Trump patches relationship with Hispanics.....eats Taco Bowl for Cinco de Mayo

Surely....there must be some Hispanics out there...who are NOT welfare recipients...


am I wrong??

are they all pieces of ....I was going to say shit but no .....I will say ...nobodies then?

with their hand extended for a penny or something?

nobody works?

Mexicans aren't known for voting. Very few vote in Mexico. Los Angeles is majority Hispanic and we get no more than a 16% turnout.

What's 16% of 12%? That's how many will vote for hillary if Trump doesn't get any Hispanic votes at all.
Surely....there must be some Hispanics out there...who are NOT welfare recipients...


am I wrong??

are they all pieces of ....I was going to say shit but no .....I will say ...nobodies then?

with their hand extended for a penny or something?

nobody works?


The richest man in the world is hispanic, and you're a racist piece of shit.
Surely....there must be some Hispanics out there...who are NOT welfare recipients...


am I wrong??

are they all pieces of ....I was going to say shit but no .....I will say ...nobodies then?

with their hand extended for a penny or something?

nobody works?


The richest man in the world is hispanic, and you're a racist piece of shit.

If one is not a liberal one is a racist


tell us something new now....ok? :popcorn:
Surely....there must be some Hispanics out there...who are NOT welfare recipients...


am I wrong??

are they all pieces of ....I was going to say shit but no .....I will say ...nobodies then?

with their hand extended for a penny or something?

nobody works?


The richest man in the world is hispanic, and you're a racist piece of shit.

If one is not a liberal one is a racist


tell us something new now....ok? :popcorn:

No, you're not a racist because you're a conservative - you're a racist because you've just spent the last 20 posts in this thread being a fucking racist.

Jesus fucking Christ, at least take some fucking responsibility for your own posts. I thought you guys were all about "responsibility".
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How dare him speak up for American workers. The shame of it all.

The Hairspray Manufacturers Association of America thanks you for your support! They also want to take this opportunity to announce the introduction of their new product, "Trump Coal Spray', featuring Super Glue enhanced spray, to give you that "Trump hair look"! You, too, can look like a coal miner worth 13 billion dollars with bad hair!
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Teen Vogue: '6 Non-Offensive Ways to Dress Up for Cinco de Mayo'
"Skip the sombreros and serapes entirely."
Paul Bois

Happy Cinco de Mayo! A great day to eat some tacos, wear a sombrero, and get blitzed on margaritas. Just don't bring any leftists with you, because before you can say "Gracias!" you'll be given a lecture on the evils of "cultural appropriation."

Should you be so unlucky to share chips and salsa with such people on this day, TeenVogue has provided some helpful tips on how to dress appropriately to avoid offending them.

In an article titled "6 Non-Offensive Ways to Dress Up for Cinco de Mayo," TeenVogue describes all the ways to celebrate Cinco de Mayo without having any fun. It's the equivalent of saying: "Celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but you can only drink O'Douls." The six ways to have the worst Cinco de Mayo ever are below:


Teen Vogue: '6 Non-Offensive Ways to Dress Up for Cinco de Mayo'

Surely....there must be some Hispanics out there...who are NOT welfare recipients...


am I wrong??

are they all pieces of ....I was going to say shit but no .....I will say ...nobodies then?

with their hand extended for a penny or something?

nobody works?


The richest man in the world is hispanic, and you're a racist piece of shit.

If one is not a liberal one is a racist


tell us something new now....ok? :popcorn:
One is a racist and bigot because she’s a racist and bigot, the consequence of her ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.

That she’s also a conservative is consistent with that ignorance, fear, hate, and stupidity.
Dayum. Every time I see this thread, I want a damn taco bowl!

I keep telling myself "tomorrow" but my mouth wants it NOW.
If this doesn't win the Latins over I don't know what else will....
Clearly the man has been taken to task over some overblown hysteria by the media.
If only George Lopez was sitting by the window eating some Taco Bell....

george lopez.jpg
Nothing like eating the national dish of Hispanics on their special day....
The man is reaching out and trying to unify the country...

I would have gone for the burrito myself...
But hey that's me...

Really? Then don't be a patronizing putz...


Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!

Trump uses taco bowl to try to reach out to Hispanic voters on Cinco de Mayo

I swear, I don't know who's worse, Clinton or Trump...

Is this the best we as a nation can do?

I weep for our future.
Trump is so obviously pandering. It first became obvious when he said he loved the Mormons. Now Hispanics? Who's next blacks?

He better get a move on, between Hillary's hot sauce and Bill's serving fried chicken, he may be too late...
"I love Hispanics!"

Okay, that's pretty insulting....


The more I consider it, the more brilliant it gets.

He is addressing the Race Card play by the left, but in such a way as to NOT dignify or validate their accusations like a serious denial would.

A back and forth on whether or not his policies are racist is a standard leftist propaganda ploy right up there with "have you stopped beating your wife".

But in this, he indirectly denies that accusation without repeating the accusation thus NOT giving the accusation any air time, nor the "dignity" of a direct response.

And the lightness of the statement, puts the onus of looking silly ON anyone who tries to use this in a serious discussion of national policy.

His long standing public persona of bluster and exaggeration provides armor against the standard kneejerk "that's racist" response of the LEft, which btw, has gotten quite tired.

Expect to see more of this type of campaigning.
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