Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Today on MSNBC, Stephanie Gost called Putin a "hero" and "brilliant". After the "brilliant" remark, one of the guests made her walk it back.
Lets be clear, Putin is a killer and ex head of KGB not a good person.

Your hate against Russian people and their elected president is irrational. BTW, he was not the head of the KGB, he did not kill anybody, and the Soviet Union does not exist any more.
Putin is a white Christian, and Russia is a white Christian country.

He locks dissidents up in prison and is a dictator however they are still a world superpower that posseses nukes.

Putin was elected in a free election, he has more popular support than any western leader.
BTW, in most European countries dissidents are locked up in prison for having a wrong non-violent opinion about some events of WWII.

However we have come a long way in improving relations with them and achieving peace since the days of Jimmy Carter. We would be wise to continue having peaceful relations with them while western civilization is dealing with other more real problems like the rise of Radical Islam.

Carter was dealing with the anti-Christian Soviet Union, this state does not exist any more. You missed your history classes.[/QUOTE]

easy peasy

before you take a holier than thou attitude let's not forget that slick willy incinerated alive 90 individuals --20 children in Waco, Texas .

And he sent a small child to live in a slave state


And don't forget that the land of the "free" has 2, 400,000 inmates in its prisons - more prisoners that any other nation on the face of mother earth.


The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

It's gotten a little more serious tonight on December 31, 2016.

The Russians have been very busy this year.

1. Hacking the Pentagon to get into the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

2. Hacking into the DNC databases, putting tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to elect Comrade Trump.

AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

Apparently the FBI has sent out a message to all power grids in this country to look for this Russian malware they've been using and one (so far) has been found in Vermont. They refer to this malware as the GRISSLEY STEEP MALWARE. This is the same malware that was used to hack DNC databases.

"The indicators from the malicious software found on a Burlington Electric Company laptop match those on malware found in the Democratic National Committee computers that the US government has blamed on Russians, the Department of Homeland Security said Saturday.

DHS spokesman Todd Breasseale said the department's investigation into the cyber intrusion on the computer is ongoing and he couldn't comment further.

The DHS's acknowledgment is the first such confirmation by the government that the malware is the same as the code used in malicious cyber activity that the US government has blamed on Russian hackers attempting to influence November's election.

It comes a day after Burlington Electric announced it found the malicious software on a computer that was not connected to its grid control systems. Both the Department of Homeland Security and the utility said Saturday there are no indications that the electric grid was breached.

The DHS and the FBI made a 13-page report public Thursday with information about the malware code -- which was found on Democratic National Committee computers -- and urged all entities to check for it.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

What does Comrade Trump say about all this--as of tonight December 31, 2016. "President-elect Donald Trump reiterated his doubts Saturday that Russia was behind cyber-meddling in the US election, saying such a crime would be difficult to prove."
Trump casts hacking doubts again -


and maybe not so hard to prove
Your concern about Putin's human rights record is noted and not shared.

In other words, you're proud to embrace evil.

That's why all good and decent people in the world are morally bound to oppose you.
Your concern about Putin's human rights record is noted and not shared.

In other words, you're proud to embrace evil.

That's why all good and decent people in the world are morally bound to oppose you.

NOpe. I am not going to go forth into the world looking for dragons to fight.

The Cold War was about the existential threat posed to US from Communism.

That threat is long gone. I am happy about that.

We won.
So even though I asked, not a single Trump-thug was willing to say that it's bad for Putin to have journalists murdered.

Trum supporters are not thugs, they are hones and sane people.
The violent people who tried to disrupt the rallies of Trump are the real evil and degenerate thugs and pathological liars.

The CT about Putin killing journalists is just silly, there is no need to have any discussion about this. Putin has a huge support in Russia, he was democratically elected, and he represents the interests of Russians who are predominately white Christians.
The Cold War was about the existential threat posed to US from Communism.

That threat is long gone. I am happy about that.

We won.

The cold war was a fake.
The stupid American Normies were sent to "fight Communism", to die in Vietnam, and meanwhile the Commies were subverting American academia.

The same is done now with the "fight against Islamism", the American Normies are sent to fight "them Muslims" on the other side of the globe, the Muslim countries are destroyed, and meanwhile Muslims, supported by the Neo-Commies, are invading the USA and other western countries.

BTW, Soviet people themselves destroyed the Soviet Union, Americans secret cervices were very surprised about the sudden collapse of Communism in East Europe, they could not predict that, and Commies in the West did not like that.

But, unfortunately, after Communism died in the Soviet Union and East Europe, the Commies got more power in the West.

Today Western countries are almost totally sovietized, they have soviet style censorship (called PC) in Western countries.

People are imprisoned in Western countries for having a non-violent opinion about some historical events.

