Trump Praises Putin: ‘I Always Knew He Was Very Smart!’

Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​
Donald Trump and his supporters will attempt to minimize the seriousness of Russia being clever enough to organize leaks of Democrat emails in sufficient quantity and in a timely fashion for Wikileaks and the FBI to bring down Hillary Clinton. To become president of the United States because of Kremlin-sponsored cyber attacks renders minority president-elect Trump illegitimate.
Links to the leaked Russian emails that now "influenced" the election?
Ask the FBI.
Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​
Donald Trump and his supporters will attempt to minimize the seriousness of Russia being clever enough to organize leaks of Democrat emails in sufficient quantity and in a timely fashion for Wikileaks and the FBI to bring down Hillary Clinton. To become president of the United States because of Kremlin-sponsored cyber attacks renders minority president-elect Trump illegitimate.
Links to the leaked Russian emails that now "influenced" the election?
Ask the FBI.
I asked you since you appeared to have seen them...

Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​
Donald Trump and his supporters will attempt to minimize the seriousness of Russia being clever enough to organize leaks of Democrat emails in sufficient quantity and in a timely fashion for Wikileaks and the FBI to bring down Hillary Clinton. To become president of the United States because of Kremlin-sponsored cyber attacks renders minority president-elect Trump illegitimate.
Links to the leaked Russian emails that now "influenced" the election?
Ask the FBI.
I asked you since you appeared to have seen them...

I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.
Nice to see at least one liberal outlet has the gumption to question the official story...

The problem with this story is that, like the Iraq-WMD mess [and the Benghazi Youtube video fiasco], it takes place in the middle of a highly politicized environment during which the motives of all the relevant actors are suspect. Nothing quite adds up.

If the American security agencies had smoking-gun evidence that the Russians had an organized campaign to derail the U.S. presidential election and deliver the White House to Trump, then expelling a few dozen diplomats after the election seems like an oddly weak and ill-timed response. Voices in both parties are saying this now.

Taibbi: Something About This Russia Story Stinks
An article that every liberal swallowing this story hook, line and sinker should read.​
Donald Trump and his supporters will attempt to minimize the seriousness of Russia being clever enough to organize leaks of Democrat emails in sufficient quantity and in a timely fashion for Wikileaks and the FBI to bring down Hillary Clinton. To become president of the United States because of Kremlin-sponsored cyber attacks renders minority president-elect Trump illegitimate.
Links to the leaked Russian emails that now "influenced" the election?
Ask the FBI.
I asked you since you appeared to have seen them...

I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.
Any of the emails you claim will be fine....
Remember back in 2012 when the Right went mental over Obama's off the record comment about how after the 2012 election he might have more flexibility with Russia?

IOW remember back when the Right was attacking Obama over the idea he might get too friendly with Putin?

What happened to that point of view? Why isn't Trump getting the same treatment?

oh, okay, I know why...
I never read a sing
Donald Trump and his supporters will attempt to minimize the seriousness of Russia being clever enough to organize leaks of Democrat emails in sufficient quantity and in a timely fashion for Wikileaks and the FBI to bring down Hillary Clinton. To become president of the United States because of Kremlin-sponsored cyber attacks renders minority president-elect Trump illegitimate.
Links to the leaked Russian emails that now "influenced" the election?
Ask the FBI.
I asked you since you appeared to have seen them...

I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.
Any of the emails you claim will be fine....
I have not bothered to read a single email hacked by Russian spies from the Democratic National Committee or Hillary Clinton's campaign manager.
Trump sides with Russia against America, he is a complete idiot.

I am so very disgusted , he is a mentally ill moron.
How did you get 'he's siding with Russia against America' from that? And you call someone else a moron?

From his own Tweed...

Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!

I call that disrespectful to our President and America
Lets be clear, Putin is a killer and ex head of KGB not a good person.

Your hate against Russian people and their elected president is irrational. BTW, he was not the head of the KGB, he did not kill anybody, and the Soviet Union does not exist any more.
Putin is a white Christian, and Russia is a white Christian country.

He locks dissidents up in prison and is a dictator however they are still a world superpower that posseses nukes.

Putin was elected in a free election, he has more popular support than any western leader.
BTW, in most European countries dissidents are locked up in prison for having a wrong non-violent opinion about some events of WWII.

