Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i think that you raise some good points and when all taken together they make the point that Russian - Christian allies or non enemies are much better deal than 'husseins' muslims ArtA.

Thank you!

BTW, that is not my quote:

Lets be clear, Putin is a killer and ex head of KGB not a good person.

Please edit your post"

thing is that Russia is mostly Orthodox Christian either nominally or fervent , I don't know . Course there are muslims in Russia . Russia has lots of problems with its muslim population and has had problems with them for years , see , think its the 'beslyn' or 'beslan' massacre' Eloy .
That is another subject.
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
Emotion as a reaction to mass murder is no vice.
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
Emotion as a reaction to mass murder is no vice.

Are you as angry about the AMERICANS killed in Orlando by the Muslim shooter?
thing is that Russia is mostly Orthodox Christian either nominally or fervent , I don't know . Course there are muslims in Russia . Russia has lots of problems with its muslim population and has had problems with them for years , see , think its the 'beslyn' or 'beslan' massacre' Eloy .
That is another subject.
----------------------------------------------------------- maybe so but its an example of why Russians are a better choice of possible allies and friends than are mrobamas muslim allies and friends . Just pointing out that Putin knows muslims Eloy !!
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
Emotion as a reaction to mass murder is no vice.
--------------------------------------------------------------- well , you go ahead and cry and snivel Eloy !!
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
Emotion as a reaction to mass murder is no vice.

Are you as angry about the AMERICANS killed in Orlando by the Muslim shooter?
You are off topic, Correll.
No one believes there are free and fair elections in the Russian Federation.

Hardly anybody cares what you believe in, and you have the chutzpah to say that your private opinion is shared by everybody. That is so ridiculous!

The press and TV are run by ex-KGB cronies of Putin.

That is BS, and even if that was true, Russians can watch American and Western TV in Russian language. Soviet citizens were eager to get their news from Voice of America, BBC, Liberty and other western media outlets in Russian language, but today this is not the case any more. Russians can see that the western media outlets are more dishonest, than the Russian media outlets.

The last presidential election was the best prove that most western media outlets are dishonest, biased and incompetent.

If this outfit of kleptocrats can hack into systems in the United States...

That idiotic CT makes look America as a Third World country that cannot protect their systems. You are degrading the ability of the USA to protect their viable information. I think that Killary and her team were stupid to use private servers, but most American politicians are smarter than Killary.

... and influence a presidential election there, how much more can they do it in Russia.

Again, you are degrading America. According to your crazy CT Americans are unable to influence the Russian elections, but Russians are able to influence American elections.

Is America already so grossly incompetent, like a Third Wold Country?
Is it due to massive Third World Migration to the USA that Americans became so incompetent?

Do they hire politiclally correct affirmative action "experts" to protect the security of the USA?

Oh man.... that is really deplorable.

It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
Emotion as a reaction to mass murder is no vice.

Are you as angry about the AMERICANS killed in Orlando by the Muslim shooter?
------------------------------------------------- don't know but to Eloy and others like him the Orlando deaths by the muslim is just the cost of seeding and Importing a fifth column into the USA .
Trump should be very cautious with Putin, he's not our friend. Trump's not going to be a pussy like Hussein obozo, I'll tell you that.

How's Obama a pussy? He's slapped down Putin again .

Trump is the only one defending Vlad . Even the GOP is on board wh Obama .

He slapped Putin like a pussy and Putin stood there and took the slap in the face like a strong leader :badgrin:
Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
Emotion as a reaction to mass murder is no vice.

Are you as angry about the AMERICANS killed in Orlando by the Muslim shooter?
You are off topic, Correll.
---------------------------------------------------------------- you are losing the argument Eloy !!
Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.
In no way are dead children and their mothers in the ruins of Aleppo "freed". Ex-KGB operative Vladimir Putin is a mass killer, the type of sociopath Trump admires.
------------------------------------------------------------ yer getting emotional now Eloy !!
Emotion as a reaction to mass murder is no vice.

Are you as angry about the AMERICANS killed in Orlando by the Muslim shooter?
You are off topic, Correll.

I will take that as a no.
No one believes there are free and fair elections in the Russian Federation.

Hardly anybody cares what you believe in, and you have the chutzpah to say that your private opinion is shared by everybody. That is so ridiculous!

The press and TV are run by ex-KGB cronies of Putin.

That is BS, and even if that was true, Russians can watch American and Western TV in Russian language. Soviet citizens were eager to get their news from Voice of America, BBC, Liberty and other western media outlets in Russian language, but today this is not the case any more. Russians can see that the western media outlets are more dishonest, than the Russian media outlets.

The last presidential election was the best prove that most western media outlets are dishonest, biased and incompetent.

If this outfit of kleptocrats can hack into systems in the United States...

That idiotic CT makes look America as a Third World country that cannot protect their systems. You are degrading the ability of the USA to protect their viable information. I think that Killary and her team were stupid to use private servers, but most American politicians are smarter than Killary.

... and influence a presidential election there, how much more can they do it in Russia.

Again, you are degrading America. According to your crazy CT Americans are unable to influence the Russian elections, but Russians are able to influence American elections.

Is America already so grossly incompetent, like a Third Wold Country?
Is it due to massive Third World Migration to the USA that Americans became so incompetent?

Do they hire politiclally correct affirmative action "experts" to protect the security of the USA?

Oh man.... that is really deplorable.

Since hardly anybody cares what I believe, there is no reason for me to make replies to the rest of your post, is there now.
He slapped Putin like a pussy and Putin stood there and took the slap in the face like a strong leader :badgrin:

Obama chimped out like a hysterical child, Putin showed him his nordic temper, he acted like a grown up man and a great politician. Who cares what Obama does in his last weeks?

He will go into history books as a warmonger, a Russian hater and the worst American president.

The Nobel Peace Prize became a joke, and American "democracy" was exposed for what it really is.
But when Trump and Putin tweet things you see the keyboard warrior act as being real bravado. Lol
So even though I asked, not a single Trump-thug was willing to say that it's bad for Putin to have journalists murdered.

Hence, it appears they all support it.

While I know it's not PC in conservativeland to point out that moral absolutes exist, I'm not PC, so I'll point out that having journalists murdered is absolutely evil. If you knowingly ally yourselves will people who do such things, then you are supporting evil. And last I checked, most religion state that if you support evil, you go to hell.

The comment comes after the Obama administration announced its response to Russian hacking.

President-elect Donald Trump praised Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday afternoon, after the Russian leader said he would not expel any U.S. diplomats from his country.

Trump tweeted, “Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!”

It’s shockingly direct praise from an incoming American president for a Russian leader who’s been accused by U.S. intelligence agencies and President Barack Obama of overseeing hacking efforts aimed at influencing the 2016 election.

More: Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Is this treason? Is this grounds for impeachment? At the very least - it should be grounds for a thorough investigation into Trump's ties to Putin. This is a Constitutional crisis that Congress must address.

Leftardz be covered with buttons that are easy to push.
So even though I asked, not a single Trump-thug was willing to say that it's bad for Putin to have journalists murdered.

Hence, it appears they all support it.

While I know it's not PC in conservativeland to point out that moral absolutes exist, I'm not PC, so I'll point out that having journalists murdered is absolutely evil. If you knowingly ally yourselves will people who do such things, then you are supporting evil. And last I checked, most religion state that if you support evil, you go to hell.

Your pretense that you don't know what PC is, is noted and dismissed.

Your concern about Putin's human rights record is noted and not shared.

The Cold War is over. PUtin does not have 10 thousand tanks sitting in the middle of Europe. I'm not ready fight WWIII over Estonia.

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