People lose their jobs because they point the finger to the crimes of Zionists or because they support Trump.

But some fools still talk about the "free West" and the "totalitarian Russia".

Today they have more freedom in Russia, than this is the case with most Western countries.
The Cold War was about the existential threat posed to US from Communism.

That threat is long gone. I am happy about that.

We won.

The cold war was a fake.
The stupid American Normies were sent to "fight Communism", to die in Vietnam, and meanwhile the Commies were subverting American academia.

The same is done now with the "fight against Islamism", the American Normies are sent to fight "them Muslims" on the other side of the globe, the Muslim countries are destroyed, and meanwhile Muslims, supported by the Neo-Commies, are invading the USA and other western countries.

BTW, Soviet people themselves destroyed the Soviet Union, Americans secret cervices were very surprised about the sudden collapse of Communism in East Europe, they could not predict that, and Commies in the West did not like that.

But, unfortunately, after Communism died in the Soviet Union and East Europe, the Commies got more power in the West.

Today Western countries are almost totally sovietized, they have soviet style censorship (called PC) in Western countries.

People are imprisoned in Western countries for having a non-violent opinion about some historical events.

People lose their jobs because they point the finger to the crimes of Zionists or because they support Trump.

But some fools still talk about the "free West" and the "totalitarian Russia".

Today they have more freedom in Russia, than this is the case with most Western countries.

The ten thousand Soviet tanks sitting in the middle of Europe was no fake.

The attractive nature of Communist Ideology that infected so much of the Third World was no fake.

The role of the people of the Soviet Union in it's fall is true, though the role of Reagan weakening and challenging the system is also true.

Your point about the survival of Marxism in the intellectual elite of the West is correct, and that fight goes on.
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?
It's gotten a little more serious tonight on December 31, 2016.

The Russians have been very busy this year.

1. Hacking the Pentagon to get into the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

2. Hacking into the DNC databases, putting tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to elect Comrade Trump.

AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

More fake news by the dishonest media that was caught lying so many times, that nobody cares any more.

The IP addresses that DHS provided may have been used for an attack by a state actor like Russia. But they don’t appear to provide any association with Russia. They are probably used by a wide range of other malicious actors, especially the 15% of IP addresses that are Tor exit nodes.

The malware sample is old, widely used and appears to be Ukrainian. It has no apparent relationship with Russian intelligence and it would be an indicator of compromise for any website.

US Govt Data Shows Russia Used Outdated Ukrainian PHP Malware

People, who promote the idea about the vulnerability of the USA to hacker attaks, are stupid people, they humiliate the American computer experts, which makes America look like a "banana republic".

Putin even made a joke about these CT:

In October, Putin ridiculed the idea that Russia could influence the US presidential election, saying that America was not “a banana republic.”
‘Russian hackers’ penetrate US power grid — Washington Post
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?

A cat's got claws like needles, but it can't knit. I don't care about his Ivy League degree and whatever he's been successful at. I care that he isn't smart enough to know Putin's a skilled trained manipulator, aka spy, who's playin' him and his Trumpkins like a fiddle. Reality TV and business marketing techniques are child's play compared to what spies are trained to do on an individual level.

Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?

A cat's got claws like needles, but it can't knit. I don't care about his Ivy League degree and whatever he's been successful at. I care that he isn't smart enough to know Putin's a skilled trained manipulator, aka spy, who's playin' him and his Trumpkins like a fiddle. Reality TV and business marketing techniques are child's play compared to what spies are trained to do on an individual level.

Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.

Trump just demonstrated his skill at "manipulation" by crushing not only the entire field of republicans, HIllary and the political class, but doing it by a method that nearly EVERYONE said would not work, ie finding more white votes.

When someone sets himself against the Conventional Wisdom and is proven right and EVERYONE else is proven wrong, it is time to recognize that he is brilliant at what he does.

Trump knows that the Cold War is over. This is not about Putin playing him. This is about Trump wanting to avoid needless conflict.
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?

A cat's got claws like needles, but it can't knit. I don't care about his Ivy League degree and whatever he's been successful at. I care that he isn't smart enough to know Putin's a skilled trained manipulator, aka spy, who's playin' him and his Trumpkins like a fiddle. Reality TV and business marketing techniques are child's play compared to what spies are trained to do on an individual level.

Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.

Trump just demonstrated his skill at "manipulation" by crushing not only the entire field of republicans, HIllary and the political class, but doing it by a method that nearly EVERYONE said would not work, ie finding more white votes.

When someone sets himself against the Conventional Wisdom and is proven right and EVERYONE else is proven wrong, it is time to recognize that he is brilliant at what he does.

Trump knows that the Cold War is over. This is not about Putin playing him. This is about Trump wanting to avoid needless conflict.

