Trump patches relationship with Hispanics.....eats Taco Bowl for Cinco de Mayo

. You hire based on qualifications, but then you put down these race percentages for us ? What happened to qualifications ? Fast food restaurants are some of the worst in abusing the race thing, because they are hiring based on quota's instead of qualifications in our area. You ought to see the staff make up in these resteraunts, it's virtually all black. So what's up with that in America now ? As much as white America sacrificed to help the blacks get equality in America, then they turn and engage in the same things that they were against ? Hmm, may not be them who are actually engaging in it voluntarily, but instead it's the corporations seeking them out preferentially, and doing this because why ? Is it because they will work for less (cheap labor), or something like that ? America should be appalled when they see staff make up in any job that has a one race dominating in the low skilled job markets. Americans of any race will work, and any company abusing it's power by selective hiring practices that are based upon criteria that is used to exploit a race of people, should be investigated by the Justice should be investigated. The problem with the current Justice Dept.these days, is that it views the situation as "hey their working blacks, mexicans etc. or giving blacks or mexicans jobs, and no matter what the reason is, we ain't touching that. So poor white kids end up being discriminated against in a reversal of racism and discrimination against them and their so called whitey protected class status in which is projected upon them now, even if it is untrue. The corporations can't believe what their getting away with in this environment now, and if I were among the low skilled whites in America, I would be outraged about it all. I think they are outraged, but they have been separated and outcasted by these people who have done these things. Beginner low skilled job seekers who are white had best unite, because they are being played as fools big time these days.

Do you have a problem that my company is predominantly whites? At the same time you are complaining whites are being discriminated. The only department I can see its a big problem is tech. support. About 30% of them are disabled veterans with engineering background working from their home with complete communication set up connected to our telephone systems.
I know tons of companies and I visited a lot them. Sometimes I tag along with my quality group conducting a supplier audit. A lot of these companies are predominantly whites. Some of these In and Out burger fast food workers in Southern California are 100% whites.
. My post might not apply to your part of the world or situation, and why would you ask me an idiotic question as to whether or not I have a problem with any race of people you have working for you ?

Dude you are laying out all these crap. I am just being honest dealing with you.
. Do you think I am speaking directly to you or I'm quoting you everytime you write something ? If I don't call you by name or quote you, then the post more than likely wasn't being written to you at all. Talk about being stuck on yourself. Good googly. Now all I did was say to you in this case that if your honest with your employee's, then OK then, and then I ask you were you being honest with them ? Your offense at such a question leaves me wondering why you would take offense at such a question?. Hmmm. You know when I am saying something to you, and when I may be just responding to things that are being said by everyone in s conversation with a theme, so make sure not to take offense as if everything is aimed at you when it's not..

Because I never trusted that you.
. Are you even American, I mean the way you write is weird ? I can read it, but it seems you write with an accent or something maybe.
I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.
. What's wrong with teaching kids work ethic these days or is that really it ?
I see it is a big problem for you.

And your solution is to hire not white guys.

How did warehouses function back when the US was 90% white?

You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.
You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.
. That's just it, it's actually stiffled creative thinking, modernization in the work place, and a pride in what it means to support ones nation, countrymen and future of this nation.
You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.
. What's wrong with teaching kids work ethic these days or is that really it ?

It's not that simple to teach these kids with ethics and other encouraging stuff if they quit the first day or the next day. Some of them never work in their life.
You are putting words in my mouth........ I hire people based on their qualifications not because of race. These kids applying are college graduates. I like that because the standard of my company are higher if the are educated but they don't last long. Customer service 50% whites, field technicians are 65% whites, tech. support is 95% whites.
Warehouse they are sucks.

Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..
Your warehouse exists to serve society.

Changing society so that your warehouse can function is insane.

If you can't figure out how to operate your warehouse within the parameters of society, than someone else will.

Deport all the illegals, and cease any further Third World Immigration.

Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.

I said I don't have WAREHOUSE experience. I have quite a bit of managerial experience.

I don't mean to make light of your issues.

But your warehouse is less important than society.

Third World immigration is causing a lot of problems for society. The fact that it makes your life easier does not balance that out.

Not even close.
Let me get this straight. I do not have illegals working for me and impossible for my company to hire illegals.
My business is not designed to discriminate any kind of races.
What is your suggestion I should do in my warehouses?
There are some older whites and blacks that are old timers and works hard just like everyone else but not these young kids. They are somewhat spoiled and this is the same with blacks. Most of them are college graduates and some has masters. Like liberal arts, archaeology, anthropology, drama, music, psychology............. But cannot get a job with their profession.

I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..

That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
I have no experience running a warehouse.

I don't have suggestions for you as to what you need to do.

I reject that idea that America can't run warehouses without Third World Labor.

I just do not believe that.

That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..

That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.
That's right...... You keep blabbering and yet you do not have clue what you are talking about. You might be comparing yourself as an old timer that works real hard but kids now a days are far different from that. That's the reality.

Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..

That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.

Didn't I mentioned to you and correl that my company is predominantly whites? Are you suggesting that I should hire only whites? Most of my employees are US citizens mixtures of Asians, middle easterners, Caucasians, black, Hispanics.............
I am getting to the point that both of you are clueless and hate immigrants.
Last edited:
Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..

That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.

Didn't I mentioned to you and correl that my company is predominantly whites? Are you suggesting that I should hire only whites? Most of my employees are US citizens mixtures of Asians, middle easterners, Caucasians, black, Hispanics.............
I am getting to the point that both of you are clueless and hate immigrants.
. Not sure about correl, but to answer your dumb question, NO I don't think you should be hiring by race ever, but hiring Americans is a good thing regardless of race or where they came from either if they were born here or before they were Americans, (i.e. otherwise if we're immigrants who immigrated here in the more recent years). Got anymore dumb questions like that ?
Well, it's not like, "import cheap foreign labor who are willing to work in dangerously hot conditions for a paycheck", took a lot of experience and brains for you to figure out.

