or Republican that sells the nation out for a vote or for hundreds of thousands of potential new voters who they want in order to retain their greed riddled power over the American citizens for whom they hoped would remain clueless.

Did you ask yourself who is responsible for all of these?
Look your self in the mirror. If you can not figure that out you are stupid. I'm getting tired of people like you blaming business owners of your failure.
Our borders are sealed we do not need military base or that stupid wall.
. Oh your getting tired of being outted eh ? Well tough, now deal with it.

No. I'm just pissed from people like you that don't understand simple economics.
. Simple economics to you is screwing people over ? Pure politics and pure economics with no morals or soul is probably the way you see it all, but some people haven't completely sold out or lost their soul yet.

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