If he wants to avoid needless conflict he will REVERSE Harry S Truman and allow the Palestinians to control Palestine.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?

A cat's got claws like needles, but it can't knit. I don't care about his Ivy League degree and whatever he's been successful at. I care that he isn't smart enough to know Putin's a skilled trained manipulator, aka spy, who's playin' him and his Trumpkins like a fiddle. Reality TV and business marketing techniques are child's play compared to what spies are trained to do on an individual level.

Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.

Trump just demonstrated his skill at "manipulation" by crushing not only the entire field of republicans, HIllary and the political class, but doing it by a method that nearly EVERYONE said would not work, ie finding more white votes.

When someone sets himself against the Conventional Wisdom and is proven right and EVERYONE else is proven wrong, it is time to recognize that he is brilliant at what he does.

Trump knows that the Cold War is over. This is not about Putin playing him. This is about Trump wanting to avoid needless conflict.

If he wants to avoid needless conflict he will REVERSE Harry S Truman and allow the Palestinians to control Palestine.


Because once they get to commit the genocide they have been itching for, for so long, that they will be sated and become peaceful productive world citizens?

Not buying it.
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?

A cat's got claws like needles, but it can't knit. I don't care about his Ivy League degree and whatever he's been successful at. I care that he isn't smart enough to know Putin's a skilled trained manipulator, aka spy, who's playin' him and his Trumpkins like a fiddle. Reality TV and business marketing techniques are child's play compared to what spies are trained to do on an individual level.

Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.

Trump just demonstrated his skill at "manipulation" by crushing not only the entire field of republicans, HIllary and the political class, but doing it by a method that nearly EVERYONE said would not work, ie finding more white votes.

When someone sets himself against the Conventional Wisdom and is proven right and EVERYONE else is proven wrong, it is time to recognize that he is brilliant at what he does.

Trump knows that the Cold War is over. This is not about Putin playing him. This is about Trump wanting to avoid needless conflict.

That says he's better at it than those people, not that he's not susceptible to it himself, not that that he's better at it than Putin, and not that he's not being manipulated.
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?

A cat's got claws like needles, but it can't knit. I don't care about his Ivy League degree and whatever he's been successful at. I care that he isn't smart enough to know Putin's a skilled trained manipulator, aka spy, who's playin' him and his Trumpkins like a fiddle. Reality TV and business marketing techniques are child's play compared to what spies are trained to do on an individual level.

Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.

Trump just demonstrated his skill at "manipulation" by crushing not only the entire field of republicans, HIllary and the political class, but doing it by a method that nearly EVERYONE said would not work, ie finding more white votes.

When someone sets himself against the Conventional Wisdom and is proven right and EVERYONE else is proven wrong, it is time to recognize that he is brilliant at what he does.

Trump knows that the Cold War is over. This is not about Putin playing him. This is about Trump wanting to avoid needless conflict.

That says he's better at it than those people, not that he's not susceptible to it himself, not that that he's better at it than Putin, and not that he's not being manipulated.

That's a LOT of people to be better than. That puts him at World Class status.

The Cold War is over. Trump is right about that. Putin doesn't have to manipulate Trump into that.

He just has to work with Trump on walking back the needless conflict that we find ourselves in, to the benefit of both nations.
Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.
Where did you get that from besides your own ass? Physician, heal thyself.
Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

That would be worth his saying if it weren't also true that Putin knows he's smarter than Trump. Trump is living proof that you don't have to be a genius to get rich, even really, really rich. Putin is living proof that when you find a man who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread, a few empty compliments work just like stuck toaster.

Trump? The Ivy League Grad who has been a success in three highly competitive fields?

A cat's got claws like needles, but it can't knit. I don't care about his Ivy League degree and whatever he's been successful at. I care that he isn't smart enough to know Putin's a skilled trained manipulator, aka spy, who's playin' him and his Trumpkins like a fiddle. Reality TV and business marketing techniques are child's play compared to what spies are trained to do on an individual level.

Trump lets his id and ego lie to his critical thinking executive functions; thus he can be exploited, and that's exactly what Putin does. Smoke blown up Trump's ass works as well cocaine shot in a vein.

Trump just demonstrated his skill at "manipulation" by crushing not only the entire field of republicans, HIllary and the political class, but doing it by a method that nearly EVERYONE said would not work, ie finding more white votes.

When someone sets himself against the Conventional Wisdom and is proven right and EVERYONE else is proven wrong, it is time to recognize that he is brilliant at what he does.

Trump knows that the Cold War is over. This is not about Putin playing him. This is about Trump wanting to avoid needless conflict.

That says he's better at it than those people, not that he's not susceptible to it himself, not that that he's better at it than Putin, and not that he's not being manipulated.
Not that you're making any sense.

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