As I said, before, I might not have much warehouse experience.

But I have plenty of experience with managers who's only tool is to put more on their workers.

If we halt further Third World Immigration, somewhere in this country, there is a warehouse manager, that when presented with a shortage of desperate, hungry Third World Workers, will be able to come up with an answer that doesn't require damaging the society at large.

And then you can read about it in the papers and copy him.

Hell, maybe when presented with the need to come up with a different answer, you will be the one to rise to the occasion.

You would be famous.

The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..

That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.

Didn't I mentioned to you and correl that my company is predominantly whites? Are you suggesting that I should hire only whites? Most of my employees are US citizens mixtures of Asians, middle easterners, Caucasians, black, Hispanics.............
I am getting to the point that both of you are clueless and hate immigrants.

You were the one talking about how American whites can't handle working in your warehouses. I was responding to that.

And discussing that Third World Immigration is bad for America and Americans is not "hating" immigrants.

There is a conflict of interests between Americans and Third World Immigrants.

IMO, American Policy should be crafted to serve the Interests of Americans.
The problem with your post is you make it sound that we don't know what we are doing or just started this company operating like mom and pop shop. My managers and directors are well trained and experience managers. Since you don't have managerial experience and you are using your own experience from a long time ago doesn't mean much with the current problem I have in my warehouses. I am not the only business owners that are facing this kind of problem.
Keep digging.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..

That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.

Didn't I mentioned to you and correl that my company is predominantly whites? Are you suggesting that I should hire only whites? Most of my employees are US citizens mixtures of Asians, middle easterners, Caucasians, black, Hispanics.............
I am getting to the point that both of you are clueless and hate immigrants.
. Not sure about correl, but to answer your dumb question, NO I don't think you should be hiring by race ever, but hiring Americans is a good thing regardless of race or where they came from either if they were born here or before they were Americans, (i.e. otherwise if we're immigrants who immigrated here in the more recent years). Got anymore dumb questions like that ?

My question to both of you........ Came from your post but your answer is pure stupidity and ignorant.
. What did America do all those years and years building this nation and a great society ? Now there's a problem that can't be fixed eh ? Not buying it..

That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.

Didn't I mentioned to you and correl that my company is predominantly whites? Are you suggesting that I should hire only whites? Most of my employees are US citizens mixtures of Asians, middle easterners, Caucasians, black, Hispanics.............
I am getting to the point that both of you are clueless and hate immigrants.
. Not sure about correl, but to answer your dumb question, NO I don't think you should be hiring by race ever, but hiring Americans is a good thing regardless of race or where they came from either if they were born here or before they were Americans, (i.e. otherwise if we're immigrants who immigrated here in the more recent years). Got anymore dumb questions like that ?

My question to both of you........ Came from your post but your answer is pure stupidity and ignorant.

Mmm, his answer was different than mine, but was was stupid about it?

He wants Americans to get American jobs.

What's stupid about that?
That was then............This is the reality either you buy it or not that's your choice.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.

Didn't I mentioned to you and correl that my company is predominantly whites? Are you suggesting that I should hire only whites? Most of my employees are US citizens mixtures of Asians, middle easterners, Caucasians, black, Hispanics.............
I am getting to the point that both of you are clueless and hate immigrants.
. Not sure about correl, but to answer your dumb question, NO I don't think you should be hiring by race ever, but hiring Americans is a good thing regardless of race or where they came from either if they were born here or before they were Americans, (i.e. otherwise if we're immigrants who immigrated here in the more recent years). Got anymore dumb questions like that ?

My question to both of you........ Came from your post but your answer is pure stupidity and ignorant.

Mmm, his answer was different than mine, but was was stupid about it?

He wants Americans to get American jobs.

What's stupid about that?

What stupid about that?
I hire only Americans........ So what is the problem? My company is predominantly whites....... So what is the problem?
If both of you are suggesting that I should only hire 100% pure whites............ That'll not going to happen and it's impossible now and in the future.
. You act as if there are no choices anymore, but there are choices, and there are solutions. May not be the solution you want or desire, but there are solutions and answers to restoring America's greatness again. First we must realize that what is going on now is due to a specific mindset that has been created over the years... If change the mindset, then anything is possible. Another thing is to stop following the trends, and become a trendsetter instead.

Didn't I mentioned to you and correl that my company is predominantly whites? Are you suggesting that I should hire only whites? Most of my employees are US citizens mixtures of Asians, middle easterners, Caucasians, black, Hispanics.............
I am getting to the point that both of you are clueless and hate immigrants.
. Not sure about correl, but to answer your dumb question, NO I don't think you should be hiring by race ever, but hiring Americans is a good thing regardless of race or where they came from either if they were born here or before they were Americans, (i.e. otherwise if we're immigrants who immigrated here in the more recent years). Got anymore dumb questions like that ?

My question to both of you........ Came from your post but your answer is pure stupidity and ignorant.

Mmm, his answer was different than mine, but was was stupid about it?

He wants Americans to get American jobs.

What's stupid about that?

What stupid about that?
I hire only Americans........ So what is the problem? My company is predominantly whites....... So what is the problem?
If both of you are suggesting that I should only hire 100% pure whites............ That'll not going to happen and it's impossible now and in the future.
. I think you have lost your cotton picken mind now... It seems you have run out of material, and as Trump would now say "your fired".... :boohoo:

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