trump planned for Wikileaks release and tried to get her emails

I wonder how Trump is gonna back up his statement about believing Putin didn't meddle in our elections (remember, he said he asked him and he believed him), but now, the Mueller report says that Russia did significant meddling in our elections.
Will the Mueller report actually lay out precisely how the Russians meddled in our elections, and what connection did that have with Trump ??? And when think about it, maybe Trump knowing that he hadn't colluded although being accused of it, he probably didn't know any of the other stuff such as this meddling that was being accused of the Russians at the time as well.

So was Trump lying by giving Putin the benefit of the doubt at the time, otherwise if he had no knowledge of these things that were being accused, and especially during an election cycle of all things, otherwise when such things were being accused of in what was a very opportunistic way by the other party or opposition party ???
I wonder how Trump is gonna back up his statement about believing Putin didn't meddle in our elections (remember, he said he asked him and he believed him), but now, the Mueller report says that Russia did significant meddling in our elections.
That’s easy.
The Russian meddling didn’t impact the election. Voters got the person they wanted.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump said publicly that he doesn't think that Russia meddled in the elections because he asked Putin, and Putin said no, and that Trump believed him.

Either Trump is a liar or a fool. Wait a minute..............he's proven himself to be BOTH.
Wtf? :laugh:

I can understand your disappointment with the final report. :)
You know, the report also said that there was a lot of Russian interference in our election, but there was no coordination between Trump and the Russians.

However..................I DO find it very interesting that Russia has always been supportive of Trump.
"No conclusive evidence of", not "no coordination".
You know, the report also said that there was a lot of Russian interference in our election, but there was no coordination between Trump and the Russians.

However..................I DO find it very interesting that Russia has always been supportive of Trump.
"No conclusive evidence of", not "no coordination".

There's no evidence of coordination, period, moron.
Mueller pointed out that DOJ policy would not allow him to indict a sitting president. That is true of ANYONE in the DOJ. is terribly misleading and possibility against policy for Barr to say..while Mueller declares trump committed many acts of obstruction....and yet....Barr said Nothing there!

That is a decision Congress should make.....not the DOJ....And Mueller indicated that in his report.

That is a decision Congress should make....
Congress does not have the power to prosecute or charge anyone. You need a Civics class.
Trump campaign planned for WikiLeaks dump, tried to acquire Clinton emails, Mueller report finds

What a POS this so called president is....My Avatar is exactly correct. This man is a Putin Approved President...

Clinton could have decided against having an illegal server in the bathroom.

Clinton could have decided against deleting those 30,000 e-mails. She deleted them, not Trump.

Clinton could have decided against destroying all her devices with a hammer.

Clinton could have decided against wiping her server clean and then claiming she thought it was done with a cloth.

Podesta could have been more careful with his devices and not been hacked. He got choked out by Clinton for that mistake.

All of the above is on Clinton and her associates. No one made them do it.
You know, the report also said that there was a lot of Russian interference in our election, but there was no coordination between Trump and the Russians.

However..................I DO find it very interesting that Russia has always been supportive of Trump.
"No conclusive evidence of", not "no coordination".

There's no evidence of coordination, period, moron.
Not so. We've seen evidence for years, just circumstantial.
You know, the report also said that there was a lot of Russian interference in our election, but there was no coordination between Trump and the Russians.

However..................I DO find it very interesting that Russia has always been supportive of Trump.
"No conclusive evidence of", not "no coordination".

There's no evidence of coordination, period, moron.
Not so. We've seen evidence for years, just circumstantial.
In other words, no evidence. Trump hater hysteria is not evidence, circumstantial or otherwise.
I wonder how Trump is gonna back up his statement about believing Putin didn't meddle in our elections (remember, he said he asked him and he believed him), but now, the Mueller report says that Russia did significant meddling in our elections.

That is what our concern should be. But we have an Incompetent in the WH....He doesn't care if Russia needles...As a matter of fact...HE PUBLICLY ASKED RUSSIA TO MEDDLE!
I wonder how Trump is gonna back up his statement about believing Putin didn't meddle in our elections (remember, he said he asked him and he believed him), but now, the Mueller report says that Russia did significant meddling in our elections.
That’s easy.
The Russian meddling didn’t impact the election. Voters got the person they wanted.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump said publicly that he doesn't think that Russia meddled in the elections because he asked Putin, and Putin said no, and that Trump believed him.

Either Trump is a liar or a fool. Wait a minute..............he's proven himself to be BOTH.
I’m good with you latching onto something he might have said. That doesn’t change the outcome of the report. No collusion and no obstruction.

Mueller pointed out that DOJ policy would not allow him to indict a sitting president. That is true of ANYONE in the DOJ. is terribly misleading and possibility against policy for Barr to say..while Mueller declares trump committed many acts of obstruction....and yet....Barr said Nothing there!

That is a decision Congress should make.....not the DOJ....And Mueller indicated that in his report.

Just as with Clinton and the investigation into her, there was no evidence that anything was done with intent to commit a crime. Now if this was good enough for Clinton, then why is it not good enough for Trump. Isn't the left always preaching fairness?
I wonder how Trump is gonna back up his statement about believing Putin didn't meddle in our elections (remember, he said he asked him and he believed him), but now, the Mueller report says that Russia did significant meddling in our elections.

That is what our concern should be. But we have an Incompetent in the WH....He doesn't care if Russia needles...As a matter of fact...HE PUBLICLY ASKED RUSSIA TO MEDDLE!

you are sooooo butt hurt and very very funny.
They are still pissing in the wind, they lost, no evidence, false charges, developed and fostered by a sick and demented party of Dims. Oh how this must hurt. Boy I guess Potland will burn tonight!
The Dems are upset when anyone else can't recall(aka fibbing)....yet they do it whenever called on it. When I can think of one politician I've ever believed I'll tell you....but I just can't recall one....not one. No pun intended.
Trump campaign planned for WikiLeaks dump, tried to acquire Clinton emails, Mueller report finds

What a POS this so called president is....My Avatar is exactly correct. This man is a Putin Approved President...

Note to self, JimH52 is unprepared and incompetent. Those unlike him are a POS.

ILMAO @ the Putin spin.

Here's some fun:

The report does not resolve the question of coordination between the campaign and WikiLeaks’ timed release of hacked emails from Podesta. The report does note, however, that the hacked emails were released on Oct. 7, the same day as the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape in which Trump was heard making vulgar boasts about women.

The report adds “the release of the documents was designed and timed to interfere with the 2016 U.S. presidential election and undermine the Clinton Campaign.”

We learned that releasing emails "INTERFERES and UNDERMINES a plan, but Hollywood access tapes are fair game. In the end it was Clinton emails that demonstrated some level of Clinton corruption, and after all, she was using an unsecured server.
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I guess democrats planned for the "deep throat" dump during Nixon. You almost gotta laugh that creepy Karl Marx Bernstein was apparently in the sleep of the undead during the Clinton years and now he suddenly comes alive when there is the smell of republican blood in the air. It's ironic that none other than Barry Hussein pardoned the soldier who was at the root of the theft of government papers that turned into "wikileaks" and that democrats depended on leaks of classified information from none other than the Director of the FBI to try to disrupt the orderly transition of political power.
"I don't recall".....the trump mantra....

Nah. That's Hitlery's mantra. Heard it a few thousand times during the Benghazi hearings.

I don't remember. I don't recall. What difference does it make.

Yup 100% Hitlery.

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