Trump posts first order of business – kill the Climate Action Plan and Waters of the U.S. rule


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Hoooray! Go Trump! Go Trump! Now only about 50,000 pages of regulations to go.

Trump begins with call to kill climate action plan

WASHINGTON —- As President Trump delivered his inaugural address Friday, his new White House team posted a proposal to eliminate President Obama’s environmental regulations.

“For too long, we’ve been held back by burdensome regulations on our energy industry. President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule,” reads the top issue brief on the new president’s White House web site. “

New executive actions are expected later Friday as the nation’s 45th president begins his administration.”
Both great moves. Next they should go after the new Fish and Wildlife rules.
Trump needs to tell those 97% of scientists that no one is buying that global warming chit, especially when rescue ships are getting stuck in the ice in the south pole.
Trump needs to tell those 97% of scientists that no one is buying that global warming chit, especially when rescue ships are getting stuck in the ice in the south pole.

Trump knows how to manipulate media and establish trends. Rosie's attempt at a dick swinging contest made her unhinged and subject to widespread ridicule. She is propped up by hollywood and would have starved to death if she lived outside western culture.

Trump may be able to do that with the MMGW hoax. Before too long openly talking about MMGW might make you look as ridiculous as someone who suggested the government manufacture a crisis. Like a threat of an alien invasion, and a massive spending program was needed. Like a modern pyramid of liberal bullshit.

BTW, some "respected" libturd actually did suggest it.

Paul Krugman: An Alien Invasion Could Fix the Economy |
Trump needs to make a speech about all of the crazy weather we are seeing this week in the USA and call on the leftist retards to essssplain how global warming is causing all of this chaos/weather events from cally to new york to the south east.

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