However we have come a long way in improving relations with them and achieving peace since the days of Jimmy Carter. We would be wise to continue having peaceful relations with them while western civilization is dealing with other more real problems like the rise of Radical Islam.

Carter was dealing with the anti-Christian Soviet Union, this state does not exist any more. You missed your history classes.[/QUOTE]
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i think that you raise some good points and when all taken together they make the point that Russian - Christian allies or non enemies are much better deal than 'husseins' muslims ArtA.
I never read a sing
Links to the leaked Russian emails that now "influenced" the election?
Ask the FBI.
I asked you since you appeared to have seen them...

I'm sorry but I am not important enough to have access to top secret files of the FBI, CIA, the Federal Security Service, or GRU military intelligence.
Any of the emails you claim will be fine....
I have not bothered to read a single email hacked by Russian spies from the Democratic National Committee or Hillary Clinton's campaign manager.
Perhaps because there is none.....
Remember back in 2012 when the Right went mental over Obama's off the record comment about how after the 2012 election he might have more flexibility with Russia?

IOW remember back when the Right was attacking Obama over the idea he might get too friendly with Putin?

What happened to that point of view? Why isn't Trump getting the same treatment?

oh, okay, I know why...
Was that before or after Obama gave the serial numbers to britians nukes to Russia?
Remember back in 2012 when the Right went mental over Obama's off the record comment about how after the 2012 election he might have more flexibility with Russia?

IOW remember back when the Right was attacking Obama over the idea he might get too friendly with Putin?

What happened to that point of view? Why isn't Trump getting the same treatment?

oh, okay, I know why...
-------------------------------------------------------------- i think that the problem was with mrobama trying to be secret and also being known as being untrustworthy . Also partly because mrobama thought that he was doing things SECRETLY but was caught on an open mic Carbineer . In Trumps current situation with Putin President Trump is very open with his opinion of Putin and Russia and is not being sneaky . Trump is right out in the open and Americans see what is happening , all that Americans need do is read 'twitter' Carbineer ,
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
and seriously , who would you rather have as an ally , muslims that practice an alien type and murderous religion or Orthodox Christians from Russia Caribineer .
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- every death is his fault but even worse is the flood of muslim refugee invaders that are invading Europe and coming in some cases to the USA Tipsy !!
Trump sides with Russia against America, he is a complete idiot.

I am so very disgusted , he is a mentally ill moron.
How did you get 'he's siding with Russia against America' from that? And you call someone else a moron?

From his own Tweed...

Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!

I call that disrespectful to our President and America
Do you think that ejecting our diplomats is respectful? Putin should have shown his respect for obama by NOT asking children to a party but throwing them out instead.

What Putin does was political theater. He does that quite frequently. Lavrov quite publicly and angrily got on television and recommended that American diplomats be ejected. In comes the kindly voice of reason, Uncle Vlad, and delays any action. In fact, invite the children to a party.

You can't smell set up? Check your nose. Sending diplomats home was delayed. It was telling Trump, let's see what you can do?
Trump sides with Russia against America, he is a complete idiot.

I am so very disgusted , he is a mentally ill moron.
How did you get 'he's siding with Russia against America' from that? And you call someone else a moron?

From his own Tweed...

Great move on delay (by V. Putin) - I always knew he was very smart!

I call that disrespectful to our President and America

Why? I consider Rommel one of the smartest and greatest military commanders of all time and Hans Rudel one of the greatest aircraft pilots... In your mind does that make me a traitor?

It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.
Did Trump say he admires obama? I missed that. obama has caused the complete destruction of Syria. Every death is his fault.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- every death is his fault but even worse is the flood of muslim refugee invaders that are invading Europe and coming in some cases to the USA Tipsy !!
obama has his place in hell reserved.
It says a lot about minority president-elect Trump that he admires the man who caused the complete destruction of Aleppo.

Aleppo is freed from ISIS now, they are celebrating Christmas in Aleppo now, Christians and Muslims lived in peace until the ISIS-Retards (supported by Killary and the Saudis) occupied this city.

It seems that the usual suspects who declared war on Christmas in the USA, who supported Bolshevism in Russia, are the one who declared war on Christmas (via their proxis, called ISIS) in Aleppo.

But Putin, the leader of a Christian nation, now freed Aleppo, and I hope that Trump and Putin will be good friend and promote the interests of white Christians in Russia, the USA and the entire world.

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